New Eligibility System
Operating Successfully
Truman A fter Shooting
The new eligibility system, in-
augurated this semester, seems to
be working, thanks to the cooper-
ation of the general student
Only thirty students have been
called into the Office of Student
Affairs to give explanations for
their participation in activities
which require eligibility.
And of this number only seven
students have been asked to re-
sign from positions for which they
were ineligible.
* * *
UNDER THE new ruling the
student must accept the complete
responsibility for his non-partici-
pation in extra-curricular activi-
ties if he is on either academic,
discipline or social probation.
Formerly, eligibility c a r d s
were issued by the Office of
Student Affairs to those quali-
fied. Now eligibility cards are
no longer required.
But the Student Affairs Office
still maintains a careful check of
students participating in campus
activities requiring eligibility.
PARTICIPATION lists are sub-
mitted to the office by the mana-
gers and chairmen of all student
activities and projects.
Chairmen and managers no
longer assume the responsibility
of checking the eligibility sta-
tus of the people with whom
they work. They fulfill their
Tickets Still
Available for
Tickets for Lowell Thomas Jr.'s
lecture, "Inside Forbidden Tibet"
to be given Tuesday, are on sale at
the Hill Auditorium box-office.
Thomas, the last American ,to
enter now-contested Tibet, saw the
first infiltration of Reds into the
Himilayan 'hot spot.'
Both Thomas and his father
have been interviewed recently for
their opinions on the Tibetan in-
vasion, and have been able to give
first-hand information on condi-
tions because of what they learned
on their journey.
Their report was extraordinarily
valuable because of an audience
they had with the sacred Dalai
Lama in the forbidden city of
Lhasa. At that time, Tibetans were
beginning to realize that their
completely isolated position might
be endangered by Communist-con-
trolled China.
Tickets for Thomas, Jr. who will
speak at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill
Auditorium are priced at $1.50,
$1.20 and $.60, and the box-office
is open daily except Sunday from
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
Gulantics Call
For Tryouts
The Gulantics- talent hunt is
on again.
The Union, League and Men's
Glee Club, annual sponsors of the
show, will begin their all-campus
search for tryouts next week.
Sign-up lists are being posted
in strategic locations all over cam-
pus, according to Ron Modlin, Un-
ion Councilman, and potential
talent will be contacted for audi-
tions in early December.
With Gulantics offering prizes
of $100, $50 and $25 to the top
three performers, tryouts have an
added financial inducementethis
Foster Heads IFC
Ball Committees
Jim Foster, '51, has been ap-
pointed general chairman of the
Interfraternity Council Ball.
Committee chairmen are: Len
Wilcox, '52, tickets; Mark Sand-
ground, '52, programs and invita-
tions; Tony Palermo, '51, booths
and decorations; Sandy Robert-
son, '52, publicity; Jack Hamer,
'52, building and grounds, and
Gerald Van Syoc, '51, entertain-
obligation by submitting the
Students whose names appear
on these lists are carefully check-
ed against a file of all students on
academic discipline which is kept
in the Student Affairs office.
Although no flagrant violations
have been reported, if such cases
do arise they will be referred to
the Judiciary Council for discipli-
nary action, according to the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
Record Vote
Seen In City
On Tuesday
Heavy registration in Washte-
paw County indicates a possible
record vote for an off-year elec-
tion, according to County Clerk
Louella M. Smith.
County registration was estimat-
ed at 56,000, against an estimated
total of 55,000 registrants in 1948,
a presidential election year.
MRS. SMITH said indications
were that the expected vote would
at .least equal that of 1948, when
38,500 ballots were cast in Wash-
tenaw County. That would be 7,000
votes better than 1946, the last
off-year election.1
City Clerk Fred T. Looker es-
timated that this year's regis-
tration of 20,219 would produce
about 12,000 voters. Ann Arbor
registration figures have varied
little during the past few elec-
tions and Looker said that the
total number of ballots would
probably fall somewhere between
the 1948 vote of about 14,000 and
the 1946 vote of about 11,000.
-Ypsilanti city officials looked
forward to a possible record-break-
ing vote there on Tuesday. Regis-
tration figures topped those of
1948 by more than 2,000, resulting
in a total of 9,954 for 1950.
Three Washtenaw townships re-
ported substantial registration in-
creases. These increases, occuring
principally ;in . those townships
where Willow Village and Pitts-
Village are located; were partly as-
cribed to the fact that registration
rolls are now being cleared every
two years instead of every four, as
was formerly done.
Air Force
Visit Campus
About 35 members of the Air
Force from various sections of the
country will visit the campus to-
Arriving at North Hall at 10:30
a.m. on a semi-official visit will
be Major General Harry A. John-'
son, Commanding General of the
Tenth Air Forge, with headquarters
at Selfridge Field.
S* +
HE WILL BE greeted by a guard
of honor comprised of University
AFROTC students.
Adding to the military delega-
tion are 12 navigation cadets and
their instructors from Ellington
Field, Texas. Their trip is a
routine training flight.
The cadets will remain on the
campus overnight, leaving Sunday.
While here, they will have confer-
ences with University students
stud ying celestial navigation.
Overnight, they will be quartered
with ROTC students in various
dormitory and fraternity houses.
The group will inspect Air Force
ROTC training facilities on the
campus, tour the campus, discuss
training problems with Air Force
cadets, and attend the Michigan-
Illinois football game in a group.
Their visit will be highlighted by
a dinner at the Union.
UNPERTURBED--President Trumah speaks at Arlington Ceme-
tery in a ceremony for the unveiling of a statue of the late Field
Marshall Sir John Dill after the Blair House gun battle.
Students Kept Informed
By SL SpekrsBureau
Do you have any questions about
campus life?
If you do, and would like to have
tlem answered, call upon a repre-
sentative of the newly organized
Student Legislature Speaker's Bu-
* * *
MEMBERS of this student ser-
vice agency visit dormitories, so-
Diseased Eyes
Saved by New
X-Ray Process
"X-ray beams passing through
the body's master gland, the pi-
tuitary, have been responsible for
saving the sight of eight out of 11
patients," Dr. William H. Beier-
waltes, professor of internal medi-
cine reported this week.
The eye-saving process was an-
nounced before a meeting of the
American Federation of Clinical
Research. Itdwas the result of a
five year study of patients suffer-
ing from "bulging of the eyes"
known as "malignant exophthal-
"THE DISEASE is believed to
be caused by a thyroid stimulating
hormone produced in the pituitary
gland, situated in the brain behind
the eyes," Dr. Beierwaltes said. He
explained how the hormone ap-
parently affects the eye-socket tis-
sue causing swelling and fluid
formation. "The result is an ab-
normal protrusion of the eye-
balls," he continued.
"Bulging of the eyes is accom-
panied by swelling of the eye-
lids, excessive tearing, burning
sensation and loss of ability to
close the eyes," Dr. Beierwaltes
said. "In extreme cases," he as-
serted, "this leads to inflamma-
tion throughout the eyes neces-
sitating their surgical removal."
"Now with the new x-ray tech-
nique," Dr. Beierwaltes added, "we
are able to relieve many of the
disagreeable symptoms of malig-
nant exophthalmos and in a large
majority of the cases, save the eye-
sight of the patient."
"Nine of the patients were given
one-tenth of a gram of dried thy-
roid compound each day for an
average control period of 10
months, but protrusion progress
was unchecked," he remarked. Dr.
Beierwaltes explained that the
thyroid was given to stop the pi-
tuitary's production of the "thy-
roid stimulating hormone," be-
lieved to be the cause of the
rorities, fraternities, league houses
and cooperative houses jegive stu-
dents information on campus
SL member Herb Ruben, '51,
called the purpose of the new
group keeping the student body
up to date on important campus
Currently speakers from the Bu-
reau are explaining the SL plan
for a long Thanksgiving Holiday
to an average of five housing
groups an evening.
"BUT GIVING planned talks is
only one function of the Bureau,"
Ruben added. "A speaker from the
Bureau will visit, upon request, any
house group to discuss and answer
specific questions concerning stu-
dent government and campus life."
The response to the SL's
speaker program so far has been
very good. Audiences have been
large and enthusiastic, Ruben
The speakers are selected by the
Bureau's chairman from among
the Student Legislators. Women
speakers are sent to men's resi-
dences, while men go to the wom-
en's groups.
When discussing controversial
issues, the policy of the group is
to present the subject as objec-
tively as possible as the main pur-
pose of the group is to supply in-
formation, Ruben emphasized.
Housing groups that want to
hear a representative from the
Speaker's Bureau are asked to call
the SL Office, 3-4732.
Students To Give
Pakistan Program
The Pakistan Association will
present a program to acquaint the
public with the customs of Paki-
stan at 8 p.m. today at Kellog
University students from Paki-
stan will participate in the pro-
gram, which will include speeches,
songs, native dances and movies.
Admission will be free.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
Favor Gold
Two University professors were
among 51 signers of a resolution
presented to President Truman fa-
voring restoration of the gold
The proposal was submitted to
the President by the Economists'
National Committee on Monetary
Policy, an organization composed
of approximately 70 well-known
* * *
PROFESSORS Richard G. Rod-
key and William A. Paton of the
Business Administration school,
who are members on the commit-
tee, signed the resolution. Profes-
sor Leonard L. Watkins of the
economics department, who is also
on the committee, did not, how-
ever, sign this resolution.
The committee was organized
in 1933, shortly after the con-
troversial devaluation of the
dollar and departure from the
gold standard. It's objective has
always been to fight inflation
and restore sound currency, ac-
cording to Prof. Paton.
The committee submitted a
three point program calling for a
general tightening of government
expenditures for non-defense pur-
poses, restoration of a currency
redeemable in gold, and mainten-
ance of the present $35 per ounce
gold exchange rate.
PROF. PATON expressed great
concern over the continuing de-
cline of the dollar. "Those who try
to save through purchasing E
bonds, buying life insurance, or
keeping savings accounts will find
that in terms of actual value,
they end up with less than they
started with," he pointed out.-
Prof. Rodkey explained that a
return to a gold standard would
restore public confidence in the
dollar and tend to place a limit
on the extent to which its value
However, both men agreed that
there was little chance of the com-
mittee's program being carried out
by the government in the near fu-
Offers Hope for
The results Italian Director De
Sica obtained in "Bicycle Thief"
'currently being shown at Hill Aud-
itorium, offer great hope to small
independent movie producers and
even amateur groups who are in-
terested in getting into the pic-
ture business, Dick Kraus, mana-
ger of the Student Legislature's
Cinema Guild, said last night.
Produced on a shoe-string bud-
get, the picture uses a completely
natural background and amateur
actors. "Bicycle Thief's" star was
paid $1,000. It demonstrates what
can be done with a good screen
story, a good director and a natu-
ral setting.
"IT IS entirely conceivable that
such a movie could be produced
right here in Ann Arbor," Kraus
In fact, last year a group of stu-
dents and faculty members did
make a movie, "The Well-Wrought
Ern," which had some very good
moments in it, he asserted. With
a little more money, and better
equipment the group could pos-
sibly have produced a good film.
At any rate, De Sica took a logi-
cal approach to movie making. By
stressing the excellency of the
story fire, good direction next, and
the quality and experience of the
acting talent last, a good movie can
be inexpensively produced, Kraus
said. "Hollywood's approach-big-
name acting first, direction second,
and story third easily leads to gi-
gantic budgets and poor movies,"
Kraus thought.
Vacant campus rostrums may
soon join empty classroom seats as
evidence of the Korean War's ef-
fect on the University.
Latest incomplete figures show
240 University faculty members in
the reserves of the armed forces.
Two teachers have already been
called to active duty.
WHETHER their leaving marks
the beginning of a trend hinges
partly on the results of an inves-
tigation of reserve policy recent-
ly undertaken in Washington. If
the state of international affairs
becomes serious enough, all re-
servists will be subject to imme-
diate call.
In spite of the sizable figures,
there is no cause for alarm, ac-
cording to Provost James P. Ad-
"The University is awaiting a
* *
more definite policy on the part
of the armed forces before it
formulates its own policy on fa-
culty members being called to
duty," he stated,
* * *
IN THE CASE of persons in the
inactive reserve "whose leaving
would seriously dislocate Univer-
sity operations," however, the ad-
ministration may ask for a con-
tinuing postponement, the provost
"As for those in the active re-
serves, the University is not in
a position to ask for anything
more than a brief postpone-
ment," Provost Adams added.
He emphasized that University
policy will be to "face each'case
on its individual merits, giving
due consideration to the urgency
of the national need for the
* *
-Daily-Maicolm Shatz
VACANT DESK-An empty faculty desk gives effective testi-
mony to Uncle Sam's shadow over University teachers in the re-
serves of the armed forces. Two faculty members have already
been called to active duty and at least 240 others are on the
reserve list.
teacher's services and the import-
ance of the work he is doing on
A BREAKDOWN of the reserve
list reveals 139 in the literary col-
lege, including 10 professors, 13
assistant professors, 31 instruct-
ors and 75 teaching fellows.
The English department has
the highest total with 20 reserv-
ists, listed, followed by the mathe-
matics department with 15.
Figures for other schools are:
engineering, 34; business admin-
istration, 18; education, 15; den-
tistry, 15; architecture, 9; law, 5;
natural resources, 4; and pharm-
acy, 1.
Still missing in the records are
the lists for the medical, music
and public health schools, which
should boost the total consider-
ably, according to University of-
Asian Woman
Guest of SIIA
The Student Religious Associa-
tioh will play host to Ma Aye, a
Burmese woman who is vice-chair-
man of the World's Student
Christian Federation, this week-
Ma Aye arrived yesterday to
visit the University on her tour
of Mid-West colleges and univer-
sities this fall. She will be the gBest
of several religious groups during
her stay on campus.
She will be honored at a lunch-
eon with the Christian Student Di-
rectors at the Union, and will also
be the featured guest at the weekly
Student Religious Association Cof-
fee Hour 4:30-6 p.m. today at
Lane Hall.
Reserves May Call 240 'U' Teachers
No. Division at Catherine
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.B'.: Holy Communion (followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast, Canterbury Club).
10:00 A.M.: High School and Junior High Classes,
Page Hall.
11:00 A.M.: Church School.
11:00 'A.M.: Holy Communion. Sermon by the
Rev. Henry Lewis, S.T.D.
12:30 P.M.: After-Service Fellowship, Canterbury
2:30 P.M.: High School Club Picnic.
5:00 P.M.: Choral Evening Prayer.
5:45 P.M.: Canterbury Club Supper and Program,
Canterbury House.
Wednesday, 7:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (fol-
lowed by Student Breakfast, Canterbury House.
Friday, 4:00-6:00 P.M.: Open House Tea, Can-
terbury House.
Saturday (Armistice Day), 11:00 A.M.: Holy
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion and Trinity
5:30 P.M.: LSA Supper Meeting-Program fol-
lowing-showing of film-"For Good or Evil."
Tuesday, 7:30 P.M.: Discussion Hour at the Cen-
ter-"Church Leadiership."
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill at Tappan Street
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
9:30 A.M.: Church School-College Age Class.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship (Nursery for Chil-
dren) "Sermon: World Peace: The Impossible
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street.
H. L. Pickerill, Director
Jean Garee Bradley, Associate
STUDENT GUILD: 6:00 supper at the Congrega-
tional Church. The Rev. Charles Schwantes,
National Director of Student Work of the
Evangelical and Reformed Church will be the
guest speaker.
120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdohl,
Joe A. Porter, Ministers
10:45 A.M.: Worship, "Is It Right?" Dr. Large
5:30 P.M.: Student Supper and Social Hour.
6:30 P.M.: Vespers, "Christianity Applied to
OurkWorld Problems." Miss Dorothy Nyland,
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms - Open
...ID ... r.. . ..... I A hI .i
1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister'
10:00' A.M.: Adult Group-"National Health
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship-Rev. Edward
H. Eedman on: "The Safekeeping of Freedom"
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group-discussion
of: "Unitarianism and the C.E.D."
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
Nov. 5--4dam and Fallen Man.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading-room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
This room is open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. Please notice
the time has been changed from 11:30 to 11
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Henry Van
Til,Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Van Til.
State & Williams
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Student Ministry: Rev. H. L. Pickerill;
Mrs. George Bradley
Director of Music: Wayne Dunlap
Organist: Howard R. Chase
9:30 A.M.: Intermediate Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Beginners and Kindergarten Church
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship.
Sermon: "Knowing By Doing."
6:00 P.M.: Student Guild supper. Speaker: Rev.
Charles Schwantes of the E. and R. Church.
502 E. Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister
Mrs. Crystal Cuthbert, Assistant
10:00 A.M.: Bible Study "Romans."
11:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, "The Holy Spirit."
6:00 P.M.: Supper and discussion at the Guild
House. Robert Johnson, speaker "Why the
Church is Significant."
(National Lutheran Council)
1304 Hill Street
Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
Read and Use
Daily Clsifieds
Yes, that's. right!
One dollar for every ten Ensians sold.
You can sign up to be an- Ensian
salesman at the Student Publications