LITERARY COLLEGE CONFERENCE See Page 4 C I' 4c Latest Deadline in the State DaA~i4 CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LXI, No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1950 SIX PAGES SIX PAGES I } 0 U. S Force Surrounded In RedPush New Weapons Endanger Yanks SEOUL - () - Rocket-firing Chinese and North Korean troops yesterday pressed attacks which have encircled an American regi- ment and forced other units to re- treat in Northwestern Korea. Utilizing a new weapon-82 mil- limeter rockets-the revitalized Reds struck on the left flank of an American armored column which pushed up the west coast to within 15 air miles of the Man- churian border. This was a four- mile advance since Tuesday. A U.S. First Army Corps spokes- man called the situation serious. The attacks put U.S. First Calvary elements and four South Korean Divisions-the first, sixth, seventh and Eighth-on the defensive. One battalion. of South Ko- reans has been surrounded for four days. Another group of regi- ment strength was cut off last Tuesday night but broke free yesterday. For the first time, a U.S. First Corps spokesman admitted that "Chinese troops" were attacking in the northwest. ELSEWHERE on the curving, 250-mile front the North Koreans and what ever Chinese Commu- nists help they have put up spot- ted resistance. They attacked fiercely on other parts of the northwest front, and attacked the U.S. Seventh Division without sue- cess in the northeast. In the northwest, a column of -the U.S. 24th Division thrust to Choyon Gwan, 19 air miles southeast of Sinuiju. Sinuiju is just across the Yalu river from the Manchurian city of Antung, where the Chinese Reds main- tain a large air base. Sinuiju's own air field was sav- agely strafed by U.S. jets whose pilots reported at least eight ene- my planes destroyed. The column met only light re- sistance after it beat back fierce Communist counterattacks along the Chong river, seven miles east of Charyongwan. Overhead, Communist jets, per- haps streaking from Manchurian bases, were driven off by slower U.S. Mustang fighter planes. Neither side lost any planes in the brisk clash but three Russian-made I Yak planes of the piston- engine type were shot down in dog fights over the same airfield yesterday. Need for. Good Officials Cited By Damoose Taxes can be reduced if people in public offices can forget their egos and work for the good of the public, Naseeb G. Damoose, city manager of Ypsilanti, said in his lecture on the system of city- manager government last night.- In the three and a half years that Ypsilanti has operated under this form of government taxes have been reduced, though public ser'ice has not been curtailed, he said. The business of the city is the biggest business there is, and should have a manager to run it like any other business, Damoose declared. This manngr should hea ren- Pope Proclaims Curc h Dogma Throng in Rome Hears Pontiff Read Declaration of Assumption of Mary By The Associated Press VATICAN CITY--The ancient Roman Catholic belief that the Virgin Mary was taken into heaven in body as well as in spirit be- came an article of the church's creed by proclamation of Pope Pius XII in a spectacular ceremony yesterday. A multitude regarded here as the greatest assembly of its kind UN Extends Lie's Term Three Years Gives Secretary Confidence Vote _ Two Killed, Three Wounded In Battle By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Two fiery Puerto Rican revolutionists shoe, their way to President Truman's doorstep yesterday but were mowed down in a gun battle with White House guards before they could carry out their plot to murder the sleeping President. One of the gunmen was killed, the other seriously wounded. * * * * A SECRET SERVICE man died of bullet wounds, suffered in the roaring gun fight in front of Blair House, the President's temporary home across the street from the White House. Two other guards were Playwright Shaw Dies At 94 Years AYOT ST. LAWRENCE, Eng.-- (P)--George Bernard Shaw, one of the modern age's greatest drama- tists and its most caustic critic, died last night at the age of 94. The white-bearded Irish-born sage, whose wit was renowned throughout the world for a half century, succumbed at 10:59 p.m. : . * SHAW'S DEATH was announc- ed to newsmen by his housekeeper, Mrs. Alice Laden. Vegetarian, teetotalling Shaw, who professed himself both a Communist and an atheist, was visited in his last. hours by an Anglican clergyman who said final prayers for the old sage's soul. "It is wrong to say that he was an atheist," said the minister, the Rev. R. G. Davies. "He believed in God." * * * SHAW LAPSED into his final coma at 9 p.m., Tuesday, and never regained consciousness. Op- erated on seven weeks ago for a broken thigh, suffered when he, slipped and fell in his garden, Shaw- grew steadily weaker. A bladder ailment aggravated his condition. The reedy sage of Ayot St. Law- rence, never noted for modesty, proclaimed himself "the dramatic emperor of Europe," and many conceded him the title. He was the author of more than 50 plays. Many, like "Pygmalion," "Can- dida" and "MajordBarbara," are world famous. Indeed, the non- smoking Shaw considered himself the rightful successor and per- haps the superior of Shakespeare. * * * SHAW ATE only vegetables but spoke as if he fed only on raw meat. He gloried in his reputation as acknowledged world master of the studied insult. Shaw completed one play, "Far-Fetched. Fables,". in. the summer of 1950. The critics Panned it saving it contained since the start of Christendom prayed and cheered under the eyes of the-'Pope in St. Peter's square. Vatican sources estimated the crowd numbered more than 500,- 000. Church bells pealed through- out Rome. AS NIGHT came on around the world, Catholics lit up their churches and homes in rejoicing. Millions of lights flamed. This All Saints Day had witnessed the crowning event of the Catholic 1950 Holy Year Jubilee. It will go down in history as the Jubilee of the Assumption. From the moment of the pro- clamation of the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, all the 425,000,- 000 communicants of the church were required to accept the belief or risk exposure to the sin of heresy. As the rites progressed, other ceremonies were held throughout the world, in cathedrals, churches and even in missionary huts in jungle clearings. THE PAPAL BULL, a Latin doc- ument, of about 6,000 words on 26 sheets of sheepskin parchment, set forth: "The Immaculate Mother of God, Mary ever Virgin, when the course of her life on earth was finished was taken up body and soul into heaven." A hurricane of shouts and cheers arose as the Pope, seated on a red- damasked throne before the cen- tral door of the Basilica, declared: "This day, long invoked, finally is ours, finally is ours." * * * NO COMMUNIST disturbances marred the day, as they did briefly when holy doors were opened in five Roman churches last Christ- mas Eve to begin the Holy Year- the 25th in Catholic history. The announcement Aug. 14 that the dogma would be proclaimed set off the criticism. The Church of England deplored the move. The Archbishop of Canterbury said the Pope's action would increase "dog- matic differences in Christendom." Perkins Begins Delaware Job By The Associated Press I NEW YORK-The UN Assembly yesterday gave Secretary-General Trygve Lie three more years in of- fice and a big vote of confidence. It overrode repeated Soviet warnings that Moscow will ignore Lie and refuse to deal with him. The final vote on extending Lie's term to Feb. 2, 1954, was 46 to 5 with seven abstentions. The Rus- sian bloc alone voted against him. Australia, Nationalist China, Eg- ypt, Trans-Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen and Iran abstained. Haiti was absentdand the 60th and new- est member, Indonesia, did not vote. LIE 'DELIBERATELY stayed away from the Assembly while it discussed him. He returned this afternoon, accepted the extension, and pledged himself to work for peace through universal collective security against armed aggression. Lie also called for persistent ef- forts to bring about a reconcilia- tion of the conflicting interests that divide the world and pledg- ed himself to work hard for that aim. Finally, he said the UN must develop a bold and states- manlike program to raise the, standard of living in the world. Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky fought to the last to de- lay action. He accused Warren Austin, U.S. delegate, of trying to rush the issue through the As- sembly. He appealed to the dele- gates to, approve a Soviet resolu- tion sending the question back to the Security Council for further talks. * * * THE RUSSIAN resolution was rejected. Only nine countries voted for it, 37 against and 11 abstain- ed. REDS SLOW UN FORCES-Open arrows indicate major North Korean and Chinese drives which are throwing UN forces off balance in their drive for the Manchurian border. Chinese Communists are reported to be in the fight in the areas labeled A and B. Tank led Red troops surrounded an American regiment in the Unsan sector (in Northwest Korea) early this morning. Black arrows indicate major Allied drives. omhen ' Pone Servtce Rated Poor In 'U' Survey Vishinsky attacked Lie as "stooge" for the United States. French Block a Atlantic Pact Defense Plans WASHINGTON - (P) - French Defense Minister Jules Moch pre- dicted last night that France never will give up its opposition to the creation of German divisions for the North Atlantic Defense Force. He gave his opinion at a news conference only a few hours after Secretary of State Acheson had predicted, also at a session with reporters, that the Western De- mocracies shortly will work out an arrangement to include German units in the force. Just how far apart the French and American Cabinet members were was not immediately certain since Acheson did not say what size German units he had in mind. Moch asserted that "clandestine links" would be certain to spring up between any German divisions, The defense minister, who rep- resented France at the 12-nation North Atlantic talks adjourned Tuesday night without final agree- ment, said German units should be no larger than battalions. That would be 800 to 1,200 men. More than 85% of the students interviewed in a Daily survey con- sider the telephone service in wom- en's dormitories - inadequate or poor. Getting calls into and out of the residence halls on Observatory Street is quite a chore, according IWorld INews Roundup By The Associated Press DETROIT-Former Gov. Harry' F. Kelly, seeking to return to the office he held for two terms, con- tinued his attack on the Americans for .Democratic Action in a cam- paign address last night. "The ADA has Williams, Reu- ther and Scholle as its guiding master minds," Kelly declared. DETROIT - Gov. G. Mennen Williamssaid last night in a po- liticaI speech that the Republican idea of economy "involves the most drastic reductions in state funds for the care of delinquent, neglected and handicapped child- ren. "In order to protect the big cor- porations of this state from taxa- tion, my opponent has been forced to say that he approves of the drastic cuts in state services'which the last legislature put through," he said. * * * WASHINGTON-The Army en- gineers yesterday announced that $209,000,000 worth of Army and Air Force construction will be started before June 30 in 27 states and territories, Bermuda and Oki- nawa. * * * HONG KONG-The Peiping ra- dio early today announced the capture of Changtu in its first ad- mission of the Tibetan invasion. Changtu is about 100 miles in- side what generally is considered to be Tibet. to the 30 women dorm residents and 60 University men polled. * * * FIFTEEN of the coeds consider- ed their phone service 'poor" and 11 called it "inadequate." Though three thought the facilities "ade- quate," only one woman of the 30 found them "good." ( The main trouble in getting calls in and out is the lack of switchboards, according to 15 women. Three others said more corridor phones are the ans- wer, while 12 agreed that both are lacking. Francis Shiel, business manager of the residence halls, said more phones, not more switchboards, are needed. ONE COED said she wanted all the phones ripped out. She has never received a call from a cam- pus male. Only six women objected to giving Lloyd Hall superior ser- vice by putting phones in now empty booths. Shiel said these booths were kept empty to keep service, equal in all dorms. More than 90% of the 60 Univer- sity men found it hard to get calls through to coeds. Forty-one of them rated the service "poor" and 13 thought it "inadequate." Five said the facilities were "adequate" and only one considered them "good." * * * Fourteen males thought more switchboards are needed, while 13 blamed t h e lack of corridor phones. More than half, 33, felt both should be im- proved. Ann Bickness ,'52, reported at least 320 Lloyd Hall women have, signed her petitions calling for m o r e corridor phones. Gayle Greene, '54 A&D, said she has gathered the signatures of about 70 Stockwell coeds on a petition asking more switchboards, corri- dor phones and pay phones. hurt, one seriously. It was the first conspiracy t Hurl Bombs Into, Puerto RicanOffice By The Associated Press Two crude gasoline bombs were hurled into the Puerto Rican gov- ernment labor office in New York yesterday an hour before the at- tempt on President Truman's life. Police would not directly link the bombs-both duds--with the wild shooting fray at Blair House in Washington. * * * * COMMENTS on the attempted assassination yesterday of Presi- dent Truman were immediate and bitter. Vice President Barkley, pausing in his stumping tour of Illinois, Isaid,; "It was a dastardly effort." "I am certainly happy it didn't succeed and I know that the peo- ple are grateful it didn't happen," he added. "I hope that speedy jus- tice results." *I * * SENATE Majority Leader Scott Lucas, with Barkley on his tour, said: "It's difficult to understand why it happened when the Presi- dent is working day and night to bring peace to the world." From San Juan, Puerto Rico, Governor. Luis Munoz Marin de- clared yesterday the assassination attempt on President Truman makes him more certain Commun- ists are taking part in Nationalist Party revolutionary actions there.' An eye witness, Mae Hayes of Arlington, Va., said: "At the first shot policemen seemed to come from all over and converge on President Truman's home. It was like a dream, gro- tesque and fantastic. J-Hop Election To Use Hare Vote System by two or more persons to kill a, President of the United States since John Wilkes Booth 'shot Abraham Lincoln in a plot to wipe out the whole leadership of the government. President Truman was taking a nap at the time the assassins stormed his home. The shot awakened him but he was unhurt. The President once peered out of the window, to see what the shooting was all about. He was quickly waved back by frantic guards. * *i * KILLED in the battle were: Griselio Torresola, from New York, one of the gunmen, and Pvt. Leslie Coffelt, of the Secret Ser- vice. CoffeT was shot in the chest, stomach and legs in his valiant- and successful-defense of the President. Two letters from Pedro Albizu Campos, leader of Puerto Rico's violently anti-United States par- ty were found in Torresola's poc- kets.. The injured gunman was Oscar Collazo, also of New York. He was shot in the chest and may live. * * * IN NEW YORK, Mrs. Collazo said her husband belonged to the Nationalist Party whose revolu- tions in Puerto Rico was put down earlier this week with a loss of more than 30 lives. The connection between Tor- resola and Collazo was not im- mediately made clear. But in one of the letters Campos, the revo- lutionaryleader, told Torresola: "If for any reason it should 'be necessary for you to assume the. leadership of the movement in the United States, you will do so with- out hesitation of any kind." Collazo told Secret Service agents : "We came here for the express purpose of shooting the Presi- dent." RECONSTRUCTING the attack, U. E. Baugham, Chief of the Se- cret Service, said that Collazo strolled by the sentry box at one side of the Blair House without attracting notice. He went along Pennsylvania Avenue sidewalk until he was within 10 feet of the entrance. A guard was there, but facing the other way. He heard a click, and turned. Collazo said nothing, but opened fire. The guard, Pvt. Don Birdzell, rushed into the street, even though hit. He said he was try- ing to draw the fire away from the Blair House. By this time Officer Floyd Bor-, ing, standing outside the sentry box, and Officer Joseph O. David- son, who was inside, opened fire. One of them dropped him. Torresola was operating to the west of Blair House. . Guard Joe Downs who shot him is in a critical condition, * * * Rebel Leader Under Guard SAN, JUAN, Puerto Rico-(AP)- Pedro Albizu Campos, leader of Rebel nationalist party, has been under police siege in his home here for the past two days. Two letters from Campos were fnund on the body of one of the nothing he hadn't said before. He was working on a light com- By The Associated Pre edy, "Why She Would Not," NEWARK, Del.-Forrher when he fell in his garden-Sept. sity professor and budgel 10. ler John A. Perkins off ica Shaw, born in Dublin on July over the presidency of the 26, 1856, always thought well of sity of Delaware yesterdE himself, but his recognition came Succeeding William S. mostly after he was 40. He was who is now president of t past 40 when he married Char- versity of Vermont, the lotte Frances Payne-Townshend of old Perkins, is the younge Ireland's County Cork, whom he ident in the history of the called his "green-eyed Irish heir- sity. ess." There were no children. Mrs. Perkins was assistant Shaw, little known to Shaw's vast and professor of political public, died in 1943. at the University. LED ON LITERARY JOURNEY: The Student Legislature last ss . Univer- control- ally took Univer- ay. Carlson, the Uni- 36 year est pres- Univer- provost I science night moved to change the voting procedure for the J-Hop Commit- tee. In this fall's campus election, Nov. 20 and 21, the Michigan adap- tation of the Hare system for pro- portional representation will be us- ed to choose the nine J-Hop Com- mittee members. The new system will replace the weighted vote plan that was employed in the last J- Hop election. The Hare system has been previously used on campus in choosing SL members. The suppoiters of the plan ex- plained that it would greatly cur- tail block voting. The Legislature also voted to have the J-Hop Committee choose the committee chairman rather than have the chair automatically go to the candidate with the larg- est number of votes. Earlier in the evening Leah Marks, '52, chairman of the SL Sub-Committee on Rent Control, announced that complaints and suggestions concerning rent and rent control would be received from 1:30 tn 5 n.m. today in the Laughton Captivates Audience With Readings By WENDY OWEN Charles Laughton slouched across the Hill Auditorium stage last night and taught his audience to read. Seemingly gentle behind a stack By simply circling his right hand, and speeding his words he roared a streamliner into the Au- ditorium, and with a swift shift of voice created a moonlit prairie- town in the same spot. CHRISTMAS he spent with Dickens' Mr. Pickwick at a fire- warmed country hearth. Reading the lines of the host's mother with minced words delivered from a mouth which seemed void of even This was the scene from "Mid- summer Night's Dream" where the anxious author, the character who can play every part, and the worried actor who cannot re- member any line get together in peace of prose in the English lang- uage, with more mobility and grandeur in simple words than any other similar oration, he read the address as Lincoln might have done.