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October 25, 1950 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-10-25

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1"L si




Lower Mich. Found Best for Fish

"How I wish agin
I was fishi'gin
in lower Michigan."
This should be the theme song
of the numerous anglers who flock
to northern Michigan each year.
* *
THEY'D BE better off to stop
around Ann Arbor or Kalamazoo,
if they're interested in a large
catch. That's the latest.word from
the State's Institute for Fisheries
Research which specializes in' ob-
taining such little-known infor-
Anglers who prefer sporting fish
like pike and trout will still have
to journey to the northland, how-
ever. These species prefer the cold-
er northern waters, and do not
breed successfully in the southern
* *'*
ed a creel during the last 15 years
has participated in a mammoth
census of fish.

The Census Bureau in an ef-
fort to track down the elusive
fin-bearers has carefully tabu-
lated every poor fish who was
curious or hungry enough to be
attracted by an angler's lure.
These fishily vital statistics,
once tabulated, are used to deter-
mine which rivers are overly popu-
lated and which ones are not yet
anglers' paradises.
contribute to this effort. Because
the scales can be read like the
rings of a tree, it's a great help
to the Institute to collect these
specimens and read their tell-tale
Age and growth records of
Michigan minnows, and other
fish, can be compiled and used
to determine which lake breeds
giant bass or lively, lengthy
trout. If certain streams and
ponds are 'producing deficient
fish, a current theory is used to
- correct the condition.

NO LONGER do fishery men
rush out and re-stock the offend-
ing water with nice, clean labora-
tory-bred specimens. Since 1945
they have carefully checked the
breeding habits and under-water
conditions and re-stocked the pond
or stream with more tempting
items for the fish's palate, or bet-
ter shelter for his finny back.
This excellent treatment en-
coijrages the fish so much that
they multiply themselves into a
wonderful fishing crop.
The beaver, a water-rat accord-
ing to angling enthusiasts, is one
of the greatest antagonists of
trout-fishermen. By erecting dams
in the best trout streams, the bea-
ver warms up cold streams, and
generally disturbs the trout popu-
One eager graduate student who
has enrolled his efforts in the fish-
ery, is currently searching for me-
thods to get the beaver and the
trout to share the river.

TV Series
Will Begin
'On Nov. 5
(Continued from Page 1)
on student activities. Tentative
plans have been made to give
"Television Hour" viewers a look
at the Student Legislature in
action, the Glee Club concerts,
student Phoenix Project plays
and the Union Opera.
Most of the programs will orig-
inate in WWJ-TV's Detroit stu-
dios. At least part of one pro-
gram a month will be sent out di-
rectly from Ann Arbor, however.
The "teletours" will utilize films
to a great extent.
layed from cameras to nearby
WWJ-TV mobile unit trucks,, and
then to relay equipment on-Burton
Tower. From there they will be
beamed to the station's transmit-j
ter atop the Penobscot Buildingj
in Detroit.
Programs will rely heavily on
visual aids - charts, film strips,
diagrams and demonstrations, ac-
cording to Prof. Garrison. Each
show will be designed as a unit
to attract the interest of casual
viewers who have not watched the
entire course.
Spot announcemnts on radio
and TV shows will publicize the
course series, along with posters
in high schools throughout the
Detroit area.
"We think television has a great
potential for educating people,"
Prof. Garrison remarked. "It will
put the educator right at your
shoulder, in your own home," he1

Speakers Bureau Tells
World of Phoenix Project

Starzel, Associated Press
Manager, To Talk Today
<+, * ,

Frank J. Starzel, general man-
ager of the Associated Press, will
speak on "A Quest for Truth" at
3 p.m. today in Rm. 1025 Angell
Starzel will be the first speaker
in the journalism department's
1950-51 series of University lec-
tures. The lecture, which is open
to the public, will be followed by
a coffee hour for journalism fa-
culty and students at the journal-
ism department offices, 512 S.
Having joined the AP in 1929
as a promotions director, Starzel's
rise through the organization was
climaxed by his appointment as
assistant general manager in 1943
and his subsequent elevation to his
present position as general man-
ager in 1948.
1944 Starzel visited London
and Paris to extend Associated
Press News transmission facilities
throughout the world for greater
coverage of war news. He was res-
ponsible for the establishment of a
system for teleprinter and wire-
less, distribution of news reports
tp the eastern hemisphere.
The veteran journalist began his
career by assisting with a small
semi-weekly LeMars, Iowa, news-
paper published in his father's
print shop. He subsequently work-
ed on several midwestern news-
papers including the Chicago Daily
Voters To See
Candidates As
ElectionM ears
Campaigning is being stepped up
to whirlwind speed, as candidates
and townspeople look forward to
the Nov. 7 general voting day in
Ann Arbor..
Local voters will have a chance
to see and hear all county, con-
gressional, and state legislative
nominees from this area,.when the
Ann Arbor League of Women Vot-
ers sponsors a "Meet the Candi-
date" forum at 8 p.m. tomorrow
In the Ann Arbor High Scliool aud-
Principal attraction of the even-
ing will be talks by the two oppos-
ing candidates for the Congress
from this district, George Meader
and Prof. John P. Dawson. They
will each present their views on
United States foreign policy.
Meader, an Ann Arbor attorney,
won a five-man Republican pri-
mary race; Prof. Dawson, a Law
School faculty man, was nominat-
ed after topping a three-man Dem-
ocratic ticket. One of them will
replace Earl A. Mihener who is
retiring from Congress after 20
years service.
Harry F. Kelly, former governor
of the state now running again
for that position on the Republi-
can ticket, will be in Ann Arbor
tonight to speak at an American
Legion dinner in his honor. Gov.
G. Mennen Williams, who seeks
reelection as a Democrat, was in
town last Saturday, accompanied
by most of his running mates.

Will Sponsor
Faculty Tea
For the first time the Union and
women's executive councils will
join to present a Student-Faculty
Coffee Hour honoring the English
department 4 p.m. Thursday in
the Union Manhattan Terrace.
Previous to this year, separate
weekly informal hours were held
by both the Union and League in
their respective buildings.
The Student-Faculty hour is
open to all students.

PLACE IN THE SUN-George Bernard Shaw takes his ease in
the garden of his home at Ayot St. Lawrence, England, as he con-
tinues his recovery from a broken thigh suffered in a recent fall.
Though still not the Shaw he once was, he seems to have man-
aged a near glare for the photographer.
Unie ations Worker
Calls Charter A Far ce

Members of a special speakers
bureau who have the job of tell-
ing the world about the Michigan
Memorial Phoenix Project are on
call 24 hours a day.
Since the end of last year the
bureau has been sending its mem-
bers to all ends of the country to
explain the Project to Phoenix ral-
lies and meetings.
* * *
ALL OF THE 54 speakers are
members of the faculty who have
volunteered to trek about the land
Laughton To,
SpeakNov. 1
Sale of Single Tickets
To Open Today at Hill
Single ticket sales for Charles
Laughton's "Evening" will open
at 10 a.m. today in the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
The famous actor will appear in
Ann Arbor at 8:30 p.m. next Wed-
nesday in the second of the Uni-
versity Oratorical Series lectures.
Titled "An Evening with Charles
Laughton" the lecture will display
the versatility which has enabled
Laughton to score equal successes
as the ill-mannered Henry VIII
and in readings from the bible.
He first reached fame in "Gov-
ernment Inspector" which was
produced in London in 1926. In
1931 he came to New York with
a London hit, "Payment Deferred"
and shortly afterward moved to
Hollywood to accept a movie con-
There he became a top flight
star. He has won an Academy
Award for his portrayal of Henry
Tickets for the one-man show
will be on sale in the box-office
daily from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
from 2 to 5 p.m. Main floor seats
are $1.50; first balcony, $1.20 and
second balcony, 60 cents.

to pep up alumni and friends of
the University about the atomic
research memorial.
The bureau's schedule started
off in a big way last January
when President Ruthven and
vice-presidents Briggs and Nie-
huss toured the country telling
of Phoenix and the part alumni
could take in the fund-raising
campaign which began earlier
this month.
Greatly satisfied with the re-
sults of these trips, Phoenix offi-
cials increased the size of their
speaking staff. Now the bureau can
answer all requests from alumni
groups for speakers and even out-
line speaking tours for faculty
THE BUREAU was taxed to its
capacity on Atom Day, when the
current drive began. Because near-
ly 200 rallies were held through-
out the country, speakers were
sent to only nearby meetings, and
alumni and special speakers han-
dled the' rest. Included among the
special speakers were Gen. Dwight
Eisenhower, Warren Austin, Unit-
ed States delegate to the UN, Gor-
don Dean, head of the Atomic En-
ergy Commission, and Sen. Homer
Now the bureau had added some
4,000 more speakers. They are
alumni members of fund-raising
committees scattered across the
nation who are busy contacting in-
dividual alumni for contributions
to the $6,500,000 goal of ,Phoenix
Phoenix campaign officials feel
that by fully utilizing the resources
of their staff of speakers-many
who are already engaged in re-
search for Phoenix--they can best
get across the spirit of a living
war memorial that is the founda-
tion of the Phoenix Project.
New Liquor List
The University will furnish li-
censed Ann Arbor taverns with a
new list of minors on the campus
as of Oct. 1, 1950, Dean Rea reveal-
ed yesterday.



Freshmen, Sophomores Will
Clash in Tug-o-War Saturday

Ackerman To
Replace Zeder
In SAETalkl
James C. Zeder, '22E who was
to lecture today on behalf of the
Society of Automotive Engineers,
has become ill and will be replaced
by Paul C. Ackerman, '22E.
Faculty advisor for the student
branch of SAE, Prof. Jay Bolt of
the College of Engineering an-
nouncedlate yesterday that Ack-
erman, chief engineer in charge of
laboratories in a large automotive
firm in Detroit, will lecture on
the sanie topic Zeder had, "The
Road to Engineering Competence."
According to Prof. Bolt he will
stress the - human factors and
personality traits necessary in ad-
dition to mere technical skills for
good engineering.
The lecture will be held at 8 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall.
It will be open to the public,
and there will be no admission
Prof. Bolt urged the attendance
of all interested engineering stu-
dents, adding that the principles
of Ackerman's speech would apply
to the general field of engineering.
Daily Classifieds
Get Quick Results

"Winter is icummen . . . freezeth
river and turneth liver . .. lhude
sing . . . , " and the rest of Ezra
Pound's satiric poem will probably
be on the lips of the losers in Sat-
urday's frosh-soph Tug-o'-War as
they emerge from the cold Huron
But a large pep rally at 7:30
p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium will
precede the Saturday afternoon
Huron River fray. Freshmen and
sophomores will gather in the
Auditorium to cheer their respec-
tive teams.
added this year, however. A "King
Tug," surrounded by a court, will
make his appearance. Symbolizing
Tug Week, the king will preside
over the rally and the Tug-o'-
King Tug remains incognito
at present, but the names of his
. .

courtiers and attendants have
been revealed. They are: Jay
Mills, '53, and Joe Teifer, '52;
Fran Windham, '53, and Jean
McNaughton, '53.
Mills and Teifer will act as
masters of ceremony for the re-
spective classes. Music will be sup-
plied by the Chicago House band.
** *
ON SATURDAY afternoon at
1:00, freshmen and sophomores
will assemble at the Mall (near the
Women's League) and parade to
the Huron River.
Last year, the sophomores had a
wet time of it when the freshmen
dragged them into the depths of
the cold river.
The publicity committee for the
tug has called on all freshmen and
sophomores to attend both the
rally and the tug, and support
their teams.
. .

The United Nations charter is
a farce since it allows states to
keep their sovereignty and belong
to a world organization at the
same time; according to UN worker
Robert Zajonc.
A graduate student who has
worked with UNESCO and other
UN agencies for two years in Eur-
ope, Zajonc told members of the
Polonia Club at their recent meet-
ing that national sovereignty and
a world organization are complete-
ly incompatible.
* * *
UNDER THE UN charter, injus-
tices, such as the Union of South
Africa persecuting its minorities
can occur, and thg world organiza-
tion is powerless," he said.
"Most of the practical work
that helps to establish peace is
within a country's border by the
14 specialized agencies of the
UN. But these agencies can only
discuss, consider, and recom-
mend. They can't bring about
Bromage Will
Prof. Arthur W, Bromage, of
the political science department,
will speak at 7:30 p.m. today in
Rm. 131, Business Administration
Bldg. on "Mayor-Council Govern-
ment in Ann Arbor."
The lecture is the second in a
series of six which the University
Extension Service is offering on
"Positive Citizenship."
The seres is designed to help
citizens become better acquainted
with their local government.

"Four of the UN agencies-the
World Health Organization, the
Food and Agriculture Office,
UNESCO, and the International
Labor Office-have charge of the
most important rehabilitation pro-
grams," he continued.
"Andi yet, to do their'almost im-
possible task, we allow these four
agencies a budget of only $24 mil-
lion-less than what New York
City spends in one year to keep
its streets clean."
ZAJONC ALSO warned that oth-
er nations mistrust claims by the
United States that it is using the
Marshall Plan for humanitarian
reasons to establish peace.
"The United States uses the
Marshall Plan to aid those coun-
tries directly threatened by
Communism, and not the na-
tions that really need social and
economic aid."
He cited the case of Greece,
where Marshall Plan aid was with-
drawn a few weeks ago when a
government was elected that dis-
agreed with certain points of
American foreign policy.
In addition, the refusal of the
United States government to ac-
cept certain sections in the UN's
Declaration of Universal Human
Rights has also caused unfavor-
able reaction against this country,
Zajonc said.
Architect To Speak
The famous English architect,
Frederick James Osborn, will lec-
ture on "English Town Planning"
this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackhai amphitheatre under the
auspices of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design.

Makes a Man Love a Pipe


14 1

- I


-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
TUG WEEK-Ned Miles, '51E, general co-chairman of Tug
Week, left, and Tom Rice, '50BAd, give a heave and a pill on
the old manila as they test a segment of the rope to be used in
the inter-class tug across the Huron River Saturday afternoon.

The Thoroughbred of Pipe Tobaccos
Choice white Burley." Smooth and mild



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