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October 31, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-31

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Latest Deadline in the State-

:43 ti1#





Reds Rout South Koreans on Eastern


Boycott Lie
Council Approves
Korea Relief Plan
By The Associated Press
Union will refuse to deal with Try-
gve Lie if the Norwegian's term as
UN Secretary General is extended,
Russian Foreign Minister Andrei
Y. Vishinsky said in a news con-
ference following an effort to keep
the Lie issue in the Security Coun-
Meanwhile the UN's Political
Committee overwhelmingly reject-
ed a Soviet demand that the na-
tion first using the atomic bomb be
branded as a war criminal, and
the Economic and Social Council
approved a detailed blueprint for
the. relief and reconstruction of
war-torn Korea.
as a "two-faced" follower of Amer-
ican policies. But the Assembly,
meeting today, is expected to ap-
prove a 14-nation proposal to ex-
tend the term.
Russia earlier used the veto
In an effort to block Lie's re-
election. The Council voted 7-1
against the Russian move to
keep the issue out of the As-
Vishinsky told reporters last
night: "The USSR delegation de-
dares, and I will do so tomorrow
(before the Assembly) that if Try-
gve Lie is imposed as Secretary-
General for any new term of of-
fice, the Soviet government will
not regard him and deal with him
as Secretary-General of the Uni-
ted Nations organization."
Answering a question as to how
the Russians would deal with Lie
In the event he is continued in
office, Vishinsky said: "We shall
not recognize him nor shall we
have any truck with him."
atom bomb plan, the vote was 5 in
favor, 35 against and 18 abstain-
The demand was a key provision
of a Soviet "peace" resolution
which also condemned warmong-
ering propaganda; called for con-
elusion of a peace pact by the
United States, Britain, Russia,
France and China, and asked a
one-third reduction of armaments
by those powers.
For Germany
Still Blocked ,
WASHINGTON-()-T h e At-,
lantic Pact Defense Committee,
apparently still unable to agree on
the German rearmament question
involved in setting up a Western
European defense force, recessed
last night until this morning.
The'group issued no communi-'
q u e. A Defense Department3
spokesman said that the meeting
would resume at 9:30 a.m. today.t
Defense Chiefs had hoped to
finish by last night the draftingE
of a plan for creating a combined
force in Europe. However, much of
the first session on Saturday and
again yesterday seemed to have
been snagged by the disagreement
over how to provide for German

Earlier a delegate to the mo-
mentous military conference said
that "solid progress" was being
made toward setting up a com-
mon defense organization for
Western Europe.
Gustaf VI Taker
Swedish Throne
STOCKHOLM - (P) - King
Gustaf VI ascended the ancientz
throne of Sweeden yesterday and
proclaimed as his royal motto
"Duty above all."1
Gustaf VT Inlninno- n land X

SL $1,000 Fund
Misuse Revealed
Homecoming Dance Receipts Clear
Two-Year Debt to 'U' of Philippines
(Editor's Note: This is the first of two articles dealing with the finances
of the Student Legislature during the past two years.)
Daily Managing Editor
The jingling success of Student Legislature's Homecoming Dance
has pulled the SL out ofan extremely embarrassing financial situation.
Going into the dance the SL had a two-year-old $1,078 debt to
the University of the Philippines. The money had been collected in
an all-campus bucket drive to aid the war-stricken Philippine Uni-
Why, two years later, the money has never been sent to the
Philippines is a somewhat shocking story.
* * * *
AFTER THE SL had conducted the bucket drive which netted
the $1,078 in the fall of 1948, it was advised to hold the money until it
was definitely made certain that it would reach the Philippines. and
that the proper supplies were being sent.
This in itself was probably a wise move. There had been con-
siderable uncertainty as to whether some $6,000 which had been
collected earlier by other campus groups had ever reached the
From that moment, however, the SL's finances became a study of
mismanagement and budgetary neglect. Within the year the SL pro-
ceeded to spend the thousand dollars on its own projects, apparently
forgetting completely its obligation to the Philippines.
AT THE CONCLUSION of the Philippine drive in the fall of 148
the Legislature had a balance of approximately $1,500. By June of
the same year the SL had happily spent its way down to a $300-400
Included in their expenditures were such legitimate projects as a
$400 Displaced Persons Scholarship Fund and more than $500 for
the National Students Association.
How could such a blunder have occured? Was it misman-
agement, stupidity or simply an oversight?
No one seems to know forure, although it is unanimously agreed
that the mistake was not intentional.
THE MYSTERY can probably be largely attributed to a turnover
in the SL membership. The bucket drive which netted the $1,078 was
managed by SL member Jim Saker who should have known that the
debt was outstanding to the Philippines. Two weeks after the drive,
however, Saker was removed from the SL because of failure to attend
The change of SL treasurers in the middle of the year was
undoubtedly another contributing factor. The new treasurer in
the spring of 1949 was probably not thoroughly acquainted with
the Philippine drive and may not have realized that the funds
were being held temporarily by the SL in its general account.
This is a partial explanation. But is it enough? Even if the
SL's records were not clear, a check with the books of the Student
Affairs Office which audits the accounts of all student groups would
have clearly shown that the funds had never been channeled to the
THIS LEDGER was open to any SL member at any time and
should have been studied. Nevertheless, the SL went merrily on its
way spending the funds which had been generously donated to the
Philippine university by the entire campus.
The blame, for the error certainly cannot be placed on the
Student Affairs Office. It has been their practice to generally
supervise and advise the students groups in their financial trans-
actions-it was not their place to sit on top of the SL Treasurer
and explain every move.
The facts were plainly written on the books.
The blunder was discovered early last fall when the SL opened
for business at the beginning of the 1949-50 school year. Shocked by
their discovery, the SL officials struggled valiantly to make up the
deficit all year, but because of their greatly expanded program, suc-
ceeded only in sinking $450 deeper into debt.
Now at last, with the roaring success of the Homecoming Dance
-approximately $2300 in profits-the SL has been able to meet its
Philippine obligation and make a fresh start with a clear conscience.
And steps have been taken by the present SL Treasurer Len
Wilcox to make absolutely sure that a similar blunder will never be
Detailed budgets for the entire year have been prepared by Wilcox
explaining in detail the location of SL's funds, expected sources of
revenue and a complete breakdown of the estimated expenses for
each committee throughout the entire year.
Copies of these budgets have been distributed among all SL
members who now should have a thorough knowledge of the Legisla-
ture's fiancial position.
(tomorrow: The SL's new budgeting system and its general
financial needs.)

-AP News Photo
DRIVE-Don Oldham (14), Wolverine right-halfback, drives through Minnesota's forward wall for a short gain in Saturday's 7-7 tie
with the Gophers in the annual Little Brown Jug game at Minneapolis. This picture was flown from Minneapolis to Cleveland when
the plane carrying Michigan's gridders was unable to land at Willow Run Airport Saturday night.

Tibet Asks
Aid ofIndia
LHASA, Tibet-(P)-Tibet ap-
pealed to India yesterday for dip-
lomatic help as Chinese Commun-
ist invaders were reported within
200 miles of Lhasa, capitol of
the isolated Himalayan mountain
country. I
The appeal was sent through
India's representative in Lhasa, S.
Sinha. An Indian government
spokesman said Tibet has asked
specifically for the "continuance
of the good offices which India
had made available in the past."
He denied reports that the ap-
peal included a request for mili-
tary aid or for putting the Chinese
invasion before the United Na-
India already has sent a note
to the Peiping government ex-
pressing regret and surprise at the
Communist order to invade Tibet,
but no answer has been received
by the Indian government.
Tibetan troops have been falling
back since the Chinese invaded
their country last week. An offi-
cial Indian spokesman said that
Lho Dzong in eastern Tibet fell
to the Communists on October 22.
Five days later Tibetan forces
were driven out of Shoshado, and
fell back 50 miles along the road
to Lhasa.
Yesterday the Reds were report-
ed to have reached Pembago, less
than 200 miles from Lhasa. Ob-
servers said they probably could
reach the capitol within 10 days.
Meanwhile, Sinha reported also
that Communist propaganda leaf-
lets urging the population to re-
volt against the Dalai Lama's gov-
ernment are already being used
inside Tibet.

Puerto Rican Rebels
Rise Against Governor

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico-P')-~
The government today called out
3,500 National Guardsmen to sup-
press a Nationalist uprising, the
worst in the island's history.
Police said 23 persons had been
killed and 15 wounded in the
widespread revolt, in which rebels
fired on the governor's palace and
burned police stations.
.THE GOVERNOR told reporters
earlier that the "situation is well
in hand." In his broadcast he ask-
ed the people to be on the alert
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Senators heard
yesterday how more than 3,500,-
000 pounds of war-useful copper
was shuttled around the world
from Japan to New York to Com-
munist China before the trade
was choked off last July.
Expeditor Tighe Woods is ex-
pected to propose broader Fed-
eral rent control powers amend-
ing the local option control law,
which does not expire until next
June 30.
PORTLAND, Ore. - The
Oregon flood death toll rose to
four last night as swollen rivers
swirling over scores of highways
and farms began receding.
DETROIT - Serge Koussevits-
ky, famous retired conductor of
the Boston Symphony, said yes-
terday that he would be willing
to assist revival of the Detroit
Symphony if enough interest and
financial support were shown.

but to "remain serene, since there
is' no danger that your democratic
liberty will be harmed by these fa-
Latest reports reaching police
in San Juan said the dead in-
Icluded 13. policemen, nine Na-
tionalist rebels, and one fireman.
Munoz interpreted the attack on
the palace as an attempt to mur-
der him and said this was in ac-
cord with "Communist and Fas-
cist" practices.
The Nationalists are extremists
whoedemand complete indepen-
dence of Puerto Rico from the
United States, which they de-
nounce as an armed invader of
the island. Munoz described the
movement as "a fanatical one but
numerically very small in Puerto
Rico. They do not number more
than 400 in party members."
The rebellion began in two
southern costal towns with attacks
on police stations. Similar attacks
followed immediately in three
towns in the center of the island,
one on the northern coast and in
San Juan, where police clashed
with the rebels in front of the
governor's palace and at the post
NLRB Finds
tional Labor Relations Board ruled
the Ann Arbor Press guilty of un-
fair labor practices.
It ordered the printing firm,
owned by Arthur J. Wiltse, to bar-
gain with Bindery Workers Local
20 of the International Brother-
hood of Bookbinders (AFL).
The board upheld a trial exam-
iner's findings.

For House
Special to The Daily
WILLOW RUN-Congressional
candidates John P. Dawson and
George Meader squared off in de-,
bate here last night, with Meader
pointing to "lack of common
sense" and "failure" in Adminis-
tration policies, and Dawson blast-
ing the "Republican refrain" that
these policies are "socialistic" and
insufficiently anti-Communist.
Meader called for the preserva-
tion of free private enterprise in
the U.S. and "intelligent, effective"
steps to combat Russian Commu-
nism abroad.
* * *
DAWSON defended the Truman
foreign policy-aid to Greece and
Turkey, Marshall Plan assistance
to Europe, the Atlantic Pact, and
the plan, to help set up a United
Nations international police force
free from the Soviet veto.
Dawson said "the cry of 'soc-
ialism' is being used by the Re-
publican leadership to obscure
the real issues" in the cam-
"The spectacle of the Repub-
licans in Congress forcing on the
President power to control all
wages and prices, which he did not
want and has not used," demon-
strates that "the Democrats do not
want to regiment anyone."
Meader said he was "shocked"
by the Administration's "wasteful-
ness" and,."lack of planning" for
national defense.
The two candidates split on fed-
eral aid to public housing, the Ad-
ministration's Brannan farm plan,
and extending social insurance to
include the costs of medical care,
with Dawson in favor and Meader

N. Koreans
By Chinese
Communists Near
Port of Hamhung
SEOUL -(A')- Resurgent Reds,
reported unofficially to be bolster-
ed by two Chinese Communist di-
visions, were on a counter-offen-
sive today in Northeast Korea and
fought savage defensive battles in
the northwest.
In the northeast, where a Unit-
ed States spokesman acknowledg-
ed at least one Chinese Commun-
ist regiment was in action,- the
Reds stabbed within 2 miles of
the east coast industrial center of
Hamhung, and virtually cut off
a South Korean regiment.
regiment was holding firm while
a relief column hurried up from
Hamhung and low-flying U.S.
Marine corsairs attacked the Reds.
One hundred twenty miles up
the east coast from Hamhung,
a South Korean patrol moved
into Kilchu, 65 miles southeast
of the Manchurian border.
AP correspondent Ben Price
quoted a captured North Korean
officer as saying that two Chinese
Communist divisions were in the
encircling drive towards Hamhung.
American advisers made no such
identification of the two divisions,
however, and an American intel-
ligence officer said he was skep-
ish 27th. Brigade had to fightin
the street to capture the highway
hub of Chongju on the main road
to the northwest border city of
Sinuiju about 50 miles from the
Manchurian border. Then Ameri-
cans swept through, ready to drive
up that road.
While the immediate situation
appeared serious for the South
Korean Republican Third Divi-
sion, strong American reinforce-
ments were yithin 50 miles of
Hamhung on the south and 75
miles on the north.
Elsewhere along a 250-mile arc,
United Nations forces edging to-
ward the snowy fringes of the
Manchurian border found their
advance stalled by bitter Com-
munist resistance.
The South Korean Sixth Divi-
sion pulled back advance elements
from the Manchurian border above
Chosan for a distance of 30 miles.
Other units of the Sixth Divi-
sion retreated in disorder after a
bloody three-day battle in which
they were opposed by at least
some Chinese. The routed South
Koreans succeeded in forming new
positions near Onjong, 45 miles.
from Chosan.
As the battle progressed, the
Korean Republic's military and
civil courts have sentenced more
than 600 persons to death for war-
time offenses, judicial authorities
told the Associated Press yester-
Charges included aiding the
enemy, murder, conspiracy, rape,
arson, illegal confiscation of prop-
erty and desertion.
New Student
Directory Sale
Begins Today

A truck carrying two and one-
half tons of Student Directories'
will roll onto camnpus at 7:45 a.m.
Vendors will sell theone-dollar
Directory on the Diagonal, at the
Engineering Arch, the Business
Administration Building, the Un-
ion, the League and the corner of
N. University and Washtenaw.
Students may also obtain copies
in campus book stores.
"The books weigh a half-ton
more this year," Roger Welling-
ton, editor said, "which we attrib-
ute to the slight increase in the

Hallowe'en-Garbed Youngsters Will Roam Streets Tonight

Captain Kidd will ring the door-
bell tonight.
So will Little Orphan Annie and
many assorted, sheet-wrapped
The traditional youngster's Hal-
lowe'en togs will be resurrected or
nurchnsd and weirdlv-garbed fig-

struction gangs have ranged the
streets stopping cars, mutilating
signs and creating jobs for win-
dow-washers, but this year kids
up to the junior high school age
will have all of Yost Field House
to cavort in.
Under the sponsorship of the

: * *

kids being kids, the sergeant
who mans the phone at police
headquarters tonight is expect-
ing a busy time. So far, the force
has not been enlarged, but if
the number of calls is too large
for easy handling, reserves will
be called out.

ed through the streets. Any-
one they found, they assumed was
a spirit come-to-life and he was
immediately drubbed. Fence-posts
and barn-doors were painted with
mystic symbols to frighten spirits
who saw them in the morning
light. These early Hallowe'eners

A :.


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