PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1950 4. IFC & SL: Fraternity Discrimination AMOVE TO forcibly eliminate existing discriminatory clauses from the nation- al constitutions of campus fraternities will be launched at tonight's meeting of the Student Legislature. The move will come in the form of a proposal to be introduced by SL member Herbert Ruben who feels that the time for action is now and that the means of accomplishment is force. His motion will in effect be an ultimatum to fraternities. It will say, "You must do everything in your power to remove dis- criminatory clauses from your national con- stitutions by September of 1956. If they re- main after that date you will not be recog- nized by the Student Affairs Committee." This is the crux of the motion which will receive strong support from a good sized group of IFC members. These Ruben proposal supporters are tak- ing action contrary to the desires of IFOC president Bob Vogt who, speaking for that organization, is opposed to any action which will attempt to legislate discrimination out of existence. Vogt insists that the solution must come through education, not force, even if it takes time. He adds that such a forcible move willonly Increase the defensive at- titude of fraternities. Perhaps he is right. You can forcibly remove discriminatory clauses from fraternity constitutions but you cannot, through force, defeat the bias that is the root of the problem. Some people claim that the forcible re- moval of such unfavorable clauses will op- en the door for those people within frater- nities whose hands were previously tied. True, a few cases of reform might develop. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDTOR: BOB KEITH Grad Council THE GRADUATE Student Council is the only organization in the Graduate School that represents the students as a whole, and can bring the many individual depart- ments together. It is important to the school because it functions as an intermediary between the various departments, and tries to break compartmentalization by stressing interde- partmental' work. The Council also acts as a source of in- formation to the various departments con- cerning any dissention among the students, or any suggestions for improvement within the school itself. In spite of this, more than half of the 68 departments comprising the Graduate School do not feel that the Council benefits them in any way, and therefore fail to elect representatives to be sent to meetings. At the first meeting of the semester for instance held about three weeks ago, only 22 of the 68 departments sent representa- tives. These departments included English, Ge- ology, Geography, Botany, Chemistry, Phar- macy, Psychology, Public Administration, Naval Architecture, Physiology, Biological, Chemistry, Astronomy, Bacteriology, Anato- * ty, History, Music, Anthropology, Zoology, Speech, German, Library Science and Fine Ads. The Council cannot be expected to fune- on efficiently without adequate repre- sentation, especially from the larger de- partments. The Graduate School must realize the im- portance of sending representatives to all meetings and of giving their complete co- operation. -Cara Cherniak Perhaps some fraternities would admit peo- ple on the basis of the individual's own personality as they should, and not on the basis of family background, campus pres- tige or financial status as is so often the case. But to off-set the possible favorable re- sults of action taken on the basis of Ruben's proposal would be the aroused wrath of those fraternity alumni who have for so long managed to retain these discrimina- tory clauses in their constitutions. Such op- position would come most noticably from the south. In addition, fraternity members would with good reason feel that they are being told with whom they are to share their rooms. They would ask also, "What right has the Student Legislature to interfere to such an extent in fraternity matters." The fraternities should be iermitted to work out this problem through the IFC which is fully cognizant of the situation and which has already taken definite action on it. President Vogt has introduced a proposal similar to Ruben's to fraternity house presi- dents. The differences in the two motions are that Vogt's contains no time limit. Also, that fraternity failure to present a motion calling for the removal of discriminatory clauses from the constitution at the national convention would result in non-recognition by the IFC instead of the SAC as proposed by Ruben's motion. This proposal is now being polled by the presidents of the various fraternity houses on campus. The result of their canvass will repre- sent the attitude of the fraternity men on campus. It is hoped that that attitude will be one favoring the Vogt proposal. Action is needed and action we must have, but let it come in the form of carefully thought out proposals by the IFC and not by overly-severe legislation which will des- troy the recent hopeful advances made by fraternities themselves toward the elimina- tion of discrimination. --Bob Vaughn Michigan's Governor ALTHOUGH A recount of ballots will be necessary to determine who will be the next governor of the state of Mi- chigan from the standpoint of governmental efficiency, it is apparent that Frank J. Kelly would be the best governor. The job of governor, as a leader, is to devise a wise program and to guide it through the legislature. The governor's ability to get things done often depends, then, on his ability to get along with the legislators and to convince them of the . value of his program.' Regardless of the individual's personality, much of the governor's chances for success rests on the political party to which he be- longs. For proof of this, look at the record of Governor G. Mennen Williams in 1949 and 1950. Even though many of William's plans were well thought out and sensible, most of his proposals were rejected, seem- ingly because Williams was a Democrat and the majority of the members of the state legislature were Republicans. When such a situation exists, the business of the state re- duces to continuous friction and fighting between the governor and the legislature. In the end, the people of the state suffer be- cause little, if any,' positive legislation can be produced. General efficiency in government is im- portant but it is not so important that a wise, capable leader must be sacrificed to provide this efficiency. However, Kelly has already proved that he not only can work effectively with the state legisla- ture but also that he is capable of de- signing a progressive program. During Kelly's two terms as governor from 1942 to 1946, he worked to increase workmen's compensation, provided additional educa- tion, medical and vocational services for the blind, and helped to establish one :of the best veteran's aid programs in the nation. If a recount gives Kelly the governorship, it is reasonable to assume that he would again initiate his progressive program, with the support of the legislature almost assured. In this way the whole state will be bene- fite d .J. j-Janet H. Watt "Want To Knock Off Some Communist Allies?" [ (Continued from page 2) spring semester of 1951 will open at 12 noon, Wed., Nov. 15, at the specified window in the lobby of the Administration Bldg. ONLY THOSE WITH NO HOUSING COMMITMENT MAY APPLY. Ap- plications will be accepted for both Dormitory and League House ac- commodations until the number of available spaces are filled. Approved Student Sponsored So- cial Events for the coming week- end: November 17-Alpha Epsilon Pig Graduate Student Council, Kappa Nu, Sigma Alpha Mu, Stockwell. November 18 - Acacia, Allen Rumsey, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Sigma The- ta, Delta Tau Delta, Hillel Foun- dation, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Lloyd House, . Michigan Hse. W.Q., Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Omega; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Stevens Cooperative Hse., Tau Kappa Ep- silon,. Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri- angle, Victor Vaughan Hse., Wen- ley Hse., Zeta Beta Tau. November 19- Lambda Kappa Sigma, Pi Lambda Phi. ette/4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libeous leI tters. and letoterswh.i~h).fonv reaon a 4,,n .n rad tarts will DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ,F =a be condensed edited or withheld from editors. ON THE WashiWngton MerryGoRound W'ITH DREWPE PARSON MUSIC WASHINGTON - Yesterday I abandoned my alleged crouching position under the cabinet table long enough to report on the distressing way some of our West European friends are drifting away from us. Today I want to report some brighter phases of the European picture; also suggest some ideas for making them even brighter. CRACKS IN THE CURTAIN-While we have headaches in western Europe, the Kremlin is having worse in eastern Europe. ... In Poland, troop trains between Russia and East Germany are dynamited almost weekly. The Poles hate the Russians more than the Germans--which is saying a lot. And the underground in Poland is more act- ive than ever before. . . . Czechoslovakia is seething and turbulent: ... Bulgarian troops, deserting in driblets across the Turkish bor- der, report intense dislike of the Russians. . . Most important of all, every satellite country is watching Yugoslavia. If Tito can get by the present winter, despite crop fail- ures and near-starvation, more satellite countries will follow his lead. MORE BAD TAX NEWS-Meanwhile, here at home, the good old browbeaten taxpayer is in for more bad news. U.S. military, chiefs are going to ask for about another thirty billion dollars in the next few months-mak- ing a total defense budget passed this year of about sixty billion. This doesn't include the normal expense of running the govern- ment, or interest on the national debt, or care of veterans--which total another twen- ty billion.. . Compare this with the last real prewar year, 1938-when we spent one billion on defense, and our total budget was only seven billion. (We thought those were hectic years!) . . . . Since V-J day, we have spent a total of seventy billion on armament, not including the Korean War, and if we go on spending at this rate, we will be bank- rupt even before Russia starts the all-out war we are so busy preparing for. . . . In fact, to pay this huge armament bill we must inevitably and definitely lower our standard- of-living to a point similar to or even lower than Europe's THE REMEDY as I see it is to quit waging a defensive war and carry the attack to the enemy--not through expensive force of arms, but by getting to the Russian people. . This is the thing Stalin worries about most, and that is the reason for the Iron Curtain. ... In contrast, we have worried ourselves so sick over a few McCarthy Communists which may be lurking under our beds at home that we have lost our initiative, our enterprise and our imagination abroad. The Kremlin itself couldn't have arranged things better. . . . No military commander wants to be attacked at home. He carries the at- tack to the enemy. . . . But we are so gen- tlemanly that we sit with arms folded and don't do to the Russians what they are doing to us. Instead of worrying about the hand- ful of Americans they convert, we should be out carrying the fight to their territory, ,m,-~tirrrnc.+is ofThitannc, *A cf-a 1_- Russians-perhaps more--are in concentra- tion camps because they are out of sympathy with the Kremlin.... Large areas of unrest exist inside the Soviet-especially White Russia and the Ukraine.... Few Americans realize that when the Nazis invaded Russia in 1941, 3,600,000 Russian prisoners were taken, chiefly because the people were so fed up with their Moscow regime that they literally rushed into German arms. ... This has now been proved to the hilt in captured war documents.... Surrender to the German army to escape Communism in 1941 was far greater than desertion from the Czar in 1915-17. When fighting under the Czar, Rus- sian troops stopped the Germans at Riga in Lithuania. They never let the Kaiser's army even get on real Russian soil. . . . But Hitler's army advanced across two-thirds of Russia right down to.the Caucasus-all be- cause Russian troops and peasants almost welcomed the invader. The only way Russia was ever defeated in a major war was through politics. . . . Napoleon invaded Russia and was swamped. Hitler's invasion of Russia in 1941 finally got bogged down at Stalingrad because he didn't understand politics. He starved the 3,600,000 prisoners so shamefully that the Russians quit surrendering. ... But in 1917 when the Kaiser wanted to defeatRussia, he supplied a sealed train for exiled Lenin and Trotsky and sent them back to Russia. ... The Bolshevik revolution which followed brought on the Brest-Litovsk treaty of 1917, by which Russia pulled out of the war. In- ternal revolt did it. . . . Now we have some topnotch Russians exiled in this country, but aside from letting them act as seamstresses, cabaret dancers and professors, we are over- looking our best best to penetrate the Iron Curtain.... In West Germany is an Allied camp of about 2,000 escaped Russian. offi- cers. We supply them with food, uniforms, etc., but we don't even bother to give them books to study the U.S.A., let alone use them for propaganda. . . . They could form an important necleus outside Russia-a "Legue for a Democratic Russia," through which a peaceful, cooperative government someday would be established in Moscow. Woodrow Wilson set up a similar com- mittee in Pittsburgh for the Czechs and Slovaks in World War I. Czechoslovakia was actually founded in Pittsburgh by Professor Thomas Masaryk at that time.... In fagt, it was politics that won World War I almost as much as force of arms. . . . Lenin and Trotsky caused Russia to surrender, while the unwieldy, top-heavy Austro-Hungarian empire fell apart through the rebellion of the Czechs and Slovaks, plus part of the Yugoslavs and plus part of the Poles...,. Russia today has swallowed the old Austro- Hungarian empire and is having indigestion. In addition, Russia consists of about 150 different nationalities, a score or so of small republics-a heavensent opportunity which our shortsighted leaders have completely overlooked. SAM Party . . . To the Editors: REFERRING to Dean Walter's cancellation of last Saturday night's Sigma Alpha Mu pajama party, we would like to add a few words to the numerous complaints we have heard since then. What was Dean Walter's basis for the cancellation? His DOB no- tice stated that the party was not approvable. We feel that banning pajamas at a large fraternity party is illogical. Surely the usual stan- dards of University-approved cha- perones and docorum would have been observed. The only alteration might have been a little more gaity. If Dean Walter's reason was the lack of good taste, we point to the traditional Phi Gain "Fiji Island" party. What is the University's cri- terion for suggestive costumes? Is dancing in a bathing suit consider- ed less "dangerous" than dancing in pajamas? We also would like to point out that pajame'd participants have attended previous fraternity func- tions on campus. No one has been led astray because of this. Conceding the element of pro- priety to DeanrWalter, what was his reason in forcing 40 or 50 peo- ple to do without any party at all? None of us had planned on at- tending this party, whether it took place or not. We are just request- ing some valid explanation of this -another instance of the Univer- sity's overbearing paternalism. -June Laufer -Billie Cohen -Nan Greenberg -Dolores Hosel . *. . ar tinsville . .. To the Editor: ON NOVEMBER 17 and 20, seven American citizens are schedul- ed to be electrocuted by the State of Virginia. The seven citizens of Martins- ville, Virginia, are Negroes. All seven were tried within six days by' all-white juries, in an atmosphere of intimidaton and lynch spirit. They were found guilty of the tra- ditional charge of "rape" by evi- dence based on extorted confes- sions. All seven are to die for the alleged crime-although in the past 70 years, no white man has ever suffered the death penalty for rape. The Martinsville Seven need not die, if you who are reading this letter will send a post-card (cost, only 1c) or a letter or a telegram to Governor John Battle, State House, Richmond, Virginia. Tell him that Americans do not like to see these things happen; ask him to grant executive clemency and a stay of execution for the Martins- ville Seven. A post-card from you will save the lives of seven men. -David R. Luce, Grad. . * Wa . . To the Editor: MAY I address a few remrks to Don Nuechterlein, writer of the Daily's "It Seems to Me" col- umn for Sunday, November 12? Mr. Nuechterlein, I agree with you that the threatening atomic war must be, prevented. I don't want to lose a sweetheart or a brother in a war, nor do I want to be blown to bits myself. There : 6 a a c IT f is c 'c IIiE { 2 t C ti E c E T i T t S Y i t c f 't I t T ny reaon are ic ntmg tathi publication at the discretion of the Employment Interviews: A representative from the Uni- are, however, greater possessions ted States Navy Department will at stake than your safety or mine interview students and graduates in the physical sciences, mathema-; -such familiar ideals as a way tics, and engineering on Wednes- of 11 f e," "freedom," "human day and Thursday, Nov. 15 and 16. rights"-for which I might be will- They will see students in groups; ing to fight. According to your please see notice on your depart- statement: "An increasing number pense ticebonor exacti of Americans have come to the mnent bulletin board for exact time conAlusin havistime or hand place of meetings. They have conclusion that it is time our gov- openings for students who have hinen s a trying to appeasehe finished their sophomore or jun- policy ...", some of my fellow citi- or year and interested in summer zens feel the same way.eninsloryeoaplerhmaceltopo You gave three reasons why aigstor eopg e we thsa lor or mas an agressthitime." First, you said A representative from the Dow- that the price of a war would beCing ComanyrMilandeBueau so geattha weshold ookforigan will interview at the Bureau so great that we Should look for of Appointments on Thurs., Nov. every way to avoid it. But the price 16, February graduates with B.S. of appeasement is also great. With or M.S. degrees in civil, architec- every appeasement to the Commu- tural, or mechanical engineering. nists, we ourselves become weaker, The positions for architectural, ci- until we are trying to defend our vil and structural engineers will be rights against unbeatable odds* for construction of office build- The cost of submission, seemingly ings andrchemical plants. The the only other way out, is probably openings for mechanical engineers still greater. At least I have yet to will be for design and installation. hear of anyone who enjoyed work- A representative of the George ing in the Siberian salt mines. Worthington Company, Cleveland, Your second point was that we Ohio, distributors in hardware, in- must.not under any circumstances dustrial, plumbing, electrical and "fire the first shot," because then sporting goods, will interview Feb- the "Communists throughout the ruary graduates for positions in world could claim that they were sales on Thurs., Nov. 16, at the attacked and must therefore de- Bureau of Appointments. There fend themselves against the 'capi- are also openings for female sec- talistic warmongers'". From what retaries. I read about the Communist in- The International Business Ma- terpretation of the start of the Ko- chines Company of Endicott & rean war, they don't need any Binghamton, N.Y., will interview such excuse, to claim aggression at the Bureau on Friday, Nov. 17! on the part of their enemy. They for mechanical, and electrical en- openly informed the world that gineers, and physicists on the B.S., the South Koreans attacked first, M.S., and Ph.D. levels for positions while we have reason to belive in research, development and pro- not only that the North Koreans duetion engineering. were the aggressors, but that this For further information and question was of little import, since appointments for interviews for the North Koreans appeared to be any of the above companies call sufficiently convinced already that the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. they must go to war. 371. tics: Thurs., Nov. 16, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engineering Bldg. Dr. Daniel Resch will speak on "Transforma- tions of the Equations of Compres- sible Flow." Orientation Seminar in Mathe- matics: Meeting, Thurs., Nov. 16, 4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Rid- dle will speak on "Hausdorff Para- dox." Set Theory Seminar: Wed., Nov. 15, 3201 Angell Hall, 3 p.m. Mr. J. R. Shoenfield will speak on "The Operation A." Concerts Carillon Recital. The final pro- gram in the current series of re- citals by Percival Price, Univer- sity Carillonneur, will be played at 7:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 16. Pro- gram: Andante from the "Sur- prise Symphony" by Haydn, three piano selections by Borodin, Scri- abine and Franck; Air for Carillon by Professor Price, five spirituals, and Rosenkavalier Waltzes by Richard Strauss. University of Michigan Choir, Maynard Klein, Conductor, will be heard at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 16, Hill Auditorium. Program: Compositions by Claudin de Sed- misy, Delius, Brahms, Schutz, Bach and Haydn, with Rose Mar- ie Jun, Soprano, Charles Ste- phenson, Tenor, and Jack Wilcox, Bass, appearing as soloists. The public is invited. Exhibitions Architecture Building, first floor exhibition corridor. Extension of Richard Wilt's exhibit; through Nov. 18. Events Today Westminister Guild: Tea and Talk, 4-6:30' p.m., third floor par- lor, First Presbyterian Church. Wesley . Foundation: Do -Drop- In, 4 p.m. in the Lounge. Canterbury Club: 7:15 p.m., Sc- hola Cantorum Rehearsal. Roger Williams Guild: Tea 'N Talk at Guild House, 4:30-6 p'm. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Bible Study, Lane Hall (Fireside Room) 7.30 p.m. Top c: Romans chr pte- seven. Craft Group: Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m. All interested students wel- clie. IT structions and materials avai'atl Congregational, Disciple, Evin- gelical and Reformed Guild: Sup- per Discussion, 5:30 p.m. Guild House. Research Club: Meeting, Rack- ham Amphitheater. Papers: "De- mocracy and Defensive Alliances: an Unselved Problem," by Mar- shail M. Knappen, Professor of Po- litical Science. "Research and Re- search Training in the Center for Japanese Studies in Ann Arbor and Okayama;" by Robert B. Hall, Pro- (Continued on Page 5) i 4 ,, 1 1 SfOR THE capacity audience which heard Myra Hess in Hill auditorium last night, a written review is entirely superfluous; what she said in music cannot possibly be added to, or adequately commented upon, in words. The following paragraphs, there- fore, are submitted for the consideration of those who missed this unique and profound- ly moving musical experience. It was an experience which proves indubi- tibly, I believe, that art and life are insepar- able. Dame Hess played with the pianism of a great musician, but more than that with the insight and understanding of a great woman. Her playing is womanly in the truest and best sense-it touches at the heart of life, with a marvelous blend of power and profoundity on one hand, and exquisite sweetness and simplicity on the other. Of the many great Beethoven sonatas, she chose, in Opera 57, 109 and 110, three - the very finest, works as commanding and richly expressive as any he wrote. Dame Hess takes much of the pounding strife out of Beethoven, but leaves the heart; she feminizes it, making it more tender, warm and human than any I have heard, and paradoxically this lends it not only added beauty but greater strength as well. In her hands Beethoven is not all Your last point is that: "If war is inevitable ... this is not the best time for the United States to fight it," because "time is on our side." I am not . a military expert, so I can't weigh the value of time to us against the value of time to the but I have heard that 'the Com- munists would be wise to overrun Europe .soon, before we can pre- pare adequate defenses. Wouldn't one way to avoid this tragedy be to adopt a firm policy now toward the Chinese Communists, in place of appeasements to stall for time? Your closing sentence: "If there is one shred of hope that war can be prevented 'and we do not bend every effort to achieve it, history may well.list us as fools," calls for a last remark. Certainly there's hope that war can be prevented, but we must ask ourselves whether history will list us as greater fools if we go to war, or if we all turn Communist. -Eugenia Wells * * * Coaching... To the Editor: I SEE by yesterday's Daily that we have another "grandstand" coach on campus. I often wonder why certain in- dividuals are convinced they pos- sess more football "know-how" than the Michigan coaches. Personally, I'll string along with the present coaching staff. I'd never go to a lawyer if I had .a toothache. -B. S. Brown j Lectures University Museums Lecture. "Demons and Angels of- the Plant World" (illustrated). Dr. Alexan- der H. Smith, Professor of Bo- tany .and Botanist in the Univer- sity Herbarium. 8:15 p.m., Wed., Nov. 15, Rackham Amphitheatre. University Lecture, auspices of the Institute of Public Administra- tion, "ECA's Role in the Defense of the Free World," Mr. Donald C. Stone, Director of Administration, Economic Cooperation Adminis- tration -and President of the Am- r Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students- of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. erican Society for Public Admin- Editorial Staff istration. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. Jim Brown..........Managing Editor 16, Rckha Ampithetre. Paul Brentlinger...........City Editor 16, Rackham Amphitheatre. Roma Lipsky..........Editorial Director Dave Thomas..,,,... ..Feature Editor Janet Watts...........Associate Editor Academic Notices James are :: :Associaate Editor Bill Connolly..............Sports Editor Botanical Seminar: Wed., Nov. Bob Sandell.....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton..Associate Sports Editor 15, 4 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Barbara Jans............Women's Editor Bldg. T. W. Johnson will speak on, Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor A Synopsis of the Genus Achlya. Business Staff All those interested are invited. * ~uu ~41~1~....fUBLI1MS vtsa1n5e Chemistry Colloquium: 4:15 p.- m., Wed., Nov. 15, 1400 Chemistry Bldg. Speaker: Prof. L. O. Case. "Some Recent Applications of the Phase Rule." Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Wed., Nov.- 15, 4 p.m., 101 W. En- gineering Bldg. Mr. Bobrowsky will speak on "Elementary Pile Theory II." Seminar in Applied Mathema- Bob Daniels...........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible....Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager Carl Breltkreitz.... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail, $7.00. 4. BARNABY Of course this goose lays Golden Eggs! Why is yourj father such a skeptic?- J A\ Pop says we're going to EAT the goose on Thanksgiving- [Nonsense. These days r J, By cutting a slit in the spare mattress in your attic, I was able to obtain a supply of this special nesting material- Gosh, what's tha, Mr. O'Malley? A nest egg, m'boy- I Ii i