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October 26, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-26

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Al Jolson
MONDAY the world learned of the
death of Al Jolson, the beloved jazz
singer. The suddeness of his passing
leaves a gap, on the American scene that
will never be filled.
Jolson was more than just a singer.
In both World War II and the Korean
conflict, he was the first entertainer
to offer his services to give the GIs a
few hours of relaxation during their
otherwise dreary days. As a pioneer he
gave talking movies their baptism un-
der fire with the immortal "Jazz Sing-
His particular charm and vivacious
personality brought sunshine and pa-
thos into millions of American lives dur-
ing his close to half a century in the en-
tertainment world.
During the twenties and early thirties
his star was one of the brightest in show
business. As a name in stage, radio, mo-
vies and records he became one of the
most beloved characters on the whole
American scene.
In the middle thirties he went into
retirement. When war came and he
returned to entertain troops, a new,
popularity arose. The public hadn't had
enough of him. A new generation en-
joyed his charm as a Jolson boom
swept the country. He keynoted a re-
nhvival of.roaring twenties fads. Then
another, war and m~other tour of the
front for Al..
And suddenly he was taken away. Need-
less to say, all of his admirers will miss
him greatly. For one of the greatest of
them all has passed away. Jolson left
a great tradition and a treasury of mem-
ories. He will remain one of the most in-
vigorating influences on modern Ameri-
can culture.
-Harland Britz
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Toward world Government

"I'll Wait Here"



United States Leadership
SINCE the outbreak of the Korean war we
have witnessed a heartening revival of
public interest in the United Nations. This
movement reached a new height earlier this
week in United Nations Day celebrations
throughout the country. It has given added
hope and encouragement to those people
and organizations working for the transfor-
mation of the United Nations into a strong
world government.
For the United Nations as it exists now
is merely an association of sovereign na-
tional states. While it provides the ma-
chinery by which these states can meet
and attempt to settle their problems, it has
no means of enforcing its decisions other
than the pressure of world opinion or the
voluntary military support of its member
To achieve world peace the'United Nations
must be transformed into a world federal
government with ample force to compel
obedience to its decisions and with laws en-
forceable upon individuals.
The United States should take the lead
in working for the amendment of the United
Nations Charter from an organization of
sovereign states to a United Nations con-
stitution for a world federal government.
A bill now before both houses of Congress
and sponsored by the United World Fede-
ralists proposes that "it should be a funda-
mental objective of the foreign policy of the
United States to support and strengthen
the United Nations and to seek its develop-
ment into a world federation, open to all
nations, with defined and limited powers
adequate to preserve peace and prevent ag-
gression through the enactment, interpre-
tation, and enforcement of world law."
The passage of this bill will give our
foreign policy the positive and moral di-
rection it has lacked in the past.
No one can deny that there are grave
obstacles to establishing an ordered world.
But those who believe that these obstacles
loom too large must realize that there are
even graver risks in going on as we are in
almost complete international anarchy. If
world government is a long way off, then
permanent peace is exactly that same dis-
tance away.I
-Jean Klerman

United States Attitude
WHEN THE UN FLAG was raised along-
side the American emblem a few days
ago in celebration of the fifth anniversary
of the world organization, some people in
all sections of the country greeted the re-
cognition with howls and hisses.
A typical example occurred in Los
Angeles, where the sight of the blue and
white flag flying over City Hall drew
boos and-jeers, and a cry of "Down with
treason! Down with the international
The incident even became localized when
a spokesman for a veteran's organization
reported that the group he represented
would not object to a display of the UN flag
if it was flown on a separate mast, and to
the left of the American flag.
Unfortunately, people in prompting these
events have not only failed to realize that
such actions disregard the sacrifices of our
men in Korea while fighting under the UN
flag, but are also a contradiction of this
nation's determination as a whole to estab-
lish peace through the UN.
It's hardly possible that the armed forces
fought for "the narrow, sentiments or pro-
vincial attitudes exhibited by those who
object to the display of the blue and white
emblem. After all, the united action of the
G.I.'s came as a result of this country's ac-
knowledgement (through the President,
State Department, Congress, and military
leaders) that the UN is the one hope for
halting Russian aggression.
Obviously, those who object to a dis-
play of the UN flag on a par with the
American emblem believe that such an
action means that this country is giving
up some of that precious stuff called
But- if these my-country-right-or-
wrong'ers would stop to think, they might
realize that sovereignty has too often been
the cause of many of America's international
troubles. For example, this country's ex-
cessive trade barriers, its renunciation of
certain sections of the UN's declaration of
'universal human rights, and its policy of
low immigration quotas because of fear of
cheap labor have created an outside resent-
ment against the United States.
We should keep in mind Omar Bradley's
warning that "Sovereignty is paid for in the
blood and lives of soldiers," and we should
stop worrying that if we sacrifice an iota
of sovereignty we will also sacrifice our
America wouldn't even have anything
resembling sovereignty today if individu-
als, and then states, hadn't been willing
(or forced) at one time to give up some of
their sovereignty so that a strong federal
nation could be formed.
Under similar circumstances of a global
nature, we should be willing to take the
chances that are necessary if we are sincere
in our desire for freedom on a world-wide
scale. And one of those chances is the recog-
nition of the UN as the congress to unite
the world, as an earlier congress united this
Just as we have been willing to accept the
emblem of 48 states so that we may enjoy
our freedom, so we must be willing to ac-
cept the emblem of 60 world states if
democracy is to be extended to all nations
while continuing for us.
-Bob Solt.

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publifation at the discretion of the

New York Republicans

N W YORK-Much in Republican Party
national politics is at issue in the elec-
tion here.
This was first apparent in September in
the last-minute "draft" arranged for Gov.
Thomas: E. Dewey to run for a third term
by shunting aside Lieut. Gov. Joe R. Han-
ley, who had entered the race for the Re-
publican Gubernatorial nomination in
June when Tom Dewey announced his
retirement. Mr. Hanley already had .cam-
paigned widely over the state, his nomina-
tion up to then presumably only a matter
of formal ratification.
How really determined the Dewey element
had become to retain control in this key
state so that it could exert power in the
party nationally has come to light in the
last few days. In a frank and plaintive let-
ter, 74-year-old Joe Hanley revealed the
circumstances. of how he was shoe-horned
out of the nomination with what he said
were promises assuring his future financial
security. By way of appeasement he was
kicled upstairs to the party's U.S. Senate
nomination for an obviously hard race
against Democratic Senator Herbert H. Leh-
Whatever the price, the Dewey contingent
was willing to pay it, further emphasizing
the big stakes for which it intended to play,
fn national Republican affairs. This signal-
ed an all-out fight for control of the party,
with the, eastern financial and internation-
alist element pitted, against the more nation-

alist Middle West wing led by Sen. Robert
A. Taft of Ohio.
* * *
NONE CAN DENY Tom Dewey's own per-
sonal ambitions for continued power and
influence in his party's affairs. That is na-
tural to a man who long has exercised such
and twice been his party's nominee for
President. But, beyond that, Tom Dewey is
an instrument in this case for other and
powerful economic and political . interests
who, from the evidence in hand, seemed to
wake up suddenly to what his retirement
would mean. Therefore, a re-shuffling of the
ticket was arranged. Among those active
in this maneuver was Winthrop W. Aldrich,
Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller
Chase National Bank.
Just what were the commitments to Joe
Hanley for his withdrawal are the sub-
ject now of rampant controversy-and lit-
tle light. The only documentary testimony
is his own letter-now known as "the let-
ter"-written after consultations with Tom
Dewey and State Republican leaders, in
which he spoke of "certain unalterable
and unquestionably definite propositions
... definitely assured of being able to clear
up my financial obligations within 90 days.
so that I could be clear for the first time
in twenty years ... an iron-clad unbreak-
able arrangement whereby I will be given
a job with the state.. ." Governor Dewey
has denied any financial implications,
saying he told his Lieutenant Governor
only that he would always be glad to have
him in his administration.
Joe flanley's letter was to Rep. Kingsland
Macy, former Republican State Chairman,
who had loaned the Lieutenant Governor
money for his campaign and is among the
rebel leaders here against continued Dewey
control. They saw in Mr. Hanley the in-
strument for seizing control themselves.
Among them are men friendly to the nomin-
ation of Senator Taft.
overplayed its hand. The Hanley letter
literally created a sensation-and naturally
because of all the circumstances. The poli-
tical managers of both parties are trying
to assess its possible effect on the election.
Republicans concede it has done damage
which, however, they hope to reduce. It
probably will defeat Joe Hanley, who ad-
mittedly had a tough race anyhow against
Senator Lehman, four times governor of the
state, himself. As for Governor Dewey it.
could conceivably cut down his vote upstate
where Joe Hanley lives and is popular and
where a "moral" issue involving big city
shenanigans might have some influence.
Considerable apathy previously has been re-
ported in upstate New York where Republi-
cans must roll up a considerable vote always
to offset the New York City Democratic vote.
To arouse voters there and generally,
Republicans haidae rmuch of New York





Reply to Barense . . .
To the Editor:
MR. BARENSE'S letter the other
dy, in which he demonstrates
a wistful reluctance to find any-
thing wrong with Russian films,
leads' the writer into some pretty
fuzzy -ideas about film and film
criticism. This in itself isn't very
important, except that Mr. B's let-
ter affords a ready-made example
of what usually happens when
someone with a prefabricated
slant undertakes criticism.
Mr. B. objects, first, to Mrs.
Greenhut's claim that the film
manifests a certain "negligence of
the individual" in order to bear
down on the group. While I'm not
sure that this is true to begin with,
or that it's worth mentioning any-
way, Mr. Barense is at least will-
ing to go along with it.
"It is most doubtful that bour-
geois individualism was very wide-
spread in the 13th Century Rus-
sian feudalism," he says-which
doesn't seem at all relevant be-
cause NEVSKY was made in 1938
and therefore represents, of.course,
what Eisenstein, Vassiliev and a
number of others thought the 13th
Century might have been like. It
seems to me obvious that the film
critic, like anyone else, ought to
avoid confusing the reality with
the imitation of it. In this case
there's something wrong with as-
suming, as Mr. Barense apparently
does, that because a picture pre-
tends to be about the 13th Century
it must necessarily reflect 13th
Century attitudes.
"The theme of war is at no time
and in no country compatible with
a doctrine of individualism" is
Mr. Barense's next observation-
which causes me to think immedi-
HENRY V, Stephen Crane, Sten-
dhal, and a number of other
things. The truth probably is that
there are any number of legiti-
mate ways of getting at the theme
of war and- that there is no criti-
cism at all, either favorable or un-
favorable, implicit in merely say-
ing that NEVSKY ignores indi-
Mr. Barense concludes his cri-
tique of Mrs. Greenhut's review by
pointing out that, while it's per-
fectly true that Eisenstein's pre-
sentation of the Teuton invaders
shows them as entirely bad, it's
all right because "our own war
pictures depicted the Germans and
Japanese" that way. This kind of
lopsided equation is about like
little Roger's reply to Mother:
"But why shouldn't I play in the
street? Johnny plays in the
Like I say, I haven't under-
taken this letter as a defense of
Mrs. G.'s review. As a matter of
fact, I suspect that NEVSKY isn't
as good a film as she found it. But
the kind of thinking manifest in
Mr. Barense's reply scares hell
out of me.
-W. J. Hampton.
MSC Politics .
To the Editor:
IT IS NOT very nice to be kicked
in the teeth by a group whose
favor you have been trying to cur,

ry. This must be particularly true
whc.n you have sacrificed a basic
principle in seeking that favor.
Perhaps after enough kicks in
the teeth you may begin to feel
that appeasement at the, expense
of principle is a folly that provides
no long range solution and is best
strictly avoided.
Tragically enough this may be
the situation of some people up at
Michigan State College these days.
It is a simple and rather naus-
eating story all the way around.
The State Board of Education
which runs MSC recently insti-
tuted a ruling barring its faculty
members from running for a po-
litical office of a partisan nature.
This is construed broadly enough
to bar virtually all partisan politi-
cal activity."
Why? In the face of an obvious
value and need for men of high
caliber (such as the several in
both parties which our own Uni-
versity has provided) the only ap-
parent excuse is that up until now
the State Legislature which ap-
propriates MSC's funds has been
Republican dominated while some
of the most politically active MSC
faculty members have been Dem-
Ironically, instead of easily re-
moving this' thorn in the Repub-
licans side and getting in solid
with the Legislature, MSC appears
headed for an increasing amount
of grief, not alone from its faculty
whose civil rghts were impaired,
but from the very Republicans that
they sought to appease.
Following up the "no partisan
politics" rule, "right-wing" Re-
publicans through the person of
Kit Clardy of Fighting Republi-
cans, Inc. sought to impose their
own partisan political views on the
campus. Following the bankrupt
Republican line, Mr. Clardy as-
sumed that because his candidate
for Governor has sought to smear
ADA as "socialistic" that two
United States Senators associated
with it should be barred from an
MSC camus lecture series.
This newspaper attack which
sought to coerce MSC compelled
one of the deans there to retort
that if Senators Wayne Morse and
Paul Douglas are "socialists" so
are we all, and to add a state-
ment not very complimentary to
Mr. Clardy.
Whether this refusal to help
promote the Republican smear
campaign has offset all of the pos-
sible benefit that the little scheme
to please the Republican Legisla-
tors may have had initially is hard
to estimate.
It is difficult to decide at the
moment whether the analogy
about appeasing a dictator like
Hitler or Stalin or the one about
the camel's nose 'under the tent
is the more appropriate to the
MSC situation.
Perhaps as future Republican
antics become history, those re-
sponsible for the "no partisan poli-
tics" rule at MSC will draw their
own rueful conclusion.
-Tom Walsh
* * *
Prejudice . . .
To the Editor:
between the sexes have found
their way even into the Daily's
letters to the Editor column.

(Continued from Page 3) ]
the League for Industrial Demo-
cracy and past-president of the
National Bureau of Economic Re-
search, etc., will speakaon "Prob-
lems of Cooperative and Public1
Ownership," auspices of the De-
partment of Economics in Rack-'
ham Amphitheatre, Thurs., Oct.
26, 4:15 p.m. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Algebra (II) Seminar: Thurs.,
Oct. 26, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell
Hall. Professor Brauer will con-
tinue his review of Representation
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: Thurs., Oct. 26, 4 p.m., 247
W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. J. A.
McFadden continues his talk on
"Conical Supersonic Flow."
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: Meeting, 4 p.m., Thurs,
Oct. 26, 3001 Angell Hall. Miss'
Curran will speak on "Jordan's 1
Carillon Recital: 7:15 p.m.,'
Thurs., Oct. 26, by Percival Price,
University carillonneur. Program:]
Prelude Solennel for Carillon by
W. L. Curry; four British Harpsi-
chord Selections: Selection from
Scherzo, Op. 39 by Chopin; four
German folk songs; and Selections
from Svanda by Jaronier Wein-
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 10:15 a.m.,
Holy Communion.'
U. of M. Soaring Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering
Bldg. Flight operations conducted,
at the Washtenaw County Airport,
Jackson Road, at 1 p.m., weather
permitting. All interested in join-
ing the club are invited to attend
both meetings.
Graduate Student Council Cof-
fee Hour: e7:30 p.m., Graduate
Outing Club room, Rackham Blog.
U. of M. Women's Glee Club:
Rehearsal, 7:10 p.m., League.
International Relations Club.:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. Pros-
pective' members welcome.
Gilbert &-Sullivan Society: Full
chorus rehearsal, 7 p.m., League.
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering
Bldg. Shore school for all.
Graduate School Record Con-
cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge,
Rackham. MOZART: Divertimen-
to in D, K 251. BEETHOVEN: 6th
Quartet. BEETHOVEN: Hammer-
klavier Sonata. All graduate stu-
dents invited; silence requested.
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting, 7
p.m., Union. Important that all
actives be present as duties at the
State Convention will be assigned.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, honor-
ary Geology fraternity: Meeting,
12:15 p.m., 2054 Natural Science
Bldg. Dr. K. K. Landes, "A Geol-
ogy Teacher's Non-Teaching Geol-
American' Society for Public Ad-
ministration, Michigan Chapter,
Social, Seminar, 7:30 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Prof. Harold M. Dorr will talk on
his recent visit and observations of
German government and adminis-
tration. All members and any
others interested are invited.
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.-
m,, International Center. Every-
one invited.

International Center Weekly
Tea for foreign students and
American friends, 4:30-6 p.m.
Women of the University Fa-
culty: First of the weekly teas,
4 to 6 p.m., Club Room, League.
Hostelers: Meeting, 7:30 pm.,
Lane Hall. Slides shown of hostel-
ing in Europe. Everyone welcome.
Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:15
p.m., in front of Administration
Though surely the institution of
matrimony has some flaws in it,
Mr. Barense' by deliberately ig-
noring its existence indicates that
he must be looking at it through
Thurber-colored glasses.
It is a shame that Mr. Barense
duty to contribute his bit to the
anti-marriage propaganda obliged
him to refer to the Daily's review-
er as Miss Greenhut.
-Dick Kraus.

Blgg. We will go to the Voter's
Rally at Pattengill Auditorium to-
Young Progressives of America:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. Elec-
tion of officers.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Meeting of all people interested in
learning Yiddish Language, 7:30
p.m., Lane Hall.
Student-Faculty .Tea .honoring
the English Department, 4 p.m.,
Terrace Room, Union.
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Coming Events
Inter-Guild Party: Friday, Oct.
27, 8:30-12 midnight, Presbyterian
Unitarian Fellowship Dinner:
.ri., Oct. 27, 6:15 'p.m. Reserva-
tions should be made before noon
on Friday by calling the church
office, 2-0085.
Unitarian Organ Dedicatio Ser-
vice ,open to all students, Oct. 27,
8:15 p.m. Dr. Frederick May Eliot,
president of the Unitarian denom-
ination will speak on: "Strength-
ening the Forces of Freedom."
Mrs. Kathleen A. Rogerson, De-
troit organist, will present a pro-
gram of music on the new Bald-
win organ,
University' Museums Program
for Friday Evening: "Homesgand
Customs of Little-Known Peoples
of the Western Hemisphere."
Three films: "Cross Section of
Guatemala," "South America," and
"West Indies," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg
In the fourth floor exhibit hall
of the Museums building is a table
case of Eskimo life and weapons
and clothing; in the fourth floor
corridor are four cases showing
Seasonal Activities of the Chippe-
wa Indians of Northern Micrigan;
and in the second floor exhibit
hall are numerous artifacts illus-
trating Indian Cultures of the
Middle West.
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy: Fri., Oct. 27, 7:30 to
10 p.m., Angell Hall. Short illus-
trated talk, by Dr. D. B. McLaugh-
lin'on "The Face of the Moon" in
room 3017, following which the
Angell Hall Student Observatory,
fifth floor, will be open for ob-
servation of the Moon, Pleiades,
and Jupiter. If the sky is-not clear,
the observatory will be open for
inspection of the telescopes and
planetarium. Children must be ac-
companied by adults.
International Radio Round Ta-
ble: Auspices of Internationl Cen-
ter and WUOM. Discussions a're
held every Friday at 2:30 p.m. on
WUOM. The same programs are
.broadcast on the Voice of Ameri-
ca to foreign countries. Subjects
for discussion:
American Woman-Oct. 27.
(Continued on Page 5)




At The Michigan.. .
DARK CITY with Charlton Heston, Liz-
abeth. Scott, and Dean Jagger.
WHAT DIRECTOR William Dieterle had in
mind in concocting this- expensive bit
of trivia is somewhat puzzling. Faced with
explicating a puerile script, the result is
confused and, for long stretches, downright
The action revolves'around the separation
of a naive young man from his roll by three
gamblers and the resultant revenge taken
by his psychopathic brother. The situation
might 'have been interesting, but the plot
lingers much too long on the third gambler's
efforts to escape the trap set by the killer.
'Broodingly played by newcomer Heston, the
characterization is an' admixture of pseudo-
psychological overtones and amateurish dia-
logue. The denouement. takes place, appro-
priately enough, in Las Vegas where the
action becomes unexpectedly taut. This se-
quence, shot against the authentic backdrop
of the casinos, has a refreshing quality
which unfortunately, does not sustain the
film as a whole.
Dean Jagger is wasted as an inspector of

Charles Munch and his Boston Symphony
presented another magnificent program in
Hill Auditorium last night. Differing great-
ly from Sunday's all-Beethoven concert,
the program was varied, highly interesting
and well-planned-less demanding of the
audience, but perhaps even more taxing
for the orchestra.
Munch's Handel, like his Beethoven, may
probably be termed unorthodox; it certainly
is not "pure" baroque. But in its tempos,
dynamic contrasts, sweeping melodic line
and healthy vigor, it was completely satis-
The jump from Handel to Debussy is a
difficult one, but the orchestra effected it
successfully, and their rendition of "La Mer"
was outstanding. In Munch's hands, even
Debussy is straightforward. There is less
blending of elements into a diffused whole
than the composer might, have wished, and
Munch, never a colorist, relied on rhythmic
emphasis, dynamic accentuation and the
skillful use of inner voices; but the over-all
effect was overwhelming.
The opportunity for first-hand acquaint-
ance with the works of Roussel is a wel-
come one. The "Bacchus et Adriane" ballet
music was interesting, beautiful and effec-
tive; it came well after Debussy and served
as a climax to it. In both French works the
woodwinds and brasses upheld. the fine im-
pression made Sunday night.
If Munch's Beethoven can be questioned,
his Brahms can not. The fourth symphony
came as a climax not only to last night's
program, but to both the Boston's appear-
ances in Ann Arbor. This work, one of the
greatest tragic symphonies since Beethoven,
was read with the same heroic grandeur
which characterized the Eroica. Munch ap-
proached it with simplicity and naturalness,
breadth, depth and intensity. His melodic
conception and interpretive perception were
outstanding, and his musical understanding

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky..........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas............Feature Editor
Janet Watts............Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan............Assoclate Editor
James Gregory ........ Associate Editor
Bill Connolly.............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell..Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible . .Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this* newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

I'll begin my series of
lectures on leprechauns
in a moment, m'boy-As

No, nothing for your
Fairy Godfather. Just
some things for your

Here's some mail, Mom.
I'm going to take a.
little walk ... To study
n.,fur..rnd fhjIl 1 nor, In.

.John?...There's a notice here
from the freight station. They
have a crate or something for us.

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