THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUJRSDAY, NOVEMBE19, 1950 N________________________________________________I I I Discipline Committee THE UNIVERSITY Sub-committee on Dis- cipline seems determined to uphold the University law prohibiting drinking in cam- pus residences as witnessed by its decision to fine Psi Upsilon $2,000 and place the house on a year's social probation. The University law derives its strength from a Michigan statute forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors which has been stretched to include all students living in University residences, regardless of age. Although the alternative of allowing 21 year old students to drink in specified places in the houses has been offered, no action has been taken on it, and the University regulation remains. The Office of Student Affairs is in charge of enforcing the regulation, but their meth- ods are not conductive to getting student support. With the avowed purpose of teach- ing students not to drink in residences, they create antagonism by staging surprise 'raids.' After the raid, the infraction is turned over to the sub-committee for a decision on the type of punishment. The subcommittee, then, is a purely judicial body, but in its methods it resembles a star chamber. There is no established punishment po- licy for an infraction of the drinking regulation. Houses which have violated it haven been given as light sentences as a $25 fine or as heavy as a semester's ban- ishment from campus. Supposedly these punishments are based on number and extent of infractions, but the judgements handed down by the com- mittee don't jibe with this theory. Assuming that each case is treated individually, it is then up to the mood and temperament of the disciplinary board to decide the punish- ment. When a man is convicted before the bar he knows the maximum and minimum pen- alties prescribed by justice for his particular Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: 'BOB VAUGHN crime. The least the subcommittee could do would be to give the fraternities a maximum and minimum penalty expectation. It is assumed that this subcommittee has the interests of the students in mind. Its actions, completely lacking in uniformity and regularity, cause tremendous student re sentment. If the subcommittee believes that this re- sentment is not pagsed on to tax-paying parents and relatives in the sttae, they are wrong. Last Christmas one of the first questions asked home-coming students was, "What's the campus reaction to the banning of the DKE chapter?" This led to the actions of the subcommittee being thoroughly thrashed out. To counter this in-state resentment the group should establish a uniform punish- ment scale. All fraternities are aware that their third infraction will send them off- campus for an undetermined time, so this, scale would not get members busily figur- ing out if they could afford a party. They know they can't and remain recognized stu- dent organizations. But it would stop campus comment about a tyrannical, Star-Chamber type justice, and show parents that the University has taken definite steps to enforce its laws. The actions of the subcommittee usural- ly involve fines. The subcommittee's pun- ishments are supposed to teach students to obey the University regulations. But fines, especially such large ones as the Psi Upsilon $2,000 are not paid by the stu- dents. Parents, relatives, scholarship don- ors and local merchants who employ the students actually give this money, and in many cases the student doesn't even suf- fer a reduced income. If the subcommittee would remove its fine system in favor of more direct methods, and establish a uniform standard of punish- ment, state and campus antagonism would diminish and the subcommittee's decisions would be respected as well as feared. -Wendy Owen Michigan's Governor IN AN EDITORIAL in yesterday's Daily, Janet Watts asserted that Harry F. Kelly should be governor of Michigan because having the support of the Republican State Legislature he would be able to get things done. The writer seems to think that getting things done should be an end in itself. She declares that if Williams were gover- nor . . . "the business of the state would be reduced to continuous friction and fighting between the governor and the legislature. In the end, the people of the state suffer because little, if any positive legislation can be produced." It is my opinion that the people of the state will suffer more from the reactionary type of legislation Kelly and the Legislature would produce than if the State Govern- ment produced no legislation at all. It is better to remain pat than to go backwards. Miss Watts admits that Williams is a "wise and capable leader." If this were also true of all the members of the State Legis- lature, then there shouldn't be a constant deadlock between the governor and the leg- islature. But if the actions of members of the Legislature are not always wise and ra- tional, then Williams is desperately needed to check them. But Miss Watts .thinks it more important that bills become laws, notwithstanding their constructiveness or destructiveness. The editorial also claims that Kelly would be the better governor because "he is cap- able of designing a progressive program." She points to the fact that when Kelly was governor he worked to increase vorkmen's compensation, provided additional educa- tion, medical and vocational services for the blind and helped establish an excellent veterans aid program. The fact is that Kelly, the great progressive, spent a good part of his campaign attacking Williams for his efforts to extend and improve the state's welfare system. Socialism, I think, the pro- gressive Kelly called it. -Paul Marx XettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In lenpA t,+h A.d . . nr DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN libelous etters, and letters which fora be condensed edited or withheld from editors. McCarran Act Honor System' THE AVERAGE large undergraduate exam- ination now given in lit school lacks only barred windows of being the most thorough- ly proctored thing next to the playground at Alcatraz. To an unsuspe ng freshman entering his first one, the impression is, to say the least, terrifying. Prowling up and down the jong rows of concentrating students are a few dozen proctors, closely watching the exam takers to see that their eyes never stray from their papers. Down at the front of the room are several more proctors, keeping tabs on the students, and, apparently, on the other proctors. Finally, a few are stationed at the doors to examine bluebooks for superfluous markings, when they are handed in. Instead of being a sort of third degree, or a minor inquisition, this is normal operating procedure to "prevent cheating." The atti- tude of most administrators, as is evidenced by their support of this kind of testing, might indicate that they consider most literary college students to be congenital cheats, or at least endowed with strong tendencies to- vyard that crime. The students must, there- fore, be watched like unruly children, as they are supposedly incapable of restraining themselves. However true or untrue this may be, the accusation becomes somewhat less tenable when compared with the reasonably suc- cessful operation of the engineering school honor system. This system does away with proctors, and place the responsibility on the students themselves. They are required to sign a no- cheating pledge .on their test papers. This effectively does away with the cat and mouse game of cheating carried on in most big lit school exams. The obligation to catch cheat- ers is delegated to each individual student, who report the offenders to a student coun- cil for disciplinary action. Thus, if students still retain any sem- blance of integrity (and we believe that they do), they are given the chance to behave themselves of their own volition. This is not a minor advantage. As one rea- son for attending a university is to make a student into a more mature and responsible individual, it might be well to give him a chance. P Although heavily proctored exams might seem most practical to administrators at the present time, long-range planning would cer- tainly give the nod tow the honor system in lit school. The University could save money, the professors could save work, and the stu- dents would get -a new breath of freedom in a phase of the educational system that could stand some airing. -Chuck Elliott W.S.S.F. THERE EXISTS, it is good to remember, THE LONG LIST of objectionable Mc- Carran Act incidents has been made a little longer with the announcement that the Attorney General's office will soon be- gin an investigation of all foreign students in this country. This new international insult is really far worse than those which came with the detention of numerous Germans, Italians, Austrians and Spaniards in the past few weeks for possible association with totalitarian governments. In following out that part of the Mc- Carran Bill that requires a check of all alien students for possible former affiliation with totalitarian parties, the Justice Depart- ART UNDER THE AUSPICES of the Ann Arbor Association an exhibition of drawings and prints will be on display in the Rack- ham gallery from' tonight's public opening (7:30-9:30) until Dec. 7. For the local art lover this small show has a special signifi- cance: all the works were executed by Ann Arbor artists, and all are for sale, most at very modest prices. Indeed the cost range of prints and draw- ings-often unbelievably low as compared with oils and water colors, yet with no dim- inution of their loveliness and authority as original works of art-makes them ideal media for the beginning collector. Without exaggeration I can predict the collector will find a surprisingly-extensive variety of possible acquisitions, many of the highest quality for beauty of composition and technique, and not a few that offer that traditional lure to the canny collector, namely the opportunity for favorable in- vestment. Easily the most distinguished entries can be marked among the handsome aggrega- tion of aquatints, etchings, mezzotints, wocul engravings, serigraphs, lithographs, and pen and brush drawings of five members of the faculty. Outstanding choices are Valerio's "Reclining Figure" and "The Mask," show- ing his rare virtuosity in exploiting-the hu- man figure as a semi-abstract theme; La- More's abstract fantasies, "The Mocker" and "Jet Models;" and Carlos Lopez's vigorous and moving "Horse," "Bull," and "Two Birds," with their wonderful contrasts, in texture, line, and value. Richard Wilt's re- markable drawings (DAILY Review Nov. 2, 1950) and Emil Weddige's lithographs meet the same high standards. Not all the competent exhibitors can be mentioned by name, but the singularly ma- ture and professional work of two students must be noted individually, as much for their intrinsic merit and promise as for the fact of their student status. Hal McIntosh's "Blind Girl with Birds," and "Sisters" and John Goodyear's "Up in the Air" and "La- ment" are a few among a representation consistently praiseworthy. William Lewis, Alice K. Reischer, and Mina Winslow have also contributed sensi- tive and charming drawings. An excellent, but limited display of ceramics, featuring the work of Grover Cole, G. Orear, and the team of Lopez v Lonez. roinds nut the ex- ment is not only insulting students who, in many cases, have been invited to this coun- try, it is destroying an ideal of democracy and internationalism that has been built up over a long period by both American uni- versities and the government itself. The universities and the government have long welcomed the opportunity to give for- eign scholars a chance to come to this coun- try to study. And the State Department found that a student exchange program was one of the best methods of putting the idea of American democracy across to the people of the Axis nations. Numerous groups of Germans studied at the University in the past few years. University students and fa- culty members alike hailed the exchange program as an effective plan for interna- tional understanding and cooperation. In fact educators throughout the nation have called for an extended exchange program as the best possible way of re-educating our former enemies. But now the McCarran Act, if properly enforced would ruin the whole exchange set-up. The program will be hampered even with the Attorney-General's discretionary power of choosing who will be allowed to enter the country without much delay. This clause of the McCarran Act is but one which shows the measure to be an "America for the Americans" piece of legislation that is fully out of tune with present ways of thinking in this country. Instead of showing the world that the United States wishes whole-heartedly for international order, the McCarran Act provides Russia with a chance to say that this nation only seeks its own welfare by a method of international persecution. The best way to make sure that the Mc- Carran Act does not cause any more trouble for this country,is for Congress to revise the measure when it returns to Washington this month. -Vernon Emerson CURRENT MOVIES At The Michigan.... DIAL 1119, with Marshall Thompson, Sam Levene, and Leon Ames. Also THE GOLDEN TWENTIES, produced by March of Time. THORNTON WILDER has belatedly hit the movies, and the effect of his "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" is evident in this story of a homocidal maniac loose in a city. Five assorted people are trapped in a bar with the killer who has ordered the police to send for the psychiatrist who treated him on his first rampage. The police have 25 minutes to get the doctor; the five have the 25 minutes to live unless lie comes. While the sum of writers King plus Mc- Guire does not equal Wilder, this is not to deny that there were more than a few deft touches and moments of suspense. Playing with the feature is a short (if 60 minutes can be called short) called the "Golden Twenties," and I an inclined to think that this should have gotten the top billing. Produced by the March of Time, this is a pictorial review of that almost legendary period following the first World War. It re- lates the whole str frm the eesttin nr- Rent Controls ... To the Editor: STUDENT LEGISLATURE is now investigating the need for rent controls in the Ann Arbor Area This project affects every student on the University campus for de- controls would directly affect over five thousand students and the re- sulting rise in prices would touch everyone else. The investigation is being ac- complishedby a telephone brigade which is attempting to reach al students in private housing before the Ann Arbor City Council comes to any definite decision about re- taining rent controls. The cooperation of all those be- ing questioned is necessary if the Student Legislature is to be of any value to the Ann Arbor City Council in making its decision. The fairness or lack of it in Ann Ar- bor rents cannot be determined unless everyone helps. No names will be used in the SL's final hous- ing report. For those who wish to express their opinions on this subject, the Student Legislature Building at 122 South Forest is open from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. each Thursday. -Leah Marks * * * Football . To the Editor HAVE read with surprise the letter printed on the Nov. 11, 1950 issue of the Daily by Mr. Vic- tor Bloom on behalf of his more mature-minded and sophisticated friends, as an answer to Mr. Sarri, whom he calls a "Rah-Rah Alum- nus." I really believe that Mr. Bloom has a lot of mature friends but could it be that they like the glory of a winning football team and cannot take criticism In de- feat? These are the "Rah-Rah Boys." This should take care of Mr. Bloom's meaningless remarks and now I would like to answer Mr. Ralph W. Aigler's letter with re- gard to the same subject. Mr. Aigler mentioned the fact that long periods of success bring the problem of the Alumni and Student Body hoping to win in- definitely. Although this is true, at the same time, it creates a feel- ing of security, overconfidence, and a tendency toward resting on past performances and laurels obtained by former teams. Mr. Sarri's letter has left me with the impression that he was not mainly concerned with the fact that we lost to a certain team since nowhere in his letter did he make any reference to the two previous losses suffered by Michigan. His concern was not about the loss in itself but because of the disap- pointing way in which it happened. There is no harm in self-criticism if it honestly seeks to find out why and how the team lost. Mr. Ralph Aigler confined him- self to a lot of generalities and in no part of his letter could I find a direct or indirect answer to the questions that Mr. Sarri posed. I would like to point out the fact that they were answered in his favor by the performance of the neglected players of the team, last Saturday. 1.-Lowell Perry who, in the games previous to the Illinois game, proved himself to be the outstanding receiver of the Michi- gan team, and was used only twice in the afore-mentioned game, dis- tinguished himself again last Sat- urday, proving that full use is not made of our best players. 2.-Chuck Ortmann, who in my opinion is one of the greatest of- fensive stars in Michigan's foot- ball history, was used as a safety man in the two previous games and proved himself inadequate in that capacity. In spite of that fact, and in spite of the fact that Lowell Perry had previously proved to be an outstanding safety man, Ort- mann was still used in that posi- tion in the first half of the Indiana game. 3.-Bradford, who until the Il- linois game was earmarked as a fifth-string half-back stepped in and carried out the famous Michi- gan reverses in a style reminiscent of Bump Elliot. New and talented players are not stumbled upon or discovered because of injuries; they are found, developed and given a chance in actual game conditions, not on the south side of the bench. 4.-Pickard, who in his appear- ances in the first few games, prov- ed himself to be an above-average pass receiver and who has been dropped since then for some ob- scure reason, was warming the bench last season while most of the spectators, probably including Mr. Bloom and his sophisticated Michigan record that Mr. Aigler unwer~ay anaELaub a De U JU a 1 pointed out, I think that especially social probationh during the re- Mr. Aigler should know that sur- mainder of the academic year, plus victories of the past cannot 1950-51. be used to make up for future de- The Committee understands that ficiencies, according to the Big Ten the fraternity and alumni will fur- Conference rules. nish statements outlining what -S. Bencuya47 steps they propose to take to in- * * nuysure that members of the fratern- Football ity will abide by University regu- To thebEditoar lations in the future. S HAVE been reading with great University Sub-Committee on interest the articles that have Discipline been cluttering your columns con- cerning football. Each article, The Bureau of Appointments while not always sound, has caused- announces the following companies a lot of tongue wagging through interviewing students" at its of- out the campus. fice: Any sport will attain greatness Mon., Nov. 20, the American Can as long as every spectator feels he Company, Maywood, Ill., will inter- is an expert. One of the great view chemists, chemical engineers, American heritages is the right to and food technologists who grad- second guess. Unfortunately, the uate in February with a B.S. or majority of people are stupid and MS. degree. They are also inter- unsound second guessers. There is no question that Michi- gan should have shown better than they have this season. Why haven't they? Many reasons. Some are ap-, parent, others are in the deep un- known. We know that we lacked depth this year and we sure found out. The coaches also knew that the offensive line lacked speed. Those are the two great weaknesses to overcome when you are confronted with the problem of beating teams that are in the top ten of the na- tion like Army, Ohio State, Illinois and Michigan State. The coaches decided long ago on Putich for quarterback. One of the biggest weaknesses in Michigan's coaching policies for years has been the unwillingness to give the reserves a real chance to play. Even with Crisler's pla- toon system we had less players in ball games than the opposition. Now many people know that John- ny Greene, who made the all Pro football team several times with the Lions, saw only limited action here at Michigan as a tackle? He was a great pass catcher with the Lions. How many people know that with the score 49-0 and one minute to play in the Rose Bowl, J. T. White and Dan Dworsky were still in the game backing up the line? Bradford, a bright new star, is only a reflection for this coaching weakness. How many people know that the coaching staff had to be persuaded to invite Bradford out for fall practice' Michigan's football system will continue to deteriorate because the word has gotten around to many, high coaches that the players do not get a fair share under our ultra conservative "bring 'em up slow" policy. But doggone it-if we can win' the next two games, I'll still nomi- nate Bennie Oosterbaan Coach of1 the Year! -Joseph A. Gerak Crime and the Comics Because the Senate Crime In- vestigating Committee (headed by Senator Estes Kefauver of Ten- nessee) heard that "juvenile de- linquency has increased consider- ably during the past five years, and that this increase has been stimulated by the so-called crime comic books," it sought qualified opinion on this controversial sub- ested in candidates for the Ph.D. degree with a major in analytical, physical or physiological chemis- try. Openings also exist in their Organic Coatings Group for chem- ical and metallurgical engineers. Mon., Nov. 20, Dr. Paul Williams will be interviewing Business Ad- ministration and Liberal Arts graduates for semi-technical sales with The General Fireproofing Company, Youngstown, Ohio; Lib- eral Arts graduates with pre-med- ical, zoology, or physical education major or Pharmacy graduates for i semi-technical sales with the Or- tho Pharmaceutical Corporation, Raritan, New Jersey; mechanical, metallurgical, or chemical engi- neers for production line opera- tions, mechanical engineers"~ for production maintenance, and ex- perienced industrial engineers for positions with the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, Youngs- town, Ohio. Tues., Nov. 21, Acme Industries, Jackson, Mich., will interview me- chanical engineers or Business Ad- ministration and Liberal Arts graduates who have had two years in the engineering school for posi- tions in sales. Tues., Nov. 21, The International Business Machines, Detroit, Mich., will be interviewing electrical, me- chanical and industrial engineers for their training program for cus- tomer engineers. Fri., Nov. 24, the San Francisco Naval Shipyard will be interview- ing for the following positions: biologist, bacteriologist, psycholo- gist, chemist, bio-chemist, geophy- sicist, bio-physicist, photographic physicist, editor (general science), librarian (administrative, refer- ence, cataloging) and information and editorial specialist (publish- ing). These positions range from GS 5 to GS 13 with salary ranges from $3,100 to $7,600. Positions are also open for clerk-typist, and clerk-stenographer. Preference is given to wives or daughters -"of male recruits. For further information and ap- pointments call The Bureau of Ap- pointments, EXt. 371. Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Institute of Public Administra- tion, "ECA's Role in the Defense of the Free World," Mr. Donald C. Stone, Director of Administration, Economic Cooperation Adminis- tration, and President of the Am- .n g, neama ory or any reason are not in good taste will (Continued from Page 3) publication at the discretion of the were students in the University. friends were waiting anxiously for How many of those present were of age was not determined. Mr. Wisnewski's graduation. ftegearngttemed.r On this basis, I do not believe After hearing statements from that Mr. Sarri's letter was "extra- the president, the social chairman, vagant or bitter" and his questions and alumni members, the Commit- "r i d i c u 1o u s." Furthermore, al- tee orders that the fraternity pay though I am very proud of the $2,000.00 to the Cashier of the U nivpity ~r ti nt it h nln dr n Concerts Carillon Recital. The final pro- gram in the current series of re- citals by Percival Price, Univer- sity Carillonneur, will be played at 7:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 16. Pro- gram: ,Andante from the "Sur- prise Symphony" by Haydn, three piano selections by Borodin, Scri- abine and Franck; Air for Carillon by Professor Price, five spirituals, apd Rosenkavalier Waltzes by Richard Strauss. University of Michigan Choir, Maynard Klein, Conductor, will be heard at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 16, Hill Aufiitorium. Program: Compositions by Claudin de Sed- misy, Delius, Brahms, Schutz, Bach and Haydn, with Rose Mar- ie Jun, Soprano, Charles Ste- phenson, Tenor, and Jack Wilcox, Bass, appearing as soloists. The public is invited. Exhibitions Architecture Building, first floor exhibition corridor. Extension of Richard Wilt's exhibit; through Nov. 18. Events Today Sailing Club: 7:30 p.m. W. En- gineering Bldg. Plans for the Chi- cago regatta Thanksgiving week- end will be discussed. Zeta Phi Eta: Meeting, 5 p.m., Zeta room, fourth floor, Angell Hall. All members be present. U. of M. Women's Glee Club: Rehearsal, 7:10 p.m. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., League. Graduate School Record Con- cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham. MOZART: Quartet no. 2 in E flat for piano and strings, K493. CORELLI: Concerto Grosn no. 1 in D. BRAHMS: Quintet O. 2 in G, Op. 111, with 2nd viola. STRAVINSKY: Symphony in 3 Movements, 1945. All grad stdents invited; silence requested. Polonia Club: 7:30 p.m., Inter- national Center. Meeting and en- tertainment. All are welcome. Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Full chorus rehearsal, League, 7 p.m. Michigan Chapter, American So- ciety for Public Administration: Social seminar, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Guest speaker: Mr. Donald C. Stone, Director of Administration, Economic Cooperation, and Presi- dent, American Society for Public Administration. All interested per- sons are Invited. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m. Fifth Annual Office Machines and Supplies Exhibit: Room 46 and 58, School of Business Administra- tion, 1-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m., Thurs- day and Friday, Nov. 16 and 17. (Continued on Page 5) I1 {I 11 (Continued on Page 5) ul p tx tg trt tti1 I ject. Its report on "Juvenile De- linquency" is an informative sym- posium. As to the first question posed by the Kefauver Committee, Director J. Edgar Hoover of the Federal Bureau of Investigation answers that there has been a leveling-off of juvenile offenses in the post- war period (1945-49) "although the incidence of crime among young people is still abnormally high." It is nevertheless well to keep in mind the word of qualifi- cation offered by Superintendent Harvey L. Long of the Parole Di- vision of the Illinois Department of Public Welfare that statistics do not always reflect the "actual crime rate," since they are affected by local policy in making arrests and in reporting them. The committee files the briefs of the comic book publishers and the answers sixty-five officials and eight child guidance experts gave to its questions. The views of the consultants sum up to the majority opinion that there is no direct con- nection between the comic books dealing with crime and juvenile delinquency. --New York Times " erican Society for Public Admin- istration. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 16, Rackham Amphitheatre. Academic Notices Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., Nov. 17, 4:15 p.m., at the Observa- tory. Speaker, Dr. Louis A. Hop- kins, Associate Professor of Mathe- matics. Subject, "Discussion of an Introduction to Celestial Mechan- ics." Seminar in Applied Mathema- tics: Thurs., Nov. 16, 4 p.m., 247 W.. Engineering Bldg. Dr. Daniel Resch will speak on "Transforma- tions of the Equations of Cbmpres- sible Flow." Orientation Seminar in Mathe- matics: Meeting, Thurs., Nov. 16, 4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Rid- dle will speak on "Hausdorff Para- dox." Law School Admission Test: Morning session, 8:45 a.m., Sat., Nov. 18, 140 Business Administra- tion Bldg. Afternoon session, 1:45 p.m. Candidates must be present at both sessions. Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown.............Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger. .......City Editor Roma Lipsky..........Editorial Director Dave Thomas....,. ....Feature Editor Janet Watts............Associate Editor Nancy Bylan... ... .. Associate Editor James Gregory.......Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandell....Associate Sprts Editor Bill Brenton..Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels...........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible....Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The AssociatedPress isexclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann. Arbor. Michigan as second-class mal matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. BARNABY There! The nest is all set. Complete with nest egg... Will that brass doorknob make her 1-1r. r. . 1oC * el no . 1 Itjwll hel L p-----oNothing to do now but lp, m'boy. sit down and wait- /R,-Mth. owi mniint.IS1O) I 111 1 k