ft I. PAGE EIGHT THlE MTCITT(AN it'ATT.V TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1950 1iiR:l lf.ii V111 V2'ilt 111'91111 1 CRAZY POLITICS: Democrats Run Mental Patient for Public Office UPicneers in Tl BCOu'Teaching * * * * * * * s * * w * By CAL SAMRA Democratic voters in Marquette, Michigan just haven't been able to keep insanity out of politics. In the September primaries, Democratic workers were embar- rassed to learn they had nomi- nated a mental patient for Mar- quette County Treasurer. * * * AT PRESENT, the candidate, T. Edward Abo, is still the Demo- cratic candidate for the position, even though he's confined in New- berry State Hospital. County Democrat leaders are trying to get Abo's name off the ballot, but all to no avail. A ruling last October 6 by Attor- ney General Roth held that the County Board of Election Com- missioners has no legal auth- ority to take the candidate off the ballot. "The only loophole," Roth said, "is forthe candidate to withdraw." However, Abo has yet to withdraw. And even if he says he will, the, question remains, will it hold up in court? * * ROTH HIMSELF is an incum- bent Democrat, and his negative interpretation of State law con- cerning the situation remains a mystery. Prof. C. Ferrel Heady of the political science deparmtent be- lieves Roth had no other alter- native. "If Roth could figure out a way to get Abo off the ballot, he would do it," Prof. Heady said. "As it stands, it doesn't put the Democrats in a favorable light." THE 42 YEAR-OLD ABO filed his petition for the Treasurer's job last July 1. On July 20, he was or- dered committed to the Newber- ry Hospital. When the primaries came along, the voters hadn't heard of Abo's status, and although he was opposed, he won the no- mination. Another professor in the politi- cal science department, Prof. Morgan Thomas, cited the Mar- quette incident as a "vivid ex- ample of blind-voting." "Those peoplejust gdidn't know who they were voting for," Prof. Thomas asserted. Students Hear Report on Use Of WSSF Fund A first-hand account of relief Wprk done for students in Greece is being given to University World Student Service Fund workers by Lucy Elmendorf, a WSSF delegate from that country. Mrs.' Elmendorf and her hus- band spent two years in Greece directing the use of WSSF funds. They are in Ann Arbor this week as part of Mrs. Elmendorf's tour of American colleges which have made generous contributions in WSSF drives. To help the WSSF committee here with its campaign, she is giv- ing members first-hand informa- tion concerning the use of funds. "The average student in Greece -if his parents ai'e able .to help him at all-has an income of about $10 to $30 a month," Mrs. Elmendorf said. "Out of this he has to pay about $10 a month rent, and must save about $60 for tuition, which for- tunately doesn't have to be paid until the end of the year. The remainder goes for food," she ex- plained. "Last year we had a budget of about $10,000, with which we were able to help a thousand students In some way," said Mrs. Elmen- dorf. "We were also able to place some books in libraries and start a self-help project of textbook publishing," she continued. In this project the students co- operated in actually making the textbooks-cutting stencils, mime- ographing them and selling the books at a low cost. Paper and equipment was provided by WSSF. The finished books sold for about $.50 Read and Use Daily Classifieds P-v BOR KVJIH Bold pioneering-on the part of the University culminated Sunday afternoon in what President Alexander G. Ruthven described as a novel and momentous "expansion of educational frontiers." For the first time Sunday, the University utilized the tremendous potentials of television to unfold a scheme of teaching unprecedented anywhere in the world. TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE of the generously donated facili- ties of station WWJ-TV, hard-working University personnel furnished Detroit-area TV listeners with classroom-style courses they could con- veniently take right in their own living rooms. Scores of students, faculty members and administration officials pooled their efforts to present the courses, which were the first in the University's new hour-length Sunday "Television Hour." And it was as hectic a task as anyone could imagine. * * * * THE PROGRAM successfully emerged from what seemed like utter chaos in WWJ-TV's small, crowded studio "T" on the second floor of the betroit News Building. Technicians, University and WWJ brass, professors and news- papermen all contributed their share to the general bedlam filling the studio before the show went on the air at 1 p.m. The long grind started at 9:30 a.m. when University script- men and faculty participants arrived from Ann Arbor and im- mediately started through a dress rehearsal. As noon approached most of the kinks had been ironed out so that only a few portions of the program needed polishing up in the hour remaining. SHORTLY AFTER NOON President Ruthven came in. Following a brief inspection of the maze of wires, microphones and cameras surrounding the half-dozen stage-type sets, he rehearsed his intro- ductory speech. Harry Bannister, general manager of WWJ AM, FM and TV, j dropped over to. see how things were going. He told President . Ruthven he was "tremendously pleased to see what was once a ; little cell get off to such a great start." By this time the zero hour was approaching. Photographers snap- ped some last minute pictures, TV cameramen and program partici- pants took their places, the floor director cued in announcer Pres Holmes and the show was on. * * * * PRESIDENT RUTHVEN launched the program by asserting that "education should be a continuing process, not ending when a person leaves school." Television, he continued, provides a "link between the school and the home" making the means of education available to all. I CAMERAMAN FOCUSES ON PROF. KARL LAGLER AND ASSISTANT AS UNIVERSITY OPENS NEW FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION * * * *e* * * * Following President Ruthven's introduction, Prof. Karl Lagler -of the zoology department and the School of Natural Resources presented the first 20-minute course in his 14-week series on hu- man biology. Prof. Wilma Donahue of the Instituteof Human Adjustment then initiated her seven-week series on "Living in Later Years." Part of this 20-minute course was devoted to two active oldsters who demon- strated profitable hobbies.open to aging persons. * * * * WHILE ALL THIS was taking place, the Detroit studio was in virtual pandemonium as tense directors issued orders and cameramen and technicians flipped dials and moved cameras with split-second precision. The first break for the Detroit crew came at 1:40 when the show was switched to Clements Memorial Library in Ann Arbor for a "teletour" of important books and historical documents housed there. After the "teletour" Detroit again took over to sign off the air, * * * * and the first "University of Michigan Television Hour" moved into its nitch in television history. * *.. * * AFTERWARDS PROF. GARNET GARRISON, the University's director of television and chairman of the speech department seemed particularly pleased with the program. For Prof. Garrison and his assistants Sunday's show meant the realization of months of tedious preparation. Prof. Garrison characterized the program as a significant experiment in supplementing standard methods of education. Technically speaking, the University's TV production is as com- plicated as television shows will ever get, according to WWJ-TV offi- cials. And it's no wonder, with the scores of technicians and complex equipment needed to produce two sections in Detroit and transmit the third direct from campus all within one hour. Walter Koste, WWJ-TV's chief director, wearily compared Sun- day's show with the birth of a first child. "The first one is always the most gruelling," he observed. "After that it's fun." * * , * S . * * MEDICO V. F. Q. (VERY FINE QUALITY) Pipes of specially selected imported briar.) Wide variety of shapes. With 10 filters... 2 Also Frank Medico "Standard"... America's Outstanding Dollar ($1) Pipe Frank Medico Cigarette. Holders $ & $2 FILTER PIPES Let's Get Aboard! Bus Going to J. D. Miller's Cafeteria Leaves Bus. Ad. Bldg.-12:01 P.M. L.eaves Engine Arch-12:05 P.M. Eat Lunch at J. ). Miller's And hop return bus at 12:45 P.M. TAKE 'ER AWAY-Floor director Thomas Sutton (left) gives the cue to announcer Pres Holmes, grad., and the first "University of Michigan Television Hour" goes on the air. Bob Newman, grad., (center), supervised the script writing. Other important workers were Leo Teholiz, grad., who han- dled signs and other art, and assistant director Haze Scltumacker, grad., who was here at Ann Arbor overseeing the "teletour" of Clements Library. costsYtb 5w IT WAS A GREAT DAY FOR THIS. TRIO-Prof. Garnett Garrison (right) the University's di- rector of television, glows with enthusiasm as he chats before the show with WWJ manager Harry Bannister (left )and President Ruthven. One of the first educators to see the possibilities of adult education, President Ruthven looked on the "telecourse" as a climax to his work along this line. THE UNSEEN AUDIENCE Bannister called it the "start of a great thing." It was he who proposed the program and donated without charge the facilities and program time of WWJ-TV. .* - i Shave5 AT OUR EXI~wo Sh YOU , e n n FIN * * '* C S C * S ~. pROV Ewof-e PALS. fl.guy apakg they're a ny 'risk a pennY f 'y o sagree ther Mak this test. Don etter shaves, at lowes se as a e by . mor shaves, better l purchase seturn s' for refund u his name your bes orn the dispenser to 0f fuls cost..-ryturda rcaba*nted a price. (if yourder r dtypebaael and address. Ordealr)Y ealer.,) NYork 19, ment. We'll ifeimb 43& 0 7th StN P.1 Blde Co,1n' UJ GrOVn- a bdrbe low o tgaondd like ?s jickknT TENSE FACES - The program's two chief directors boss the cameramen and technicians from the control room. It was a hectic, nerve-racking task as their faces show. At the left Walter Koste of WWJ-TV gives an order while Prof. Garnett Garrison looks down at some papers. i. .a +' '+ *. , . "' a ... . x. ea , . . - " ,4> t : .5, * ~ / _____________.:____;