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November 05, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-05

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Campuses Lit Up by Loyalty Oaths, Bonfires, Rockets
By HARRY REED AT HARVARD, Howard Jones, the bonfire was touched off. Cam- council backed the stand of Phi
esides the usual loyalty oath, professor of Englisp, revealed that pus authorities are investigating. Epsilon Pi, Kappa chapter, on ad-
ik bans, anti-bias action, col- \he rejected a summer term pro- * * * mitting a Negro student to the
fessorship at UCLA because of the IN AN attempt to circumvent Connecticut chapter. The chapter
campuses across the country oath required. the drinking ban at State College, has threatened to disaffiliate from
e stirred last week by exploding Pa., the Interfraternity Council the national organization because
fires, possible trips to the On the other hand, Edward proposed chaperoned, mixed drink- of the suspension of the University
n,and the banning of a col- Rockefeller, a Yale Law School ing, with the chaperones approved of Connecticut chapter.
humor magazine in Boston. senior, tried to resign from the by the IFC and the administration. The regents of Texas Western
he loyalty oath trouble cen- Law School Student Association The administration turned it down. Collegerremoved the ban on Neg-
d about UCLA, but it had far- because the executive board of At the University of Pittsburgh roes in athletic contests at their
hing effects. that group would not sign non- the Student Congress took a step university after receiving petitions
te California legislature passed communist loyalty pledges. in the opposite direction. It ap- from the city council of El Paso,
yalty oath for its employes, and To get things back to a lighter pealed to the school's administra- and other organizations. The con-
battle began as to whether em- side at UCLA, they had a real t t enorce the driingan troversy followed the cancellation
'es of UCLA would have to sign bang-up bonfire for the Homecom- at football games. This action,
Mhe Regents said no, but "re- ing Rally. Ten spectators were ,oped, would "curtail row- Los Angeles, because the California
sted" it, and approximately hurt and windows were broken for dyEsm." school had Negroes on its team.
enployes did. several blocks in an explosion when Down East, the funnymen of
the Harvard Lampoon assumed7
gas ii the dress and title of mythical Meyer Will Speak
Today HI Ei Tuesday Ponca City, (Iowa), University,
Monday Wednesday and put out a parody of mid- About Illness
western college humor maga-
O. MAIN--OPP. COURTHOUSE MAT. 30c NIGHTS & SUN. 40c zines, the Pontoon.r
Dr.nKs, F.hMee', dirctor.o
Newsboys selling the edition tr. Kerge Wiyia, d ooer
a r a g rt h e George Williams Hooper
were arrested, and chargesagainst Foundation, Medical Center of the
nthe editors were leveled for "dis-University of California, San Fran-
tributing obscene lrs,'.a riterature cisco will speak before the School
through minors,': a city offense.o Puli HatAseby t4
* of Public Health Assembly at 4
HOPES FOR trips to the moon p.m. tomorrow on "Diseases of An-
were boosted by the Cryogenic imals and Man."
Laboratory at Ohio State this Dr Meyer has delivered several
ยข0.0 week. The researchers there have lectures throughout the country
developed a rocket motor powered during his career as a teacher. He
by liquid hydrogen. has lectured at Harvard, Univer-
The war on discrimination sity of California, John Hopkins
continued in action taken at New and many other schools. His pro-
York University and Texas' gram will be a part of the weekly
Western College. assembly of the School oft Public
At NYU, the interfraternity Health.


Phone 23-24-1
HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M.
2 54 1.21 1.76
Figure 5 average words to a ine.
Classified deadline daily except
Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays,
11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue.
3 .63 1.60 2.65
4 .81 2.02 3.53
"Hair Cut While You Wait"
You won't have to wait for a salesman
to sign you up for a 1951 Ensian. $5.00
will buy one, today! Michiganensian.
available at Office Equipment Ser-
vice Company, 215 E. Liberty.

VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. 308
S State. LegalMaster, Doctors dis.
sertations, etc. 2-9848 or 2-I28. )12B
WASHING-Finished work and Ironing,.
Also rough dry and wet washing. Free
pick-up and delivery, Ph. 2-9020. )1B
Sales, Rentals, and Service
Morrill's - 314 S. State St. )4B
Ann Arbor's Finest Dance Music!
Phone 3YP-4427 )21B
TYPING-Accurate work, reasonable
rates. Phone 3-4040. )3B
TYPING done in my home. Call 2-3357.
PORTABLE RADIO with long-playing
attachment. Phone 2-3782 any time.
tweed. Almost new. Size 42. $25.00.
3-0608 after 7:00. )93

'$20 - Girl's English-type Bike. Good
tires, brakes. Ph. 9388. )91
on State Street
Genuine Levis $3.95. Sanforized
22 inch waist line and up )
S125cc. Call 2-7128 after 7 p.m. Ask
for Philip Kline. )88
FUR COAT-Brown Mendoza Beaver.
Size 10. Freshly cleaned and glazed.
$60. Call 2-6111. )89
NATIONAL NC-108R F.M. t per -
eever. Pickering- LP and standird phono
cartridges. Fred Remley, 211 Michigan
Hse., WQ, 2-4401. )90

Guaranteed repair service on all! SAVE $120 on a new English motor-
makes of typewriters.r1OBncycle. Season clearance. India M/C
Sales. 207 W. Liberty. Phone 2-1748
MODERN BEAUTY SCHOOL Open evenings. -) 7
Offers three great permanents: Helen
Curtis, Top-Notch Creme Oil, Caryl BEAUTIFUL, home-raised parakeets,
Richards Creme Oil Coldwave-com- canaries and finches. Bird supplies.
plete with hair styling and creme and cages. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th.
shampoo. $3.50. Ph. 8100. )25B )2B
STUDENT RATES on FORTUNE-$7.50 JACKETS-All wool with warm quilted
a year instead of $12.50. Student Per- ( linings-$10.95. Long surcoat style, -
iodical Agency, Phone 2-82-42. )2 full zipper front, smart two-tones, al-
______________________________ so corduroys. rayons and gabardines
at this low price. Open till 6 p.m.
.n ooSams Store, 122 E. Washington. )5
LIBRARY TABLE, large buffet, extra-
large davenport, all in excellent con-
Tomorrow, regardless of Ann dition. Suitable for fraternity or sor-
ority. Call 3-1734, 1603 Granger. )811

YOUNG ;LADY for full time work at
soda fountain. Swift's Drug Store, 340
South State Street. Phone 2-0534.
STUDENTS! Do you have any sales ex-
perience. We can show you good earn-
ings for part time work; also an op-
portunity to follow a successful sales
organization that offers an excellent
future to those who qualify. Write
Box No. 302. The Michigan Daily. 130H
stead of broke. Sell the student rates
on TIME & LIFE on evenings. Phone
Don Anderson, 2-82-42 for details. )2
TOURIST HOME for Overnight Guests.
Bath, shower. reasonable rates. 518 E.
Williams St. Phone 3-8454. 112R
ROOMS available tot students' guests
football week-ends. Private home ac-
commodations. Phone 2-9850, 11:00-
1:00 or 6:30-9:30 p.m. )14R
Prefer two to four art or arch.
menrstudents. Linens,ause of dark
room. Student landlord. Ph. 2-8545,
6-7. )23R
COED'S November Special-Reducing,
permanents & facials. Joan's Studio,.
625 E. Liberty. Ph. 7400 or 8536. )3M
Ph. 5651

There are a thousand ways to make
a million dollars; and here's a deal for
someone with appeal that would make
All Khan wish he had never spent his
spare time on Rita Hayworth. For the
low-down on this hoe-down, Dial
2-3249-This PART TIME JOB is well
worth your nickle. Sapphire Sam.
Learn to Dance
209 S. State St.-Ph. 5083 )4P
PAN-HEL SPECIAL! Orchid $2.35, Gar-
denias (2) $1.60, Roses (5) $2.00, Car-
nations (5) $2.00. Call CAMPUS COR-
SAGE SERVICE, Ph. 3-1824, 7 to 11
Reliable sitters available. Ph. 3-1121.
STUDENTS MAY subscribe to LIFE at
the special Student Rate of $5.00 a
year (Regularly $6.75). Through Stu-
dent Periodical Agency, phone 2-82-42.
Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio
122 E. Liberty Phone 8161 )1P
CLUB 211
Three meals per day for $1.50
J. D. Miller's Cafeteria. l2P'
HOUSE-Portage Lake Road near Dex-
ter. Garage. Youngsters welcome. Call
Mrs. Ackridge, 2-4217. )23F
SUITE for 2 couples and 1 db. rmn. for
football weekends. Call 3-8126. )22F


Publication in The Daily Official Students interested in examina-
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
nembers of the Unive-rsity Notices tions for positions relating to Jun-
or the Bulletin should be sent In ior Management Assistants in-
ypewritten form to the Office of the
Lssistant to the President Room 2552 cluding Junior Social Science As-
Ldministration Building, 6y 3:00 p.m. sistants, U.S. Civil Service, see
n the day preceding publication
11:00 a.m. Saturdays). bulletin board, Political Science
Department. These examinations
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1950 are for students interested in ca-
VOL. LXI, No. 36 . reers in the Department of State.
Presumably the passing of the ex-
Notices aminations would establish civil
service eligibility.

Arbor weather conditions, the 1951
Mr. and Miss 'Ensian contest will
take place.
The competition is directed to-
ward finding a typical campus coed
and man, so that their pictures
may be used on the division pages
of the 'Ensian.
The 100th man and coed to pass
the diag flagpole at a certain hour
will become the winners. The two
students will be picked at approxi-
mately the same time so that pho-
tographers may take pictures.,

It's too loud for my
graduate picture and
my girl won't walk with
me when I wear it on campus.
Don't let this happen to you.
Invest your money in a grad or
Senior picture before the Nov. 3
deadline. ENSIAN.
READ TIME this year at the special
reduced Student Rate. Still only
$4.75 a year (instead of $6.00). Regular
newsdealers do not carry this rate-
it must be accepted by specially-
authorized college -agencies. Your
representative is Student Periodical
Agency, Don Anderson, Grad, man-
ager. Address 705 First National Bldg.
To order you need only phone 2-82-42.

DESPERATELY NEED 2 tickets for Lon-
don Symphony Concert. Ph. 27-163
Evenings. )29X
OHIO STATE GAME-4 tickets. Call
25-0024 Haugh. )27X
Read Daily Classifieds

An Intimate Theatre
Bringing Cinema Triumphs
From All Nations

Only Hitchcock could direct - Only Laughton could act
in this mighty drama.

rs. Ruthevn will be at home to Employment Interviews:
udents from 4 to 6 o'clock on .A representative of Kaiser-Fra-
ed., Nov. 8. will be interviewing February
graduates at the Bureau of Ap-
Faculty, College of Literature, pointments on Tuesday, Novem-
cience, and the Arts: Meeting, ber 7, for their training pro-
on., Nov. 6, 4:10 p.m., 1025 An- gram in production s u p e r -
ll Hall, vision: all types of engineers and
AGENDA business administration students
1. Consideration of the minutes who have had courses in Indus-
the meeting of Oct. 2, 1950. trial Management. They are also
>p. 1614-1620). interested in chemists and chemi-
2. Consideration of reports sub- cal engineers who have had cours-
.itted with the call to this meet- es in paint. Candidates must be
.g- 24 years old or older. For further
a. Executive Committee - Prof. information and appointments for
B. D. Thuma. interviews call at the Bureau of
b. Executive Board of the Grad- Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
uate School - Prof. F. K. The Bjreau is not open on Satur-
Sparrow. . day.
c. Deans' Conference - Dean
Hayward Keniston. Employment Applications: Ford
3. Services available in the Eval- Motor Company is now accepting
ation and Examinations Division, applications from February grad-
ureau of Psychological Services. uates who are interested in the
r. E. J. Furst. Ford Field Training Program. This
4. Discussion: Courses open to is a two-year executive training
eshmen- program, in which trainees spend
5. Announcements. time in all departments of the
6. New business, company, both business and man-
ufacturing. It is open to graduates
reshman Instructors: High school of any school, technical or non-
'incipals attending the Princi- technical, with either bachelor's
al-Freshman Conference have or master's degree. Minimum es-
een invited to visit freshman sential requirements are: 20-26
asses Thurs., Nov. 9, during their .only; scholarship in top quarter
ee periods, of class; interest in various phases
of automotive manufacturing; wil-
lingness to live in Detroit area.
)M 1 P.M. Other points which will be taken
into account are leadership, enter-
prise, personality, and health.
The Bureau of Appointments
has available complete copies of
the Program and application
blanks. Interviews will be sched-
uled later, but will be based on
applications which must be sub-
mitted now. Call at the office,
3528 Administration Bldg., 9-12
and 2-4.
Civil Service Examinations:
The closing date for the New
York Civil Service examination for
Professional and Technical Assis-
$. tant has been extended to Nov. 13.
This examination has, options in
Engineering, Biology, Chemistry,
Mathematics, Economics, Statis-
(Continued on Page 3)




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NOW at 3:00
6:30 - 9:50





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