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October 29, 1950 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-10-29

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Latest Deadline in the State







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Last Minute



Swarm Ashore
In Iwon Invasion
Red Chinese, North Korean Troops
Stubbornly Resist UN Advance
KOREA-(IP)-United States forces yesterday made their second
amphibious landing on North Korea's east coast int four days.
Coming ashore near Iwon, the invaders bolstered South. Korean
troops moving north toward the Manchurian- border'.
THE AMPHIBIOUS effort involved a landing force of 27,000 men,
most of them belonging to the U.S. Seventh Division. No opposition

was met by the landing force-.
The beachhead is 50 to 60 mi

Army Stos
Order Does Not
Affect Officers
niy announced yesterday it is mak-
ing no more mandatory calls for
enlisted reservists, except for 1,-
800 enlisted medical reservists and
,433 counter intelligence special-
However, all recall orders mail..
ed out to reservists up to, and in-
cluding yesterday, are still valid
and must be complied with. The
order applies only to enlisted re-
servists, not to reserve officers.
** *
AT THE SAME time, the Army
announced a point system to de-
termine which enlisted reservists
---among those on active duty_-
will be sent overseas. It called its
point plan a "service credit" sys-.
Under the plan, one service
credit will be given an enlisted
reservist for each year of his
age over 20, one for each year
of reserve service, two for each
combat award he has received,
four for each year of active fed-
eral service, four for each year
of overseas service and eight for
each department.
The reservist will receive credit
for less than a year of active fed-
eral service, or overseas service.
If he has had three months or a
major fraction of that time in
active federal service, he will re-
ceive one credit. One credit will
also be granted for each three
months or a majior fraction- of
that time spent in overseas serv-
listed reservists will be ordered ov-
erseas from among the ranks of
those on active duty, the Army
said it will choose first those with
the lowest scores within desired
military occupational specialities.
It is expected, the Army said,
that some men with the highest
service credit scores will be re-
lieved from active duty within
the next three months.
It said the credit scores announ-
ced for enlisted reservists do not
apply to enlisted men of the Na-
tional Guard who have been order-
ed into federal service with their
In announcing that no more
mandatory calls will be issued for
enlisted reservists, the Army said
th s a s in om pia nc w it h a re
Marhal. H diectd te armed
services to revamp reserve policies
in view of the changed military
Elction1 Peitions

iiles south of northward-rushing
South Korean forces. Military
leaders commanding the opera-
*tion".said the 7th will move north
ward over 120 miles of high
mountain terrain via Pungsan to
The landing came just as U.S.
troops speared to within 41 miles
of the Manchurian frontier yes-
terday in a United Nations drive
to cleax all Korea before resurgent
Reds can regroup a potent stril..-
ing force.
* , *
JOINED by some Chinese com-
munist troops, the Korean Reds
were throwing in furious counter-
-attacks. Fighting was particularly
strong In front of the Yalu River
boundary of Northwestern Korea.
Meanwhile, Li. Gen. Wal-
ton H. Walker, Eighth Army
commander, declined comment
on the reports of Chinese Com-
munist participation in the Ko-
rea war. He indicated, however,
that the capture of Chinese Red
prisoners had no grleat signif I--
One American adviser with the
Republic of Korea First Division
sid after a battle Friday' "We
counted 6Z dead Chineeiou
* * *
THE REDS were kiicking up at-
tacks behind the UN lines, with
Kojo, 30 mIles south of the East
coast port of Wonsan, reported as
one of the main trouble spots.-
A company of U.S. Marines
was reported surrounded yester-
day and hacked up by about
1,000 cut-off Reds. A later field
dispatch spoke only of a Ma-
rine platoon and said its sur-
vivors had made thefr way back
to the American lines near Kojo-.
As the war entered Its final
stages, three American cruisers
headed home:
Adm. Arthur W. Radford, Pacific
Fleet Commander, announced the
13,600 ton heavy cruisers Toledo
and Helena and the light cruiser
Worcester are due In Pearl Har-
bor Thursday.
They were the first major US.
fleet units to leave the Korean
theater since the war began.

Headway e
Reported in
Europe's Defeiise
Under Discussion
By The Associated Press
treaty nations reported last night
they had reached the half-way
mark in a momentous conference
on problems involved in creating
a combined force to defend West-
ern Europe.
The defense ministers, who con-
stitute a defense committee of the
North Atlantic treaty organization,
did not disclose in a communique
issued last night what problems
had been settled. Another session
has been called for 9:30 a.m.
(EST) Monday.
* * *
REPORTS from those attending
the . historic session conflicted as
to whether the appointment of a
supreme commander for Western
Europe's forces had been decided
The quesftion of German rearma-
ment was discussed, they said, but
no conclusions were reached.
Meanwhile, a 45-minute con-
ference between President Tru-
man and Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower yesterdy did nothing to
dispel a widely-held belief that
Eisenhower will head the new
European defense force.
"The President didn't put the
question to me," Eisenhower told
reporters. But he added that Mr.
Truman "always knows that I am
available for duty."
* * *
AND SO the door remained wide
open for the General to be named
Supreme Commander of Western
Forces in Europe onice the post Is
formally created.
Reporters asked Eisenhower
yesterday what difference it
would make politically if he ac-
cepted the Western powers' de.-
fense assignment.
Smiling, he replied: ''I have no
intention of doing in 1952 anything
different from what I am doing
meanwhile, heard U.S. Secretary
of Defense George C. Marshall
warn against complacency and
urge defense plans tl at are "real-
Speaking in the huge green
and gold conference room of the
government's inter-department-
mental auditorium, Marshall
said "the struggle may only have
"Our citizens," he said, "are ea-
ger to ascertain what forces are to
be raised-how, and when, and
what every nation under the North
Atlantic Pact will contribute."

ONE, TWO, THREE PULL-The Freshman tug-o-war team attempts to stave off its second dunk-
ing in the Huron River by the Sophomore team. The Sophomores won this tug, however, and with
their win in the first pull they copped the rah-rah battle, two tugs to one. A crowd of 200 lined the
banks of the river yesterday afternoon to watch this final activity of the 1950 Tug Week.
* * * * * *

WaterLogge Sophmore

Deadlocks Game
Spirited U1nderdogs Dent Wolverine
.Rose Bowl Hopes Before 60,000
MINNEAPOLIS-Michigan didnl't lose, but Minnesota won.
A spirited crew of- Minnesota Gophers,-playing .to win, tie, or just
look good-put a big dent in the Michigan. Wolverines' Rose Bowl
hopes yesterday when they came from behind in the final minutes to
deadlock the highly-favored Maize and Blue squad, 7-7.
* * * *
IT WAS MORE than a tie to Bernie Bierman's clan. Minnesota
came into the game with four losses behind them and Michigan was
installed as' a solid 20-point favorite.
But from the opening gun the 60,000 screaming fans realized
that odds meant nothing. And when George Hudak, who was the
Gopher offensive spark plug, hit Darrell Cochrane in the game's
final two minutes, they were sure of it.
Although Michigan's offense rolled up a total of 254 yds gained,
208 of it by passing, the WolverineV * * *

A group of 15 Sophomores heav-
ed and hoed and twice dragged a
group of 15 Freshmen into the icy
waters of the Huron River yester-
day afternoon to win the annual
Soph-Frosh tug-o-war and cli-
max the 1950 Tug Week-.
The.,Sophomores couldn't man-
age to keep dry, however. They
were also pulled twice from the
bank into the river. But tug-o-
war judge, Bill Stapp, 'SlEd, pres-
ident of the 'M' Club. disqualified
one of the Freshmen victories,
ruling that the Freshman team
began tugging before the starting
signal was given-.
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 28 -Ge)-
The condition of 92-year-old King
Gustaf V was described by his phy-
sician for the first time last night
as "'very serious.''
Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf, old-
est son of the King, hurried to
Drottingholm Palace for his third
visit of the day in the sickroom.
The condition of the King, suffer-
ing from bronchial catarrh, ,was
believed to be deteriorating rapid-
A medical bulletin announced
there had been no essential change
in the last few hours.

THIS YEAR'S Sophomore vic-
tory was the second in a row for
the '53 class team. They also won
last year when they were fresh-
Before the tug began, the
Sophomores had some trouble
in finding 15 men for the team.
Two Sophomore women volun-
teers took places along the rope
until a minute before the first
pull, -when a couple of huskier
men took over.
More than 200 students watched
the tug.
. *
DOWN AT THE river it was
noticed that some of the less con-
fident members of both teams
sported overshoes.
Some of the onlookers that
Ilined the banks cheered enthu-
- siastically; others just smiled
quietly as the men were pulled
into the cold water.
Judge Stapp, his shoes off and
his pants rolled up, was stationed
throughout the struggle at the
judge's post in the middle of the
Robert Stacy, accused Haven
Hall arsonist, failed yesterday to
have his case returned to Ann Ar-
bor municipal court.
Circuit Judge James Breakey de-
nied a motion by Stacy's attorney,
Leonard Young, that Stacy be giv-
en another preliminary examina-
tion in municipal court on the
grounds he was "mentally and
emotionally upset" at his original
Judge Breakey ruled that Sta-
cy's rights had been fully protect-
ed at the earlier court appearance.
Trial of the former University
.student and teaching fellow has
been set tentatively for Dec. 13,
assuming Stacy will plead-not guil-
Younghad requested the case be
returned to municipal court last
week, but Judge Breakey refused
"to consider the motion, without
supporting affidavits. Yesterday's
motion had such affadavits.
At his first city court arraign-

ForinMinister Andrei Vishinsky
yesterday ripped into the Ameri-
can-backed plan for atomic con-
trol and expressed doubt the Uni-
ted States would halt atomic bomb
production even if the United Na-.
tions adopt is proposal. ,
In a speech to the UN Assembly's
60-nation Political Committee last-
ing two hours and 1.5 minutes,
Vishinsky rejected once more the
majority-supported control plan.
He also charged the United
States with having started the
Korean war, with using Japanese
troops there, with trying to cut up
Germany, with backing Fascists
in high posts in Austria, and with
building a string of military bases
around the world.
* * *
IN A STINGING reply which
lasted only 16 minutes, Sen. Henry
Lodge (R-Mass.) told Vishinsky
he had wondered during recent
days whether the Russian minister
was frightened, because "a fright-.
ened man can be dangerous."
Sen. Lodge said "every child
knows" that growing American
military power is not meant for
offensive action against the So-
viet Union.
Firing back at Vishinsky's
charge that the United States ex-
penditures for -military purposes
are fifty times those of pre-World
War II days, Sen. Lodge told the
Committee that even if they were
far greater the United States mili-
tary power "would not have an
offensive capability against the
Soviet Union."

attack was far from the precision-
like machine unloosed against
Wisconsin a short week ago. The
seven points scored against Min-
nesota yesterday was 23 counts be-
low what other teams have averag-
ed against the Gophers.
sive unit.4ield their white-shirted
opponents to 208 yards, 139 of
them on the ground. But when
the chips were down the Gopher
attack was not to be denied.
S-P-I-R-I-T spelled the dif-
ference yesterday. The Gophers
were determined to save face for
Bernie Bierman, to give notice
that Skl-U-1Mah was far from
finished as a football power and
to break the heart of their old
nemesis. They had little in the
way of material except weight
and the will to win. Both paid
Indicative of the Minnesota vic-
tory fervor was the great back to
the wall stand that ate up almost
all of the third quarter. The Gop-
hers threw back two Wolverine
drives in that space,- one at the
three yard line, the other at the
10. But Don Dufek scored from
the two on the third march.
* * *
THEN THE home team went on
to prove their right to a tie In the
final stanza. After their first stab
was blunted on the Michigan seven
yard line with less than seven min-
utes to play, the Gophers doggedly
drove 31 yards in 11 plays to knot
the score. -
Captain Dave Skrien, who was
defensive giant all day and took
over the offensive fullback du-
ties much of the second half,
converted and it was all over but
the shouting-Minnesota ren-
dering the vocals.
(Continued on Page 3),
College To Build
Atomic Furnace
mic Energy Commission announ-
ced yesterday that the first non-
government atomic "furnace"~ in
the United States will1be built on
the campus at North Carolina
State College at Raleigh, N.C.
The Commission emphasized
that the project, known as a nu-
clear reactor, will be used chiefly
for searching out . peacetime uses
of atomic energy.

Special to The Daily
Brown Jug returned to Ann Arbor
You might almost say that it.
returned home. It has~ been in the
Michigan' camp ever since 1943
when the Wolverines broke a ten-
year Gopher hold on the precious
AN INSPIRED Minnesota teaw
almost prevented the return trip
of the relic, holding the inv'.ding
Wolverines to a 7-7 tie.
In a subdued dressing room,
'Michigan coach Bennie Ooster-
baan said:
"Minnesota played hard. We gol
through their line for yardage, bul
wrnn we got close, we couldn't
make it."
. * * *
IN A monotonous tone, the Mich.
igan coach reeled off the injuries:
Tackle Bill Ohlenroth watched
the game from the bench. He has
a rib injury.
Roger Zatkoff played a few min-
utes in the first quarter. The hus-
ky line-backer had a sprained an-
kle, sustained against Wisconsin
last week, and it hamnpered his
Tackle John Hess was on the
sidelines after the first five min-
utes with an injured ankle.
And of course, Leo Koceski and
Frank Howell were out of action.
Both wore their street-clothes.
Howell is out for the rest of the
agenda with a broken arm .and
Koceski is still nursing a bad knee.
the Gopher grid clan, called Mich-
igan "a good team, which was not
at full strength because of key in-
He praised his defensive unit
for its vast improvement In to-
day's game.
Don Dufek and Don Oldham
came close to the modern super-
human effort of playing almost the
entire game. Ortmann was another
man who was in there on both of-
fense and defense for quite a time.
It was a moral victory for the
Gophers who were as much as 26-
point underdogs in the pre-game
wagering. And the fans weren't
hiding their elation. As Dave 8k-
rien. booted the tying point the
hushed partisan throng rose as
one wildly screaming.
They didn't quiet down again
until a half-hour after the 41st
meeting between Michigan and
Minnesota was history.
Govermn o
vestigation was started yesterday
into a milbe'n-dollar flash fire

The 1950-51 student directory ~'>~
will appear on the campus Tues
For one dollar, the directory~ will -
offer names, home addresses, Ann
Arbor - addresses and telephone
numbers of 18,500.students. It also
will contain a list of dormitory and
other house groups, with names
of offic'ers; and a section on stu-
dent organizations.
It wil be sold byvendor on the . """"
and Washtenaw, on thie Union ~ ~
steps, and at the Business Admin-
istration Building. Over the coun-
ter sales will be In the Union and
Leaguie and at local bookstores.
A special feature of this year's -

World News

By The Associated Press
LONDON-The Moscow radio said early today that one of the
slogans for the forthcominig anniversary of the Russian revolution
will be:
"Longlv the friendship of th people of Britain the Unie

State and theSoitUonn
against the warmongers."

thi trgls frlsigpeace

* * * *

SAIGON, Vietnam, Indochina
-A hard choice of whether to
stand and fight or to fall back
through enemy-held mountains

fauver (D-Tenn.) said last night
that Senate crime investigators
are going to Texas to look into

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