t DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State :43at jR INDY, SHOWERS W VOL. LXI, No.45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1950 EIGHT PAGES Kelly Seeks Recount of State Ballots Election Muddle Causes Confusion LANSING -(A')- A state-wide recount of a governorship election -first in Michigan history-was assured last night, but that was the only positive point in a maze of legal tangles arising out of the state's Nov. 7 election muddle. While Governor G. Mennen Wil- iams, the 39-year-old Democrat and first termer, relaxed beaming in theexecutive office, secured by a 1,52 vote lead, his Republican opponent, former Governor Harry F. Kelly was heading back from a Florida rest to prepare for the re- count battle. * * * KELLY gave his approval to a decision of the GOP high com- mand to call for a state-wide re- count at Republican expense. How- ever, legislators still are talking about the state paying the bill. Kelly remarked in a telephone interview that it was customary for the losing side to seek a re- count only in those areas where it expected to gain votes. That leaves the winning party to recount the others to offset any gains by the loser. * * * "SUCH AN approach," Kelly said, "in my opinion, would result in a recount of the greater part of our state's precincts and still may not accurately express the major- ity will of the people. "Why not for the small com- paratively extra effort get the ans- wer to the question-which candi- date for governor obtained the ma- jority of the votes. In this manner only will the confidence of the peo-, ple in our American system be maintained." While the state, still unable to receive a recount petition formal- ly, began to polish up the long-un- used recount machinery, a host of legal tangles were dumped into the lap of Attorney General Stephen J. Roth, a DenidcratWho lost out in the unofficial count of the Nov. 7 election. Nation-Wide Phone Strike Enters Courts PHILADELPHIA - (P) - The coast to coast strike of CIO Tele- phone Equipment Workers was fought in the courts and streets across the nation yesterday. Injunctions restraining t h e equipment workers from picketing exchanges were granted in Kentuc- ky and Wisconsin but were refused in Omaha and Georgia. In Penn- sylvania, a hearing on a request by Bell Telephone Company for an injinction will be heard tomorrow. MEANWHILE, violence on the picket lines flared in Philadelphia and in Washington. The big blowup occurred in Philadelphia where pickets for the second successive day bat- tied police to keep non-striking Bell Telephone operators from going to work. Again the pickets failed as police beat them back and allowed the Bell workers to report on the job. In Milwaukee, Circuit Court Judge Walter Schinz issued a tem- porary restraining order prohibit- ing striking Western Electric Co. workers from picketing exchanges of the Wisconsin Telephone Com- pany in Wisconsin. The order was issued at the request of the State Employment Relations Board. The judge held that no labor dispute exists between strikers and the tel- ephone company. He will decide later on the board's request for a permanent order under terms of the Wisconsin utility anti-strike act on the grounds that picketing impares essential public service. Kentucky officers spent the day trying to serve a restraining order banning picketing of Southern Bell offices anywhere in the state. But striking Western Electric Officials dodged the order servers by quick- ly withdrawing after picketing ex- changes in four towns. The order was issued in Louisville Tuesday. Krassner Freed Reds Hurl Back South Koreans '4i SEOUL-(JP)-Communist count- erattacks hurled back South Kor- ean forces in frigid northeast and 'northwest Korea yesterday and slowed an American push for the Manchurian border., KoreanReds slammed into the east flank of the Republic of Korea Capital Division on the. northeast coast 90 air miles from the Soviet Siberian border. The South Kor- eans lost two to three miles but a U.S. Tenth Corps spokesman End Marshall Plan in 1952 Says Bricker WASHINGTON - (') -- Sena- tor Bricker (R-Ohio) came out firmly yesterday against any ex- tension of the Marshall Plan be- yond its scheduled 1952 expiration date. He predicted a more active role for Congress in the foreign rela- tions field as a result of Republi- can gains in the Nov. 7 election, and said these should include searching inquiries into the Ad- ministration's plans for foreign military assistance and aid to un- developed areas. * . * FURTHER, Bricker told report- ers, Congress must in the future "have its say before we send troops into a war which may result in a world wide conflict." He said there was no question that President Truman circum- vented the constitutionalpower of Congress to declare war in ordering American troops to de- fend South Korea last June un- der a United Nations resolution. "This easily could have, and may yet lead, to a full fledged war," he said. * * . BRICKER was the first of the Republican Senators to return to the capital after the election and call publicly for a definite halt to Marshall Plan aid for Western Europe at the end of its scheduled four-year' life span., But a number of other Re- publicans have voiced similar views in the past and probably will press them more strongly in the future as a result of the elec- tion which trimmed the Demo- cratic Senate edge from 54-42 to 49-47. The GOP attitude of foreign pol- icy also is playing a major role in what may be a bitter struggle among Republicans for an addi- tional seat on the Foreign Rela- tions Committee. Druids Brew MagicPotion Fr m the Stonehenge circle Aided by the witches cauldron Mystic plans were brewed in dark- ness. Many twigs were examined Many rocks were overturned Subjected to heat from blazing torches Observed by men of knoivledge and magic. Most decayed, were burned, were destroyed. Finally from the murky grove From the, cave 'where Fingal per- ished The Order of the Mighty Oak emerged Causing the earth to shake and shiver Causing nations and cities to cower All to bend the twig and sapling And to capture the sturdy awends: Devastating Dogwood Dufek Obstreperous Oroko Osterman. The Almighty DRUIDS have spo- ken! asserted the assault was consid- ered "contained." THE REDS HIT with eight bat-, talions-perhaps 8,000 men-and were reinforced by a marine train- ing battalion which made one of the few amphibious landings of the war for the Communists. In the northwest, a Red force of possibly 1,000 men hammer- ed a wedge four miles into South Korean forces in fhe center of the United Nations defense line across the narrow waist of the Korean Peninsula. It was too early to tell whether this indicated an attempt to split the northwest and northeast fronts. BETWEEN THESE areas of Red counterattacks, U.N. forces still held the initiative but the going was tougher. The United States Seventh Division ran into stiffening Com- munist resistance in its thrust through Central Korea toward the Manchurian border. Tenth Corps said the only ad- vance was 4,000 yards on one sec- tor of the 17th Regiment front. The Seventh Division was running into resistance described as "mod- erate to heavy" about 28 miles from the frontier. The Reds brought tanks, artil- lery and mortars into action on the Seventh's front. United States Marine aircraft ripped into Kap- san, ahead of the Seventh where a big enemy buildup was reported. UN Committee Delays 'Talks On Formosa LAKE SUCCESS -(A)-Fearful that Red China's actions might plunge the far east into war, the UN Political Committee yesterday postponed indefinitely considera- tion of the future of Formosa, the last stronghold of Chiang Kai- Shek. The majority agreed with Amer- ican delegate' John Foster Dulles that the risk of war made useless any UN talk now on a long-range settlement of the question of For- mosa. THE COMMITTEE voted 53 to 0 to shelve temporarily the For- mosan issue. Even the Russians voted with the majority, but So- viet Deputy Foreign Minister Ja- cob A. Malik said his government wanted the issue deleted from the Assembly instead of a mere post- ponement. The committee then decided to take up next Monday Nation- alist China's charges that the Soviet Union violated its treaty with Chiang Kai-Shek by sup- porting the Chinese Communists and is a threat to the peace of the Far East. The Committee vote was 14 to take up the Chinese charges, 8 opposed and 36 abstaining. The charges have been hanging since the last General Assembly. Return of Proofs Urged by 'Ensian 'Ensian picture proofs must be turned in as soon as possible, ac- cording to Slug Kettler, 'Ensian business manager. There are 1,000 senior and grad- uate students who have not yet turned in these proofs, and if they do not appear in person to do so, the photographers, themselves, will select the picture that wl1 appear in the 'Ensian. Office hours will be continuous from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00. p.m. today and tomorrow, and on Saturday morning. Psi U Fined $2,000; Put On Probation Violation Brings Largest 'U' Fine By FLOYD THOMAS Psi Upsilon fraternity yesterday was fined $2,000 and put on social probation till June for holding a drinking party Nov. 3. The University Sub-committee on Discipline found that 23 mem- bers of the fraternity and 23 wom- en, most of them University stu- dents, attended the party at the chapter house. How many of them were 21 or more years old was not determined. THE COMMITTEE heard state- ments from Psi Upsilon's presi- dent, social chairman and alumni members. Bill Ryan, Psi Upsilon presi- dent, said, "The fine is unrea- sonable, because we have only 30 members. That amounts to $66 each. About one-half of the men sim- ply haven't the money, and we have no plan for raising it." The fine is believed the largest ever imposed on a fraternity at the University. * * * THE LARGEST FINES in re- cent years were $500 penalties on Theta Delta Chi Nov. 14, 1949, for "numerous violations of Univer- sity regulations" at a party, and on Sigma Phi May 26, 1949, for serving liquor at a party. Both fraternities were also put on social probation. Delta Kappa Epsilon on May 18, 1949 was suspended for a second liquor law violation. The first was a flaunting of the prohibition law in 1929. PSI UPSILON, Phi Kappa Psi and Delta Upsilon were placed on probation Mar. 20, 1950, for hold- ing a drinking party near Brigh- ton. A $200 fine was levied against Phi Chi medical fraternity Nov. 15, 1949, for holding a drinking party. Phi Chi was also put on social probation. Federal Court Rules Delay For Color TV CHICAGO - (P) - Commercial color telecasting will not start next Monday as scheduled, a thre judge Federal court panel ruled yesterday. The judges said they needed more time - possibly another month or more - to decide whe- ther to approve or override a Fed- eral Communications Conmission order authorizing use of a color system developed by the Columbia Broadcasting system. * s* * THE COURT issued a tempor- ary restraining order that pre- vents CBS from putting its color television programs on the air un- til the formal court ruling. A temporary injunction to block the CBS color telecasts had been sought by Radio Cor- poration of America. RCA con- tended the CBS color system. 6was inferior and would cost present owners of black and white sets $1,500,000,000 to con- vert to that system of color. The ruling, however, merely is a stop-gap order that retains the status quo while the court studies the evidence put before it in the last two days. INFORMED of the ruling, FCC officials told a reporter in Wash- ington they would have no com- ment at this stage. Judge J. Earl Major said, "It is unthinkable that we can decide this issue in a day, a week, or a month." SL Asks On Fraternity Bias Clause For Time Limit Acheson Set To Confer WithChina By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Acheson yesterday declared American readiness to "explore every possibility" of reaching a peaceful settlement with Commu- nist China over Korea. He thus apparently offered to negotiate with the Chinese Reds through the UN but he warned that th~ey may be in Korea not wo protect their Manchurian border interests but "to precipiate a really great crisis in the world." * * * ASSISTANT SECRETARY of State Dean Rusk, chief of far east- ern relations under Acheson, said frankly that American leaders do not know'why Red China ente ed the Korea fighting. "It is of greatest importance for us to try to find out whether the Chinese have limited obec- tives which are negotiable," he said. Acheson virtually offered the Peiping regime-which the United States does not recognize-assur- ances that the American govern- ment has no intention of lending its forces across the border into Manchuria and also that it will do everything possible to protect Chi- na's interests in the border area- notably the Yalu power dams. * * * HE SAID everything possible must be done to prevent the Red Chinese intervention from plung- ing the world into a "tragedy of the most colossal nature." Acheson and Rusk spoke at a conference of representatives of' 200 American organizations which periodically send delegates to the State Department to discuss and get reports on foreign policy. Meanwhile from Prague came a report that airline passage from Prague to New York for Nov. 23 was booked yesterday for nine Chi - nese understood to be the Com- munist delegation to Lake Success. The men are to reach New Yrk at 5:20 a.m., central standard time, Nov. 24 by a British Overseas air- liner. Ford Layoff Hits 50,000 Employes DETROIT - Layoffs affecting 50,000 employes for at least a por- tion of each of the next three weeks were announced today by the Ford Motor Co. Ford attributed its action to "the continuing labor slowdown" in the steel rolling mill at its key Rogue plant and "other parts and ma- terial shortages." The big cutback in production will be at the Rogue Plant, the company said. Other plants will be. affected, but the number of employes involved has not yet been decided, the company added. F World News Roundup By The Associated Press BERLIN - Gen. Vassily Chui- kov, chief of Soviet forces in Ger- many, charged yesterday that an American jet fighter endangered a Soviet hospital plane carrying French Communist leader Maurice Thorez to Moscow.- American officials promptly de- nied the charge. * * PORT ARTHUR, Tex.-Seven successive explosions rocked the nation's third largest oil refin- ery yesterday, causing one death. T h e first explosion came shortly after midnight. Moments later came a tremendous blast which broke windows four and one half miles away and aroused most residents of this upper Texas gulf city of 57,000. * * * Close 20-18 Vote Follows Hot Dispute Motion May Hit Other 'U' Groups By BOB KEI.TH The Student Legislature voted late last night to ask the Student Affairs Committee to clamp a six year time limit on fraternities for getting rid of discriminatory claus- es in their constitutions. In a bold, highly controversial move, SL called for the time limit by a narrow 20-18 margin. If accepted by SAC, the 'hotly- disputed' time limit would result in the banning from campus of fraternities which still had dis- criminatory constitutional clauses by September, 1956. IN ADDITION to setting the time limit, SL called on fraterni- ties with discriminatory clauses in their constitutions to: 1. Present a motion on the fioor of their respective national con- ventions asking for removal of such clauses. 2. Vote positively for such a motion. 3. Report to SAC that they have taken such action at the beginning of each school year af- ter attending a national conven- tion. . * -* * IF BY 1956 any fraternity had not succeeded in getting the claus- es removed, SAC would deny recognition to that fraternity. Inter Fraternity Council pr6s- ident Bob Vogt, '51E, estimated OPPOSITION GAINS-Repulsing American advances, North Ko- rean forces gained four miles near Hakalwoo, (center, dark arrow) yesterday while holding off American attacks in the northwest sector. North Koreans also gained territory in the northeast coast- al area by pushing back South Korean troops. Snyder Asks 75% Excess Profits Tax WASHINGTON -- (A) -- The House Ways and Means Committee acted yesterday to rush a decision on the excess profits issue after hearing Secretary of the Treasury Snyder call for a 75 per cent levy on such profits. War Controls Forecast by NPA Counsel WASHINGTON-(A')-An all-in- dustry control system on the World War II pattern may be clamped. on industry next July 1 if, as ex- pected, defense budgets soar to $50,000,000,000 or $60,000,000,000. The National Production Autho- rity made this forecast yesterday and, at the same time, cinched up defense preparations by: First, banning the construction of bars and cocktail lounges un- der the prohibition against new "amusement facilities." Second, ordering the allocation of 10,000 tons of steel a month, starting January 1, to build 12 Great Lakes ore carriers and other vessels needed to expand the steel industry. MANLY FLEISCHMANN, NPA's General Counsel, told reporters he did not know whether ti - defense drive, slowly gaining momentum, will require rationing of automo- biles or other consumer goods by next mid-year. The system involves complete al- location of three basic metals- steel, copper and aluminum-to all users. This governs the activity of each industry, and thus automati- cally controls the quantity of oth- er materials used. Amid Republican cries -of "gag rule," the committee voted to close hearings Nov. 22, and to bar testi- mony dealing with alternative forms of taxation. * s* * THE MOTION was offered by Rep. Cooper (D-Tenn) and, the vote followed straight party lines. Chairman Doughton (D-NC) had said that if the hearings dragged past Thanksgiving, there would be no action at the lame duck ses- sion of Congress, scheduled to be- gin Nov. 27. Rep. Reed (R-NY), ranking Republican of the committee, called the decision "the rankest form of steamroller tactics and gag rule." Backers of excess profits taxa- tion exacted a pledge in the last Congressional session that such a bill would be considered before the year's end. * * * BUT MANY business men are bitterly opposed to excess profits taxation, saying it would lead com- panies to engage in wasteful spending to avoid turning much of their earnings over to the Trea- sury. They prefer an increase in regular corporation i n c o m e taxes. President Truman called Tues- day for $4,000,000,000 a year ex- cess profits taxes to help pay for defense against Communism. * * * Yesterday Secretary Snyder went before the committee to sug- gest detailed methods of applying the tax. He also broadened his testimony to hint broadly that hea- vier taxes are in the offing for everybody. r s that 17 affiliated groups had constitutions containing t h e clauses..; It seemed certain last night tha the Legislature's motion would be immediately reworded to encom- pass other campus groups besides fraternities. ** * * THE SL motion squeaked through at 11:15 p.m. midst great controversy and mixed feelinigs on the part of legislators, many of whom said they found it difficult to make a final decision until the last minute. Inter-Fraternity Council rep- resentatives who were on hand to head off the time limit said it would create so much hard feeling within houses that fur- fher moves tb eliminate discrimi- nation would be hampered. Vogt s id the SL action was "completely detrimental" to the program set up by IFC concerning the discrimination problem. * * ** AP CONVENTION: China, K remlin May Be Ready for. War-B rines BUT Legislator Herb Ruben, who drew up the SL plan, asserted that although you can't legislate pre- judice out of existence, you can at least remove the legal barriera to its elimination. Many fraternities have been forced to, discriminate in taking in members because of these legal barriers, he pointed out. "For the University and SL to condone ex- istance of such discriminatory clauses is an anachronism in our society," Ruben added. THE SL MOTION would be meaningless without the time lim- it, Rubens declared. Before finally passing the motion,. Legislators voted down, 20 to 17, a substitute which did not contain the time restriction. . Rubens expressed hope that the six year limit would give ether schools time to take simi- -lar action so -that there would be a united effort, to get the clauses'removed in national con- ventions. Those who voted for the SL motion are: Don Abramson, Keith Beers, Dave 1Belin, Dave Brown, Larry Devore, Hugh Greenberg, Walt Hansen, Phyllis Jansma, Cal Klyman, Ed Lewinson, Gordon MacDougall, Leah Marks, Bill Mc- Intyre, Walt Oberreit, Herb Ru- ben, Audrey Smedley, Irv Stenn, Jim Storrie, Tom Walsh and Dor- I TEMPORARY GOVERNOR: State Offices Held Open by Recount The chief reason behind State Democrats' call for a state-wide recount involving key offices is to prevent a temporary governor from assuming office January 1, according to Prof. C. Ferrel Heady, Jr., of the political science depart- 100,000 votes, would be sworn in as acting governor. In the event of Vandenberg's temporary assumption of the governorship, 27 key administra- tive offices, including the Pub- lic Service Commission, the Liq- element will keep Vandenberg from moving up into the gov- ernor's position January 1," Prof. Heady continued. He expressed some doubt over the eventual success of the Demo- crats' plan. ATLANTA-{A)-Russia dictated Communist China's entry into Korean fighting and the Kremlin may be ready for general war, a veteran Far Eastern Correspon- dent warned yesterday. Russell Brines, Associated Press Tokyo Bureau Chief, urged news- papers to provide "clear, cour- ageous leadership in perhaps the most formidable crisis our coun- try ever faced." cutting through the curtain of publicity "handouts," more dig- ging for real facts, better coverage of special fields such as religion and health, more skillful writing. James S. Pope, Louisville Cour- ier-Journal, warned that news- papers must compete with tele- vision, radio and other interests for the public eye. The American Press must do with words "what the television