THE MICHIGAN AuILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, MAW Jany Women Rely on Own 4arnings To PayExpenses Dean of Women's Office Has Information About Employment Opportunities for Coeds A Place for "Unlaxing Judiciary Has Responsibility For All Rules Coed Government Carried On By TwoMain LeagueBodies Board of RepresentativesILeague Council By BARBARA SMITH With the need for a college de- gree and the cost of living both on the increase, the phrase "work- ing your way through college" has become applicable to women as well as men. Many . women now registered in the University rely largely on their own earnings to provide their educational expenses. The Office of the Dean of Women has out- lined available resources to aid coeds in financing a share of their college costs. * * * THE OFFICE keeps in touch with department stores, business concerns, householders, the Uni- versity Personnel Office, the hos- pital, the women's League and the men's Union, all of whom employ college women on a part-time basis. Students may obtain informa- tion on the types of work avail- able and may discuss the most effective methods of budgeting finances and time with advis- ers in the office. Although loans are available to Scholarships Open to Many (Continued from Page 1) which are offered to undergrad- uates in women's residence halls. The Betsy Barbour scholarship is open to women living in that residence or eligible to reside there if awarded the scholarship. They must maintain a 2.5 or higher aca- demic average in the semester be- fore application is made. * * * A GENERAL University scholar- ship is available to students in all undergraduate schools and col- leges and the professional schools. Junior and senior women who have distinguished themselves in activities may apply for the Eth- el A. McCormick scholarships. Character, scholarship and need are also considered. Three an- nual awards of $100 each are made. Helen Newberry Residence offers A scholarship similar to the Betsy Barbour stipend. Conribution to the house in citizenship is con- sidered. * * * AWAR DS OF $500 are given by the Laurel Harper Seeley fund for undergraduate women of high academic standing, citizenship and need. Another dormitory scholarship is the Anne E. Shipman Stevens Scholarship offered to residents of Martha Cook Building or other students on campus dis- tinguished in scholarship, lead- ership and character. Recom-. mendation of the Dean of Wo- men is also needed. A recent booklet published by the University, entitled "Univer- sity Scholarships, Fellowships, and Prizes," may be obtained from the Scholarship Division, Office of Student Affairs, in the Adminis- tration Building. students in their junior and sen- ior years, the administration does not consider borrowing a wise policy for freshmen or sophomores. * * * WITH A LONG stretch of con- tinued outlay ahead before repay- ment is possible, the dean's office points out, interest and the burden of obligation mount each semes- ter. Before a student starts job hunting she is advised to budget her resources, considering the cost of room, board, tuition, books, clothes, recreation and in- cidentals. Consultants at the office also advise coeds to consider their health before undertaking a job. Medical advisers at Health Serv- ice are available to discuss th" student's program with her. * * * ACADEMIC COUNSELORS sug- gest that the amount of time de- voted to outside study should con- sist of two hours of study to each credit hour. Surveys show that it is inad- visable for a student to earn all of her expenses and carry a full-time class schedule. Many men and women have financed their complete college careers by carrying, comparatively light programs and taking one or two extra years in obtaining their degrees. There are a variety of jobs' which women students at Michi- gan hold at present. Board and room work is one of the most popular occupations. * * * COEDS LIVE in faculty or pri- vate homes in Ann Arbor and re- ceive room and board in exchange for helping with the housework. Usually three hours of work a day pays for living expenses. Hourly housework as well as waitress work in dormitories, in the Michigan League and Un- ion and in local restaurants are also common occupations. Occasionally there are requests for secretarial services in Univer- sity offices. Tests are given to de- termine the student's secretarial rating before assignment to such positions. * * * CHILD CARE or baby sitting by the hour is easy work to obtain. The rate of pay is settled between employer and employee in accord- ance with the extent of thesduties. University library jobs are usually awarded to underclass- men who have had some experi- ence or particular interest in library work. Sophomores are preferred so that their services may be retained throughout their college careers. The University Hospital, laun- dry and other branches of the University services offer a var- iety of openings. A booklet, entitled "Underwrit- ing Your Education,".is published by the University and sent to all students who. indicate they will have to help finance their educa- tion. Women who are interested in part-time work may call or write the Office of the Dean of Women. COED HAVEN-The spacious League Library with its wide collection of books is a favorite be- tween-class gathering place for women. Men are not allowed in this third floor library located in the Women's League. Shelves include the latest in fiction and drama. COEDS OF DISTINCTION: Fie Honor Societies Recognize U' vVomen For Above Average Scholarship, Leadership Run in Conjunction I With Dean's Office By SUE GIFFIN Women's Judiciary Council en- forces and interprets rules govern- ing women students at the Uni- versity. The Council consists of three senior women, four juniors and five sophomore aides. Barbara Little is this year's chairman and Mary Martin is secretary. WORK OF THE chairman is to direct and coordinate the duties of the Council. The secretary has charge of the files and correspond- ence and directs the work of the sophomore aides. The Council publishes yearly the House Rules and Organiza- tion pamphlet. This pamphlet containsarules and regulations which each coed is responsible for knowing and following. Judiciary Council works in con- junction with the Dean of Women's office in enforcing the rules set forth in this pamphlet. EVERY THURSDAY afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Council office in the Michigan League, cases of infraction are tried and disciplinary action decided upon. Appointed district chairmen of Judiciary Council work close- ly with house presidents and housemothers in their districts checking reported violations of house rules and interviewing vio- lators of campus regulations. Barbara Little, Mary Martin and Lu Levine are the senior members of the Council. Other members are: Margaret Blackford, Con- stance Newman, Neomi Schlos- berg, and Ann Waterman, all jun- ior members. Government of the women's League is carried on by the Board of Representatives together with the League Council. The principal work of the board rests in forming policies for women on campus. * * * ALL WOMEN students are giv- en a voice on the board because of the democratic method of vot- ing on policy changes. Representatives from each resi- dence bring a proposal before their house and tabulate the votes for and against it. If a majority of the voters approve, the motion is carried. In this way, coeds have the re- sponsibility of running their own government. * * * NEW RULES, regulations and policies concerning women stu- dents may be initiated by the board, which meets twice each month. The board must also pass on changes and additions to the house rules pamphlet published by the women's Judiciary Council. Another power of the board is the election of the members of the executive board of the League, the head of Judiciary Council, and the members of the Interviewing and Nominat- ing Committee. Ex-officio members of the board are the presidents of all organiz- ed women's residences. Presidents of graduate houses and the head of the Ann Arbor Club may also become members if they wish. ALL MEMBERS of the League Council are non-voting ex-officio members of the Board. Each organized residence is allowed one representative un- less more than 50 persons are living in the house. In that case, one additional representa- tive for every extra fifty students is appointed. Another representative will be appointed if a residence has one- half or more than half of the resi- dents necessary for an additional representative. Sororities which have annexes are also allowed a representative for that house. Co-ordinator for women's activ- ities and one of the governing bodies of the women's League, the League Council is composed of of- ficers and heads of major coed organizations. The leaders of women's organi- zations and projects automatically become council members and members ex-officio of the Board of Representatives. BEFORE ACTIVITY plans are put into action they are brought to the attention of the 24-mem- ber council. A tentative calendar is drawn up to prevent. conflicting activities and to provide a variety of projects throughout the school year. League Council members meet once each week. Jennie Quirk, the new president, presides at the meetings and turns proposed plans over to - the council for final decision. THIS YEAR'S executive board will include Miss Quirk; Lydia Wilhelm, vice-president; Virginia Bauer, secretary; Doris Egan, treasurer; Barbara Little, chair- man of Judiciary Council; and Pa- tricia Breon, chairman of the In- terviewing and Nominating Com- mittee. Chairmen of administrative committees are: Marian Larson, merit-tutorial; Yvonne Johnson, personnel; Maxine Pearson, spe- cial projects; Patricia Patsloff, candy booths; Joan Broomfield, orientation; Ileana Lindh, pub- lic relations; and Alice Coburn, dance classes. Other committee chairmen are: Myra Hahn, social; Cathy Sotir, chairman of Junior Girls' Play; Nancy Eichenlaub, chairman of Sophomore Cabaret; Tulane It- koff, parliamentarian; and the co- chairmen of Frosh Weekend, whose names will be announced in early Spring. Heads of Associated Organiza- tions represented include: Jane Topper, president of Panhellenic; Deora Nelson, president of Assem- bly; and Marilyn Thisted, presi- dent of the Women's Athletic As- sociation. The list concludes with: Barbara Smith, women's editor of The Daily; Jane Buell, president of the Women's Glee Club; and Kitty Clark, chairman of the Assembly League House Division. Five honor societies have been established on campus to recog- nize women outstanding in schol- arship and service. Although the process of selec- tion and initiation varies with each organization, new members usually join the societies in late spring and carry on the club work the following year. * * * ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA is a national scholastic society for freshmen women who have at- tained a 3.5 or higher average dur- ing their first semester. The fraternity also honors senior members who have main- tained the 3.5 rating through- out the intervening years. Sym- bol of the organization is a small pin in the shape of a lamp of knowledge. Women who are outstanding in scholarship, leadership and activi- ties during their sophomore year are eligible for membership in Wy- vern, an all-campus honor soci- ety. AT THE CLOSE of their junior year members select a new group of sophomore women to replace them the following year. The list of new members is not revealed until the Wyverns march through dormitories and houseq singing their traditional "Damn, Damn, Damn to Michigamua . . ." and tap their successors. Wyverns wear a gold pin to signify membership in the or- ganization. Three societies for senior women, Senior Society, Scroll and Mor- tar Board, also recognize out- standing women. Membership in all three is based on service, schol- arship and leadership. * * * SENIOR SOCIETY includes only independent women and Scroll is composed solely of affiliated coeds. Tapping is kept secret until In- stallation Night when the old members run through the aisles of Rackham Amphitheatre desig- nating their successors. Both affiliated and independent women are eligible for member- ship in Mortar Board. The society traditionally carries out its tap- ping ceremony in the dormitories and sorority houses after closing hours. * * * PIN' OF THE national organ- ization is a black enamel and gold mortarboard. In addition to these five honoraries several professional women's fraternities are repre- sented on campus. Among these national organizations are Mu Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Iota, music sororities. Theta Sigma Phi is an honorary journalistic fraternity while Zeta Phi Eta is a professional speech fraternity. Unforgettable Social Life Begins Immediately Between-Semester J-Hop Stands Out as Climactic Social Event k Social life at Michigan-most students agree that it's something they'll never forget. It really begins the minute stu- dents start to arrive on the cam- pus in the fall. One of the first big dances of the year is the Home- coming Dance. It climaxes a week- end of football, returning alumni and fabulous Homecoming dis- plays adorning the yards of vir- tually every dormitory, fraternity and sorority house on campus. ALSO AMONG the firsts of the season is the annual AIM-Assem- bly Ball, given by the independent men and women on campus. The Men's Union and the Wo- men's League present their res- pective formals in tue fall. Panhel Ball is sponsored by the affiliated women. Last year the formal featured the music of Ray McKinley's orchestra. * * * J-HOP STANDS OUT as the climax of the social year. Coeds bring out their prettiest formals and, having left final examinations and all other scholastic worries be- hind, prepare to enjoy themselves HAIR STYLES FOR MICHIGAN COEDS We will individually cut-style your hair to your needs and ;personality. Our stdff in- cludes six hair stylists with years of experience. We invite your approval. The DASCOLA BARBERS Liberty off State for an entire fun-packed weekend. (J-Hop is held in February be- tween semesters, on the Friday and Saturday before the second semes- ter begins.) * * * ASSEMBLY BALL is presented by the independent women. Since it is given by women, it's a coed- bid dance. Students from all over the globe attend International Ball. It is presented annually by the International Center. What can be gayer than a carni- val, whether it's in the winter or spring? Michigan offers carnivals for both seasons. In the spring the campus goes all out to present "Michigras," complete with par- ade, ferris wheel, cotton candy and side-shows. In alternate years, such as this year, it's Winter Car- nival featuring all types of winter sports. Among the final events of the year are IFC Ball, presented by the Inter-Fraternity Council, and Senicr Ball. This year's IFC Ball theme was "A Dreamer's Holiday." Booths were constructed to repre- sent famous buildings of the world. Tommy Dorsey provided music for the evening. Seniors enjoy a final taste of Michigan social life at Senior Ball. For them it marks theend of countless good times that are a distinguishing feature of Michigan college life. :4 i i ARBORETUM HEADS LIST: 0 Campus Recreation Plentiful Sports Training Called Useful c i v S come to Y h gANN ARBOR ?{ 0 LiEMPTY T-R.UNlKS Buy your College Clothesi in a favorite C/g\p College Shop I Y , Women who major in physical education have many opportuni- ties for serving individuals and the community. Graduates are qualified for teaching positions at all levels from early elementary grades to college. They may also enter ju- venile work, where physical edu- cation skills are used extensively, especially in the prevention of juvenile delinquency. *. * * RECREATION WORK in com- munity, state and in youth or- ganizations at a national level are also open. Many scholarships are offered for the additional train- ing which qualifies physical edu- cation majors for entering the field of physical therapy. In World War II many phy- sical education graduates were used extensively for work with the U.S. Army. The Red Cross also filled a number of positions with majors in the field. Even though graduates in phy- sical education marry and make no professional use of their educa- tion, they have a background which contributes to home and family life. *, * * WITH A GOOD biological back- ground they learn to understand the growth and development of children and the skills in which a child is interested. Women students who wish to. know more about the major in physical education may write or go to Office 15, Barbour Gymna- sium, the department office. By NANCY TAYLOR All work and no play . . . This phrase does not have much application at Michigan. While there is admittedly an abundance of work, there is still time to have fun - and Ann Arbor provides many recreational facilities. * * * FIRST AND FOREMOST on the list is the Arboretum, known more familiarly as the "Arb." Here on a wooded tract, students assemble for parties and picnics. In the fall it is often the scene of combined picnics and listen- ing parties on days when foot- ball games are played away from Ann Arbor. During the winter, the Arb is full of students skiing and tobog- ganing over the snowy hills. * * * WHEN SPRING RETURNS to Ann Arbor and the smell of lilacs is in the air, the Arb takes on an added importance. Picnickers and party-goers wend their merry way up Geddes. And the Arb is only one of the many picturesque spots of Ann Arbor. The Island, set in the middle of the Huron River, is a favorite spot for relaxation- seekers. For those who are interested in sports there are golf courses, ten- nis courts, an archery range, and the Colesium for winter ice skat- ing. The dormitories and affiliated groups on campus engage in tour- nament competition in several sports. The men's Union boasts a fine swimming pool which can be enjoyed by women as well as men. * * * FOR THEATER entertainment Ann Arbor has some of the finest. Foreign films are shown regular- ly, and the best of American mo- vies past and present are brought to town. Many of the best of .the old silent films and other movies which were filmed in earlier de- cades have found a revival in Ann Arbor. Each spring the May Festival introduces the leaders in the musical world to Ann Arbor. Such names as Marian Ander- son, Nelson Eddy and Rise Stev- ens are well-known at the Uni- versity. After the musical festival comes the drama series when Ann Ar- bor becomes a miniature "Broad- way." Famous personalities of the stage, screen and radio come here to present the best in good drama. Basi Rathbone and Vera Zorina are frequent players in this se- ries. Throughout the year there are always lectures by authorities in many professional and social fields. All in all, though there is much work to do, there are also a great many opportunities for -fun and relaxation. Everyone can find something that will fit his own personal interest and ideas, whe- ther it is picnicking in the Arb or enjoying a concert at Hill Au- ditorium. Cooperatives Offer Economy I mall- I1 III "YOUR COLLEGE BOOKSTORE" 1 i NEW and USED STUDENT SUPPLIES Cooperative houses, sponsored by the Inter-Cooperative Council, stress interracial and interreligious