I THE NEW CONGRESS See Page 4 YI Latest Deadline in the State DAitp 4" d G i WIND' WITH SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXI, No. 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1950 SIX PAGES r S Ank * * * * * * * * Strike Ties Up Long Distance Lines * Police Most Intra- City Service Not Affected Over 200 Walk Out In Ann Arbor By The Associated Press Telephone workers struck from coast to coast yesterday in a work stoppage which hampered long distance service in every city in-r cluding Ann Arbor. In two separate wage disputes, some 17,000 Western Electric Co.- equipment workers walked out across the nation and 16,000 Michigan Bell workers struck See PICTURE, Page 6 throughout the state. All 33,000 strikers are members of the CIO Communications W o r k e r s of America and are seeking pay in- creases. * * * * * 0 Start Campus Inquiry 4 * * * THE long-threatened walkout did not cut into most dial and oth- er intra-city service. And urgent long-distance calls went through. In Ann Arbor about 225 Mich- igan Bell employes went on strike at 6 a.m. The dispute took 110 workers off their jobs in Ypsilanti. Small picket lines were immediately formed before the firm's office buildings in both cities. All attempts to make long dis- tance calls or calls either to Ypsi- lanti or Plymouth were met with a tape recording which said: "If you have an emergency call, please dial 115." LOCAL switchboards have been able to handle all emergency calls to date, according to W. K. Pryor, Ann Arbor district commercial su- pervisor. And- throughout the state the company said it was able to com- plete most calls on the walkout's first day. It was openly appre- hensive, however, about service if the strike continues. Supervisory help was pinch-hit- ting for the strikers. IN THE national strike, "close to 85 per cent" of the normal oper- ating force was on the job, offi- cials said. The 16,009 striking employes of Western Electric Co. left work after the union rejected a com- pany offer to increase wages 10 to 11% cents an hour. Western Electric is a subsidiary of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. THE UNION announced it was seeking a "substantial boost." Pre- sent wages are reported to average $1.55 to $1.62 an hour. Union representatives in the Michigan strike were also seeking a "substantial" but unspecified pay increase. Federal and state mediators met yesterday with company and un- ion representatives in both strikes. Patel Calls For War Readiness NEW DELHI, India-(P)-A call to the Indian people to be pre- pared to meet any challenge of foreign aggression along the nor- thern frontier was sounded yes- terday by Deputy Prime Minister Sardar Vallabhhai Patel. He said in a public speech that -Daily-Davis Crippen POOL CARDS-Two campus "organizations" distribute cards such as these each weekend-one a pale yellow and the other a blue-green-to students interested in betting on the major football games of the week. Bettors may choose their own teams and get as much as 125 to 1 return on their invectment. L* ocl* ' * * e - Reveal Local Bookie Set-up Move Taken After Story On Gambling Crippen Receives Anonymous Call Ann Arbor police and the coun- ty prosecutor's office began a joint investigation of campus football pools yesterday. Their actiOn followed publica- tion in yesterday's Daily of an article which charged that the pools, run by students, were flour- ishing unchecked on the campus. S* B ASSISTANT County Prosecutor Edward Devine and Sergeant Wal- ter Krasny of the Ann Arbor Po- lice conferred for an hour yester- day afternoon with Davis Crippen, Daily reporter, who wrote the story. Earlier in the day, Crippen had been the target of an anonymous warning. Calling on the phone, a person who would only identify himself as 'a friend" advised the reporter to "lay off." But the threat didn't seem to bother Crippen. "It just sounds like the guy has been going to too many B pictures," he declared. YESTERDAY'S article charged that two different pools, run lo- cally by students but backed by national syndicates, were operat- ing on the campus. It went on to say that the take of the pools was $1,500 to $2,000. The story declared that the two cards probably come from St. Louis and Chicago. Before yesterday's action, the local authorities had apparently been unaware of the situation. Asked about the gambling be- fore the article's publication, Capt. Albert Heisel of the police de- partment had said, "We don'ti know anything about it." Chinese Reds Pour Across Korea Border SEOUL, Korea -(P)- A Mac- Arthur briefing officer yesterday said large numbers of Chinese from Manchuria were pouring across the frontier into North Ko- rea but patrols today still made no contact with the enemy. An estimated 60,000 Chinese Communists troops had joined the 60,000 North Korean Reds still op- posing the U.N. troops in the frigid mountainous northern part of the Korean peninsula. A U.S. Eighth Army spokesman has estimated that behind this striking force is an estimated 300,- 000 Chinese frontline troops along the frontier in Manchuria. Navy planes in one of their biggest strikes of the war Thurs- day pounded Yalu River points. They struck at bridges across which troops and supplies were streaming from Communist Man- churia. ALL DAY other Allied planes sought out enemy positions and bombed and strafed them.,.But the Chinese Reds, who learned stealthy night travl when they were a small force battling the airforce- backed Chinese Nationalists, are masters of concealment. Neither v~ni,"lc ~nrr~l nn. n'"A4t i Local and state stores jumped the gun yesterday on the sale of colored oleomargarine. Despite a warning' from the State Agriculture Department that selling yellow oleo is still illegal, reports have come from all over the state of brisk, illegal sales in both retail and wholesale outlets. ALTHOUGH Michigan voters overwhelmingly approved such sales in Tuesday's elections, Clif- ford H. Bracy, Assistant Chief of the Agriculture Department's Bu- U.S. Asks, Switch In UN Agenda LAKE SUCCESS - (P) - The United States, Britain and France last night asked the Security Council to put the Chinese Com- munist crisis in North Korea ahead of all other business today and completed a resolution demanding that Red China withdraw its thou- sands of troops from Korea. The United States formally call- ed for the Security Council to take up the American complaint against the Chinese Communists at 2 p.m. today instead of dealing with the Palestine case as scheduled. The Council issued an invitation Wednesday but several delegations served notice they would not post-, pone all action until the Commu- nists arrived. --Daly-Tom Seyferth CAUGHT IN THE ACT-Smiling employes of a local grocery market rejoice as colored oleomargarine goes on sale. They are apparently unaware of the State Agriculture Department's ruling yesterday that the sale of yellow oleo is still illegal. Stores Sell Yellow Oleo, However Sale Still Illegal reau of Marketing and En- forcement yesterday ordered food agents to seize any colored oleo placed on the'market. Bracy explained that the yel- low product cannot be sold leg- ally until 10 days after the State Board of Canvassers has met and certified election results-- between 20 and 30 days after the voting. The ruling was contrary. to the Agriculture Department's move Wednesday which gave merchants the go-ahead on colored oleo sales. IN ANN ARBOR, retail dealers were selling the new oleo from 29 cents a pound up to 39 cents, top price of the uncolored oleo. Some special sales were advertised as offering the colored. product at two pounds for 59 cents. One local merchant said he had been informed by a local repre- sentative of the Department not to stop sales until further notice. 'U' To Review PsiU. Violation The University disciplinary com- mittee will decide Monday on Psi Upsilon fraternity's alleged viola- tion of the drinking ban, Dean of Students Erich Walter said yes- terday. Psi Upsilon officers appeared be- fore the committee yesterday to hear the charges and discuss the case. Campus police raided the house the night of Nov. 3 and reportedly found a beer party in progress. Witnesses said Assistant Dean Walter Rea was with the police. Detroit Area Discrepancy Discovered Race Closest in History of State DETROIT-(P)-Harry F. Kelly maintained the slimmest of leads last night in his bid to return as Michigan's Governor, but official vote counting continued to turn up errors. Forty-eight hours after the elec- tion polls closed, the outcome re- maimed uncertain and tension was high in both Democratic and Re- publican camps. A BIG BLUNDER in counting Detroit votes and smaller errors in outstate precincts added more than 3,000 votes to the Willians column yesterday. At the latest count, the Re- publican ex-Governor's lead over Democratic Gov. G. Mennen Williams was 2,364 votes. The tally' showed: Kelly, 833,860; Williams, 931,496. (These incomplete totals were considered most accurate by the Associated Press as tabulation continued early this morning. The United Press reported Kelly's mar- gin has been chopped down to 655 votes.) * * * TABULATION was continued last night on votes in portions of Wayne County not within the De- troit city limits. In Lansing, the GOP hurried- iy called a strategy conference between State Treasure D. Hale Brake, Secretary of State Fred M. Alger, Jr., Sen. John B. Mar- tin, Jr., Auditor Genral, elect, and elder statesman Vernon J Brown of Mason. They reported that Republican state chairman Owen J. Cleary had hired attorneys Ben Burdick, Fred Kaes and Walter Granse to represent the GOP and instructed them to watch the Detroit canvas- sers carefully. A REPORTER asked Brake whether he thought the Demo- crats were trying to "swipe" the election. "All I can say," he replied, "is that I just can't believe that they would forget to count 8,000 straight ballots in 2 precincts. A five-year-old kid would do better than that." Williams, who has had no statement all day, has not said he will ask a new count. But he has declined to concede defeat until the official canvass is an- nounced.' New Record Established In Off-Year Vote WASHINGTON-(P)-The total popular vote in Tuesday's elections, though incomplete in most -states has reached a record for a non- presidential year of 40,727,548. Republicans outvoted the Demo- crats 21,049,778 to 18,684,129 in the aggregate. The vote for other parties-most states have not counted these yet-was 598,118. This makes a grand total of 40,- 332,025 for all parties. But the vote in Georgia on a constitutioinal amendment exceeded the party figure by 135,546, bringing the to- tal'incomplete popular vote to 40,- 72'7,548. The previous record for an off- year election was 37,304,380 in 1938. It was 35,874,568 in 1946 and l30,024,927 in 1942. Grad Rites to Be Hield Today Funeral services will be held to- day for Chi-yu Lin, Grad., who was found dead Wednesday night in her room at 821 E. University. Edw~Iil in .Can'7hon Ann Arbor By DAVIS CRIPPEN (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the second of a series of interpretative articles dealing with student-run football pools here on campus.) Michigan will win this week. At least that's the word on both the football pool cards circulated around campus. One card favors the Wolverines by seven points while the other gives the team a. bulge of 10 points. But whichever team does win, it's pretty certain that the baby bookies running the pools on cam- pus and the national gamblers back of them will not do badly either. THEY'LL GO ON-unless inter- rupted by the police-following the same routine as they have since the season started. This is the way it probably works. It starts on Sunday morning in some unknown midwestern city. The gambling bigwigs sit down with the mornig papers in front of them and pore over the results of the previous day's games. Then they decide what the odds on the following week's games should be. These statistics are rushed to a printer's, where the mat for the pool cards has already been set up, awaiting only the final odds be- fore it goes to press. Late Sunday the printing of the cards is finished and they start their trip by Rail- way Express or plane to points all over the middle west-including this campus. BY TUESDAY evening they are ladder, the agents who distribute the cards in their own houses, get 15 or 20 per cent. Occasionally they also get 10-per cent of all the win- nings in their houses, though this is by no means uniform. THE MEN at the top get some- where around 10 per cent of the total take. Just who covers the losses is not sure. It is thought that the top campus operators at least] must take part of the brunt of a bad weekend. Basically the two rival pool cards are very much the same. One usually has 30 games, the other 20; their payoff odds differ slight- ly as do their point handicaps; one is colored a sickly yellow, the other blue-green, but their rules are nearly identical. THE BETTOR must place at least $.50 and pick' at least three games. With certain exceptions to be discussed later, he must win on all choices. If he wins on three games he gets $2.50 for a $.50 bet, or five to one. He can bet on as many as 10 games. If he wins all 10 he gets paid off at 100 to one or 125 to one on his bet depending on the card. The cards even have a special bonus arrangement for the bettor who guesses 10 games. One of the cards pays off at 20 to one, if only nine out of 10 games are picked correctly. The other under the same conditions pays off at 15 to one. The first card even carries its generosity one step further. For those who pick seven games cor- rectly with the other three ending in ties, they pay off just as if they'd picked all the contests right. Ties at other times lose. BOTH CARDS are alike in an- other respect. Lest anyone get the right idea about them, both carry notices to the effect that they are not to be used in gambling. Or as the yellow card puts it: "This card is not to be used in violation of any laws Qr any in- ducement or a solicitation for any wagers. To be used as a business stimulator only." (Tomorrow-An interview with a reformed baby bookie.) Staebler Says Williams Will Ask for Recount = World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President Truman today faced a big decision -whether to compromise or fight it out with a new, 82nd Congress hostile to much of his program. Resting on a cruise in Cheapeake Bay, Mr. Truman gave no in- dication what line he would take. Neil Staebler of Ann Arbor, State Democratic' Chairman, as- serted late late night, after re- turning from a conference with party leaders in Lansing, that there definitely will be a recount of Tuesday's election ballots. The party had been set on this since Tuesday, Staebler declared. "Last night we were discussing the ways and means of going about it," he said. The state election laws require that members of the election board be of both parties in as equal numhers as nsshl.ha hexbla1ined. Wayne Counties. The county-Board of Canvassers then sends its to- tals to the State Board of Canvas- sers, which assembles the final state totals. If the losing candidate is to re- quest a recount, he must do so within 48 hours after the state Board of Canvassers has certified the results, and put up five dol- lars for each precinct in which he desires 'a recount, Staebler . ex- plained. However, if error or fraud