EISENHOWER BOOM ScQ Page 4 .litta :43 a t 149 0 *b Latest Deadline in the State VdL. LXI, No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1, 1950 FAIR" AND WARM. SIX PAGES Puerto Rican Rebels Lose Two Towns Gov. Says Reds Aided Conspiracy SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico-(P)- National Guard troops smashed yesterday at violently anti-United States Nationalist rebels and drove them out of two of their strong- holds with planes and tanks. Governor Luis Munoz Marin, describing the rebellion which spread fire and death through' 10 Puerto Rican centers as a "con- spiracy against democracy, help- ed by the Communists," said the whole insurrection movement would be quelled in a day or two. STRIKING AT DAWN, troops armed with machineguns, bazoo- kas and tanks,srecaptured Jayu- ya, 50 miles southwest of San Juan, and the neighboring town of Utuado. Fighter plans strafed the rebels. The rebels had seized control of the two towns Monday after bomb- ing police stations, killing some policemen and setting many fires. A police recount of casualties said 32 persons had been killed and 35 wounded in the rebellion. The dead included 21 National- ists, nine policemen, and one National Guardsman. By afternoon, guardsmen were patroling the two towns, with the last pockets of resistance appar- ently wiped out. Jayuya looked as though an earthquake had struck it, with several blocks destroyed and most of the other buildings in the town of 1,500 charred by fire. CONTINUED scattered reports of shootings in San Juan and other parts of this United States island territory of 2,149,000 persons in the Caribbean made it difficult to estimate the total casualties since the uprising started Monday morning. Munoz said yesterday that the revolt was definitely connected with, and probably sparked by, the island's worst prison break Saturday, when 111 inmates es- caped from Rio Piedras Prison 10 miles from San Juan Earlier government statements had said there was no connection between the revolt and the prison break. But it was noted that part of the success of the surprise Na- tionalist outburst was due to the fact that police were busy trying to round up the fugitives. Defense Plans Postponed by French Fears 'Ike's' Appointment Delayed by Deadlock WASHINGTON -(p)- France's old dread of German power last night led North Atlantic Defense Ministers to postpone a decision on a combined army under a su- preme commander to defend West- ern Europe against Communism. Deadlocked on the issue of what Germany's role shall be in the historic new defense force, the de- fense ministers of 12 North At- lantic Pact nations threw up their hands temporarily. THEY REFERRED the matter to other North Atlantic treaty or- ganizations, hoping for- a quick decision. The action spelled delay for the widely expected appoint- ment of Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower to the supreme command post. The deadlock arose over French, insistence that Germans be ased in the mutual defense force in only small units and under swep- ing safeguards involving long Steps toward federation of Europe. THE UNITED STATES proposed] what American officials consider a more realistic plan under pres- ent circumstances. It called for German units as large as divisions,t and lacked the French idea of a supra-national assembly with .ow- ers over a combined Europeanj army. SL Budget Error Sets OffInquiry Misuse of 'U' of Philippines Fund Leads to New Financial System (EDITOR'S NOTE This is the second of two interpretative articles dealing with the finances of the Student Legislature during the past two years.). By RICH THOMAS The Student Legislature's fumbling of the University of the Phil- ippines Fund Drive to the tune of $1,078, described in yesterday's Daily was not the only failure of student-donated funds to reach their Phil- ippines' destination. Even before the SL took over the drive in 1948, possibly $3,500, raised through benefit shows and voluntary contributions never arriv- ed at the Philippines. * * * * HERE ARE THE FACTS: The Philippine Fund was started in 1946, when a group of students suggested that the University adopt some foreign school as its "little sister." The suggestion was acceptable to the campus, and the Univer- sity of the Philippines was seized upon as the most desirable choice. During the war, the Philippines institution, located in Manila, was tragically destroyed. THE ORIGINAL PLAN was to collect $50,000 from University students over a period of years to help the Philippines back on its feet. The 1946 fund drive netted about $2,500. Books and periodical subscriptions were bought and sent to the Philippines through a charity dispensing organization in New York City. The University received a plaque from Manila recognizing the arrival of these items and thanking the students for their contribu- tions. THE $3,500 RAISED in 1947 was used to buy penicillin and other sorely needed medical supplies. These supplies were duly shipped to the New York charity organization. The University of the Philippines sent no acknowledgement of receipt; the New York organization sent no financial statement or other proof of shipment, even after the University had repeatedly requested them to do so. « « * « THUS, QUITE MYSTERIOUSLY, several thousand dollars worth of medical supplies, paid for by the student body, never reached their Philippine destination. That is how things stood when the SL took over, raised $1,- 078 for the Fund, forgot about the Philippines and spent the money. Now, two years later, the SL has finally paid off the debt out of its Homecoming Dance profits. With little done since 1948 in the way of raising more money for the Philippine institution and with future plans for fund drives non-existent, here the situation stands: $7,000 raised, $3,500 delivered, and the $50,000 goal a faded illusion. * * * * e MEANWHILE, SL TREASURER Len Wilcox, '52, has introduced a completely new financial system, to guarantee that the SL is never again placed in such an embarrassing situation as the Philippine Fund Drive foul-up placed it. The new system includes: 1. An itemized budget for all prospective revenues for the year incluled and all expected committee and other expenses totaled. The budget, which was mimeographed and distributed to individ- ual SL members, is the result of a month's consideration on the part of Wilcox, Deans Erich A. Walter and Walter B. Re and the SL cabinet. An additional four weeks was spent by the Legislature itself studying the budget before final approval was given. Previously, the treasurer merely gave an oral report to the SL, and the Legislature proceeded to make and spend money solely on the strength of the treasurer's recommendations. 2. Wilcox retains in his plan a rule previously observed which makes approvalby the entire SL necessary for any expenditure of $10 or more. 3. He adds the stipulation, however, that any expenditure, no mat- ter how small, must be first approved by the chairman of the commit- tee concerned and then by the treasurer before it can be made. / 4. Further, Wilcox plans to do his own bookkeeping, as a compli- mentary effort to the official SL accounting which is done by the Office of Student Affairs. In this way, Wilcox expects to be thor- oughly acquainted with SL finances during the year. * * * THE PRESENT BUDGET, which was cut to the bone to enable the SL to make up as much of the $1,523 deficit from last year as possible, calls for expenditures of $2,021. Total income is calculated at $3,202. Such a budget, if carried out completely, would leave the SL with a deficit of $358 at the end of the academic year. However, the unexepected success of the Homecoming Dance, the financial solvency of Tug Week and the current success of the SL's Cinema Guild should enable the Legislature to wipe out its deficit completely and put it on a sound financial footing. Yank Drive altedReds Spain May Get Limited UN Voice LAKE SUCCESS-()-The UN Special Political Committee voted yesterdaytogive a measure of United Nations membership to Pranco Spain. Rejecting Soviet charges that the move was in line with United States military designs on Spain, the committee approved a Latin American reolution a 119 w i n g Spain to belong to such special UN agencies as the World Health Organization. THE ROLL CALL vote was 37 in favor, 10 against and 12 absten- tions. The resolution which now goes to the General Assembly where it is assured a two-thirds ma- jority, also rescinds the 1946 UN recommendation that all mem- ber countries withdraw their top ambassadors from Madrid. Senator John J. Sparkman (D- Ala), United States delegate, em- phasized in supporting the reso- lution yesterday that the United States backing "does not consti- tute any approval of the policies or practices of the Spanish gov- ernment." HE DENIED Soviet charges that the United States has a "secret military alliance with Spain," as- serting that the accusations "were exposed in 1949 as the fabrications which they are." Joining the Soviet bloc against the resolution were Guatemala, Is- rael, Mexico, Uruguay and Yugo- slavia. " x Austin Fights To Retain Lie NEW YORK-(P)-Warren R. Austin fought yesterday to extend Secretary-General Trygve Lie's term for three years as a sign of UN unity against aggression. Andrei Y. Vishinsky countered with a denunciation ofdLie as an American "stooge" and declared the Soviet Union would not recog- nize Lie nor deal with him if he is maintained in office. The fight took place in the 60- nation General Assembly. Lie, who usually sits onthe rostrum during sessions, left his seat when the debate began. He spent the- re- mainder of the day at his home. United States Delegate Austin told the Assembly that Lie was ve- toed in the Security Council by the Russians to punish him for carry- ing out the Security Council's de- cision to resist aggression in Ko- rea. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The govern- ment is opening a narrow gate to let some former members of to- talitarian parties abroad enter the United States temporarily. Attorney General McGrath held that persons who were virtually required to join in such groups and were not active in them may come through the barriers raised by the new anti-subversives law. * * * LONDON - A British airliner crashed into a pile of pipe beyond the end of a runway and exploded at fog-shrouded London airport last night, killing 28 of the 30 per- sons aboard. A man and woman were found alive in the wreckage. NEW YORK-Jacob A. Malik said yesterday that Russia has reached no agreement with the United States on procedure to be followed in negotiating a Jap- anese peace treaty. : * * - NEW YORK--John Boettiger, the late President Roosevelt's for- mer son-in-law, killed himself yes- terday in a seven-story leap from his hotel room window. He suffer- ed a nervous breakdown a week -Dally-Carlyle Marshall A WISTFUL GAZE TO THE FUTURE-Sophomore Jody Behrens, '53, and Judy Isenberg, '53, look at senior and graduate pictures to be put in the 1951 Michiganensian. Sue Alderman, '54, stands in the middle. Chinese Reds, Claim Tibet InternalAffair By The Associated Press NEW DELHI, India-Commu- nist China informed the Indian government that the Red invasion of Tibet was a Chinese domestic affair and of no concern to other nations, an Indian spokesman said yesterday. China's answer to the Indian protest was handed to Sardar Pan- nikar, Indian ambassador in Peip- ing yesterday, the spokesman add- ed. FULL DETAILS of the Chinese note have not been disclosed as yet. An Indian government spokes- man refused to reveal the con- tents of the Chinese reply. The Chinese note held that Ti- bet is an integral part of China and notan independent state as argued by most of the world. The note brought back recol- lections that China had previous- ly claimed that the invasion of Tibet is as justifiable as the inter- vention by India in Hyderabad affairs in 1948. THE COMMUNIST answer came just as the Red troops were re- ported to be moving through se- vere snowstorms and over dan- gerous mountain roads toward the Tibetan capital at Lhasa. According to reports from Gangtok, capital of the tiny Indian border buffer state of Sikkim, the Red march is being made at a time when severe winter conditions already exist. The invaders are believed to be within 200 miles of Lhasa, with about 10 more days of marching ahead of them before they reach their objective. The Communists are not only meeting scant resistance, reports said, but are receiving aid from a number of exiled Tibetan nobles who found sanctuary in China and who hope to regain their old power. Friday Set As Deadline For Photo Appointments Friday is the last day seniors and graduates may make picture appointments, according to Bill Osterman, 'Ensian sales manager. "This doesn't mean we will stop sittings after Friday," Osterman explained. "The photographers will remain so long as there are sit- Slosson Calls For Assenbly A new international constitu- tion should be proposed by the United States if the Russian veto continues to prevent effective operation of the United Nations, Prof. Preston Slosson told a meet- ing of the United World Federal- ists last night. The UN has been able to act against the aggression in Korea only because of the lucky absence of Russia from the Security Coun- cil when the decision to intervene was made, Prof. Slosson said. But now the Russians are again ever- present in the Council to block any action unfavorable to them, he added. SECRETARY of State Acheson's plan to have the bulk of the UN's business taken up in the General Assembly is a necessity if the UN is to accomplish anything toward maintaining peace, but the weak- nesses of the General Assembly make this only a makeshift solu- tion, he said. ' The equal representation of all nations, large and small hav- ing the same vote in the General Assembly eliminates it from be- ing considered as a permanent source of international control, Prof. Slosson emphasized. Prof. Slosson declared that Rus- sia would oppose any change of the present UN structure and suggest- ed that a new international fede- ral charter be drawn up. ters, but they won't accept any new appointments after Friday. * * * THIS DATE will not be extend- ed," Osterman said. The photographers will take six poses, two of which may be in graduate caps and gowns. Music will provide the proper atmo- sphere. ' The senior section of the year-\ book will be devoted to senior and graduate pictures, officers of the various colleges and a summary of the senior year. The photo section will include the name, degree and activities of the student. Students may make picture ap- pointments by phoning 2-6482 or by appearing at the 'Ensian office. Report Shaw Failing_.fast AYOT ST. LAWRENCE, Eng.- (AP)-George Bernard Shaw was re- ported weakening last night and running a high fever. A membef of the 94-year-old playwright's staff said; "He .is much weaker. We are concerned." * * * SHAW'S DOCTORS discouraged visitors, but the American-born Lady Astor was p.ermitted to sit with him about an hour. "He gave me such a lovely smile, but he is very, very tired-much weaker than when I last saw him 10 days ago," Lady Astor said. The wiry old Irish wit broke his left thigh in a fall while pruning fruit trees in his garden Sept.' 10. His fever is believed caused by a kidney ailment. A similar ailment bothered him a few days after his accident and he underwent a min- or operation for relief. He was re- turned Oct. 4 from the hospital to his home, Shaw Corners. UN Troops Still 3 2 Miles From Border Chinese Support North Koreans SEOUL- (R)-A lightning dash by an American column up North Korea's west coast to the Man- churian border was halted last night by a savage Red counter- attack. The Reds stopped an armored column of the United States 24th Division 32 miles short of its bor- der objective and prevented. the column from makingan intended all-night advance. It planned' to return to the attack today. ON THE northeast coast of Korea, where another American column was within 51 miles of the border, Maj. Gen. Edward M. Al- mond said his 10th Army corps would attack soon in strength to determine just how many Chinese Communist reinforcements stand in the way. The Red counterattack in the northwest, which cost the enemy 100 casualties, was made north- west of Chongju, captured Mon- day by the British Common- wealth 27th Brigade. On the right flank of the United States 24th Division, where one South Korean division was cut to pieces last week, there were fresh reports today of Red activity. The South Korean First Division beat off the sixth strong Communist counterattack in the past 48 hours near Unsan. It is 37 miles north- east of Chongju. * *>* A FIRST Division spokesman said that 1,000 Reds on horseback were reported moving south on a road toward Unsan. For the second night in a row, enemy planes appeared over an area to the immediate rear of fighting in the northwest. No bombs were dropped last night. A few fell the night before. The- Reds claimed in a communique that the raiders wrecked vital bridges. American planes were out in force but ground support was hampered by smoke rolling up from fires set by artillery shells in the wooded hills. * * * GEN. ALMOND disclosed that at least one Chinese Red regiment had marched to within 15 miles of the important industrial center of Hamhung on the east coast. In the northwest the United States First Cavalry Division rushed up tanks and artillery t bolster the hard-hit South Kor- ean Sixth and Eighth Divisions. The Reds recaptured Huichon, railroad town 58 miles southeast of the Communist provisional cap- ital of Kanggye, In the northeast the resurgence of Red strength in a fight south of the big Changjin reservoir fell on the outnumbered 27th regiment of the South Korean Third Divi' sion. Ghoulish Night Hlighlighted by 'Usual' Pranks Ann Arbor police reported "us- ual" Hallowe'en vandalism last night, as children of various sizes, some with destructive tendencies, sallied forth in search of some- thing to do. It was the hottest Hallowe'en in history, the mercury soaring to a record-breaking 80 degrees. The heat apparently took much of the enthusiasm out of the holiday re- velers. None of the reported ruin was of a very original nature, mostly consisting of leaf fires, bar- ricades, and assorted trash-can dumpings. * * * A CHECK late last night on the condition of t h e Engineering Building archway failed to reveal any evidences of attempted block- ade. No piles of bricks were any- where in the vicinity. However, vandals managed to 'ON THE SIXTH DAY.. .': Biology Text Ignores Theory of Evolution 4 * * * By CHUCK ELLIOTT The "missing link" may remain lost, as far as Seventh Da Advent- ist youth are concerned. Students in t h e Adventist schools will find nothing in their new biology text to indicate that man ever descended from any- thing, according to the announce- ment of the book at the denomi- nation's general conference in Grand Rapids on Monday. THE VOLUME, claimed to be "scientific in every respect," will be the only biology text in Ameri- ca to give the Bible story of the creation, according to Lowell R. Rasmussen, associate secretary of the General Education Department of the church. Prof. A. Franklin Shull, on re- MASTER OF CONTRASTS: Laughton To Be Featured at Hill Tonight --Daily-Bill Hampton LINK? * * * PROF. Leslie A. White, chair- man of the anthropology depart-, ment, upon hearing of the publi- cation, termed it "odd, but under- standable," and pointed out that tl. c.- -il -- ~ rlitrs~e r 'Heavy' dramatic oratory, and sharp humor will be the keynotes at "An Evening With Charles Laughton," to be heard at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Laughton, himself, will contri- bute the heaviest part of the even- ing. Weighing in between 200 to 250 pounds, the husky actor will deliver some of his most famous readings for the benefit of -the His dramatic training started af- ter he had served a short term as a private in the British Army in- fantry. His father finally accepted his acting ambition, and he duly enrolled in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London on a weekly budget of approximately 12 dollars. ** * * * * * {..:ti13 r .....