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November 07, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-07

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4:D tI


Latest Deadline in the State


Reds Ease
Pressure on
UN Forces
Big Push Fails
To Materialize
SEOUL, Korea--()-Red troops
in northwest Korea eased their
pressure today and the U.S. First
Corps reported limited withdraw-
als by forces facing the American
24th Division.
But there was no indication the
Chinese were pulling out of North
* * *

Charge Chinese
Aid Red Korea
Austin Presents MacArthur Report;
Calls for Special Council Meeting
LAKE SUCCESS-(IP)-Gen. Douglas MacArthur notified the
United Nations yesterdpy that Chinese Communist troops are fighting
UN forces in Korea.
The United States promptly called for a special Security Council
meeting today to consider this turn of events.
THE CHARGE of Red Chinese intervention presented the UN
with the gravest crisis in its five-year history.
At a tense Council meeting this afternoon chief U.S. delegate
Warren R. Austin presented MacArthur's statement that "the
United Nations forces are meeting a new foe" in Korea.
Soviet delegate S. K. Tsarapkin took notes as Austin read the de-

G olicy




EfV* X-I)


AN ANTICIPATED big push by
three to four Chinese-North Kor-
ean divisions failed to materialize.
The lull and the Communist pull
back had American staff officers
A First Corps spokesman said
there had been a noticeable
withdrawal before U.S. 24th
Division troops holding a bridge-
head across the Chongehon Riv-
er in the Anju sector, 42 miles
north of Pyongyang.
The spokesinan warned there
still were large numbers of Reds
in the bridgehead area. He said
the Communist, apparently were
STREAMS OF North Korean
refugees poured across the Chong-
chon River into areas held by Uni-
ted Nations forces. The refugees
said they feared Chinese Com-
munist troops, air raids and ground
Pighting. Some, 20,000. villagers
had crossed the river.
At dawn today the Reds stab-
bed at the South Korean line
about four miles northeast of
Kung, 47 miles north of Pyong-
yang. They were repulsed with
the help of American artillery.
Elements of two U.S. regiments -
six miles north of Anju had been
pushed back 1,200 yards in a morn-
ing Red attack which was halted
at 7 a.m.
ONE HUNDRED air miles to the
northeast, U.S. Marines beat off
a Chinese counterattack south of
theChangjin Reservoir. The Mar-
ine Seventh Regiment's offensive
was stalled for the fourth day by
heavy Chinese pressure, which the
Leathernecks met only by desper-
ate hand-to-hand fighting on the
snowy approaches to the dam.
In northeast Korea, 60 air miles
northeast of the Marines' posi-
tions, elements of the U.S. Seventh
Division's 17th regiment dug in
along the chill south banks of the
Ungi River nine miles above Pung-
Dean Says No
No discrimination was shown by
the University in prohibiting the
sale of the Gargoyle on campus
last Friday, according to Dean
Erich A. Walter of the Office of
Student Affairs.
Prior to last Friday representa-
tives of the Gargoyle requested
permission to distribute their pub-
lication on campus.
But permission was refused be-
cause the magazine is no -longer
officially recognized by the Uni-
versity, Dean Walter said.
Following the Student Affairs
Office ruling many students felt
that discrimination had been
shown because another commer-
cial magazine, Campus, was sold
on the Diagonal last year.
_Dean Walter explained thathe
was not aware of this and that
permission to sell Campus on Uni-
versity grounds was never granted.
The University regulation appar-
ently did not hinder Gargoyle
sales however, as a record 3,300
copies were sold.
Group Hits Draft
Of CollegeYouth
- Michigan College Association, com-
posed of all the state's accredited
colleges, yesterday went on record
as opposing the draft of college
A resolution adoted by the As-

SL Forum
To Debate
On .Draft
An all-student d e b a t e on1
"Should Students Be Given Spe-
cial Consideration Under a Peace-
time Draft" will take place at 7:30
p.m. today in the Architecture
Auditorium, under the sponsorship
of the Student Legislature's Mich-
igan Forum Committee.
"The debate will be conducted
along the lines of the very suc-
cessful discussion of the campus
fraternity-independent issue which
was held last spring," Audrey
Smedley, '53, chairman of the For-
um, said.
The students arguing in favor;
of special consideration will be
Bob Bard, '53, and Gordon Mac-
Dougall, '52, while Dave Belin, '51,,
and Russell Church, '52, will op-
pose such a plan.
"Each student will have eight,
to ten minutes to present their ar-
guments, and then a cross exami-
nation will follow," Miss Smedley
"Following the debate, during
which the audience will have a
chance to question the candidates,
the audience will have a chance
to evaluate the general value of
the debate and the debaters," Miss
Smedley asserted.
"General forms have been print-
ed for the purpose, she reported,
"and the Forum hopes to get many
helpful suggestions through them."
Shaw Funeral
Service Held
LONDON- =)--George Bernard'
Shaw's body was cremated yester-
day without a preacher or a pray-1
The great playwright, believed
by most of the world to be an
atheist but said by some to have
believed in God, had the kind of
funersl he wanted-almost.
The'service was in the Golders'
Green Crematorium in a residen-J
tial section of London.'
He had wanted no flowers. But
admirers from all over the worlds
sent wreaths. One came from the1
British Communist Party. Shaw
had called himself a Communist.

(tailed account of specific Chinese
Communist formations that had
been identified by MacArthur's in-
telligence officers. Much of the re-
port was based on the interroga-
tion of Chinese Red prisoners. It
said 2,500 Chinese Communist sol-
diers had moved into Korea as
early as Oct. 16,
for no discussion of the case yes-
Diplomatic sources said the
11-nation council p r o b a bly
would be asked to issue an order
repeating earlier UN calls for all
nations to withhold aid from the
North Korean Reds This request
could be worded so as not to
name the Chinese Communists
After the issuance of such an'
order, the informants said, there
probably would be some sort of
waiting period to see if the Chinese
Communists'were pulling out of
There was corridor speculation
that Russia might come forward
with a cease-fire proposal coupled
with an appeal to the Chinese Reds
and the UN troops to pull back and
try to negotiate a settlement.
Tells Strides
In Japanese
The new Japanese Constitution
is an "entrance examination" for
Japan's admittance to the United
Nations, Judge Kotaro Tanaka,
chief justice of the Japanese Su-
preme Court said yesterday.
Judge Tanaka is one of a mis-
sion of six Japanese justices who
are currently touring the United
States under the auspices of the
Supreme Allied Command in the
Pacific. They visited Ann Arbor
yesterday, taking part in round
table discussions set up at the Uni-
versity Law School.
Tanake expressed the hope that
Japan under its new law would
soon be admitted to the UN.
One of the omportant changes
wrought by the Constitution is the
independence of the courts from
the cabinet, Judge Tanaka said.
"Judges were previously under the
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Jus-
tice," he explained. "But now, that
office has been abolished, and our
positions are guaranteed," he said.

Med School
Defended On
Whitaker Claims
Queries Relevant
"No information concerning an
applicant for the University medi-
cal school is irrelevent," Wayne L.
Whitaker, Secretary of the medi-
cal school, said Sunday.
Addressing the Unitarian Stu-
dents Group, Whitaker explained
the admissions committee's use of
certain questions on medical
school applications which have
been attacked by the Committee
to End Discrimination.
questing detailed data on a can-
didate for entrance is to obtain
as complete a,background as pos-
sible about the individual so we
can consider him with knowledge
and understanding," he stated.
"Photographs on application
forms are required in order to
detect fraudand help the inter-
viewer remember the applicant
when his case is discussed be-
fore the admissions committee,"
Whitaker said.
"The request for former name,
religion, place of birth, occupation
of parents and other such infor-
mation is also in line with the
general principle of getting a large
quantity of background informa-
tion," be added.
Whitaker felt that a study of
med-'al school applications which
was recently undertaken on cam-
pus would result in additional re-
quirements of information.
He voiced his opposition to the
use of quota systems in colleges.
He said he had joined in support
of a resolution passed by a region-
al conference on discrimination in
higher education which condemn-
ed such practices.
World News
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - The threat of a!
state-wide telephone tie-up Thurs-
day morning still hung over Mich-
igan today despite a government
move to forestall it.-
But thousands of Michigan Bell!
workers may be idled indirectly by
a nation-wide walkout of employes
of Western Electric, the manufac-
turing subsidiary of the' Bell Sys-
NEW YORK - Paul G. Hoff-
man yesterday was elected presi-
dent of the Ford Foundation at
an annual salary of $75,000.
LONDON - A government
spokesman told parliament yester-
day Britain's continued recogni-
tion of Communist China hinges
on that country's actions toward
Korea and Tibet.
Qualified informants reported
earlier in the day the government
is thinking seriously of withdraw-
ing the recognition it granted the
Chinese Red regime last January.
CHICAGO - The CIO United
Auto Workers Union tonight an-
nounced it had called off its "na-
tional" strike at six Internation-
al Harvester Co. plants.
It ordered locals at the six
plants to remove their pickets
and f'prepare to go back to work
as soon as plants are readied.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Aliens in all

parts of the country awaiting final
naturalization papers have been
asked to undergo a further quiz
under the new Internal Security
Act, the Justice Department said
Immigration and naturalization
service officials asserted the fur-
ther examination will "in a great
majority of cases" deal only with
literacy qualifications.

"GET OUT THE VOTE"-Voting interest in Ann Arbor was given a new boost last night, as a
colorful 100-vehicle motorcade rolled through the streets of the city. Supplied with three brass
bands mounted on trucks, the non-partisan parade was sponsored by the Washtenaw County
Council of Veterans in an effort to "Get Out the Vote."

Defeat Seen
By. Truman
President Truman voiced to the
world yesterday the firm convic-
tion that the free nations inevit-
ably will prevail against the tyran-
ny of "Communist imperialism."
He spoke from the portico of
the Memorial Auditorium to thou-
sands of fellow townsmen gather-
ed in the street. In this same
building today he will vote "the
straight Democratic ticket" before
flying back to Washington.
* * *
HE SPOKE against the back-
drop of a worsening situation in
Korea brought on by the move-
ment into that country of Chinese
troops from Manchuria. Before the
address he had a long-distance
telephone conference with Secre-
tary of State Acheson.
"The leaders of Communist
imperialism have chosen to fol-
low the path of aggression," Tru-
man said. "Through threats andE
through the use of force, they
are seeking to impose their will
upon peoples all over the world.
"The free nations are joining
together to build up common de-
fenses against the menace of Com-
THE PRESIDENT, dedicating a
liberty bell presented to Indepen-
dence by the people of Annecy,
France, assured his townspeople:
"The fellowship of freedom
will prevail against tyranny, and
bring peace and justice to the
world. For freedom is the true
destiny of man."
It was his second speech of the
day. While international develop-
ments were heavily on his mind,
he didn't forget to put in a word
for the straight Democratic ticket.

* * * *
Election Fever Marked
By Torch lit Motorcade

A 100-vehicle motorcade, com-
plete with blazing torches and sev-
eral brass bands, toured through
the city last night in an effort to
"Get Out the Vote" for today's
Under the 'general auspices of
the Washtenaw County Council of
Veterans, the parade marked a
new pitch in voting.interest in the
area, as candidates wound up their
campaigns toward today's ballot-
ing. Polls will be open from 7 a.m.
to 8 p.m. today.
HEAVIER voting than usual was
predicted for today, as weather
forecasters saw cloudy and cold
but dry weather in the offing.
Precinct polling places readied
themselves for the job of vote
counting. Their totals will be re-
layed to the County Clerk's of-
Hearing Set
For Fraternity
A hearing on Psi Upsilon fra-
ternity's alleged violation of the
drinking ban will be held the
middle of this week, according to
Dean of Students Erich Walter.
Campus police raided the house,
1000 Hill, Friday night and re-
portedly discovered a beer party
in progress. Associate Dean of
Students Walter Rea accompan-
ied the police, witnesses said.
Dean Walter refused to discuss
the raid. He said it would be un-
fair to the fraternity to comment
before the hearing.
Bill Ryan, '51, Psi Upsilon pkesi-
dent, said he would not comment
because he did not want to jeopar-
dize his fraternity's position with
the University.

fice tonight for a tentative sum-
Yesterday, the county Demo-
cratic chairman, J. Henry Owens,
predictbd a "close race," but de-
clined to take a guess at the out-
come. The county Republican com-
mittee confidently forecast a
"three to two" GOP victory today.
Each Congressional nominee -
George Meader, Republican, and
John P. Dawson, Democrat-said
they expected to win. This Second
District Congressional race has
stirred up a great deal of partisan
feeling in this area because of 'un-
usually strong campaigning by
both nominees. t
Voting may break the county re-
cord for an off-year turn-out, if
registration figures are an indica-
tion. Registration totals announced
a few days ago showed an increase
of 1,000 over 1948, which was a
presidential election year.E
City Clerk Fred J. Looker re-
ported yesterday that a record
number of absentee ballots have
been requested by Ann Arbor resi-
dents. The total number of absen-
tee ballots requested will probably
be as high as 700, he indicated.
'Oklahoma' Trip
Reservations End
Today is the last opportunity
to make reservations for tomor-
row's Union-sponsored theatre
trip to "Oklahoma," record-smash-
ing Broadway musical, now play-
ing in Detroit.
Tickets, costing five dollars, are
available from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.,
at the student offices in the Un-
ion lobby.
Buses are scheduled to leaye the
Union at 7 p.m. tomorrow.

At Charge of
Truman Claims
Demcratic Win
By The Associated Press
Republicans hammered hard at
the grave turn of events in Korea
on the eve of today's elections,
slamming back at President Tru-
man's campaign attack on "iso-
lationist" critics.
For the third straight day, a
topflight GOP leader tried to put
the blame for the Chinese Com-
munist intervention on the Demo-
crats' political doorstep as a fail
ure of Truman Far East policy.
* * *
YESTERDAY Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey, campaigning for' a third
term as governor of New York,
had a dawn-to-midnight television
He plunged right into the
Chinese invasion of Korea. "This
very great tragedy," Dewey said,
c~ould have been averted "if we
had supported Chiang Kai-shek
and had not let his government
fall, or if we had not cleared out
of Korea.
No one knows what effect, if
any, this appeal will have on the
42 million voters-a record for a
Late eturn
In order to bring our readers
the very fullest coverage of the
election results, The Daily will
extend its usual deadline of 2
a.m. until a complete picture of
all national, state and local
contests can be reported.
See tomorrow's Daily for the
complete election results.
year in which no President is
elected-who are expected to go
to the polls.
Both Republicans and Demo-
crats predict. victory, but with one'
notable exception, their claims are
modest. The exception is Presi-
dent Truman himself. He opti-
mistically predicted a landslide.
In election eve statements, Mich
igan Democrats and Republicans
alike voiced confidence in the out-
come of today's election for gov-
ernor and other state. offices.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, Dem-
ocrat, seeking re-election, and his
Republican opponent, former Gov.
Harry F. Kelly, rested from stren-
uous campaigning and had party
statements summing up the issues
broadcast for them by others.
Political Clubs
Plan on Busy
Election Day

SAuthorities Ask End'
Of Coed Football Games

Most football-minded coeds
passed the ball away this week.
The women's football season was
cut short by a request from health
service officials, the Women's
Physical Education Department
and the Office of the Dean of
Women to seriously consider the
dangers of the primarily male
THE REQUEST pointed out that
constitutionally women are not
built to play football because they
run greater risks of injury to their
intestines. It cited the large num-
ber of football injuries which had
already been treated at health
But coeds were thrilled that
the request was not a ban.
"Leaving it up to us to decide
whether we'll play football or not
is tremendous," Joyce Howard, '51,

ing for Collegiate Sorosis which
annually indulges in the classic
'Mud Bowl' game on Homecoming
day reported that her house had
reached no final decision on the
football question.
"We all see the Deans' point
of view though, and we're glad
they left it us to us," she report-
"The only reason the house
hasn't decided yet is that we
haven't had a serious injury in ten
years. We have an unwritten'
agreement with the Thetas that
the Mud Bowl game isn't played
for blood and that makes the dif-
The Pi Beta Phi house, which
plays the traditional Powder Puff
Bowl, has taken final action on
the ban, according to athletic
manager Abby Funk, '51.


Thomas To Speak On Tibet Journey

Lowell Thomas Jr., who has just
returned from the Forbidden City
of Lhasa, high in the Tibetan Him-
alayas, will pictorially describe his
journey at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
The last American to enter Ti-
bet before that country was in-
vaded, Thomas found that his un-
usual admittance to the Buddhist
stronghold was based on Tibetan
fears' of Red invasion plans.
*y * *
THOMAS WAS granted an in-
terview with the secluded young
Dalai Lama during his stay in the

ters around religion and ignores
the mechanical conveniences
I o n g associated in Western
minds with civilized living.
The religion is Buddhism, and
the Tibetan's main concern is to
live the life of good Buddhists. In
this way he may reach 'Nirvana,'
the spiritual world, without too
many reincarnations?
POLITICALLY, t h e Tibetan
state is feudalistic, but the popu-
lation's interest in religion com-
pletely overshadows the political
aspect of life. More than one
fourth of the male population are

and purple, canary-yellow head-
dress and five-inch long turgoise
Overlooking the forbidden city is
the Dalai Lama's palace known
as the Potala, which equals the
.Empire State Building in size. The
lofty stone structure with flashing
golden domes was built without
the aid of modern engineering, a
feat comparable to the erection of
the Pyramids of Egypt. It, too,
is included in the Thomas pictorial
Crowning the filming achieve-
ments is the record of activities
in the largest monastery in the

Today is D-Day, for the campus
political clubs.
Along with the parent political
parties throughout the nation the
campus groups will go all out to
insure the election of their par-
ties' candidates.
will be the Young Democrats who
will do every conceivable thing to
get out the Democratic voters in
town. YD members will baby sit,
phone democratic voters who have
not gotten to the polls by early
afternoon and arrange to have au-
tomobiles pick up shut-ins and get
them to the polling places.
YDs, along with Young Pro-
gressives will station themselves
at the various polling places to
make certain that voting regu-
lations are conformed with.
The Young Republicans plan to
concentrate their activity at Ann
Arbor Republican headquarters.
When the final votes have been








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