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November 07, 1950 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-07

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Baldwin Handles Tots, Traffic, Troubles
Martin E. Baldwin is the only
man in Ann Arbor who knows most
of the names of the Angell school
"I rarely slip up," Baldwin said,
"except when the two sets of twins
in the school come along. After a
good many years on the job, I still
can't tell them apart."..:
* * *.. :.
manager, sporting a black overcoat
and a policeman's cap, may be seen
four times daily at a driveway near
Washtenaw near Hill. Rain or
shine, his job is to see the children'
safely across the street. ><
He keeps tabs on them all, de-
livers messages from anxious pa-
rents and even sees that their y
noses are well-blown before they...
enter school.

"My work's wonderful," Baldwin I
declared. "I have been on it five
years and it's fun to watch the
kids grow up."
Besides his traffic- manager's
job, Baldwin works from midnight
to 7:00 a.m. on the Ann Arbor
"It isn't hard to keep ups My
bicycle gets me anywhere I want
to go. I just zoom up to
the driveway, park my bike by a
tree and go to work/'
For the college crowd, Baldwin
had a comment that' could best
be described as cryptic. "They are
all so friendly," he said,;"and their
morals are as good as -they ever
Originally from New York, Bald-
win likes Ann Arbor. One of the
reasons is its arrangement of
streets. "Funniest thing," he mus-
ed, "You know the street Martin?
Well, Baldwin comes right after
Stamp Speaking
ST. LOUIS - (R) - A taxpayer
objected yesterday to paying three
cents "postage due" on campaign
literature 'mailed to him by Ray-
mond O. Douglas, Republican
seeking reelection as St. Louis
county circuit clerk.
"This will never win friends and
influence voters," the taxpayer
wrote Douglas.
The office holder checkd with
the post office and found that all
1,700 letters he had mailed were
marked "postage due."- Douglas
said he simply couldn't under-
stand it.

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
HOLD THAT LINE--Traffic Manager Martin E. Baldwin halts
the wheels of two Angell school children as he waits for Wash-
tenaw traffic to pass.
Playhouse To Air Poe Story

Can Control
Germ War
SaysMey er
American doctors now have thej
tools to minimize the effects of
germ warfare, according to Dr.
Karl F. Meyer, director of the Uni-
versity of California's Hooper
In an address yesterday before
the School of Public Health on the
subject of "Diseases of Animals
and Men," Dr. Meyer called for
an increasing "plague conscious-
ness" on the part of professional
medical people so that they might
be prepared for any possible at-
HE DECLARED that by. the use
of streptomycin and aureomycin,
the Black Death can be effectively
Dr. Meyer also told how cer-
tain human infections can be
transferable to animals, espec-
ially bovine tuberculosis in cat-
tle. He declared that carriers,
often farm workers, can spread
the damaging disease to the cat-
tle through their excrements.
People working at animal hos-
pitals, he continued, can pass on
lepto-sclerosis to dogs. He advised
that dogs be treated before being
brought home.
DR. MEYER emphasized that in
attempting to stamp out epidemics
in the animal world, public health
workers must consider the, socio-
logical and economic factors of
the situation.
He illustrated this by showing
that Brucellosis Melitensis, a di-
sease found in goats, swine and
cattle, causing undulent fever,
should not be stamped out by
slaughtering the animals but by
immunization. Before this was
done, herds of cattle were killed
with little attention to the finan-
cial loss incurred.
Mencken Better
cken has recovered to the point
where he can have an occasional
drink of beer and is demanding
that his doctors allow him to
The author, critic and newspap-
erman is still in Johns Hopkins
Hospital, where he was admitted
last Oct. 12 after a severe heart
attack. The 70-year-old writer
was not then expected to recover.

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
RAISING A LEGAL POINT-Lee Saulson, '52L, pleads her case in the law school case club's opening
mock trial. Presiding, from left to right are John Carpenter, '51L, Prof. Lakin L. James, and William
Flaskamp, '51L. Miss Saulson and her colleague, Daniel Kirk, '52L, won a point for Knappen club
with the best oral argument, although their Woodward club opponents copped the prize for the best
prepared brief.

Writes Book
On Atom Blast
A University graduate, Richard
Gerstell, has capitalized on his
wide experience in the field of
atomic radiation to write a new
book, "How To Survive an Atom-
ic Bomb."
The book consists of five sec-
tions, all dealing with the proper
methods of precaution and care
to be taken before, during and af-
ter an atomic explosion. It has
been published in two editions, one
with a paper and the other with a
hard cover.
Gerstell was senior radiological
safety monitor for the first board-
ing teams in the atomic bomb tests
at Bikini. His work there was re-
warded with a citation from the
late Secretary of the Navy James
Later, he served as an instrue-
tor in the Navy's first Radiologi-
cal Safety School, which he helped
organize. At present he is consul-
tant to the Civil Defense Office
of the National Security Resources
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

* a *

* *

* *

'Court' Hears Initial Case Club Trial


Edgar Allen. Poe's "The Pur-
loined Letter" will be this week's
presentation on the Angell Hall
This program will be heard at
7:30 p.m. today over WUOM and
will be rebroadcast at 8:30 p.m.
over WHRV.
is a half-hour dramatic program
written, acted and produced by
radio students in the Speech De-
partment. Designed to give all in-
terested students an opportunity to
hear their ,work performed, it also
presents outstanding literary work
by other campus writers.
Rehea'rsal begins for the
broadcast on Friday two weeks
before the show is to be aired.
Two hours on each Friday be-
fore the broadcast and another
full dress rehearsal on Tuesday
of the broadcast day conipletes
the schedule.
The entire company then re-
mains to hear the show rebroad-
cast in order to study the final
result, make comments and criti-

cism on the performance and take
notes for future productions. '
Merrill McClatchey will direct
"The Purloined Letter" which will
be narrated by Gerard Leone.
Pres Holmes is the announcer and
Jacquelin Heyman will handle
sound and music effects on the
show. The play was adapted for
radio by Arthur Prosper.
Mystery Solved
AUBURN, Ind.-(A)-Ever since
his unsuccessful primary election
campaign in 1942, Prosecutor
James A. Angelone of nearby But-
ler had been intrigued by a minor
mystery-who cast that one lone
vote he received in. Butler town-
He even mentioned his curiosity
about it in 1946 and 1948, when
he won the Republican nomina-
tion and the elections as DeKalb
County prosecutor.
Yesterday ,a Butler farmer, Wil-
liam Custer, told Angelone he had
cast that vote for him in 1942.
The prosecutor sent him a letter
of appreciation.

Standing before stern-faced,
black-robed "jurists," four Univer-
sity law school juniors yesterday
pleaded their case in the semes-
ter's first trial in the law school
Case Club court.
Here under actual court condi-
tions, students" receive their first
baptism of fire in their chosen pro-
ment system, members of one case
club try a case against opposition
"lawyers" from one of the 16 rival
clubs. All the individual units are
under the general law school case
club organization.
In yesterday's inaugural, law
school juniors Lee Saulson and .

Daniel Kirk representing the
Knappen Club vied with J. G.
Brummer and Allan Neef of the
Woodiward Club for the court's
approval in a bankruptcy case.
Sitting as judges in the case tri-
ed by juniors are two seniors and
a faculty instructor who speciali-
ize in the type of law involved in
the particular case. When fresh-
men are standing before the bar,
two juniors and a senior preside.
* * *
THE CASES though generally
fictitous, often are based on act-
ual incidents.
The facts of the case are
drawn up by the presiding judge
and presented to the attornies on

both sides a few weeks in ad-
vance. Based on these facts and
a considerable amount of re-
search, each' side writes its brief
and presents it to the court.
After both sides have pleaded
their cases, the judges retire to
consider their verdict. This is de-
livered in three sections. First they
announce which brief they con-
sider to be the best prepared, sec-
ond, they announce which oral ar-
gument they have adjudged the
best and finally the decision of the
case is announced.
Winners of the first two points
gain a point for their club. The
senior judge then criticizes the
"lawyers" on their handling of the






(Continued from Page 3)
New Jersey, will interview Thurs.,
Nov. 9, Chemists, Chemical Engi-,
neers, Physicists, and Metallurgi-
cal Engineers on the B.S., M.S., or
Ph.D., level for research and de-
velopment. Work will be on ti-
tanium, with emphasis on pig-
ments and metal. I
For further information and ap-
pointments call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Ext. 371.
Lowell Thomas, Jr., at Hill Aud-
itorium tonight. Color motion pic-
ture lecture, "Inside Forbidden Ti-
bet," 8:30 p.m. Tickets on sale to-
day, Auditorium box office, 10
a.m.-8:30 p.m.

Guest Organist, 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Nov. 8, Hill Auditorium. Mr. Has-
kin is organist of the First 'res-
byterian Church, Buffalo, New
York. Program: Works by Bach,
Gabrieli, Clerambault, Couperin,
Copland, Bingham, Langlais, Dur-
ufle, and Franck. Open to the pub-
Program Cancelled: Opera Work-
shop program, previously announ-
ced for 4:15 p.m., Tues., Nov. 7,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, has
been cancelled.
Events Today
Congregational, Disciple, Evan-

Club 211 cope4 4~aih!

gelical and Reformed Guild: Tea,
4:30-5:45 p.m., at the Guild House. g
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30- p.m., 116 N. Fourth Ave.
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Opposite Court House
Student Religious Association: Phone 2-2549
S.R.A. Executive Committee:
Meeting, Lane Hall, 5 p.m.Assets Over
Square Dance Group: Lane Hall, $13,500,000
7 p.m.
(Continued on Page 7)
Ivora Sl~i
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Round-Trip Chartered Bus to

J. D. Miller-s Cafeteria
Leave Business Administration Bldg.-12:01 P.M.

Academic Notices
Engineering Freshmen: Inter-
views with your Mentor, concern-
ing your first Mentor Reports, 5 to
6 p.m., Wed., Nov. 8. Reserve this
hour for that purpose.
Bacteriology Seminar: 10 a.m.,
Wed., Nov. 8, 1520 E. Medical Bldg.
"The Use of Anti-metabolites in
the Study of Bacterial Metabol-
ism," by Dr. Ross Pringle.
Mathematics Colloquium: 4 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 7, 3011 Angell Hall.
Prof. K. Knopp, University ofTu-
bingen, Germany. "Analytical Con-
tinuation by the methods of Euler
and Borel."
Set Theory Seminar: Wed.,
Nov. 8, 3 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall.
Mr. Shoenfield will speak on "The
Operation A."
Organ Recital by Squire Haskin,

torn to
® I 4e



Leave Engineering Arch 12:05



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