WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1050 TIDE MICHIGAN BATTY rA R THE.. M1L 11V11 L11\L T1TE~N D I.VPA.G'. .... WALKING ENCYCLOPEDIA: 'Miss Mac', Busy Social Director of League, e-x l Acts As 'Man Friday' for Women's Activities "Ask Miss Mac - she knows." This phrase or its equivalent is echoed over and over again at the League, where the "walking book" of knowledge and guidance on women's activities hangs her hat. OFFICIALLY known as Miss Ethel A. McCormick, social direc- tor of the League, she is affec- tionately called "our Miss Mac" by coeds from all corners of the campus.' Her title of social director . does not begin to describe the , innumerable things, great and small, she does to help Michi- gan women. The endless duties of the main- ' stay of the League" include see- ing that every job or project un- dertaken by coeds in connection with the League is a success. MISS McCORMICK is the 'con- sultant on every type of event ranging from JGP and Soph Cab MISS ETHELI to men's dancing classes. * She is also responsible for Council's merit system of peti- budgeting events, with a prim- tioning and interviewing, Miss ary interest in developing lead- McCormick said that she feels ers and women who can assume a sincere effort is made to help responsibility, rather than in every woman feel she is welcome making profits. in any campus activity. Noa matter is too insignificant tomerit Miss Mcorik's fun "League - trained women are to mritMissMc~rmic's ullbest-trained," Miss McCormick de- attention, and coeds often marvel aedk at her amazing capacity to "find lared. time for everything." * * THE EXPERIENCE gained in MANY TIMES she has allowed formulating ideas and bearing the women to undertake projects that responsibility of carrying them she believed would not be entire- out often proves valuable in mak- ly successful. She was quick to ing decisions and plans in future admit, however, that in some cases years, she added. she was wrong. As a member of the women's Commenting on the League physical education department, Physical Education Provid s Sports Opportunities for Coeds Courses for Freshmen Give Health, Social Values to Women Meeting Requirements A. McCORMICK Miss McCormick first came in contact with Michigan coeds. At that time the cast of the Junior Girl's Play rehearsed in Barbour Gymnasium and Miss McCormick began her years of service to University coeds by an- swering questions which arose in connection with the production. When the League was complet- ed in 1929, President Ruthven ask- ed her to serve as coordinating supervisor of women's activities, a position she has held since that time. Miss McCormick is indeed an indispensible part of the League and a truly wonderful person to know. By MARGE REUBENE Student life at the University of Michigan involves a few additions to the wardrobe that might not be as necessary in another school. First and foremost, of course, is that vital item: a raincoat. It has been said that Ann Arbor is in every rainbelt in the United States, and although this might not be exactly true, the U. of M. is famous for its monsoon seasons. AS A RESULT, almost every style of raincoat created is represent- ed here. Most popular in recent years is the brightly colored replica of a fisherman's slicker topped off by a tie-under-the-chin hat, guar- anteed to be waterproof. Its becoming brim is narrow in the front for better vision and widens in the back to cover the coat collar. Since Ann Arbor weather is unpredictable and liable to change without a moments notice, many coeds prefer to carry a plastic raincoat, which comes in a convenient container and may be folded into a small package. In pretty pastels, this transparent garment assures a neat appearance despite between-class showers. Always practical and often seen, is the hooded cloth coat which may be worn in any weather. It can also double for a light spring or fall coat. * * * * NO MATTER what the style of raincoat, it's up and coming ac- cessory is the rain hat. Downturned brim and brilliant color are its characteristic features and the rest is up to the individual. Michigan coeds don't leave their bathing suits packed in moth balls for the winter because the Intramural Building's large indoor pool is open to women students every Friday night. Volleyball, basketball, fencing and gymnastics provide frequent date material and require gym clothes and tennis shoes. The University's indoor ice skating rink is open all winter and the dress varies from blue jeans to a regular costume. *, * * * * STRANGELY ENOUGH, jeans are commonly worn for dates in Ann Arbor when it is frowned upon to wear them across campus. Main reason for this phenomenon is the popularity of square dance parties in the fall and picnics in the spring. An outsized man's shirt or a sport blouse under a v-necked, long sleeved sweater are approved additions to this costume. Fur-lined stadium boots and warm snow pants are a must for cold weather fun. Heavy mittens or wool gloves serve a two-fold duty for toboggan rides and protection from the chilling wind to and from classes. The most popular student on many a dorm corridor is the one who thought to bring all her "junk" jewelry to school. Parties are more often than not costume, and jangling ear rings, necklaces and brace- lets accentuate pirate, Chinese and waterfront costumes. An automobile is a rare sight to most Michigan students and it's understood that you walk wherever you go. Consequently, coeds have found that it's much more fun to wear comfortable shoes. Four-inch heels are reserved for Saturday night dances and special occasions while low-heeled shoes are worn to Friday and Sunday night movies. 'Crepe soles have become a fixture for class wear, especially on rainy days. Saddle shoes, however, are still on top of the preference list for longer walking durability. Last but not least, maize and blue are favorite colors for the foot-l ball season. Michigan banners and ribbons are perfect accessories for a bright yellow sweater and blue, blue skirt. Posts Gained By Petitioning Committees Choose New Office-H olders Major women's positions .within the League, Women's Athletic As- sociation, Panhellenic and Assem- bly are decided through a system of petitioning and interviewing. Each of these organizations has its own interviewing committees which grade applications or peti- tions and interview women who have petitioned for positions. * * * WOMEN INTERESTED in spe- cific positions such as central com- mittee posts on the class projects, Soph Cabaret, JGP or Frosh Weekend, or those who wish to serve on the executive board of one of the women's organizations, must fill out a petition form. This petition requests details about the petitioner and an out- line of her ideas for the job. It must be handed in at a speci- fied time. She may then sign up for an interview to elaborate on the ideas stated in the petition. Most positions are announced at the annual Installation Night cere- monies held each Spring. THIS SYSTEM is thought to be the most democratic method of giving all women an equal oppor- tunity to go out for activities in which they are interested. Requirements forapplication are based on academic eligi- bility. Applicants must be at least second semester freshmen and they must maintain a C average. The interviewing committee bas- es its choice on the ideas present- ed and the past record of the pe- titioner. * * * APPLICANTS are asked to turn in a picture of themselves and sev- eral specific references at the time of petitioning. House activities chairmen find out the scheduled times of peti- tioning and interviewing for class positions and report them to their houses. Women who wish to petition' may get help in forming ideas and learning the basic requirements of a good petition by talking with the activities chairman of their house, and by consulting past petitions on file in the League and the presidents' reports in the League Library. * ~* * CHAIRMAN OF the Interview- ing and Nominating Committee of the League for the coming year is Patricia Breon, who will be as- sisted by Jeanne Schrieber, secre- tary, and six sophomore and jun- ior aides. The committee strives for in- formality Opportunity to I By JGP,_Soph C By JANICE JAMES Display Talents Provided abaret, Frosh Weekend Annual Class Projects Renex Rivalries, Make Campus Jun Bluebooks and bull sessions may seem to comprise the first few months of life at -the University, but activities soon get underway, and the coeds and their class pro- jects commence to really set the campus on its ear! With the frosh frolicking at their Weekend, the sophs stomp- ing at the Cabaret, juniors jump- ing with JGP and the seniors step- ping at Senior Night, the League, main bulwark for these activities, rarely has a sedate moment! RIVALRY between the junior and senior classes had been a * * * to rehash their college years. This also provides them with the op- portunity to view the product of the juniors' well-spent energy. * * * MARCHING across the stage of the League Ballroom, the gradu- ating women also reveal their sta- tus in the matrimonial sweep- stakes. Married women carry can- dIes, engaged ones suck lemons, pinned women sport straight pins and unattached coeds throw a penny for each of their birthdays into a wishing well. The campus is annually wow- ed with the Sophomores' presen- tation of Soph Cabaret. A gigan- tic carnival atmosphere, com- plete with special booths, re- freshments and card games, is created when- the Sophs take over the entire second floor of the League for their class pro- ject. Included in the festivities is the ballroom where the latest in fancy stepping may be ex- hibited. Complete with gams and gals, all sophomore women, and their talents, are presented in the floor- show in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Thus, the Cabaret provides the sophomores with their first opportunity to work together as a class unit. CLOSELY COORDINATED with these projects, are the freshmen and their annual Frosh Week-End. With their team competition, the frosh really show the campus that while they may be new to Uni- versity ways of life, they certain- ly can hold their own with any of the upperclassmen. Any woman in the University who is scholastically eligible may work on any of these class projects. All central committee positions are achieved through petitioning and interviewing held each year by the League Interviewing Council. Information concerning the du - ties of each committee chairman is fully explained in the annual League President's Report found in the League Undergraduate Of- fice. The office also has a file A old petitions which may be used as reference for information con- cerning. the writing of petitions. With all these class projects, and the unity resulting from them, every coed, from the staidegt of the seniors to the greenest of the freshmen, is constantly on the jump attempting to prove that her class is the best to hit the campus yet! I Program WNil Orient Coeds (Continued from Page 1) All freshmen women and trans- fer students have a unique oppor- tunity to learn sports skills under the guidance of the Department of Physical Education for Women. Surveys made over a long period of years indicate that the Michi- gan freshman is not well equip- ped in individual sports skills when she comes to the campus. WHILE fulfilling her physical education requirement, she can elect activities which she will be able to utilize in her leisure time And after college years. These ac- tivities have a social as well as a health value. The vast physical education program offered by the depart- ment provides instruction in ~such sports as golf, tennis, bad- minton, swimming, life saving, fencing, modern, social, square and folk dance. Unless a coed elects such in- struction during her first year on campus, it is difficult to get into the classes later because of limit- will be part of a physical educa- tion building to be built south of the Women's Athletic Build- ing, is included in the depart- ment's future hopes. * * ' AMONG THE NEW staff mem- bers for the coming year is Es- ther Pease, formerly at Purdue, who will head the dance classes. Miss Pease will take over the post; vacated by Dr. Juana de Laban who is going to be on the staff of Adelphi College, Garden City, Long Island, N. Y. Helen Stewart, a former Mich-1 igan State Normal College staff' member, will replace Betty9 Spears who has accepted an ap- pointment at the University ofc Minnesota. women's League and the Men's Union will begin at 2 p.m. Satur- day, Sept. 23 at Palmer Field. Freshmen students will dance on the tennis courts and play group games. The Student Religious Asso- ciation will hold a party at 8 p.m. Saturday in Lane Hall.aAll new students are invited. Individual orientation groups will plan events during free time depending on their preferences. These may include general tours of the campus or University build- ings and coke dates with men's groups. Visits may also be made to view the student loan print collection. The International Center, too, has issued an invitation to new stu- dents to go over and become ac- quainted with the facilities of the center. HAYSEED HILARITY - Diane Faulk, leading lady in "The Real McCoy", 1950 Junior Girls' Play, was just carrying her "shootin' * d iron" in case she sighted some/ squirrels. She wasn't out to mas- sacre last year's seniors. The play,. staged, each year by the junior women, last year centered around a hillbilly girl who won a contest which offered an ex- pense-free trip to New York. * * * longtime campus tradition when the first JGP was presented in 1904. The attempt of these coura- geous juniors completely caught the students' fancy, and the show soon became an annual event. Usually having a musical ba- sis, the actual theme of the show is kept secret until the night of its presentation to the strictly critical senior class. At this time, the annual Senior Night, all senior women, garbed in their caps and gowns for the first time, march to the League Ruthvens Hold Weekly Teas You too can have tea with the president. For incoming students and for the old ones, President Ruthven and his wife are at home for tea on two Wednesday afternoons each month. At these social gatherings stu- dents get a chance to mingle with other Michigan men and women and to meet personally the presi- dent of the University. The teas are usually held in the late afternoon at the Ruthven home. In this way students get the chance to become acquainted with the president in the atmos- phere of his home. In the house are hostesses to welcome the students at the door. Some young women introduce the students to the president and his wife, while others show the visi- tors through the home. 7 i ............. ............... .......'..s.,.........r...!.. . . . . ations in facilities and staff mem- bers. LIMITED PROVISION is made, however, for those who have com- pleted the requirement. There are also many opportunities for lea- dership training and participation in the extensive Women's Athle- tic Association activities and in the intramural program. Instruction in physical edu- cation for women began in 1897 when the first instructor was hired. Barbour Gymnasium was constructed in that same year. Facilities were provided for 200 women. Today, five times that number are accommodated in classes alone. The physical education program is divided into three units: the required program for entering freshmen, the teacher education program for women planning to make a career of physical educa- tion, and the recreational pro- gram for all women interested in extra-curricular activities. * * * , BETWEEN 1100 and 1200 stu- dents participate annually in the required program which is ar- raliged according to the needs of each freshman woman after a complete physical examination and individual conferences. Physical fitness tests and cor- rective work is included in this program. More than 300 women apply each season for non-cre- dit instruction, but many are disappointed because freshmen are given priority. If there are any openings in the classes these women are givenrcareful con- sideration, however. A new swimming pool, which 1 11 COLINS SIISOPPE enters its 22nd year of service to Michigan coeds. A spec- ialty shoppe where famous labels are the keynote to the correct Campus wardrobe. LYLE & SCOTT CASHMERE isi SIZES for Tall Gals - small Gals - and not so 91 Small Gals si 5 140-44 121/ to 241/2 New season coats for campus or Dress-up at purse pleasing prices.. from 39.95. COLE OF CALIFORNIA MOJUD Q Run ... don't walk color-mad Campus All the newest, slic r hot off the fashion WHISTLE-WORTHY C teens and jerseys in bo .'sweaters and what willy DATE BAIT DRESSES sur of engagements." FASHION-CONSCIOUS make one outfit into m to fit into the Co-ed's E S'4 .. . . . . . ., . . . to our shop! kest styles .. . n press! lip-- t 44i. .'' . ~I~4#V1 i ' 'r RHYTHM IN LINGERIE ELLEN KAY DRESSES SHIP & SHORE DAVID KLEIN LIFE BRAS ASHMERES. Velve- rn-to-be-loved skirts, you! re to snare a "Return SERBIN SACONY MOCASOX ROSEN BLUMS I ACCESSORIES that any . . . ALL priced Budget. I REGINA KNIT II