PACE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1950 ?AG!~ FOUR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1950 x Individualism & The Leader RECENT LETTERS in The Daily have rais- the question of individualism in the Rus- sian society, especially as protrayed in the film classic, Alexander Nevsky. The moyie is a lucid presentation and is extremely in- teresting and enilghtening as a product of Russia in the late thirties. The Daily's reviewer pointed to some au- thorities between this film and Laurence Olivier's interpretation of Henry V. The com- parison is interesting as a study of the de- velopment of screen portrayal cf battle scene (certainly Olivier drew heavily on what he learned from Nevskcy)b ut also for the variances in thinking due to divergent tra- ditions in Russia and the English speaking countries. The difference in concept of the leader is pointed up in Nevsky, where the success of the battle against the Teutons and the force of the invader which they represent depends primarily on the choice of the leader. Thus, Nevsky becomes the inde- spensible man. When the people of Great Novgorod decide to defend their city, the first question is not "how can we best ac- complish this?" but rather "who can lead us to do this?" This scene brings into sharp focus the idea of the absolute necessity of a strong leader, and the impossibility of action out-. side the leader. And although it would be contradictory to fact to say this dependence on the leader has always been an outstand- ing characteristic of Russia, certainly it has often been so. Nevsky represents the indespensable leader as not only necessary, but also very desirable. He has the good of Russia and the Russian people at heart, and it is this which makes him functionally irreplaceable. This is the idea the Czars tried to in- still, this is the idea on which Lenin rul- ed, and on which Stalin bases his power today. It is a concept which abstracts The Leader from the man, and holds him apart from the people, making him more of a mystic symbol than an individual. Stalin, as the contemperory Russian leader is revered and held up in a way that Truman or Attlee, Eisenhower or Montgomery never would be. Even Churchill, who came closest to the symbolic abstraction of the leader, was voted out of office The reason for this is to e found in the Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and, represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: CHUCK ELLIOTT Anglo-Saxon tradition of the leader. Here, the necessity of the leader springs from a realization that unless someone calls the signals, chaos will result. Thus, the leader, governmental or military, is the quarterback rather than the coach. Inherent in this is the " feeling - that it is better to have a good leader than a poor one: certainly we would rather see Henry V calling signals than Richard II. But the distinction between Anglo-Saxon and Rus- sian tradition is that we do not feel action or progress is impossible under Richard, or a result of Henry. Shakespeare's Henry was successful as a leader and as a man; Rich- ard failed at botfi. Also, as a product of the western renaissance, Shakespeare was as interested in showing Henry and Richard as individual humans as he was in portraying them as leaders. This personalization has come down today in both our literature and our thinking, but has been traditionally less present in Russia. Instead, the picture, not only of Nevsky, but of the Russian people that is expressed in "Nevsky" is one of the individual as part of a continuing element. The impor- tance of the individual is not denied, but. the emphasis is on his link between the past and the future, rather than on his place in the society of today. Thus, the individual becomes a vehicle for trans- mitting culture. This continuing element in Russia flows from the Czarist age to the present Commu- nist era, and we begin to realize that Com- munism in Russia did not alter a traditional 'totalitarian concept of government. It in-. .troduced some new ideas, emphasized new. .aspects of existing ideas, corrected some abuses and created some others. It also becomes clear that this tradition has now, as it had under the Czars, many portions of autocratic ideology intertwined in it. And Russia today is a result of the blend of Communist ideas and the his- toric Russian view of the leader, with the acceptance of the individual as part of a broader nationalism. It is impossible to say where this develop- ment, with Russia now a dominant world power, will lead either the Soviets or the rest of the wrld. But it is vitally important that we, as citizens of the other twentieth power,'reach some understanding of how the development of Russian thinking differs from our own. It is helpful, in coping with Russia tday, to recognize that we are deal- ing with a nation whose entire political de- velopment has taken a track which Anglo- Saxon nations long ago rejected. Roma Lipsky Immigration DISCIPLES OF law and political science have always generally had the theory that a bad law can best be defeated by strict- ly enforcing it. When the objectionable parts of the law are brought into the open, a cry will arise for revision or nullification. The internal Security Act is an out- standing example of bad legislation that has the potential ability of taking its place beside the Alien and the Sedition Acts and Espionage Act. The bill has gained its ill fame from the vague statements arid restrictions based on arbitrary deci- sion which characterize the act. While the bill was being debated in Con- gress protests came from all quarters that it would not achieve its objectives. The President,his administration including the Attorney General and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and leading newspapers throughout the nation voiced their warnings against it. Now the country is feeling the effects of a poorly fashioned bill, particularly the sec- tion concerning immigration. Hardest hit has been the cultural life of the United States. At Ellis Island famed conductor 'Victor de Sabata was being de- tained by immigration authorities. Other musical greats being held there were Frid- rich Gulda, Fedora Barbieri and Ljuba We- litch. Even world famous Arturo Toscanini was stopped temporarily, but later waved through on a technicality. All this bustling of activity by immigra- tion officials has jammed Ellis Island (which the Communists term 'that well known concentration camp"), temporarily. canceled visas from all over the world and left our neighbors wondering just what was going on in the citedal of democracy. New York immigration authorities have not been the only ones to tighten down. Re- cently, Canadian authorities in Windsor were reluctant to allow two foreign students on a University sponsored trip cross into Cana- da. They reasoned that the two students, one from China and the other from India, might not be able to return to the United States because of the strict interpretation of the Internal Security Act. One rather ironic twist has resulted from the rather strict enforcement of the act. Senator McCarran, the real father of the bill, has long been a strong supporter of Franco Spain. He now must stand by and see his bill exclude Spanish Falangists, the members of Franco's party. By the time Congress reconvenes, the country and Congress should be in the proper mood to add some drastic amend- ments to the Internal Security Act. These amendments should spell out in precise terms who is included in "any to- talitarian party (or direct predecessor, suc- cessor or sub division thereof)." It should stoP using arbitrary or artificial tests of prior association which are not the real test of those who present a danger to this coun- try. -Ron Watts I a yo ,- KE OE flo Xet, O-H EDTOR g- r The Daily welcomes comamunications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and. in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. "Will I Rescue You? Tune In Again Next Month" [INTERPRETING THE NEWS: T ibet -- Nehru Reacts By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst PRIME MINISTER Nehru of India is reported to feel let down over Chinese Communist action in Tibet. He shouldn't have, been sur- prised. He has been told often enough that you can't do business with -the Communists. Certainly Henry Wallace's recent public embarrassment and recantation of his advocacy of cooperation with Russia might have served the Indian leader as an object les- son. It seemed obvious from the first that the one great effect of Pei- ping's order for the invasion of Tibet-whether it is physically pushed through or not-would be its impact on middle-of-the-road Nehru. India's position is bound to be considerably different when in direct contact with a militant China as comhpared to present operations be- hind a chain of buffer states. Already. India has sent a note to Peiping expressing formal disapproval of the invasion order and threatening further action if the invasion actually occurs. One result might be withdrawal of India's sponsorship of Communist China for United Nations membership. Strangely enough, here we have another in the long series of Communist blunders which come with such strange timing to bolster non-Communist unity. The Communists might not be intending any real invasion of Tibet at all. The present order may have been in- tended merely to pressure such final negotiations. The beginning of winter hardly seems to be the time for beginning real military opera- tions in the Himalayan snows. But the west has been worried by Indian attempts to do busi- ness with Russia and Communist China. All arguments had proved futile-until Peiping offered the best one of all-an actual re- pudiation of an agreed line of action. Now India has been given a strong nudge toward the western position. She is learning the lesson which the west, after taking its own slow time, too, learned several years ago. ON THE Washington Merry - Go Round WITH DREW PEARSON LUCAS NEEDLES MALONE Capitol Hill is still chortling over the way Sen. "Molly" Malone of Nevada, Republican, chalenge4 Sen. Scott Lucas of Ilinois, Delpo- crat, to a fist fight on the Senate floor just before congress adjourned. The blowup oc- curred while the windy Senator from Nevada was filibustering against the bill to bar slot machines from interstate commerce. Lucas suddenly interrupted Malone,. who was munching on a sandwich as he spoke. "I make a point of order against eating in the Senate of the United States," needled the majority leader. "I do not think we have yet reached the point where we should. make the Senate a restaurant. I do not be- lievea-we ought to lower the dignity of the Senate by having sandwiches eaten here in.the chamber." Lucas was grinning, but Malone saw no humor in: the dig. He doubled up his ham- : sized fists, slammed one down on his desk, and glared fiercely at the majority leader, who was standing about 15 feet away. If the Senator wishes to make this a personal matter, let him come over here," he challenged. Rangy, six-foot-two Lucas' decided against turning the Senate Cham- ber, into a boxing arena, in addition to a restaurant. He stood his ground, made no move either toward or away from the Nevadan. Then came the payoff. As Malone turned back to his sandwich, which had been cut into small canapes, he found homespun GOP Sen. Bill - Langer of North Dakota calmly devouring the last of it. * * - MORE ON DEWEY-HANLEY Here is more inside on the bitter New York battle raging over the heads of Gov. Tom Dewey and his Lieutenant Governor, Joe Hanle. Dewey, it now develops, heard of the existence of the Hanley "sell-out" letter, and on Oct.' 11 asked his Lieutenant Governor for a copy. Hanley refused. Han- ley had written the letter to Kingsland Macy in September and sent a copy to James Leary, a Saratoga Springs lawyer, who showed it-to various friends. However, Dewey was not able to get a copy. So he instructed Congressman William' Pfeiffer of Brooklyn to scour the state for the letter. On Oct. 13 the congressman came up with a copy and it was two days later- Sunday, Oct. 15-that Dewey abruptly an- nounced his support of General Eisenhower. Significantly, the Macy-Gannett group, which put up the money for Joe Hanley, have also been the backstage backers of Eisenhower. But in politics, it doesn't pay to have your neck out too early and the best thing Dewey could have done to help Ike was to say nothing. Note-It wasn't merely because of a bank failure that Joe Hanley needed money. Joe is a great hand at the horse races. FRIENDSHIP BUILDERS HALTED Last year, a group of young Austrians visited the United States-some under the sponsorship of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce-to build friendship between the United States and Europe. This year, how- ever, the friendship program is being halted at Ellis Island-thanks to the new McCarran act. What Congress apparently did not realize when it rushed the McCarran bill over the White House veto was that it would bar some of our best friends in Europe-among them Ernst Reuter, the heroic mayor of West Berlin. Reuter has consistently resisted Soviet attempts to penetrate the allied area, but in 1919 he was a Communist. And though , COPPER CANYON, with Ray Milland, Hedy Lamarr, Maddonald Carey and Mona Freeman. PERHAPS had Copper Canyon not pre- tended to be a "great saga of the Old West," it would have succeeded in being a pretty good western. Director John Farrow had all the elements of a good western to work with: a hunted hero who is trouble's best boy-friend, a vicious bully with more than a grain of intelligence, all sorts of persecuted people just dying to be protected. a good chase, a wild fight scene and lots of plain and fancy shooting. But whenever the picture shows signs of settling down to be- ing just plain western, everybody wants to get serious, a task which is in most cases, not only impossible but undesired (pictures like "The Gunfighter" excepted.) ' For most people westerns are an escape, the bloodier and gutsier it gets, the better it is; perhaps it is psychological. But at any rate the audience does not come to be moved by the pitiful struggles of the poor, defeated Confederate army, fighting to make a "fresh" start by conquering the wilderness (or per- haps there is supposed to be a parallel be- tween the people of Israel in the desert and the trials of the itinerant Southerners.) In any case, Ray Milland as the trick- shot artist with a past descended like manna into the middle of a bloody swindle scheme designed to take over the copper mines of the persecuted Rebs. There are moments, as when Ray goes all by himself to the res- cue of an ambushed ore train, dramatically subdues a house full of cut throats, leads a rousing cavalry charge, and makes love all without batting the proverbial eyelash, one somewhat wistfully tries to remember the "good old days." When out of the West came the thundering hoof-beats of the great horse Silver, the Lone Ranger rides °again." Ab well... -Allan Clamage Parable... To the Editor: T HE LATE, lamented Perry Lo- gan used to tell this one: "A friend of mine, name of Har- vey L. Hearst, was one time riding back to college in the company of several of his young, college-type friends. Included among their number was the brilliant young Russian exchange student Fyodor Hemingweigh. This same Hem- ingweigh, although personable enough, had an annoying habit. He kept borrowing things. "In Albany it was Hearst's comb. In Black Rock it was Hearst's colored glasses. Hearst was becoming annoyed. St. Thom- as, Windsor and Detroit it was poor Hearst's necktie, a clean shirt and a handkerchief. Hearst waxed wroth. "As they approached Ypsilanti, Fyodor once more addressed Hearst: 'Lend me the loan of your toothbrush, Harvey?' "Steam shot from Hearst's ears: 'Now goddamit, Fyodor . . . !' he began . . . but Hemingweigh wag- gled an admonishing forefinger' 'Ah ah ah! Anti-Sovietism'!" Hadn't thought of this one since Perry passed away. Couple of re- cent letters in The Daily by some- one called Barense brought it to mind. -Bill Cherniak. Student Directory . . To the Editor: NOWhaving been a student in Ann Arbor for a few years, I've become as gullible as the next guy about paying through the nose for poor service, but isn't this one going a little too far? For the first month or so it bothered me, but recently I had become fairly used to joining the mob at the Office of Student Affairs for addresses or merely waiting on street cor- ners until my friends wandered by, when suddenly Editor Roger Wel-' lington comes out with the an- nouncement that he will issue a mid-semester Student Directory after all. What I'd like to know, if he'd care to answer is this: is it this extra service of delaying the publishing of the directory a couple of weeks, or is it the 10% fewer student names he had to put in it this year that boosted the cost from 75 cents to a dllar? -Keith Beers Reply to Drysdale .. . To the Editor. THE LETTER by Taylor Drysdale in Friday's column contains an analogy suggesting that war can be considered as a large-scale ex- tension of the same actions which prompt the surgeon's knife or the policeman's force. Military action does for society what these do on an individual basis. There is a deeper point which apparently is our oasis of differ- ence. It is an emphasis on exaa'%y that distinction between the indi- vidual and the society. My funda- mental assumption is the supreme worth of human personality-the highest level in all Creation and the most creative power in the world, exceeded only by the per- sonality of the Almighty. From any ctlen starting poiit emanates the road to totalitarianism-commu- nistic or otherwise-in which. the individual is submerged for the welfare of the society. The doctor and the policeman deal with individuals, and in the situations which they face are sel- dom placed in the impersonal po- sition of being unable to exercise the power of redemptive love - whether or not they recognize it or call it that. The situatiofi re- mains individual. The su'rgeon does not destroy the family if a limb of one member needs amputation; the policeman does not bomb the village that the criminal therein may be removed from society. There is a distinction,' in other words, between force and indivi- duals and violence and society. The prestige (unfortunately re- sulting from "police" action which had to become violence) which the Korean situation has given the UN is greatly to be desired, and may it soon be channeled into greater efforts toward world government. The UN is dedicated to peace, and it deserves the financial- re- sources spent on war that they may be used on the elimination of the economic and social conditions which breed dissatisfaction and re- volt; it deserves the manpower which is being poured into war that it may be aid in effecting this reconstruction; it deserves hearty support for international conferences to achieve - disarma- ment. Even if all nations were not 'to participate in such an over-all program, the action of a majority in starting such a dynamic ap- proach to peace could not be kept from behind any curtin. Certainly there would be risks, and a need for vision; but are we not now risking all of civilization, not to mention any respect for persons? Not appreciating the intex'nin- able exchange of letters with which these columns so easily become overburdened, I should like to leave for Mr.. Drysdale the opportunity - for the "last word." May there be others who, like Roger Quentin (also writing in Friday's column), observe that search for the "po- larity for good" in men may be the answer to the society which becomes engulfed in socially-ap- proved evils. -Edward G. Voss Field Goal .. . To the Editor: WE ARE pleased to note that at least one football team in the State of Michigan isn't too proud to use- the field goal. -Don V. Souter '49L (and four other Michigan (alumni) 150 lb. Football.* To the Editor: A few years back here at the Uni- versity we had a 150 pound i football team. I was never able to see them play, but I have heard r an awful lot about how god they -were. This 150 pund team seems like a very good idea. It would give the smaller fellow who is out- classed by the monsters on the varsity team a chance to play a good game of football and get the many benefits the player gets Cozy Commons A CAT may look at a queen, and the King may look at the House of Commons-if, as doesn't happen every century, it has to be rebuilt after an onslaught by ty- rants. r But history favored King Geo- rge VI, and this is-What he saw: A new chamber that preserved as much of the old as feasible; tra- ditional green leather covers on seat cushions which were stuffed with foam rubber; the "Church- ill Arch," constructed of battered stones picked from the rubble that Hitler's bombers left behind them; gifts from all over the common- wealth and empire which Hitler sought to destroy. And if the King stopped to count, he found something more than 400 seats for more than 600 members. This anomaly is another British answer to tyranny. No Hitler is going to affect the shape of British institutions, not even indirectly nor superficially for the better. . But the fewness of Commons seats is only incidentally an ex- pression of that attitude. The size of the House of Commons be- speaks the Briton's mastery of the most subtle elements of demo- cratic government. - As Winston Churchill has put it, it is a principle that "there should not be room" for all the members. He attributes to the lack of seating space "that sense of urgency and excitement. to. which our parliamentary proceed- ings have owed a great deal, in the past." (Laughter.) Or, as Minister of WorksStokes puts it: "I re- gard it rather like a debutante's dance. If it is ngt crushed to over- flowing, it is not a success." So the size of the Commons chamber is not simply a matter of keeping things as they are, or were, in Britain, but of making sure that the 'atmosphere.of the House is such as to keep things duly changing, as they always have, in Britain. It is the understanding of the connection between these two ap- proaches to order with freedom that has so disastrously eluded despots down the ages. Their thrones, their balconies,. their eagles' nests belong to history. But the British Commons goes on belonging to the now. -Christian Science Monitor Teaching Rewarded THANKS to a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, Presi- dent Robert M. Hutchins was able to announce earlier in the month that three spedial prqfessorships have been established in the Uni- versity of Chicago. Until the cor- poration made its grant, teachifig. had not been as highly regarded in academic circles as research. No one will question ,the importance of research. But is college a teach- ing or a research institution? It is both, and because it is both, teach- ing and research should stand on the same level.l -The New York Times frm the game. It would also be a good fast game to watch. I wonder if this sport could be started up once more? Just how do you read- ers of the Daily feel about the 150 t pound football team? I --John T. Buck DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) Pershing Rifles Marching So- ciety: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rifle Range. Chess Club meeting: 7:30 p.m., 3G Union. Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:15 p.m-., Union. 'Ensian pictures for those with dues paid. Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Full chorus rehearsal, 7 p.m., League. United World * Federalists: Meet- ing, Room 3A, Union. Speaker: Prof. Preston Slosson. U. of M. Women's Glee. Club:. Rehealtal, 4:10 p.m., League. Coming Events Canterbury Club: Wed., Nov. 1, 7 a.m., Holy. Communion followed by ' Student Breakfast; 10:15 a.m., Holy Communion. Wesley Foundation: Do Drop In, 4 p.m., Wed., Nov. 1. ASME: Meeting, 7:15 p.m., Wed., Nov. 1, Rooms 3J-M, Unionr Mr. Robert Kohr, Assistant Director of Research, Ford Motor 'Co., will speak on "Engineering Research." All engineering students invited. (Continued on Page 5) - +:~g King Gustaf HE PASSING of King Gustaf will, naturally, be felt most deeply by his fellow Swedes. But there are many of us in other parts of the world who will miss him. We had grown fond of King ,Gustaf. We had b6come accustomed to seeing his spare frame engaged in some stren- uous activity in the picture pages of the periodicals. By his fantastic activity at the age of 74 or 83.or 90, years when most of us will be satisfied to stand erect under our own power-, he reassured us that life, at any age, can be a lasting and wonderful ad- venture. One day he would be playing a gamnw of "vigorous" tennis. A few weeks later he would be shown on a hunting , ex- pedition, exhibiting with very human pride the prizes he'd bagged. Then he'd switch to swimming and to golf or riding. Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of th'e Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown............Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger......... City Editor Roma Lipsky :........ Editorial Director Dave Thomas... . .. Feature Editor. Janet Watts..........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan............Associate Editor James Gregory........Associate, Editor Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor Bob Sandell...Associate, Sports Editor Bill Brenton...Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans...........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels.........Business Manager Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible..Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00: by mail, $7.08. [__LOokngBack__ 25 YEARS AGO UNIVERSITY building and grounds em- ployees were busy shoveling snow off the 47,000 seats at the stadium in preparation BARNABY. Elka! What would we do with a LIVE GOOSE?- The'fuss and bother. We're lucky it got away! But mother 11 ...That we deliberately tried to get rid of the goose- Look at it this way-Barnaby w. We wouldn't DARE have it for our holiday dinner- I suppose you're right. We can explain it to I don't believe in withholding information .from children...You asked your old Fairy Godfather to explain I I I I i I I 11 11 I