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October 28, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-28

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Indo-China Strife

r H EYES OF the world are swinging
from Korea to Indo-China. They are
moving slowly, but they are moving.
In this country political and military
readers, seeing the short distance between
Korea and Indo-China in the turbulent
East, are already sending more aid to
French forces. Some people even demand
that United Nations or our own troops
be moved into Viet Nam, most important
corner of the territory where Communist
leader Ho Chi Minh has Just driven the
ruling 'rench forces from the border
The only real analogy between the two
areas, however, is that they are botl in the
Far East.
The people of Viet Nam are engaged in
a .civillwar. The insurgents are fighting for
Ireedom from the French colonial system as
fmich as they are fighting for Communism.
Many of. Ho Chi Minh's troops were induced.
to fight with the promise that a victory
would bring them, real independence.
The struggle for freedom in Indo-China
Is a partof one that is going on through-
out Southeastern Asia. It has been growing
through the years and came to a head
during the Japanese occupation. After
the Japanese left, the fight was turned
toward colonial rulers.
Supposedly, the North Korean invasion
was encouraged by Russia. In Indo-China,
the shooting was there for Russia to capi-
talize on. It had only to keep fuel on fires
that had long been burning.
It is hard to predict whether the Russians
will encourage foreign troops, especially a
Chinese army, into the fight in Viet Nam'
But they would be foolish if they did. As it
is. they can supply Communist, forces in
Viet Nain and hope that by doing so they
can defeat the French without bringing
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and re present- the views of the writers only.

about another war as happened in Korea.
At the same time, the Russians keep the
Western powers on edge wondering if Indo-
China is.next or not.
The danger for the Soviets here is that
the West may become so worried about
the future of Indo-China that they send
In large numbers of forces anyway.
The danger for the United States is that
it might blunder into sending troops into
Viet Nam on the advice of armchair strate-
gists. If we sent troops to Viet Nam we
would be aiding Russia by weakening our-
selves chasing hill fighters around the bor-
der areas. Of course we can continue fi-
nancial aid and arms to the French and
their governments in Indo-China. But they
would be wasting dollars on a government
the people do not support.
The best possible solution seems to be
one which Viet Namese leaders and a few
Frenchmen-very few-have offered in re-
ceht days. This is for the French to aban-
don their rule over the area. If need be,
we can all but order the French to give the
Viet Nam full independence.
Perhaps the way to get the French to
give up their power peacefully is to suggest
that the area be turned over to a UN com-
mission which would work with the native
government in the early stages of its in-
dependence. The commission, which should
be predominantly made up of Asiatics who
understand the Viet Namese problem, could
aid in setting up a popular form of govern-
ment. If thought necessary, the commission
could use UN forces t9 clear Communists out
of the land.
But at all costs the United States should
not pressure the people in Viet Nam into
choosing a form of government subject to
American approval. Rather this country
should play watchdog against other pow-
ers who try to dominate the commission.
Unless the United States adopts some
clear cut policy such as this toward Indo-
China, it can not hope to gain the confidence
of the people of the Far East. Only by fol-
lowing such a policy can this country prove
that it has the interest of Asia at heart as
it has declared.
-Vernon Emerson.

Taft vs. Ferguson

COLUMBUS, OHIO - What happens in
Ohio's election in which Senator Robert
A. Taft's political career is at stake will
most certainly have its influence on the
Republican party's future course and policy.
That is why the. election here has at-
tracted perhaps more Interest nationally
than that in any other state, both among
Democrats and Republicans.
The senator has become the symbol of
Republican conservatism and restricted in-
ternationalism and has been effective in
upholding that viewpoint because of his
dominant position in Congress where a
party's record largely is made.
His re-election would continue the pres-
tige of that element as well as its power and,
at the same time, give it a champion-and
perhaps a candidate-in the 1952 Republican
convention. His return to office likewise
would assure a continuation of the fight
within the party between the philosophy he
represents and the moderately progressive,
more internationalist element. His defeat
would strengthen the latter attitude as
voiced, among others, by 'Governor Thomas
E. Dewey of New York and Governor Earl
Warren of California, both also up for
re-election this year to third terms. ,
"electionin which he is the No. 1 target
of organized labor would tend also, it ap-
pears, to strengthen those in the Republican
party who would court labor more actively,
arid labor has become a potent political
force. Itis making perhaps its supreme ef-
fort politically in its attempt here to de-
feat Senator Taft. If it succeeds, that, of it-
self, certainly would have its effect on the
formulation of future Republican policy.
The issue here is Senator Taft and
*'Taftism." His opponent, State Auditor
Joseph T. Ferugson, is chiefly the figure-
Loose ongue
DRAMTDIRECTOR Lewis B. Hershey told
a 'meeting of the American Veterans
Committee that the lowering of the draft
age is being "seriously considered." If the
age were lowered from the present 19 years
to 18, he said, then veterans could be "wholly
Seriously considered by whom?
What right has, Hershey to report this?
Who, besides Hershey, thinks that if this
is done veterans can be wholly exempted?
Who can possibly say, in view of the
unpredictable nature of future develop-
During World. War II, General Hershey
ran around the country making guesses,
speculations, predictions, evaluations of the
draft. program. :Everything he said was
ankiously.weighed by millions of young men
who were trying to judge what the future
had. in store for them. Many of them made
wrong judgments on Hershey's wrong
guesses. Hershey is still doing it, and with

head of anti-Taftism and suffers by com-
parison, a fact in itself that may weigh
with many independent voters. Although
overshadowed by the Senator, Joe Fer-
guson has his own political values in the
great host of friends he has made here as
State Auditor for 14 years. He has assi-
duously cultivated the personal-contact
approach that works so well in American
politics. Whopping majorities have been
its fruits. He is, too, a natively shrewd
politician. He eagerly pmecepted the as-
signment when the state's bigger figures,
including Democratic Governor Frank
Lausche, also up for re-election this year,
turned down overtures to take on Sena-
tor Taft.
If, with amiable, folksy Joe Ferguson,
Democrats and labor should unhorse the
eminent and nationally known Senator, it
would be a psychological political stroke
that would have its repercussions in the Re-
publican party all up and down the line. ,
That might happen, and nobody is mak-
ing any hard and fast predictions with any
confidence. The cautious concensus is that
the race will be close. Republicans have felt
better about Senator Taft's chances in the
last few days. Democrats and labor leaders
say it depends, as to Joe Ferguson, on how
well they get out the vote that they have
devoted so much work to registering in
Ohio's great industrial centers. The unknown
factor is the farmers who turned the trick
for Harry Truman in 1948. They are, by and
large, contented and prosperous, which
might tend to reduce their voting in this
off-year election. And they are not talking
THROUGH THE Republican campaign
runs a note of desperation which may or
may not be significant. The frantic theme,
continually repeated, that the American
way of life is in danger and that Senator
Taft's retreat would mean the end of the
two-party system carries a long-time poli-
tical reporter back to the same sort of stuff
in the 1936 Republican campaign against
Franklin D. Roosevelt. The cry then was,
as the campaign progressed, that there were
only so many days left to save the American
way. Since then, and now: the American way
of life seems to be doing all right.
Much stress is being laid, too, on the
claim that labor has taken over the Demo-
cratic party in this state. This is accurate
only to the extent that labor preponder-
antly supports the Democratic party here,
and has adopted political methods long
familiar to both major parties. In all of
this there. is a suggestion that somehow
or other it is not right and proper for
workinz people to organize politically and
to contribute to the support of candidates
who they believe will be interested in
their welfare.
Despite Republican claims of lavish out-
lays of money by labor, it is the view of re-
liable persons here familiar with this cam-
paign that, in the end, Republican expendi-
tures will be substantially greater than those
of Democrats and the. CIO and AFL.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

T HE CAMPAIGN for the governorship of
this state has turned into nothing more
than a game of hide and seek.
Governor Williams, cognizant of the
duties and responsibilities of a governor,
has been seeking to draw his Republican
rival, Harry F. Kelly, into taking stands on
the issues which the next governor will
likely be called upon to resolve.
But Kelly won't say what he thinks about
the issues confronting the state. Instead he
runs away and attempts to hide behind
barrages of charges labeling Williams a
dupe of the CIO, a tool of the ADA, and
an instrument of every organization left of
the Republican Party; all of which is sup-
posed to add up to the undeniable fact
that Williams is a socialist.
Kelly's line of reasoning in trying to
convince the voters of these charges is an
insult to their intelligence. The barrage
Kelly let loose when he spoke in Ann Arbor
the other night was typical. This time he
warned that Williams is bringing socialism.
into Michigan because: Walter Reuther,
president of the UAW-CIO has promised to
make several campaign appearances with
Williams. Reuther had arranged to have
Norman Thomas and Tucker P. Smith, So-
cialist presidential and vice-presidential
candidates in 1948, speak at a recent con-
ference at the State CIO Labor Center.
Therefore, Kelly concludes, socialism is on
the rise in Michigan and Williams is one
of its chief expounders.
Kelly has stumped the state and the
cry, "Socialism!" has been left echoing
everywhere he has spoken. The major
point in all of Kelly's speeches has been
that Williams won't answer his charge
that the Governor used to be a member
of Americans for Democratic Action, a
non-partisan organization of New Deal
liberals who occasionally support Republi-
cans. "Doesn't that make him guilty of
socialism," Kelly shouts.
In the meantime, Williams, whom I ven-
ture doesn't regret his former ADA affilia-
tion, is touring the state and laying his
program squarely on the line. Unlike his
opponent, Williams is telling the people
what he will do if elected-besides being op-
posed to Communism.
Williams has said that his program-"sees
and meets the needs of all the people." It
includes help for farmers in marketing
their crops, higher old age assistance, pro-
tection of small business, adequate school
aid and an immediate road-building pro-
gram. In spite of Kelly, Williams has assert-
ed that he believes In encouragement of
individual initiative and private enterprise.
By refusing to say anything definite
about what he intends to do about particu-
lar state problems, Kelly is asking the elec-
torate to buy a cat in a sack. On the other
hand, Williams is offering a progressive
program in keeping with the needs of the
The choice should not be hard to make.
-Paul Marx.
At The Orpheum .. .
ERIC-FRAC starring Fernandel, Ar-
letty and Michel Simon with sub-titles.
FRENCH FILMS have become synonymous
with sex, have been ballyhooed as siz-
zling with gallic Juice, and have subsequent-
ly enjoyed great popularity. This movie,
however, falls far short of either living up
to the high standards of such films as "Gigi"
or even providing the vicarious thrills that
its advertising promises.

The film boasts three great French stars,
all of whom turn in excellent characteriza-
tions. But the plot drags and drags, and
still the film flickers on the screen. Fric
Frac, "only the French have a word for it,"
concerns itself with a simple thug, a lady
of the streets and a naive jewelry maker
who pushes himself upon them and is wel-
comed with open arms as a lush of the
great tradition.
Fernandel, as the jeweler, and Michel
Simon as the thug are the redeeming fac-
tors of the picture. Arletty's portrayal
though good, is of little significance.
Fernandel, who provided the answers in
a recently published photographic ques-
tion book, has a face like a horse that he
skillfully contorts to gain the maximum
of expression. He is a combination of
Milton Berle, Bob Hope, Bert Lahr and
then some. Every detail of his body, a
finger, an eyelash, is used effectively to
convey the humor of the situation.
A movie goer who does not understand
French has the choice of either watching
Fernandel closely or trying to catch the
sub titles. If you can do both you are fortu-
nate. if you cannot, watch Fernandel.
Michel Simon as the thug is another ex-
ceedingly homely person stumbling and pro-
testing his way through the film, adding a
touch of warm humour whenever he ap-
pears. To watch him swill down a glass of
wine in the drunk scene is by itself an
aesthetic pleasure.
Arletty, who is what the boys have come
to see, performs competently and provides
occasion for several of the "gee-whizzy"

"Halloo-Listen, Folks-Can You Hear Me?--"
i "
o - a
9 Pw4^ { .
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

To the Editor:
WILL not vote Republican in
the November 7 election because
the Republicans helped formulate
the present Teachers' Retirement
Plan of Michigan. At least, that is
what Harry Kelly, the Republican
candidate for governor and self-
styled friend of education claims.
The Teachers' Retirement Plan
as it now stands provides for one
half pension for teachers who have
taught at least fifteen years, pro-
vided that they are fifty years of
age or older at the time of retire-
Since I had planned to make
teaching my life work, I started
teaching when I was young and
was considerably under the age
limit of fifty years when I retired
after seventeen years of service.
I am sure that there are hundreds
of such former teachers who serv-
ed at least fifteen years in the
schools ofsMichigan but who were
forced to retire through no fault of
their own before they reached the
age of fifty. Under the present re-
tirement plan they and I have
nothing to look forward to.
What puzzles me is why was the
age limit imposed?
Surely no school board hires a
new teacher at the age of thirty-
five. Was it to favor the teacher
who withdrew early, perhaps to
branch into other fields, and then
returned to teaching? If that is
the reason, it is a very shallow
one. Surely the servant who work-
ed a long grind' in one stretch is
just as worthy of consideration.
As I said before, the Republi-
cans are taking credit for the pre-
sent retirement set-up. I shall vote
-Elina Heikkinen
More on 'Nevsky' a . .
To the Editor:
PERHAPS W. J. Hampton (I
dare not address the person as
'Mr.5' for if I should misjudge 'its'
sex - O, what conclusion Mr.
Kraus' meticulous mind might
draw!) could not help but feel that
my thinking is sloppy. What
is read by a sloppy reader will be
Because I do not take the time
and space to state my own criti-
cisms of NEVSKY, Hampton reads
this as demonstrating my "wistful
reluctance to find anything wrong
with Russian films." This is a
gross non sequitur which goes be-
yond innocent sloppiness to indi-
cate a malicius will to misconstrue
when it is remembered that I ex-
plicitly stated that I did not think
NEVSKY to be without faults. The
hysteric principle Hampton's whole
letter is based on is that inless
your attacks on the Russians out-
weigh what you say in their favor,
it is thereby demonstrated that you
are one with them. This kind of
logic, to use his own phrase, scares
hell ot of me."
To Mrs. Greenhut's -rticism
that NEVSKY typically reflected
modern Russian anti-individual -
ism, I objected that in the period
the film depicted, individualism
could nardly have been widespread.
From this Hampton somehow in-
fers that I assume that a oicture
"about the 13th Century . . must
necessarily reflect 13th Century

attitudes." My obvious point, how-
ever, was merely that if in fact
a movie does represent an his-
torical truth (and please do not1
infer that I think NEVSKY co be{
an objective study of history), then
the critic has no business saying
that the representation is but a,
manifestation of 20th Century
Russian attitudes. Historical per-,
version might be so interpreted,
not historical truth.
Again Hampton utterly misses,
or rather perverts, my point that{
NSVSKY's devil portrait of the en-{
emy is no different in kind thanj
that found in our own war films.]
From this he (she) infers that I
am thereby justifying this kind of]
blind nationalism. All I was ac-,
tually doing was showing that such
is not typically Russian, as Mrs.1
Greenhut would have us believe,;
any more than it is typically Amer-]
In close, I suggest that Hampton
refrain from criticising other peo-
ple's thinking until he or she can'
read and reason well enough to'
know what the other people are
-J. G. Barense
. . .
Drama Criticism . .
To the Editor:
AM very interested in Strowan1
Robertson's criticism of "Light
Up The Sky." I saw the play on
Thursday night, and enjoyed im-
mensely what I thought was skill-
ful comedy presented with good
timing and delightful characteri-
In my opinion, the performance
was sparked by the expert inter-
pretation of a difficult character
by the charmingly talented lead,
Miss Harriet Bennett, and by the
acting of Miriam ;tevine as a
wonderfully candid\, uninhibited
wench. "Vulgar," Mr. Robertson
means "pertaining to the common
people"-which is certainly an ap-
propriate evaluation of Frances'
character. If you meant Miss Le-
vine's characterization was ob-
scene or profane, remembe that
that obscenity and profanity are
mental attitudes. "Light Up The
Sky" is broad, sophisticated com-
edy with no "message" unless it's
"have fun!" It should especially
appeal to a critic whose reviews
are patent emulations of sophis-
ticated Broadway columnists.
For the enlightenment of The
Daily's reviewer, Dale Stevenson
played the part of director; George
Hafford is the neophyte author to
whom Robertson refers.
The audience applied many lau-
datory adjectives to the tastefully
designed furniture; I can recall
no one but Robertson describing
as "cheesy"-a term held in high
esteem by all adolescents. Had
the set been as tawdry as Robert-
son thought it, nevertheless it
would have been overshadowed
by the superlative acting.
The most successful and intelli-
gent reviews are written by critics
who can distinguish between
clearly defined characters, who
remember which are the lead rdles,
and who can offer relevant and
constructive criticism. Robertson
in his review has done none of
these things. In the face of that
and of the favorable audience re-
action evident on Thursday night,

It is safe to say that the criticism
was inaccurate and unjust.
The attitude that "if The Daily
'panned' it, it must be pretty good"
is becoming increasingly prevalent
-cf. the review of Lauritz Mel-
chior and those of several good
movies. Therefore, Robertson's re-
view will not hurt the box-office;
by its awkward and rather puerile
condemnations, it will hurt only
the hard-working cast and staff.
It is a pity that these people
should be needlessly insulted be-
cause Robertson's criterion of cri-
tical excellence is a poor imitation
of Wolcott Gibbs. I suggest that
Robinson, having gotten things
off his chest, buy a ticket to
"Light Up The Sky," and try
-Jas. E. Brodhead HI
* * *
Ten-Cent Program . .
To the Editor:
ALONG WITH chrysanthemums,
whiskey flasks, and hoarse.
voices, student hawks, and the
ten-cent program have been one
of the established features of
football afternoons as far back as
any senior can remember. The
cardboard scorecard has not only
enabled more people to enjoy the
football games, but its sale has
provided a substantial source of
income for wholesalers and re-!
tailers as well.
The City Council 'of Ann Arbor,
by virtue of its recent strict en-
forcement of its new "no license,
no vending" policy, has effective-
ly throttled the ten-cent program
trade here on campus, The rule
has been on the books since the
start of this semester that all ven-
dors of any sort must have special
licenses to sell on Ann Arbor
streets, with the cost to transient
salesmen, as the program hawks
are classified, being seven dollars
per afternoon. Up to last week
this rule has been the object of
a salutary neglect with view to
students, but last Saturday, as
was explained in the Daily a few
days back, the ,police clamped
down, handing out summons to
every person they could nab sell-
ipg without a license.
The reason given for the ac-
tion was that the hawks consti-
tuted\ a serious traffic proglem.
Now, if this is true, the Council
has every right to act the way it
did, for the protection of life and
limb against accident is a prime
function of a city. The question
is, of course, whether this is the
real reason for the Council's move.
Logically speaking, I cannot see
how a student, selling programs on
a street-corner in any way at all
is a traffic hazard. It seems that
the people in charge of traffic
during football games cannot see
how this could be true either, for
in the recent Daily article on
traffic problems in Ann Arbor, the
danger of student salesmen was
conspicuous by the absence of
Perhaps there is another, more
sinister meaning to be found. The
stopping of the sale of the dime
program would materially benefit
one class of people, that being the
University men interested in the
sale of the "official fifty cent
football program." With the dime
card out of existence, many people
interested in following the game
closely would be forced to pur-
chase the fifty cent jobs, thuspre-
sulting in increased profits. Of
course I have- no way of knowing
whether the gentle hand of the
University was pulling the curtain
down on the dime program, and
any accusations on my part would
be both silly and unfair. What I
do say is that the action looks at
its best extremely suspicious, and
unless some valid reason is
brought forth for the action, I
think that I'd have grounds for
assuming that a grave injustice
has been done University students

and football guests, and this pol-
icy should be reversed in the near-
est future.
-Robert Bard
* * -
Ten-Cent Programs .®.
To the Editor:
ARE THE days of the ten-cent
football program gone for-
ever, gone like the five-cent cigai
and the nickel beer? If they are,
and it certainly does look like it
for no single salesman can afford
seven dollars per Saturday to sell
the programs nor can any whole-
saler afford to provide eacn sales-
man with a seven dollar license
each week, then either the city of
Ann Arbor is abusing those (thou
being the University of Michig<
students) who keep it prospero
or else the university itself ha,
just gone one step further in it,
policy of turning football into on
big business.
If the first alternative is the
right one, then 20,000 students ar
pouring money into a city whicl
is using this money to support
police force which is putting some
of these very students out of bus.-
If the other possibility is actual.

ly the case, that is, the university's
using the city to rid the cement
and sward about the stadium of all
competition to their fifty-cent pro-
gram business, then it is time for
the students to raise a mass pro-
test against so undemocratic an
The fifty-cent program is fine
for the once or twice-a-year spec-
tator, but we students who go to
the stadium every football Satur-
day deserve the right to purchase
a ten-cent program instead of a
fifty-cent ."monster."
And what of the wholesalers and
sellers? I personally know quite
a few fellows who print those dime
programs up in order to keep
themselves in school. Where do
they go from here? Then there are
the "little men," the sellers, who
peddle football programs on Satur-
days in order to have spending
money for the next week.
Is it the city of Ann Arbor or the
University of Michigan? Which-
ever it be, the end result is the
same. You can't tell the players
without a program, and you can't
get a program without losing fifty
cents. And what is even worse,
many students are losing their
means of support.
I say let's bring back. the ten-
cent program. Don't lt it go'the
way of the five-cent cigar and the
inickel beer.
-Hal Herman
* * *
German Armament ...
To the Editor
AS A GERMAN journalist staying
in this country on a visitors-
trip only, I would not Interfere in
the correspondence between Mr.
Olsen and Mr. John Neufeld, con-
cerning the suggested rearmament
of Germany, had the letter of M.
Neufeld not contained some funda-
mental errors which cannot remain
uncontradicted and thereby cor-
rected. It seems somewhat strange
that in 'the entire debate about
whether the Germans should or
should not have a share in the
European defense plans, the people
involved were not questioned at all
so far whether they were willing
to contribute to the defense of
Western Europe.
Mr. Neufeld apparently takes it
for granted that the Germans
want to become soldiers again by
stating that "their contribution
should consist of manpower." He
would be surprised how many peo-
ple in Germany are opposed to
militarism. The greatest error
however is committed by the bold
prediction that "the Germans will
help to defend geographical, not
political boundaries,the Rhine, not
the zonal frontiers." Mr. Neufeld
hardly could find one German who
would agree with this strategic
theory, as there remains little of
Germany to be defended west of
the Rhine river. It would be al-
most the same thing to say that
the United States will be defended
at the Sacramento River in Cali-
fornia against a potential enemy
attacking from the East Coast. If
there is any European defense in
which Germans are urged to par-
ticipate, it must include all Ger-
many, not only fragments of it.
-Richard Sperber.
'PINIONS cannot survive if' one
has no chance to fight for
-Thomas Mann

Sixty-First Year
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You're sure that crate
is tied on tightly? It
won't fall off, will it?


-Busted wide open Jack mork
when it fell off--

Want us to help you
catch her, Mister?-
LA i~t-A - -

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