WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' -1THEl MICI1V11I LAN DATT... , . . i. . TAKE YOUR CHOICE: Twenty-two WAA Clubs Furnish Fun, Frolic Sports Include Archery, Badminton, Fencing Goofy About Golfing WAA Strives for Fun, Fitness; Sponsors Lantern Night, Dance Executive Board Assists in Coordinating Clubs, Tournaments, Participation Award Twenty-two sport clubs offer fun and recreation to coeds under the auspices of the Women's Ath- letic Association. These clubs cover nearly every phase of activity from dancing to field hockey and swimming to ice skating. For the woman who likes all kinds of outdoor activity. the WAA has the Outing Club. If the coed prefers clubs in which there are men participants, her choice may be a co-recreation club. The WAA urges interested stu- dents to come to all clubs which interest them and find out what they are all about. A student who decides that she would rather par- ticipate in another sport, may feel free to drop one club and join an- other, providing it is not too late and also with the knowledge that she forfeits her participation points earned from the former club membership. Among the other clubs are: ARCHERY - Beginning and advanced shooters may enroll in the club. Members practice shoot- ing indoors and out depending on the weather. They must provide themselves only with arrows. The club participates in national in- tercollegiate telegraphic meets and regular meets with nearby Fashion Show .i 6 i schools. Shooting parties are also conducted for club members. * *, * BADMINTON - Anyone may join regardless of experience and ability. There will be instruction. The members play on the ten- nis courts near the Women's Ath- letic Building. The club members stage a tournament within the club. The club will organize in late November. * * * BALLET - Beginning and more advanced dancers will receive in- oed Dancers Plan Festival In Sprin 'Term struction in bar technique, soft shoe, toe, and dance composition. The club will work on a program to be given in the spring and ar- rangements have been made for club members to see professional dancing productions. BOWLING - The basement of the Women's Athletic Building is equipped with four alleys on which members of the bowling team may bowl in team and individual club tournaments. Beginners are given instruction before the season be- gins. * * * COUNSELING - Women who are interested in counseling or have already been counselors can join this club. The program in- cludes practical experience in var- ious phases of camp work such as campfires, cookouts, hikes, handicraft, songs, program plan- ning, and camping ideals. It should SJet Sept. 18 "Mother, Mother, what shall I Wear tonight?" In an attempt to partially an- swer such quandries, the Women's Athletic Association will present a style show for freshmen women Monday, Sept. 18, at Rackham Amphitheatre. At this time the executive board of the WAA and the club managers will be introduced. The board will model clothes for a typical Michi- gan weekend and also appropriate toggery for participation in the various sport activities offered by the WAA. Freshmen women attending the show will have an opportunity to talk with the club managers about the activities and they may sign up for club membership at this time. Members of the Modern Dance prepare a new girl Club are looking forward to a camping work and g great deal of success during this and experience to thi coming school year. counselor. Work on various techniques and on a dance program will be FENCINP - Begi launched shortly after the organ- perienced fencers are izational meeting. Everyone in- struction will be off terested in doing or learning about advanced members modern dance is welcome. bouting. The club s] The club affords women an op- onstrations by fenci portunity to learn more about .FEDHCE modern dance than just that it isFIEtoal Hegrdes "what people like Martha Gra- opentoalrgdes ham do." It also provides instruc- members meet on al tion and practice. at first spend most Plans are being made for a the season, organize dance program similar to the one compete against each given at the Dance Festival during will be planned withc the spring semester. The Festi- Equipment is furni val, sponsored by the Inter-Arts WAA, but members r Union, presented original danceswAAfbthember by the Modern Dance and Ballet own if they prefer. Clubs on Friday night, a program MC FH M by a professional group on Satur- MICHIFISH - M day evening, and an exhibit, lec- open to all those wh ture and movie on Modern Dance can perform satisfaci during the week. sic strokes of swim) The Modern Dance Club selec- other requirements tions, with choreography done by ability to do the st club members, were performed to dive and the backt different mediums such as silence, club practices ever music and poetry. The music for morning for an houri one number, "And Higher" by Ed- Pool. Several exhibit ward Chudacoff and the poem on throughout the y "The Old City" by William Trous- These are a fewc dale, were written by students. clubs which every co Thus, this sort of program lends In nearly every club opportunity not only to those in- is provided. The am terested in dancing and choreo- varies depending on graphy, but to those who wish to dual needs of the clu create new mediums to be express- rage membership of ed by the dance. approximately thirty. nners and ex- welcome. In- ered and the will begin ponsors dem- ng classes. - The club is of skill. The mer Field and of their time the middle of d teams will other. Games other schools. shed by the may use their * .embership is ho know and .orily the ba- Ming. A few include the anding front dolphin. The ry Saturday in the Union ions are put year. of the WAA ed may join. b instruction ount of dues the indivi- ub. The ave- the clubs is for summer ive new ideas he older camp FORE!!!!!-Potential feminine counterparts of golfdom's Bobby Jones, tee up on Palmer Field. The popularity of golf classes no doubt stems from the fact that the sport is enjoyed by persons of nearly all ages. Enthusiasts have a practice green near the Wo- men's Athletic Building. THEIR ABODES: Varied[RoomingQuarters Available for University Coeds Choosing a place to live at the University is a puzzling job at best. A coed may select a dormitory, League House, co-operative house or private home. After her fresh- man year she may wish to live in a sorority house. The dormitories for women, operated by the University and directly supervised by the Dean of Women, range in size from houses accommodating 15 wo- men to the large dormitories where more, than 500 coeds dwell. Betsy Barbour House and He- len Newberry Residence stand side by side on State St. opposite Angell Hall. The four-story houses hold 100 undergraduates each. * * * STOCKWELL HALL, erected in 1940 to accommodate 500 coeds, is several blocks from the main campus on the corner of N. Uni- versity Ave. and Observatory St. Mosher-Jordan Halls, while in one building comprise two separate units. 500 students live in these two halls on Observa- tory St. Newest of the dormitories is Alice Lloyd Hall, which consists of four units - Kleinsteuck, Pal- mer, Hinsdale, and Angell Houses. It is also on Observatory St. MARTHA COOK Building is an honor house for upperclass wo- men. It's capacity is 132. League Houses take their name from the Women's League. They are small, supervised residences which are privately owned and managed. "Fun and fitness' is the aim of the Women's Athletic Association which guides 22 sports clubs and sponsors Lantern Night, the Ten- nis Ball, and interhouse tourna- ments throughout the year. Under the leadership of Mari- lyn Thisted, the WAA is open to all women on campus and offers students the opportunity to spend leisure hours participating in ar- chery, tennis, badminton, baseball, hockey, softball, ping pong, danc- ing, riding, fencing, and ice-skat- ing. AN EXECUTIVE BOARD assists the president. Members of this board include: the National Con- vention chairman, Mary Lou Hook; vice-presidents, Eleanor Doersam and Judy Johannsen; secretary, Barbara Hansen; and treasurer, Barbara Simmons. Others a r e: co-recreation chairman, Barbara Molyneaux; AFCW representative, Nancy Somers; participation manager, Mary Peterson.; sorority mana- ger, Shila McComb; dormitory manager, Marjorie Ingram; lea- gue house manager, Sue Rose; public relations, Jean Knibbe; and Daily publicity, Pat Smith. The year's program includes three intramural tournaments. Each residence house may enter as many teams as can be organized in the volleyballbasketball, and softball tournaments. There are also various individual tourna- ments in which women may parti- cipate. * * * IN THE SPRING the house with the highest participation in ath- letics will be awarded the Parti- cipation Cup. Scores are based on the percentage of individual and team sport participation for each house and on the success. which teams and individuals have had in intramural competition. This c u p is traditionally awarded at Lantern Night, held in May. The Lantern Night festivities are highlighted by the annual singing contest between various women's residence houses. Twenty-f our choruses participated in the Lantern; Night eliminations this past year. Another project of the WAA is to co-sponsor the Tennis Ball. A committee made up of interested members of the WAA and the Michigan Men's Union plan and sponsor this dance. It is held every other spring on the tennis courts under the starry sky. The various clubs and their managers are: archery, Barbara Hart; badminton, Mona Pick; ballet, Doris Marsh; basketball, Lois Middleton; bowling, Barbara Krause;. camp counselors, Nancy Fitch; fencing, Betty Comstock; golf, Abby Funk; and field hockey, Barbara Keim. The list concludes with: ice- skating, Carole Somer; lacrosse, Dorothy Warmeling; Michifish (swimming), Janet Dewey; offi- cials and coaches, Barbara Riley; outing, Marilyn Groos; riding, Pat Gullberg; rifle, Gratia Whitworth; speedball, Barbara Buschman; softball, Diana Lahde; and ten- nis, Pam Price. Riders Learn Horsemanship The Riding Club is one of the newer organizations of the WAA. It was established for the pur- pose of giving women students the opportunity to improve old skills and acquire new ones in horsemanship. The club aims to make every member thoroughly at home on a horse, and able to handle any horse in the stall. " Club activities include instruc- tion for beginning and advanced riders, broom polo, square danc- ing on horseback, and drill riding. Each spring club members pre- sent a horse show or rodeo to ex- hibit the various techniques Golf Clubbers Mleet Nearby School Teams Any coed who wishes to begin or continue her golfing will find the WAA Golf Club the activity for her. Says the manager, Abby Funk: "Just know which end of the club is which and you're in!" Member- ship is open to beginners, inter- mediates and advanced players. Each group is given separate in- struction by the club professional, Mrs. Hanely. Purpose of the club is to ad- vance golf among women. Through membership one tries to improve her game by practicing during the time provided. A campus-wide women's golf team is formed from the club. Eligibility for this honor is de- termined by the five lowest scores turned in to Mrs. Hanely. Mem- bers of this team can play on the University Golf Course at any time free of charge. The team plays the coed teams of Ypsilanti and Michigan State annually. Speedball-Soccer A soccer club was organized for the first time last year by the WAA. The baby of the sport's clubs was significant in that it follow- ed the trend toward increasing interest on the part of colleges and universities in giving soccer a permanent place in their ntra- mural and inter-collegiate pro- grams. This year's club will be a com- bined Speedball-Soccer organiza- tion. Try FOLLETT'S First USED BOOKS at BARGAIN PRICES L V jjj r 'V j^ Mr T4.., (3 DIAL '6 1322*S.STATE .-- I a I- i .- 1 f -- ,: _ - _ YM V - h r .. s ~"'_--z t t , " L:. = =- t l _ - \ 0 IF 'I -4 '( /f1 Be sure to visit our bright-new, color-splashed Campus Shop! We've "crammed" to give you smart-in-school fashions in coats, suits, skirts, sweaters ... ad infinitum! Tote your list - we'll fill all your needs, and at purse-pleasing prices, too! ENTERS ITS SIXTY-FIRST YEAR OF CONTINUOUS PUBLICATION CAMPUS NEWS AND FEATURE STORIES ASSOCIATED PRESS WORLD NEWS COVERAGE SYNDICATED COLUMNISTS SPORTS NEWS,... SOCIAL CALENDAR... BARNABY THE UNIVERSITY'S DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ... which contains notices released by the University concerning class and schedule changes, forthcoming events, and other items of "must" reading for all students. The University holds every student responsible for knowing what appears in the Daily Official Bulletin. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $6.00 ... the School Year $3.50. .. the Semester ..>.. 'ZiA 41L I Amfw~rra .ma iI