LAW ENFORCEMENT See Page 4 ma Latest Deadline in the State A& 43 a t 1.49 POSSIBLE RAIN OR SNOW VOL. LXI, No. 36 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1950 EIGHT PAGES s s * *, * * * s + * " Democrats Favored in CampusPoll Williams, Taft Dewey Chosen By PAUL BRENTLINGER Daily City Editor University students favor the re- election of Gov. Williams, Sen. Taft and Gov. Dewey, according t anpo completed yesterday by The Daily. Those polled also said they would like to see the Democrats retain control of Congress. They favored Prof. John P. Dawson over attorney George Meader in the lo- cal race for Representative to Con- gress. APPROXIMATELY 5 4 0 stu- dents, representing about 3 per cent of the resident stvident body, were polled by 16 menibers of The Daily staff. While the poll does not pretend to be scientific in every respect, an effort was made to cap- ture a cross-section of student opinion by stationing pollsters in several important campus areas. Students were asked to answer the following questions: 1. Do you favor the election of Kelly or Williams as Governor of } Michigan? 2. Do you favor the re-election of en. Taft in Ohio? 3. Would you like to see the Re- publicans or the Democrats win control of Congress? 4. Do you favor the election of University Professor John P. Daw- son, or attorney George Meader, as Representative to Congress from this disltrict? 5. Do you favor the re-election of Gov. Thomas E. Dewey in New York? * * * GOV. G. Mennen Williams re- ceived a strong endorsement from students, garnering 262 votes to 163 for his Republican rival Harry F. Kelly, with 118 no opinion votes cast. Williams received 62 per cent of those votes which expressed an opinion. Two-hundred-fifty-three stu- dents favored the re-election of Sen. Taft, the "Mr. Republican" from Ohio. He was opposed by 208 students, while 81 registered no opinion votes. Taft's support- ers included 55 per cent of those who expressed opinions. Democrats would retain control of Congress if 240 of the students 1olled had their way. Republican control was favored by 223 stu- dents, 1 preferred the Socialists and 72 had no opinion on this sub- ject. The Democratic vote was only 52 per cent of those which showed an opinion. PROF. DAWSON received an overwhelming vote of confidence in his race for Congress by those students who had an opinion on this campaign. He received 207 votes, while George Meader, his Republican opponent, was endors- ed by only 83 students. This means that 71 per cent of those with opinions favored Prof. Dawson. Nearly half the students polled on this race expressed no opin- ions. Many of the 249 in this category reported that they had never heard of either candidate. Gov. Dewey received the back- ing of 265 students, or 55 per cent of those who had an opinion on his campaign. Opposing Dewey were 212 students, while 65 ex- pressed no opinion. * * THE QUESTIONS about Sen. Taft and Gov. Dewey deliberately avoided the mention of their re- spective opponents, Joseph T. Fer- guson and Walter -A. Lynch. This was done because competent bb- servers have said that the issue in each of these races is largely whether people are for. or against Taft or Dewey. It was also thought that neither Ferguson nor Lynch are well enough known to get a good reaction froM this poll. Students polled at the business administration school expressed a strong preference for Republican UN Forces Stop New Red Thrust SEOUL, Korea-(P)-United Nations troops, forming a solid new battlefront in North Korea, fought off renewed attacks yesterday from a revitalized Korean Red army and Chinese Communist forces estimated to equal three to six divisions. An American officer said South Korean army authorities estimated that six Chinese Communist divisions had entered Korea from Man- churia to oppose the UN forces. * * * * COMMUNIST attacks on the north bank of the Congchon river did threaten the vital UN bridgehead at Anju. British commonwealth troops were fighting to hold back the enemy. First U' TV Hour To Be SeenToday By BOB KEITH The University will move into the television field in history-mak- ing fashion today. At 1 p.m. President Alexander G. Ruthven will step before the WWJ-TV cameras to introduce the University's first one-hour "telecourse." TODAY'S SHOW will constitute the first attempt ever made to, pipe college-sponsored courses in- to thousands of homes by means of television. The telecast will be divided into three 20-minute sections- two class periods followed by a "teletour" of University activi- ties. Called the "University of Mich- igan Television Hour,"' the pro- gram will be presented each Sun- day. Written materials, outsile read- ing lists and examinations will be sent out to persons who register for the courses through the Uni- versity Extension Service. Those who complete the courses success- fully will be awarded certificates of participation. * * . CLASS PERIODS will be organ- ized on a continuous series basis, with a 14-week course on "Man in His World-Human Biology" and a seven-week course in "Liv- ing in the Later Years" scheduled to lead off the series. Today's program will include a 20-minute Clements library. "teletour" which will be sent out direct from campus. TV viewers will be shown histor- ical documents housed in the li- brary. Other campus activities and points of interest will be featured in succeeding weeks. Prof. Karl F. Lagler of the zo- 'ology department and the School of Natural Resources will conduct the 14-week biology programs. The "Living in Later Years" courses will be taught by Prof. Wilma Donahue of the Institute of .Human Adjustment. Today's ini- tial course will combine illustra- tions of profitable hobbies with a discussion of the medical prob-1 lems of aging persons. U A high-ranking officer of the U.S. Eighth Army said the Chinese Reds have probably 300,000 troops deployed along the Korean -Man- churian boundary and perhaps 1,000,000 more within "commuting distance"-ready to strike from their present locations. THE CHINESE units identified in the northwest are only of bat- talion size, the officer said, but BULLETIN By The Associated Press SEOUL--Waves of Red troops, reported in field dress of the Chinese Communist army, today assaulted and infiltrated the keystone of the new United Na- tions defense line in northwest Korea. Swarms of Allied planes dived on the Communist hordes. the total number of battalions identified indicates the Chinese strength there amounts to two di- visions. A U.S. Marine spokesman, however, said a full Chinese Communist division, operating openly as one unit, was identi- fied in northeast Korea, around the Changjin Reservoir. Generally, the new Allied front in northwest Korea held firm un- der Red pressure. A battalion of the U.S. 24th di- vision fought to freedom through a Red roadblock north of the line. It had been cut off several hours in freezing weather. Warner Seeks Funds For 'U' YPSILANTI - Republican Rep. Joseph E. Warner of Ypsilanti has promised to call the Legislature's House Ways and Means Commit- tee into session in January to con- sider deficiency appropriations for the University and six state-sup- ported colleges. He also promised to seek salary raises for faculty members of state colleges, and to see to appropria-' tion of funds for a gymnasium on the Michigan State Normal College campus in 1951. Warner, chairman of the pow- erful Ways and Means Committee, made his promises during a politi- cal debate on the campus here with Mrs. Viola Blackenburg, his Democratic opponent in the elec- tion Tuesday. GOP Draws President's Political Fire Critics Rapped As Mudslingers ST. LOUIS-(aP)-President Tru- man denounced his Republican critics last night and declared the Democratic party "has done more to defeat Communism in this country than any other group, public or private." He told a cheering Democratic rally in his one frankly political speech before the general election Tuesday that Republican attempts to brand his administration with Communist sympathies are a "campaign of lies." THE PRESIDENT lashed out bitterly at Republican critics and declared that "a vote for isola- tionism" in next Tuesday's elec- tion "would be a vote for national suicide." A crowd estimated variously by police and auditorium officers at from 9500 to 11,000 persons gave the grinning chief execu- tive a roaring welcome as he appeared for his free-swinging campaign address. He drew repeated applause from the crowd, particularly when he declared American leadership to repel aggression in Korea is "the greatest step toward world peace that has been taken in my life- time." A cry of "Give 'em hell, Harry" interrupted the President at one point. "I'm going to" he- came back. "The people are not going to be fooled by this mud slinging cam- paign." Mr. Truman said isolationism and "greater strength and pros- perity" are the major campaign issues. M .# HE DECLARED that "certain vote-hungry Republicans" have waged a deliberate "campaign of lies" against government officials. Without naming Senator Mc- Carthy (R-Wis.) and other Re- publicans who have accused the State Department of being over- run by Communists, the Presi- dent said: "These Republican politicians have maliciously and falsely made charges of disloyalty against some of our finest public servants. "These Republicans politicians have been willing in their desper- ate pursuit of this false issue to undermine their own government at a time of great national peril. * * * Stassen Blasts 'Coddling' Of Chinese Reds NEW HAVEN, Conn.-(IP)-Re- publican leader Harold E. Stassen charged last. night that because the Truman administration "cod- dled" Chinese Communists, Ameri- can troops are now suffering their highest casualties of the Korean war. Replying to President Truman's campaign speech inSt. Louis, Stas- sen declared that thousands of American young men "are locked in a bloody battle with one hun- dred Chinese Communists in the rugged mountains of North Ko- rea." *h* * m THIS WEEK, he said, American1 casualties have been higher than any week since the start of the Korean war. Then he added: "I solemnly charge that this is the direct and terrible result of five years of building up Chi- nese Communist s t r e n g t h through the blinded, bewilder- ing American-Asiatic policy un- der our present national admin- istration. "It has been five years of cod- dling Chinese Communists, five years of undermining General Squads Hold Kicking Duel On Icy Field - --Daily-Jack Bergstrom PASS TO ROSE BOWL?-Illini end Tony Klime k (10) snares a pass from quarterback Fred Ma- jors in Michigan's end zone to score the touchdown which gave Illinois its 7-0 triumph. Michigan's Chuck Ortmann (49) observes the play from a distance. Chuck Fox (33), another Illinois end, is the other player in the picture. * * * * * * * * * Blizzard, Bowl Hopes Fall Together By JIM BROWN Daily Managing Editor A half-frozen but high-spirited crowd of 90,000 fans huddled un- der blankets andtrench coatsas a blinding snowstorm and a hard- fighting Illinois team swept away Michigan's hopes for a New Year's trip to Pasadena. Undaunted by the clouds of damp snow which swirled merci- lessly from the north end of the stadium, partisan Michigan root- ers emerged repeatedly from their blanket shelters to cheer the Wol- verines on in their losing battle. Thomas Will iscuss Tibet JourneyHere Lowell Thomas Jr., who has traveled recently in the political hot-spot of Tibet will lecture on the results of his journey and dis- play films taken on it at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. On the trip Thomas was granted an interview by the Dalai Lama. During this conversation he dis- covered why he and his famous father were admitted to the for- merly forbidden land. Previously only six Americans had ever been welcomed to the Dalai Lama's capital at Lhasa. Tibetans, Thomas discovered, were convinced that the Russians were planning to descend on their isolated mountain land. They con- cluded that.America, might be able to help them, and thus granted passports to the Thomases. Included in the grant was per- mission to take movies, and this privilege the explorers exploited fully. These films Thomas Jr. will show Tuesday, accompanied by his own running commentary. Tickets for the third oratorical series lecture are on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office at $1.50, $1.20 and 60 cents. Box office hours are daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Illini fans, scenting the aroma of California roses, were appar- ently oblivious to the inclement weather as they broke out with delirious cheers as they emerged from the stadium. * * * THE UNSEASONAL snow which produced one of the worst football Saturdays in recent years, blew into town early Friday night. By noon yesterday it was clearly apparent that Ann Arbor was in for a dismal afternoon' and there was little of the tra- ditional raucus on the Union steps before the game. In spite of the controversy which raged all this week over the An Arbor" police's sudden crack down on student program sellers, a size- able number were out before game time hawking their ten cent wares. Although the police rounded up, W orld News Roundupn By The Associated Press HANOI, Vietnam, Indochina- The French Army announced yesterday a withdrawal from a 24-mile-long defense salient south- west of Hanoi in its warfare with the Communist-led Vietminh. *, * * NEW DELHI, India - A swift collapse of Tibetan oppo- sition to the invasion by Com- munist China's troops was fore- cast by the Calcutta Statesman yesterday on the basis of bor- der reports that the young Dalai Lama has fled Lhasa, his capital. . * * * . WASHINGTON - Wary offi- cials of the western powers start- ed consulting yesterday on Rus- sia's proposal for big four action to unify Germany on terms laid down by the Soviet bloc. But it received a chill reception in Washington and was likely to be rejected as a fresh Communist propaganda maneuver. 26 student hawkers before the Wisconsin game because they were blocking traffic, the police department reported that no stu- dents were picked up yesterday. State police officials reported that nearly all highways leading into Ann Arbor were heavily jam- med with some 30,000 cars work- ing their way over the slippery roads to make the game. One of- ficer reported seeing several cars from upper Michigan arriving with more than two inches of snow on their hoods. * * * . THI LONG LINES of traffic moving out of Ann Arbor after the game crawled along at a snail's pace as the storm increased in in- tensity. -Driving conditions were reported to be the "worst in sev- eral years." Although University officials had reported the game to be a sell-out several weeks ago, sev- eral thousand_ seats were left unfilled at game time as the more practical fans chose the radio and the warm fireside. Even one Illini student elected to remain on his special train rather than fight the unseason- al snow. The University's ma r c h in g band, however, shed their great coats at half-time and produced their usual stellar show. Drawing thunderous cheers from the en- thusiastic crowd, the band exe- cuted beautifully its steaming ver- sion of the "Merry Olcsmobile." * * , THEIR precision-like lines pro- duced- criss-crossed 'patterns on the snow-blanketed field., The huge 175 piece Illinois band also drew rousing cheers for its tumbling "Walls of Jericho." Midway in the last quarter the Michigan cheerleaders attempted warm themselves and stimulate the crowd with a short-lived snow- ball battle. The shivering fans only sank lower in their soggy blankets, however. And the traditional dog, like the Wolverines, was snowedlout. Short Pass Nets Illini Touchdown By BILL BRENTON Associate Sports Editor Snow and an inert Michigan of- fense combined to grease the rails for Illinois' Rose Bowl express yes- terday at the Wolverine stadium. A capacity crowd of shivering fans saw the Fighting Illini, beat- en only once this season, chug 80 yards for a second quarter score, then stall off the final half on Don Laz' punting to win 7-0. It was easily the worst game for slec- tators at Ann Arbor in a decade. . * . SNOW, WHICH fell in increasing amounts all through the game, forced Michigan's attack to the depths of inefficiency. It was the first time a Maize and Blue eleven has been shut out since Indiana turned the trick in 1944. And the Wolverines did not complete a pass. The tone of the game turned back the clock to the old days of power football. Only 13 passes were attempted by both clubs, Michigan throwing 11 of the. It was really FOOT-ball yester- day: The game saw 25 punts of assorted varieties, the Wolverines tying the Big Ten record with their 14 boots. Injuries were expected to make the difference in the battle, but no one reckoned with the elements, As it was, key losses to the Wol- verine offensive squad, especially at right halfback, hampered the losers. BUT EVEN without speedy John Karras, Illinois won the game where they were expected to-on the ground. With Dick Raklovits eating up big chunks of snow-co vered turf, the Illini gained 235 yards on the ground, most of it coming in the first half. Both teams had two long runs, but it was the Indians' >short, steady gains through the line that made the difference. One of the Illin's long romps started their touchdown march. After a great quick kick by Chuck Ortmann, who had his worst of- fensive day in three years, Rak- lovits broke away on a quick open- er and was stopped from behind by Don Oldham on the Wolverine 48. Raklovits added two more first downs before Don; Stevens, ably taking over for Karras, raced 22 yards to the Michigan 5. But Ste- vens was thrown back to the seven and Raklovits held for a yard ad- vance. It looked like the Wolver- (Continued on Page 7) UTN Recognizes Spain Over Soviet Protest NEW YORK-(/P)-The United Nations yesterday lifted its four- year-old diplomatic blockade of Franco Spain. Sweeping aside Soviet protests, the UN also voted to allowSpain to join UN specialized agencies such as the world health and pos- tal organizations. *. * THE UN KEPT ;on the book, however, the 1946 denunciation of the Franco regime and the ban against Spain's full entry into the United Nations. The roll-call vote in the UN Assembly was 38 in favor and 10 against a United States- backed Latin-American resolu- tion softening the restrictions. Twelve nations abstained. The Assembly decision leaves it up to the members to decide .for themselves whether to send their top diplomats back to Madrid. Similarly, it leaves it to the spe- cial UN agencies to vote on Span- WINE, WOMEN, SONG: First of Spicy Boswell Papers To Be Released By CAL SAMRA The spicy tales of such modern American novelists as Caldwell and Winsor are no match for the fan- tastic history underlying the pub- lication of "Boswell's London Jour- nal 1762-1763." Copyright by Yale, published by McGraw-Hill, edited by Frederick A. Pottle and with a preface by Christopher Morley, the volume, which will be released tomorrow, is the first of the recently unearth- ed Boswell Papers. .1 * * "THE VOLUME is going to be of tremendous interest to those who have read Boswell's "Life of what Morley calls "his profligate way of life." In his preface to the volume, Morley also describes "his profli- gate way of life": ** * "AT 21, Boswell fathered an il- legitimate child; afterwards, his amorous escapades were notorious and numerous. Still later, though devoted to his wife, he was incap- able of remaining faithful to her." This extraordinary story told in the "London Journal" covers a nine-month period during which the young man pulled all sorts of strings to get a com- mission in the Guards: fought POST HORN WILL SOUND: Cleveland Orchestra To Play Today' The Cleveland Orchestra will present the Ann Arbor premieres of two major musical compositions tonight. Mozart's "Serenade in D Major 'with the post horn'" followed af- ter the intermission by Mahler's Fourth Symphony will comprise 4-- -+,- v +rc -A co"+ncr ofs gn * * SOLOIST in the Mahler sym- phony will be Cleveland soprano Marie Simmelink Kraft. She will sing a collection of. old German songs as part of the fourth move- ment. Miss Kraft has previously land and on tour. performed the solo part in Cleve-