PAGE P0OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1950 U Thanksgiving Recess Thought Control T WILL BE a homeless Thanksgiving for many students again this year. The recent action by the Conference of Deans leaves the student faced with either the unsavory prospect of another Ann Ar- bor holiday, or the decision of whether to get two more days behind in his studies. He might remain in Ann Arbor, thereby missing a weekend at home or, he might cut classes, leaving half-empty classrooms to the professors, who would just as soon be relaxing at home too. All this because the Conference of Deans persists in keeping Michigan the only school in the Big Ten to hold classes on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. It is not because alternate plans are lack- ing. It was once claimed that students would be sadly hampered by those two lost days of school (notwithstanding the fact that Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: RICH THOMAS most of the classes were surreptitiously giv- en bolts), This year, after studying the problem for some time, a Student Legisla- ture committee came up with schedule change plan. This plan suggested that classes be held on the Saturdays immediately preceding Christmas and Spring vacations to make up for the proposed Thanksgiving holiday. The Conference of Deans considered this plan only briefly before dismissing it without ex- planation. Dave Belin, chairman of the SL commit- tee investigating the long weekend situation, has repeatedly requested an audience with the Conference of Deans to talk over the plan. He has continually been refused. The SL plan may not be the best one that could be thought of, but we believe % that itbdeserves better considerations than it has been given thus far. For one reason or another, campus opin- ion has long stood on the side of a Thanks- giving vacation. And whether the Confer- ence of Deans likes it or not, the fact re- mains that most of the campus will be tak- ing that vacation, legally or otherwise. -Chuck Elliott THOUGHT CONTROL is no longer a UN Agencies at Work IN THE PAST FEW MONTHS, we have seen the rise of the United Nations as a powerful preserver of world peace-an or- ganization to be reckoned with. But back- stage, behind the.scene of the Korean War, UN commissions and bureaus have been functioning methodically, and their indivi- dual contributions to world peace can not be underestimated. Disregarding the major political wranglings of the day, let's review a few interesting announcements by the UN's Daily Bulletin. On October 10 the UN's Statistical Of- fice announced that the world's industrial production in the second quarter of 1950 has reached a new high level, 57 percent above the base year 1937. This bureau has performed a great service in keeping the members of the United Nations supplied with statistical information. At the same time, five countries-Luxem- bourg, Ecuador, India, Liberia, and Pakistan signed the UN Convention for tre Suppres- sion of the Traffic in Persons of the Exploi- tation of the Prostitution of Others. If Wash- ington and Paris aren't doing anything about it, it is commendable that the UN is at least trying. In addition to other relief work, the World Health Organization has provided for the building of the first children's hospital in Bolivia. This project will be undertaken by the Bolivian Government in LaPaz with the technical assistance of the UN. Towards world peace, UN commissions have kept close surveillance over troubled areas. The UN Special Committee on the Balkans recently reported the occurrence of new and serious incidents on the island of Gornia-Ostrov at the Bulgarian-Greek fron- tier, where under the protection of Bulgar- ian forces, work is in progress which is in- tended to divert the course of the River Ev- xos (Maritza R.). Such reconnaisance work makes another Korea improbable. Towards the end of world rehabilitation, the Second Economic Committee has been doing some strenuous research. On October 14, it reported that self-help and UN tech- nical assistance will not be enough, but that these sectors would need the investment capital of highly industrialized countries. Hot on the tail of economic trends, the International Labour Organization in Ge- neva discovered that the cost of living has ripen during the past year in 22 countries and dropped in 12 others. The World Health Organization also an- nounced that, as a result of international medical and sanitary measures, the Mecca Pilgramage of 1950 was freed from infec- tion and thus cleared of the traditional danger* of outbreaks of disease among the thronged pilgrims. Another important announcement evaded the news columns of many newspapers which are bent on sensationalism. It is note- worthy that one U.S. spokesman asserted that the United States Government has re- commended to Congress legislation, which, through adjustments in tax structure, would stimulate American private investors to in- vest in greater sums abroad. Without doubt, the United Nations has been steadily gaining respect in the eyes of the peoples of the world. If our press and radio-and those of other countries-would propagandize its backstage work instead of inadvertently disregarding these other func- tions, this respect would be enhanced. --Cal Samra threat, it is here. In the course of a recent interview an unusually informed faculty member expressed a belief based on first hand in- formation and of the greatest political significance was expressed-but it was not for publication. The professor's conclusion on this important matter, although reach- ed through a different line of thought was the same as that of the Daily Worker. Owen Lattimore had been in a spot similar to that in which the professor found him- self. Lattimore had expressed his beliefs, however unpopular. But Prof. didn't dare. And a memory of the ordeal Lattimore had gone through must have been in the pro- fessor's mind,.so he said-"not for publica- tion," An important opinion has been withheld from the public because the professor would have been liable to have been called a Com- munist' Thus we are beginning to feel the ef- fects of Senator McCarthy's spree last spring. People are afraid to express their thoughts if by chance the Communists say the same thing. The penalty for expressing one's views under such conditions has been gradually mounting. Now, with loyalty oaths the mode, one might also lose his job for bearing views that are commonly thought to be borne only by Communists. Also, under Congress' new masterpiece, the McCarran bill, a person who agrees with the Communists on something can be thrown in jail. Someone, ignorant of what the Daily Worker has been saying, might wind up serving time for saying he is opposed to socialism. These restrictions on thought and ex- pression can no longer be said to exist only in the abstract. When the professor real- ized the repercussions that might occur X he said what he thought, he decided to keep what he knew to himself. It is all too evident that the -results of such restrictions could eventually amount to. In our efforts to fight Communism at home we must not resort to their methods, for the benefits from an abundance of Ameri- can ideas far outweigh the danger from the present "Communist menace." -Paul Marx Speech Classes PUBLIC SPEAKING has passed from an extra-curricular activity to a necessary requirement for those who care to impress and compete favorably with the world to- day. But the introductory Public Speaking courses at the University tend to hinder ra- ther than help the neophyte public speaker. The student is first assigned a three- minute speech before the class. After his speech is given, he is criticized by his - classmates and instructor, who point out his shortcomings. This magnifies his awkwardness by making him more keenly aware of it. A double re- minder that his hands tremble does not un- cover the source of his trembling hands, but fortifies his self-consciousness of them all the more. While constructive criticism is necessary if the student is to improve his public speaking, it is ,also necessary to find the cause of his uncomfortableness before an audience, and then proceed from there. Speaking squarely before an audience for the beginning public speaker is a gruelling experience. It could be approached gradually, and this transition could begin with the student giving his first speech from the side of his chair. As this would closely parallel his manner of reciting in class, he would begin to feel more at ease before a strange' group. His next speech could be in the form of a debate. As the student became more accus- tomed to facing an audience, his fears would diminish. More emphasis could be placed on the student conducting the class in place of the instructor. The resultant informality of these class discussions would help him to realize that other members of the class suffer from anxieties similar to his. Only in reaching the reason for his tense- ness and combatting that problem directly from its source can the beginning student ever attain the poise needed to become a successful public speaker. -Mary Letsis "You Mean Some Can And Don't Do It?" o'r aa at RCII NO" p&&TS( rr'(in ;.YOUwANE 0 VOTE ~ OT POTues. fm1,, :- __ 1 ""-'~ 'Al 1)1~s tI; (~\3' Y DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN) etteA4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. (Continued from Page 3) ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON Korea . . To the Editor: THE 38th parallel has been cross- ed. The United Nations forces (US) are now engaged in bring- ing "democracy" to all the Korean people. What once began as "po- lice action" has resulted in the in- vasion of North Korea. Restoring conditions prior to June 30 is not sufficient. Of course it cannot be enough to keep the tottering Rhee regime in power. Long before the invasion, the N. Koreans had asked for an all-Korean election to de- termine representation in a single Korean government (despite 2-3 of the Korean people living south of the 38th parallel.) When the S. Korean parliament took up the peace feelers of their N. Korean brothers by inviting four Commu- nist leaders down to Seoul to dis- cuss the matter, Mr. Rhee stepped in and threw all four in jail. (Rhee's party took a heavy beating in the preceeding election-win- ning only 48 of 210 seats). Now that it looks as if Ameri- cans will be in N. Korea for some time, what kind of "democracy" will we give them? The answer is found in what the white man has done for these colored people for the past centuries. Recent alleged atrocities against American G.I.'s are nothing compared to what Asiatic people have been through. They hate white men and don't want any of our western "demo- cracy." They have seen this form of government in action and are determined to be free of its yoke as soon as possible. Tht billion dollars invested by U.S. firms in S. Korea will just have to go. One of the main stumbling blocks in Asiatic policy has been our white supremacy at home. A clearer understanding of the Neg- ro question will help straighten our dealings with otherrcolored people. Because of our false "white only" ideology, it is only natural that leading American journals call Asiatics G-s and other dero- gatory terms. Compare this with southern newspapers and the Neg- ro. Asiatics realize that America can never bring them democracy as long ds its army and nation are permeated with this ideology. Un- fortunately, a U.S. victory in Ko- rea will only be a truce. Korea and other Asiatic countries will not rest until the white man and his commercial companies have gone home. -Gordon MacDougall * * * Bentley . . To the Editor: THE OTHER DAY, when I took up my Daily, I saw a front- page article headlined: "Attack Russia, Bentley Urges." That sur- prised me considerably, as I had been to the Young Republican meeting the night before. As I remember it, Mr. Bentley said no such thing. Mr. Bentley said that the Dem- ocrats offered America nothing but perpetual mobilization, an armed camp forever. So he felt that the only thing for us to do would be to mobilize now, and when we are prepared, to tell Russia's leaders, "Fish or cut bait," or, in other words, "Put your money where your mouth is." A policy of perm- anent mobilization, Bentley point- ed out, would ultimately reduce America to the level of Russia her- self, or Socialist England or Nazi Germany. As a matter of fact, someone asked him from the floor, if he wanted a "preventive war" with Russia. Bentley replied that he advocated no "Pearl Harbor at- tack" on Moscow. Now, you understand, I do not intend to accuse The Daily of smearing the YRs, or anything of the sort. Undoubtedly some sim- ple reporter made a simple mis- take. No one who is at all ac- quainted with the Daily's methods could say that its editors are not pillars of rectitude. No, the only reason f wrote in is because I realize that many students will. misunderstand Mr. Bentley's position. Among those people I do not include Mr. War- shawsky and his accomplice, for reason is evidently beyond them. Evidently they are still unable to comprehend the lesson of Munich. Jasper B. Reid, Jr., Treasurer U of M Young Republican Club EDITOR'S NOTE-(Jesper Letter)-Edit (Editor's Note-Most of the infor- mation in the story was given to a Daily rewrite man by two members of the Young Republicans Club follow- ing the meeting at which Bentley spoke. But thank you for your simple letter.) Evil Thinks * . To the Editor: IN REPLY to your movie critic's objection to an upper middle- class conception of life: "Honi soit qui mal y pense." -Edward Jarvis *s * * Algebra (H) Seminar: Thurs., Oct. 26, 4:10 p.m., 3011. Angell Hall. Professor Brauer will con- tinue his review of Representation Theory. Notice to freshmen who missed any or all of the aptitude tests given during orientation week, Sept. 22 and 23: The makeup for those who missed the Friday aft-' ernoon session, Sept. 22, will be held from 6:45 to 10 p.m., Oct. 25, 130 Business Administration Bldg. The makeup for those who miss- ed the Saturday morning session, Sept. 23, will be held from 6:45 to 10:15 pm., Oct. 26, 130 Business Administration Bldg.. Students who missed the entire testing. program are expected to report for both sessions. Orientation Seminar in Mathe- matics: Meet-ing, Thurs., Oct. 26, 3001 Angell Hall. Miss Curran will speak on "Jordan's Theorem." Concerts The Boston Symphony Orches-r tra, Charles Munch, Conductor, will be heard in its second con- cert this season, Wed., Oct. 25, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Mr. Munch will present the following program: Handel's Suite from the "Fireworks" Music; Debussy's "La Mer"; "Bacchus et Ariane" Bal- let, 2nd Suite; and the Brahms Symphony No. 4 in E minor. Tickets are available daily at the offices of the University Mu- sical Society, from 9 to 5; and at the Hill Auditorium box office after 7 p.m. on the night of the concert. Carillon Recital: 7:15 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 26, by Percival Price, University carillonneur. Program: Prelude Solennel for Carillon by W. L. Curry; four British Harpsi- chord Selections: Selection from Scherzo, Op. 39 by Chopin; four German folk songs; and Selections from Svanda by Jaronier Wein- berger. Events Today The Congregational, Disciple, Evangelical, and Reformed Guild: Three supper discussion groups, 5:30 p.m., Guild House, 438 May- nard, ,each Wednesday. Subjects:i (1) What do Christians Believe, (2) Does Christianity Have an Answer to Communism; ands(3) Christian Concerns About Basic Human Rights. Phone reserva- tions, 5838, by Wednesday noon. Canterbury Club: 7:15 p.m., Schola Cantorum rehearsal. Westminister Guild: Tea and Talk, third floor parlor. First Presbyterian Church. Featuring the Leiden String Quartette. Wesley Foundation: Do Drop In, 4 p.m., Wesley Lounge. Flying Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Movies. Final Parliamentary Procedure Lecture given by Professor Brack- ett will be at 7:30 p.m., Rooms 3R, S, Union. I.A.S.: Meeting, 7 p.m., Room 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. All Aero students invited. Romance Languages Journal Club: Wed., Oct. 25, 4:15 p.m., East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Prof. Lawrence B. Kiddle will speak on "Linguistic Geo- graphy and Its Application to Mexican Spanish."' University Rifle Club: Meeting, 7:15 p.m., R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. Everyone interested in rifles and rifle shooting invited including members of the R.O.T.C. and N.- R.O.T.C. Practice will be held for the postal matches which will soon begin. Wyvern: Meeting, 7 p.m., Lea- gue. All members urged to attend. Tau Beta Sigma: Meeting, 4.15 p.m., Harris Hall. Phoenix Project:, Mass meeting of all women's dorm and sorority representatives, 4 p.m., League Ballroom. American Institute of Archi- tects. Student Chapter: F i r s t monthly meeting, 4:15 p.m., Ar- chitecture Auditorium. Election of class representatives and opening of 1950-51 membership drive. All architecture students invited. Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular rerearsal, 7 p.m., Lane Hall. All members should be present. Con- cert goers will be excused in time for the Boston Symphony Concert. Pre-Med Society: Open meeting, 1400 Chemistry Bldg., 7:30 p.n. Movie: "Life of Louis Pasteur." Charles Laughton Tickets on Sale Today at 10 a.m., Hill Audi- torium box office. Mr. Laughton will be presented by the Oratorical Association as the second number on the 1950-51 Lecture Course, ap- pearing in Hill Auditorium, Ndv. 1, 8:30 p.m. W.A.A. Folk and Square Dance Club will meet in Waterman Gym- nasium, instead of the Womens Athletic Building, from 7:30-9:45 p.m. on Wednesdays beginning Oct. 25. Note change in meeting place. Sociedad Hispanica: First meet- ing of the semester. Lecture, "Se- mana Santa in Sevilla"; by Rich- ard Defendini of the faculty of Romance Languages. 8 p.m., Lea- gue. Everyone welmcomeno noann gue. Everyone welcome. Coming Events MIMES of the University -of Michigan Union: First meeting of semester; Wed., Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-K, Union. Intercultural Relations Commit- tee: Meeting in the Counselor's office, International Center, 4 p.- m., Thurs., Oct. 26. U. of M. Soaring Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tltnrs., Oct. 26, 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Flight opera- tions conducted at the Washtenaw County Airport, Jackson Road, Thursday at 1 p.m., weather per- mitting. All interested in joining- the clubare invited to attend both meetings. B'nai B'rith Hlilel Foundatin: Meeting of all people interested in learning Yiddish Language, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 26, Lane Hall. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m., on American friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 26. Young Progressives of America: Meeting, Thurs., Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m., Union. Election of officers. Women of the University Fa- culty: First of the weekly teas, Thurs., Oct. 26, 4 to 6 p.m., Club Room. League. Graduate Student Council Cof- fee Hour: Thurs., Oct. 26, 7:30 p.. in., Graduate Outing Club room, Rackham Bldg. Hostelers: Meeting, Thurs., Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Slides shown of hosteling in Europe. Ev- eryone welcome. Hostelers: Hayride and square dance at Jones School, Sat., Oct. 28. Call Irene Edwards for reser- vations, 2-2823. Meet at the Lea- gue at 7:30. EN' OUTE,ON WEST COAST-I do not know what his family will have written on the gravestone of Henry L. Simpson, who died last week, but I do know what I would write. I would write: "Here lies a man who, wWen all others gave up hope, labored for the peace of his fellow men." Henry I. Stimson was Secretary of State in the Hoover administratioin when I was a young newspaperman covering the State Department. At first a critic, I grew to respect and love him and to consider him a great man. As I look back onit I am ashamed of the way I sometimes heckled Mr. Stimson. Bill Flythe of the I.N.S. and Lyle Wilson of the U.P. and I used to think up all sorts of em- barrassing questions to ask him at press conferences. And once I induced the late Fiorello La Guardia, then a member of Con- gress, to tack an amendment on the war de- partment appropriations bill whereby no mo- ney could be spent for Stimson's Military Aide. A Secretary of State, entrusted with keeping the peace, did not need a Military Aide. The House of Representatives voted it--though the Senate reversed. the house and restored the appropriation. Looking back on it,, and considering the great things Stimson did 'for peace, he was entitled to- the extravagance of a Military Aide--if it tickled his vanity, STROVE HARD FOR PEACE Mr. Stimson was a queer mixture. He was Secretary of War in two cabinets-Taft's and FDR's. He believed in and' fought for a sound military establishment. Yet the real mark he left on history was through his un- tiring, unrelenting, never-ending efforts for peace. Almost unaided he 'staged a four-year struggle to rectify the injustices of the An age was dying-an age of international optimism, of disarmament drives and good will, the aftermath of the war to end war. An age was dying, and Henry L. Stimson, sensing the impending tragedy, struggled al- most alone to give it renewed life. Stimson became Secretary of State just after Frank B. Kellogg had negotiated the Kellogg-Braind Pact to outlaw war. That Pact had no teeth and no supporting ma- chinery, and Stimson, sincerely believing in what Kellogg had written, strove to make it work. Realizing the setback that Republican isolationists had given the world when they vetoed the League of Na- tions, he tried to atone for their mistake. It was an uphill battle. For his chief in the White House, Herbert Hoover, disagreed with him. So did most of the GOP hierarchy. So did many of the diplomats around him in the State Department. * * AHEAD OF HIS TIME But Stimson saw much farther ahead than they. When the Japanese War lords struck in Manchuria in September, 1931, he saw ahead to Pearl Harbor; and perhaps also to present-day Korea. He knew that the minor skirmish on the tracks of the South Man- churian railroad 19 years ago actually was the beginning of a giant military grab for all of Asia. So Stimson tried to breathe new life into the League of Nations, tried to enforce the nine-power pact guaranteeing the so- vereignty of China. Finally he went to Europe, °rented a villa on Lake Geneva and called in the Chancellors of Europe to urge that aggression in this faraway corner of Asia was a greater threat to peace than the petty squabbles of Europe. The premiers of Europe listened carefully. Flag Query - 0 To the Editor: RE: ARTICLE in The Michigan Daily "Neither the municipal nor University administration is in possession of any UN flags." What was that blue and white material a couple of University Marching Band members carried around the field in the before the game salute to the United Nations at the Wisconsin game,? -Don McNeil Iron Curtain Reveries A singer back from a tour of Europe reports that Communist propagandists are using popular American songs to prove that the masses are starving under capital- ism.. ,He said he was told that the words to "If I Knew You Were Coming I'd Have Baked a Cake" were being used to show that ra- tioning exists in the United States. The communistic thoughts lead to interesting conjectures: to the Soviet citizen in the know, it will be clear that "The Sunny Side of the Street" indicates that we're also freezing to death under capi- talism. And "Your Feet's Too Big" is a dead giveaway, if you know how to interpret it. Shoe manufactur- ers in the United States, in their greed for profits, make only small sizes. -The Nation. Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown............Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor Roma Lipsky ......... Editorial Director Dave Thomas..........Feature Editor Janet Watts..... ...Associate Editor Nancy Byan...........Associate Editor James Gregory.......Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandell. Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton.....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible..Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz.... .Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all mews dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved.a5 EntGered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00: by mail, $7.00. Looking Back 55 YEARS AGO "[R. Hanchett Thinks Not' according to The Daily's headline. Lawyer Han- chett's negative thinking was directed to- wards the constitutionality of a law provid- ing for the removal of the department of homoeopathic medicine to Detroit. Since Governor Rich had not signed the bill, Hanchett's stance was firm. 30 YEARS AGO King Alexander of Greece died of "a severe monkey bite in October." He had ascended BARNABY The wind must have blown the package off the porch into the shrubs. And Barnaby found it- Mr. O'Malley Leprechaun t register by m I told Pop a Well, your old Fairy Godfather is ook my toy cash inclined to agree with your dad- iistake. But t Of course he took it, m'boy. But "by mistake"? Ah, no-