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November 14, 1950 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-14

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Bierman Ends Eigh teen-
Bradford's Spark Ignites
Dormant 'M' Offensive .i

ear ule atlllinnesota

Gopher's'Grey Fox' Asks Tribe's Pilot
To Resign at Season's End Gains Releas


Decision Follows Prolonged Losing Streak;
No Successor Named for Ski-U-Mah Post
0 -----

By TED PAPES be attributed to the king-size holes
If he never has another, little which opened through the Hoos-
Wes Bradford has had his day. iers' right side. From the blocking
His grandchildren can gather standpoint it should also be noted
'round and listen to the tale of that Bradford himself was ex-
how he electrified a previously tremely effective at right half.
blunted Michigan offense, trans-
forming it into a versatile ground LEO KOCESKI, the injured sen
force and enabling his team to .or wingback, ran through his
keep its flickering Rose Bowl ir smge sin the Army
hopes alive. first scrimmage since the Army
;X game yesterday and may be ready
OF COURSE his coaches have at last when Michigan meets
nointenton of letting hatuday Northwestern here this weekend.

performance end the Bradford
They are looking forward to
bigger and better things from
the midget wingback who came
out of obscurity to solve the in-
jury jinx which had gripped his
The victory over Indiana was a
badly needed morale boost for
I-M Finalists Vie
Championships in each of the
four divisions of Intra-Mural
touch football will be decided
under the lights on Wines Field
tonight beginning at 5:15 p.m.
the Wolverines. It was a team
conquest in every respect, the line
doing its best job of the season.
Much of Bradford's success can.
- Collegiate styles to please -

He worked considerably on de-
fense and will probably see most
of his action there.
Coach Ben Oosterbaan's injury
dilemma finally took a ridiculous
turn after the game last Saturday..
His assistant, J. T. White, had
turned in his first scouting as-
signment in covering previous In-
diana contests. The team had
agreed to toss White into the
showers ,after the game if Mich-1
igan won.
* * *
IN THE process Pete Kinyon
injured his shoulder. The mishap
was not serious, however, and he
will be ready for the Wildcats.
In the Wolverine front line,
which finally became prominent
after seven games, the fact has
been generally overlooked that
Carl Kreager has earned for him-
self the full time offensive center
Kreager moved up when John
Padgen was injured in the early
season and has held on tenacious-
The team observed its usual
Monday procedure yesterday. Mo-
vies of the Indiana clash were re-
viewed and plans for Northwest-
ern outlined.
The 'Cats have split four Big
Ten tilts.

ON AGAIN-That was the story insofar as the Michigan offense was concerned in Saturday's game
with Indiana University. In the above photo tailback Charley Ortmann is shown biting off yards as
Don Dufek applies an effective block.
Kramer's 'Big Game'Tops Pro Net Bill

haired, taciturn Bernie Bierman
yesterday asked to be relieved of
his football.coaching duties at the
University of Minnesota, thus end-
ing an 18-year career that includ-
ed the brightest era of Gopher
He will stay until the end off
the year.
* * * .
HIS REQUEST.came in the mid-
dle of the poorest season ever en-
dured by a Bierman-coached team.
The Gophers haven't won a game
this year, losing six and playing a
7-7 tie with Michigan. They have
lost to Washington, Nebraska,t
Northwestern, Ohio State, Iowa1
and Michigan State in that order.
Bierman took over as head
coach at Minnesota in 1932, suc-
ceeding Fritz Crisler who moved
to Princeton and later to Michi-
gan as head coach. Crisler now
is Wolverine athletic director.
In the years that followed, Bier-
man's teams achieved the top posi-
tion among th nation's squads five
times and captured the western
conference championship six
times. They have enjoyed five un-
defeated years during which they
put together two undefeated
strings of respectable duration-
one of 21 victories from 1933 to
1936 and the other of 17 games in
1939 to 1941.
Bierman's formal statement,
handed out at an early-morning
conference, said in his usual word-
thrifty style "I have reque'sted that
I be relieved of the fotball coach-
ing duties at the end of the year."
HE ADDED that the poor show-
ing of this year's team had nothing
to do with his decision and that
he had no offers to other jobs
under consideration.
Speculation that started nn-

mediately after the announce-
ment took two courses. One con-
cerned a possibe successor and
the other was whether Bierman
would remain at Minnesota in
some other capacity.
A professor of physical educa-
tion, he could remain on the
faculty. As football coach he has
been receiving $13,500 annually.
Director of Athletics Ike Arm-
strong said in his statement that
"We hope that he will remain with
the university in another capa-
As to a successor, persons close
to the athletic department indi-
cated there was no one particuler
person being considered yet.

CLEVELAND -(A)- Lou Bou-
dreau, deposed manager of the
Cleveland Indians, is going to be
given his unconditional release-
at his own request.
The baseball club's president, El-
lis Ryan, made this announcement
last night. It means, he said, that
Boudreau will be a free agent "in
a little over a week from now."
Although he was fired as man-
ager, Lou still was the property
of the Indians. Ryan said- at the
time the club was trying to ar-
range a Major League manager
job for Boudreau-or get him a
play job.
"But as we've said from the
start, we are anxious to cooperate
with Lou Boudreau 100 per cent in
doing-what he considers best for
him. He has requested his uncon-
ditional release so he shall have it."


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The- guy with tennis's "big
game" will be blasting the ball
across the net Thursday night at
Yost Fieldhouse as Bobby Riggs'
professional tour comes to town.
The guy is Jack Kramer, and
that style of play has made him
the kingpin in the toughest of
tennis circuits, the night-after-
night, play-for-pay business.
KRAMER, who liquidated all
opposition in amateur ranks-he
was National Singles champ in
1946 and '47-is out to prove that
he's Mr. Big among the pros, and
so far has provided pretty substan-
tial evidence.
In his cross-country tour
against Bobby Riggs in 1948-49
he overcame an early lead by
the old master and wound up
with a large margin of victories.
Last year, a new and challenging
star faced big Jake in Riggs' first
attempt at the touring pro busi-
ness. Roaring out of the amateur
ranks after winning the National
Singles title two years in a row,

Richard (Pancho) Gonzales came
up to the professional game to
test his blistering forehand, bril-
liant overhead game, and explod-
ing service against the peerless
The reason Pancho isn't with the
tour this year is simple. Kramer
blasted him right off the court,
winning 93 out of 121 matches.
- *
BIG JAKE is a tireless perfec-
tionist, with almost as great a
serve as Gonzales, and a steady,
Net Sales Brisk
Tickets for Thursday's pro-
fessional tennis exhibition are
on sale at the Athletic Admini-
stration Building and on cam-
pus. Present sales are brisk, and
students are urged. to purchase
them early. The match is sche-
duled to begin at 7:30 p.m.
hard-hitting all-around game. The
avid tennis fans say that the only
thing to equal Kramer's forehand
is Kramer's backhand.
His motto on the court is
"press, press, press." It isn't in
his makeup to play a defensive
game, though he's probably fast
enough to beat two-thirds of the
present amateur crop with that
type of play.
The only way to play Kramer is
the way Riggs unsuccessfully tried
to topple him from tennis pre-
Crisler Rates
CHICAGO -()- The present
Army team is better than the ones
of the Blanchard-Davis era.
This football pronouncement
came out of the Herald-American
Quarterback meeting yesterday.
The paean of praise for' the pre-
sent Army team came from ath-
letic director Fritz Crisler of Mich-
gan, which bowed to the Cadets
in a stirring battle at New York
this season.

eminence. A tireless retriever
with amazingly accurate ground
strokes, Riggs relied on his speed
and experience to turn the tide.
But it wasn't enough.
Bobbin' Bobby found that his
age and the devastating power of
Kramer's "big game" were too
much to his detriment over the
gruelling exhibition stretch.
S* *
RIGGS, NOW on the promoting
end, thinks he's found the man
with the right type of game and
the right type of speed to give
Kramer a neck-and-neck battle
this season.
He's Pancho Segura, a bandy-
legged Ecuadorian with an un-
orthodox technique and an
amazing facility for returning
unreturnable shots.
Pancho beat big Jake last year at
the National Pro Tourney. He
claims that proves he's the best
in the professional game. In the
process of their current tour,
Kramer may disprove that state-

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