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October 26, 1950 - Image 1

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Security Gouncil SpIi on Lie

Veto Thfeat
Stalls Action
U.S. Determined
To Extend Term
LAKE SUCCESS - (P) - Faced
by an American threat to veto any
other candidate, the deadlocked
Security Council decided last night
to tell the General Assembly it is
unable to decide on a successor for
United Nations Secretary General
Trygve, Lie.
Russia's Jacob A. Malik immedi-
ately served notice he will demand
the Council try once again before
giving the Assembly implicit au-
thority to extend Lie's term.
* * *
THE U.S. is determined to keer
Lie in office because of his whole-
hearted support of the Korean
war; Russia wants to throw him
out for the same reason.
Malik also told the Council yes-
terday that, besides the Korean
Issue, he opposed Lie because the
UN official had a quarrel with
Prime Minister Stalin during his
trip to Moscow last spring.
U.S. delegate Warren R. Aus-
tin, October president of the coun-
cil, said he was leaving it up to
Malik to request a new Council
session to take up the issue. He
indicated he thought the Russian
might have difficulty lining up an-
other candidate to stand against
* «
names were eliminated at two sec-
ret Council sessions yesterday
They were Carlos P. Romulo of the
Philippines and Charles A. Malik
of Lebanon, each of whom got four
votes-Russia, China, Egypt and
India. Louis Padillo Nervo of Mexi-
co and Sir Bengal N. Rau of India
asked that 'their names be with-
The stalemate began two weeks
Iago when Malik cast Russia's
46th veto to blackball Lie in face
of a 9-0 council vote to give the
Norwegian another five years in
the $40,400 a year job.
The Council notified the Assem-
bly it could not agree.
Russia said she would support
anyone except Lie.
Stacy Petitions
For Municipal
Court Hearing
Robert H. Stacy petitioned the
circuit court again yesterday to
have the arson charge against him
in connection with the Haven Hall
fire remanded to the municipal
In a motion filed with Circuit
Judge James R. Breakey yesterday
noon by his attorney, Leonard H.
Young, Stacy claimed that he had
been physically and mentally ex-
hausted by incessant questioning
previous to his first municipal
court appearance.
* * *
AT THAT appearance, Stacy had
waived examination, and the case
was ordered to the Circuit Court.
In an affiglavit attached to the
new petition Stacy said that he
had not been appraised of his con-
stitutional rights until after he
had been questioned for 26 hours
straight, and that he was in no
fit condition to act for himself in

He also said that he had been
emotionally upset for months
preceding his arrest concerning
his former girl friend, Zelda
Clarkson, and when confronted
by her after many hours of ques-
tioning, he was made distraught
to the point of attempted suicide.
Last week Stacy repudiated all

IFC To- Consider Experts See
T;bet Threat

Research Workers Will Explain
Survey Results to Fraternity Men
A plan for the study of the discrimination problem was outlined
to fraternity house presidents at a meeting last night.
Based on a survey conducted by the Research Center for Group
Dynamics among fraternity men last spring, the plan involves a series
of "report-back". meetings in the fraternity houses where research
workers will explain the results of the survey to the affiliated men.
* * * *
THE SURVEY was employeD last semester after the Inter-
fraternity Council's Council on Dtscrimination enlisted the aid of
Prof. Ronald Lippitt, of the sociology and psychology departments.
Program director of the Research Center for Group Dynamics,
Prof. Lippitt and Andrew Kapos, Grad, developed the question-
naire which was subsequently used.
The IFC committee collaborated with them on this project. The
questionnaire was drawn up so that it would scientifically register

U.S. Demands
Of Aggression
United States and five other na-
tions yesterday called on the UN
Assembly to brand open or fifth
column aggression as "the gravest
of all crimes against peace and se-
curity throughout the world."
The proposal was introduced in-
to the Assembly's Political Com-
mittee as the western answer to a
Soviet "peace" plan asking for
armaments reduction and the
branding as a war criminal the
first government to use the atom
* * *
France, Lebanon, Mexico and the
Netherlands as well as the United
States, the resolution was put be-
fore the 60-nation committee
shortly after Australia's Percy C.
Spender upheld the use of the
atom bomb against' aggressors.
"The way of the aggressor has
got to be made hard," the Aus-
tralian Foreign Minister told the
The joint western resolution ask-
ed the Assembly to reaffirm that
"whatever the weapons used, any
aggression, whether committed
openly or by formenting civil strife.
is the gravest of all crimes against
peace and security throughout the
SPEAKING for the non-Com-
munist world in the two-day-old
debate on the Soviet resolution,
Spender said the Russian plan was
based on the Stockholm appeal
which he described as a "piece of
international fraud."
"If a nation defies the charter
to which we are solemnly pledged
and itself resorts to armed aggres-
sion, can it be realistically argued
that there should be an absolute
prohibition against a nation which
is the subject of aggression using
the atomic bomb as a defensive
measure if the circumstances ren-
der it necessary in order that it
may survive as a free people?"

fthe attitudes of the fraternity
members towards various minor-
ity groups, according to Prof. Lip-
** *
FRATERNITY groups will be
presented with the facts of the
survey at confidential house meet-
ings which will start taking place
within the next few weeks. "The
methods of presentation are not
yet definately determined," Prof.
Lippitt said, "but we shall employ
the most interesting devices pos-
Prof. Lippitt suggested that
slides, charts, and possibly re-
cordings will be used to explain
the significance of the survey
to the men involved.
W.orking in coordination with
the social scientists this semester
is the IFC Human Relations Com-
mittee, which has replaced the
Council on Discrimination. This
Committee is headed by Peter
Johnson described the work of
his committee as being aimed at
the larger problem of "attitude"
change, rather than legal change.
s *
dent, expressed his organizations
view of the plan. "This is an ob-
jective approach to the discrim-
ination problem," he said.
"We do not feel that the indi-
vidual fraternity man is in a
position to make intelligent
judgments on future policy mat-
ters until he has adequate in-
formation as to the judgments
of his fellow-fraternity men on
the issue."
"We feel that pushing the dis-
crimination issue will only aid the.
problem," he continued. "An atti-
tude cannot - legislated out of
* * * -
A FAIRLY sizable number of
fraternity men, however, were re-
portedly displeased with the IFC's
entire program.
Some objected to last year's
questionnaire because they felt it
was not designed to adequately
register the attitudes of fraterni-
ties on the minority' group ques-
Others questioned the ability of
the questionnaire to promote ef-
fective action in eliminating dis-
crimination in campus fraternity

As RedBluff
Military Moves
official authorities suspect that the
Chinese Communists are bluffing
in talking about invading Tibet
at this time.
Without entirely ruling out the
possibility of an invasion, experts
on the remote and lofty mid-Asian
land said yesterday that high win-
ter winds and icy mountain passes
make large-scale military opera-
tions unlikely for months to come.
* * *
RADIO PEIPING broadcast that
the China Reds are moving on the
neighbor mountainiland to "free
three million Tibetans from im-
perialistic oppression." At New
Delhi the Indian Foreign Ministry
said it has heard of "certain troop
movements and incursions" near
the frontier but there was no sup-
port for the invasion report else-
Secretary of State Acheson
told reporters the State Depart-
ment had no information beyond
what was broadcast.
Meanwhile some observers in
Hong Kong on the fringe of Red
China discounted the military im-
plications of the Peiping broad-
cast, because:
1. There has been no known an-
nouncement of the move against
Tibet broadcast or printed in the
Chinese language.
2. The Red New China news
agency distributed the text of the
so-called invasion order in Eng-
lish and only to the Hong Kong
colony's English language and
non-Communist Chinese newspa-
3. Neither Takungpao or Wen-
weipao, the colny's two pro-Red
Chinese newspapers, have carried
the announcement.
Dems Deny
GOP Claims
Republican a n d Democratic
leaders issued clashing claims yes-
terday in predicting the outcome
of the Nov. 7 elections.
Senator Brewster of Maine,
Chairman of the GOP Senatorial
Campaign Committee, told news-
men the Republicans have "excel-
lent prospects" of winning control
of the Senate.
At the same time, the Republi-
can Congressional Campaign Com-
mittee said the GOP will win at
least 30 House seats. and maybe
enough more to oust the Demo-
crats from control.
But Democratic leaders dis-
agreed. Vice President Barkley was
sure the Democrats would gain in
both the Senate and the House,
and Chairman William M. Boyle,
Jr., of the Democratic national
committee echoed that view after
a call on President Truman at the
White House.

Pep Rally
A pep rally will be held 8:15
a.m. tomorrow in front of the
Union, starting a few minutes
before the football team leaves
for its clash Saturday with
Cheerleaders will lead the
rally, and additional entertain-
ment is being, planned, accord-
ing to George Benisek, Wolver-
ine Club publicity chairman.
Parliaml-E ent
A pp roves
Pleven Plan
PARIS -(R)- Parliament today
approved Premier Rene Pleven's
plan for a supranational European
army as the only way France will
accept the rearmament of Ger-
The vote was 349 to 235.
* * *
PLEVEN'S PLAN calls for a
West European Defense Minister,
responsible to a council represent-
ing the interested governments
and also to an international par-
liament, to administer the army.
All member countries would con-
tribute troops, including Germany.
Shortly before the vote form-
er Premier Edouard Daladier de-
clared the plan already was
doomed by the cool reception
given it in Britain, Belgium and
Western Germany.
Daladier said he believed all
other North Atlantic Pact nations
would unite against the French
"German rearmament is now a
decided if not an accomplished
fact," he declared bitterly.
Meanwhile, French Army sources:
reported yesterday the blasting of
Communist-led Vietminh concen-
trations east of Laokay by French'
artillery and warplanes.
This appeared to mean the openL
ing of a battle for Laokay, the last
French bastion on the northwest
A communique said French pa-
trols had found Vietminh forces
only five miles from Laokay, on.
the Red River adjoining Commu-
nist China's. Yunnan Province.
French batteries then shelled the
Vietminh, Nationalist followers of
the Moscow-trained Ho Chi Minh.
The Laokay garrison dug in. A
French military spokesman an-
nounced the abandonment of Lao-
kay's principal outpost, at Muon-

PRISON PRAYER-A North Korean prisoner, apparently con-
vinced his end is near, prays as he and a companion are guarded
in a prison base near Sukchon. The two North Koreans were
captured after the recent Yank airborne drop in the area.
.1 ii~im D1 A

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Pushed byTruman
WASHINGTON-()-President Truman said yesterday that one-
third of America's youths were physically or mentally unfit to fight
for their country.
He called it a "disgrace."
The President also declared that Americans are "not too proud to
fight"-reversing the famous words uttered by President Woodrow
Wilson in the early days of World War I-and he told an'audience of
National Guard leaders: "We will fight for the right every time."
* * * *
THE SPEECH signalled what appeared to be a renewed Adminis-
tration drive for enactment of a Universal Military Training program
" when. Congress returns late in No-
USSR Pe ce Congress has repeatedly turn-
ed down White House requests
Plan Scorned for UMT legislation, and -
man himselfagreed two months
By L1 L~eO/!.ago, at the height of the Korean
War crisis, that the program
could not be put into effect un-
WASHINGTON--(P)-Secretary til the situation eased.
of State Acheson yesterday de- " Now, Truman made it clear he
nounced the Cominform proposal intends to keep hammering at
for a unified Germany as a "per- Congress to pass a UMT bill.
version" of the world's hope for * ,
peace. THE PROGRAM would provide
The Secretary scorned as "old military training for youths 18
and unworkable" the whole four- through 20 years old-six months
point plan advanced Saturday at on an intensive basis, another six
Prague by the Soviet Bloc foreign months in reserve status.
ministers. Addressing the 72nd conference
* * * of the National Guard Association,
HE CALLED on Russia instead Truman said in a chatty, off-the-
to live up to its 1945 Potsdam cuff talk: "Eight times I have ask-
pledges, with the suggestion that ed the Congress, since I have been
nothing else is lacking to bring President, for a universal training
about German disarmament and program for the young men of the
unity. United States.
"The time has long since pass- "You know, one of the most
ed when the world can be stirred disgraceful things that ever hap-
to hope by general phrases on pened to this country was to find
the Soviet Union about disarm- that 34 per cent of the young
ament and peace and German men and young women were not
unity," Acheson said. physically and mentally fit to
"We who have striven so hard serve the country.
for these things want actions- "Now that is a disgrace to the
we want the threatening East Ger- richest nation in the world with
man Army disbanded, the capri- all the medical knowledge that is
cious restraints on internal Ger- supposed to exist in the world.
man trade removed, and free dem-supedtextinhewr.
ocratic elections held in all of "A universal training program
Ct.4msnv" ,would eradicate that situation:"

UN Forces
Drive Nears
Will Move On'
To Red Border
SEOUL-(P)-An American reg-
iment pushed up North Korea's
west coast close to the Manchurian
border today in what appeared to
be the final phase of the war.
A U.S. Eighth Army spokesman
indicated that the drive would go
all the way to the border.
* * *
THE U.S. Fifth Infantry regi-
ment crossed the Chongchon River
at Sinanju unopposed and hit out
toward Sonchon, 20 miles from the
Korean-Manchurian border at Si-
The Eighth army spokesman
said he knew of no orders for
either American or British com-
monwealth trooperstorstop20
miles short of the border, thus
leaving a buffer zone for occu-
pation entirely by South Ko-
Previously informed sources at
Tokyo had said they understood
such instructions were issued.
hit the beaches at Wonsan un-
opposed. The city had been cap
tured and occupied earlier by
Squth Korean troops.
The first waves ashore were
from the veteran First Marine
Division, the same unit that
stormed the beaches at the start
of the Inchon invasion Sept. 15.
A field dispatch said they were
but the vanguard of a 50,000-man
force which was coming ashore to
back up the swift South Korean
drive up the east coast toward the
Manchurian border.
The rest of the First Marine Di-
vision and the U.S. Seventh In-
fantry Division were standing off-
shore waiting to land.
« «
THE MARINES are scheduled to
move 50 miles northward to the
Hamhung area on the coast, the
field report said. The Seventh Di-
vision will swing northeast of
Hamhung up the coast to back up
South Korean divisions heading
for the Korean-Manchurian fron-
In Western Korea, reports to
U.S. Eighth Army headquarters
said elements of the South Ko-
rean Sixth Division smashed to
Kojang, 20 miles from Chosan
on the Korean-Manchurian bor-
The reports indicated the Sixth
Division met only light opposi-
tion in its drive north.
The Korean Republican forces
were under orders of General Mac-
Arthur to smash all the way to
the Manchurian-Siberian boun-
ary of Korea as fast as possible.
Four Students
Expelled by 'U'
Four University students have
been expelled for infractions of
University regulations governing

student conduct.
Two of the students, whose
names were withheld by Univer-
sity officials, left their sorority
house shortly after 10:30 p.m. last
Thursday without 'signing out.
They later attended a party in De-
troit with two other men students,
both of whom were also expelled.
The two coeds' absence was dis-
covered later the same night by
other members of their sorority
who became alarmed and notified
their parents.
All four students have made
plans for re-admittance next se-
mester, according to friends.
Slaves Slink
To Pharaoh
Once again the Pharaoh has
commanded his legions to cross the
great desert and invade the land



By The Associated Press


' Demise of Student Players Feared

CAMBRIDGE, M a s s. - Prof.
Ralph J. Bunche, UN official and
Nobel Peace Prize winner, was ap-
pointed the first Negro professor
in the 314-year-old history of Har-
vard College, it was announced by
Harvard's provost yesterday.
* * *
WASHINGTON -Congressional
sources said last night President
Truman is thinking of issuing a
pre-election call to Congress to
hurry back to Washington after
the balloting and work on rent
control and other legislation.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The nation's
new manpower chief Robert C.
Goodwin said yesterday the labor
supply is tightening up and some
transfers of workers may have to
be "negotiated" to fill critical
WASHINGTON - The gov-_
ernment prepared last night to
go into the second phase of its
drive to control production in
the interest of national defense
with a new series of important
industrial orders concerning
steel, building materials and
aluminum, probably beginning
* * *


Truman Tallk Surprises
U' Political Scientists

Inadequate ticket sales may
cause the Student Players to stop
,functioning after the run of the
current production, "Light Up
The Sky," according to Burt Sapo-
witch, '51, producer for the organ-
Ticket sales have been so poor
that the group will lose money
unless they improve' tremendously,
he said.
* * *
"WE'VE GOT TO SELL at least
1,000 tickets in order to break ev-
en and so far only 263 have been
sold," he added. "And that doesn't

Mendelssohn Theatre, which is
the best place in town for a show,
we've got to have student support
to keep us alive."
* * *
THE PLAY will be given at 8
p.m. today and tomorrow at Men-
delssohn. Tickets are priced at
$1.20, 90 cents and 60 cents. Re-
duced rates on all Thursday and
Friday tickets are offered to
groups who buy a block of ten or
more. They are on sale from 2 to
5 p.m. at the theatre box office.
The comedy, written by Moss

Rose, his wife, Eleanor Holm and
director, Gunthrie McClintic.
The ballyhoo for the show was
tremendous. All Broadway wanted
to know just who was being smear-
ed. During the days before the
opening, Billy Rose threatened to
sue for libel and then changed his
* * *
ON THE NIGHT of the opening
in New York the producers had a
blimp fly over the theatre area
with moving illuminated signs
reading "Good Luck to Moss Hart's

Several members of the political
science department expressed sur-
prise yesterday at President Tru-
man's Tuesday speech calling for
eventual disarmament.
The President had urged the
United Nations to combine its
talks about atomic control and
conventional arms, in an effort
to achieve "fool-proof" and "gen-
uine" disarmament.
"I had guessed his speech
would emphasize the United Na-
tions' success in Korea," George

an ideal goal and a future end
but asserted that it was not ap-
plicable to the immediate situa-
"In view of the Washington
Arms Conference of 1921, we
should enter into disarmament
discussions with our eyes open and
with caution," he added.
* * *
AN INSTRUCTOR in the de-
partment, Walter Filley also
shared Peek's surprise.' Filley,
however, termed it strange that



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