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October 25, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-25

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Lest, Defadlinep in the State'









U' To Inaugurate
Television Series
Programs Will Consist of Lectures
To Be Followed By Campus Teletour
Daily City Editor
For the first time in history, collge-sponsored courses will be car-
ried into thousands of homes by means of television when the Uni-
versity launches a "telecourse" series on Sunday, Nov. 5.
Called the "University of Michigan Television Hour," the pro-
gram will be presented at 1 p.m. each Sunday on WWJ-TV.
THE HOUR-LONG TELECAST will be divided intd three 20-
minute sections-two class periods followed by a "teletour" of Univer-
sity facilities and activities.
Leading off in the series will be a 14-week course on "Man


Urge Council
Of AllZones
BERLIN - (P)- The East Ger
man Communist Government las
,night proposed to negotiate wit]
the Bonn Republic on formation
of an all-German Constituen
Council-under conditions which
seemed to doom the proposal fron
the start.
Anton Ackerman, State Secre
tary of the East German Foreigi
Ministry and an observer at th
Prague Conference, laid down tres
proposals at an East Berlin rally
1. The government of the Sovie
Zone is ready to participate in ne
gotiations with West Germany fo
formation of the constituent coun
2. An all-American Plebiscite i
which the voters would ballot on
the proposals for a German settle
:ment made by the Prague Confer
Ackerman then added the con
'4ition which -observers felt woul
nullify the proposal. East Ger,
-many, he insisted must have an
equal voice in any such council.
This proposal, originally - made
by Molotov at Prague, demands
parity for the East Zone's 18,000,-
000 people with te three West
Zones' 46,000,000 people.
Freedom Bell
Dedicated In
{West Berlin
BERLIN-(P)-The first boom-
ing tones of the Freedom Bel:
moved nearly a half million Ber
liners to applause-and many t
tears-as they rang out yesterday
:a United Nations Day message o
hope echoed by radio around the
The 10-ton bronze bell, createc
for Communist-surrounded Wes
Berlin by United States public sub-
scription under the sponsorship o
the "Crusade for Freedom," was
dedicated in a speech by Gen. Luc-
jous D. Clay, U.S. chairman of the
r The ceremony turned into a tre.
zhendous demonstration as Ber-
liners trekked in on foot, bicycle
'and streetcar to the city hall,
where the bell had been installed
in a 200-foot high tower. They
overflowed the square in front of
the hll.
But the spirit of the crowd which
heard Clay declare that Berlin is
"the only spot of Freedom behind
the Iron Curtain" made it ap-
parent that the bell ceremonies
marked one of the worst spiritual
"defeats for Communism in Berlin
since the cold war began.
Heart Attack
Kills Jolson,
son, immigrant boy whose emo-
tional voice made Americans laugh
and cry for a half century died
;here Monday night.

in His World - Human Biology"
and a seven-week course in "Liv-
ing in the Later Years." The ini-
tial "teletour" will take TV
viewers through the Clements
library for a look at documents
of historical interest housed
Students will register for TV
courses through the University Ex-
tension Service. Written mater-,
ials and reading lists for each
week's show,, plus examinations
will be sent to each registrant.
Those completing the courses suc-
cessfully will be awarded certifi-
cates of participation.
* * *
will be charged for the 14-week'
courses, while a $1 fee will cover
seven-week courses. .Of course,
casual viewers can participate in
the programs without registration.
WWJ-TV officials have esti-
mated a potential audience of
3,000,000 persons for the cour-
ses. "More than 330,000 televi-
sion sets now serve the Detroit
area, and more are being put
into service daily," they report-
"This first series will be of an
experinmental nature," according"
to Prof. Garnet R. Garrison of
the speech department, who will
direct the shows.
* * .*
HE POINTED out that the new1
medium will definitely not take
the place of established teaching
methods, but that it will "supple-
ment current educational techni-
ques." He described the telecourses
as "additional tools" for educators.
Prof. Karl F. Lagler of the
zoology department and the
School of Natural Resources will
conluct the 14-week human bi-
ology course. The "Living in the
Later Years" prograns will be
conducted by Prof. Wilma Dona-
hue of the Institute for Human
Students will play important
parts in this latest of educational
innovations, according to Prof..
radio and television will help plan
the programs, and will watch the
actual production of the shows,
he' said. Students 'will help with
the writing, acting and art work
necessary for each Sunday pro-
In addition, many of the
"teletours" will focus a spotlight
(Continued on Page 6)

UN Fighter
Planes Hit
Reds Mustering
For United Stand
SEOUL-()-Jet and propeller-
driven fighter planes destroyed 55
North. Korean vehicles and dam-
aged 40 others ahead of South Ko-
rean troops advancing toward the
Manchurian border, the Air Force
reported today.
The concentration was discover-
ed at Mupyong, 20 miles south-
west of Kanggye.2Kanggye, near
the Manchurian border at a point
about midway across the Korean
peninsula, is reported to be the
new Communist refugee capital.
* * *
THE MASS of vehicles, one of
few good targets the far east air
force was able to find on its 120th
consecutive day of operations over
Korea, was attacked yesterday.
The South Korean Sixth Divi-
sion pushed troops up a road
past Huichon close to the scene
of the air attack, then had to
pull back when the road became
For the first time in two days
the Reds appeared to be mustering
their remaining strength for an
organized stand. A night-flying pi-
lot reported "many, many" enemy
vehicles on the move south.
General MacArthur's headquarters
in Tokyo estimated the North Ko-
reans had divisional control over
25,000 troops as they backed deep
into the mountainous hinterland
near the Yalu River in the north-
west. The Yalu divides Korea on
its east bank from Manchuria on
the west.
.Allied planes, supporting the
drive of five South Korean divi-
sions of fully 50,000 men toward'
the Manchurian border, reported
for the first time they had
drawn Chinese Communist anti-
aircraft fire from across the Ya-
The incident occurred Monday
near the east-bank. Yalu River
town of Manpojin, 20 miles north-
west of Kanggye.
* * * .
TWO U.S. Marine pilots reported
they were the targets for at least
40 bursts of ack-ack fire from Chi-
nese Red guns as they flew five
miles inside Korea in the vicinity
of Kanggye. Neither plane was
"It looks as though Manpojin
will receive anti-aircraft protec-
tion from emplacements we can't
even shoot back at," said one
Marine flyer.
The Chinese Communists have
protested several alleged border
violations by American planes but
this was the first reported case of
Chinese Communist guns firing on
aircraft flying on the Korean side
of the frontier.
A spokesman for the U.S. 10th
corps said prviously announced
orders to United Nations pilots not
to venture too close to the touchy
Manchurian and Soviet Russian
frontiers "have been confirmed,

French OK
Germans in
% o 'f
PARIS -()- France gave in
yesterday on the question of re-
arming Germany to the extent qf
suggesting a European Army in
which German officers and sold-
iers would be included.
The French Government is pro-
posing an armed force for western
Europe such as the police force
suggested for the United Nations
-a force which, in the latter case,
has been. taking shape in Korea.
Premier Rene Pleven formally
outlined this European Army to
the National Assembly, the lower
house of Parliament. In essentials
it was identical with what former
British Prime Minister Winston
Churchill had been advocating in
the Council of Europe at Stras-
PLEVEN URGED it, however,
against a background of fear in
France of a strong Germany, and
some official irritation at the
United States for urging the re-
arming of Germany.
Meanwhile, in Saigon, a bid
for United Nations interven-
tion in embattled Indochina
came from North Vietnam's
governor, Nguyen Huu Tri.
Considered one of the top ad-
ministrators in the French-spon-
sored Bao Dai government of Viet-
nam, Governor Tri declared in an
interview in Hanoi, his capital:
* *
cannot be solved by military ac-
tion alone. We must have a poli-
tical solution. The people have
always expected the intervention
of the United Nations.
"Sooner or later it must come.
We hope the UN will interfere en-
ergetically. This situation is dis-
astrous for both the French and
the Vietnamese people."
The Communist-led Nationalist
forces of Ho Chi Minh, who have
won control of the frontier zone
bordering Communist China by
forcing French troops from a half
dozen posts, now have detach-
ments within artillery range of
World News
By The Associated Press
MANILA-The National Defense
Department yesterday reported the
discovery of a secret plan for re-
cruiting and training a 116,000-
man Communist-indoctrinated ar-
my to overthrow the Philippines
government next year.
* * *
investigations of the current
Senate campaigns in New York,
Pennsylvania, Iowa and Kentuc-
ky were ordered yesterday.
They follow complaints from
the American Labor Party in
New York, Republicans in Iowa
and Kentucky, and Democrats in
WASHINGTON -- Sen a t o r
George (D-Ga), a top congression-
al manager of tax legislation, put
the nation on notice yesterday to
expect further multi-billion dol-
lar increases in taxes, notwith-
standing the victory in Korea.
"T h e successes in Korea,"
George told newsmen, "do not re-
move the necessity for additional
taxes. We cannot afford not to go

bridges to develop communica-
* s* *
THE BROADCAST continued:.
"Every effort must be made to
enhance the economic and cul-
tural development of Tibet as
soon as hostilities come to an
The Tibetan adventure was
referred to as a "glorious task"
which would complete the unifi-
cation of Red China and "pre-
vent the imperialists from in-
vading an inch of the territory
of the fatherland."
The mobilization directive, Peip-
ing 'Radio said, called on men and
NEW DELHI-(A')-The Ti-
betan delegation here today
denied an invasion of their
country by Chinese Commu-
The leader, Finance Minis-
ter Tsepan Shakabpa, said "our
very departure for Peiping is
tantamount to a denial of in-
vasion reports."
officers of the Red army and Com-
munist Party niembers to further
show "their deep devotion to the
revolutionary cause."
THE BROADCAST followed by a
few hours the report from New
Delhi, that a Tibetan delegation
from the priest-ruled country was
leaving for the capital of Red Chi-
na today to seek negotiations in
The Tibetan delegation has been
in New Delhi for months attempt-
ing to reach an accord with the
Red Chinese.
(In Washington, Defense De-
partment and other government
officials said no word had beer
received here. of such an invasion
move as was reported by the Peip-
ing broadcast.)
Boston Tickets
Still Available
Contrary to campus rumors,
tickets for the concert by the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra at 8:30
p.m. today are still available for
all floors of Hill Auditorium.
The remaining tickets will be
sold from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at
the office of the University Musi-
cal Society in Burton Tower and
from 7 p.m. to concert .time at
the box office in Hill Auditorium.
** *
Boston Symphony will be the sec-
ond program in the Extra Concert
Series and the second performance
by the orchestra in Ann Arbor this

Chinese Announce
Invasion of Tibet

TOKYO-(R)-The Peiping ra-
dio said early today Chinese Com-
munist troops were marching to-
ward the Tibet border.
The broadcast, moitored in Tok-
yo, quoted "salutes" to the "peo-
ples army advancing toward Ti-
bet" issued jointly by the south-
west China bureau of the Commu-
nist Party in China, the southwest
military area, and the headquar-
ters of the second field army.

THE COMMUNIST radio said a
political mobilization directive had
been issued to:
"People's army units which
have been ordered to advance in-
to Tibet to free 3,000,000 Tibet-
ans from imperialist oppression
and to consolidate national de-
fenses of the western borders of
The radio said the directive told:
the Chinese Communist army that
the building up of Tibet will be a
long-term project. It said soldiers
"must make up their minds ac-
cordingly. They must economize
in manpower and material during
the advance and speedily build

WELCOME STRANGERS-Air drop soldiers who parachuted
behind 'enemy lines north of Pyongyang, jubilantly greet tank
members of the first cavalry division when the two forces joined
at Sukchon.
on-Resident Students
Can Use Absentee Vote

Michigan, and out of state stu-
dents who are ineligible to vote in
Ann Arbor Nov.. 7 still have a
chance to vote if they obtain ab-
sentee ballots from their county;
clerks now.
Storrie Sets
Deadline for*
SL Petitions
Those students who are posses-
sed with a desire to serve in some
college activity had better pick
up their SL nominating petitions
in a hurry, according to Jim Stor-
rie, '51 BAd., Student Legislature
citizenship committee chairman.
The dealine for getting nomi-
nating petitions for this fall's
campus election will be Friday,
Storrie said..
Forty positions will be at stake'
in the election, scheduled for Nov.
20 and 21. They consist of: 27.
Student Legislature seats, nine J-
Hop Committee positions, three
positions on the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications, and
the presidency of the senior en-
gineering class.
Candidates for the engineering
class presidency must be seniors.
The electionis to fill the'vacancy
opened by the removal of Ned,
Hess, '51 E, this fall.
Nominees for SL and Board in
Control of Student Publications
must be scholastically eligible and
must obtain 150 signatures on
their petition. J-Hop candidates
must be juniors and must have 50
signatures from junior class mem-
Petitions for all posts may be
obtained from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
through Friday at the SL office,
122 S. Forest, and must be re-
turned to the office by next Mon-
All prospective SL candidates
are expected to attend this week's
SL meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in
Rm. 3-D of the Union, Storrie+

In Michigan the city, town or
village clerk will accept a pre-
scribed affidavit requesting an ab-
sentee ballot until 5 p.m. of the
Saturday before election day. The
affidavit may be obtained from
the clerk by written request now.
The ballot and an official state-
ment signed in the presence of two
witnesses must be returned to the
clerk before the-polls close on elec-
tion day.
STUDENTS FROM all states but
Rhode Island, Maine, New York,,
Alabama, Louisiana, Marylahd,
New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsyl-
vania and South Carolina can fol-
low similar procedures to obtain
their absentee ballot.
The latter seven states do not
allow absentee voting.
Rhode Island requires that
ballots be requested 30 days prior
to the election. New Yorkers
must have obtained their ballots
at the time they registered. And
in Maine elections were held last
Most state election laws give the
away-from-home voter plenty of
time to apply for his ballot. West
Virginia and Kentucky, however,
require that requests be made at
least 10 days before voting takes
ELECTION RULES generally re-
quire that absentee ballots be re-
turned to be counted by election
day. Ohio, however, requires that
ballots must be in the county
clerk's hands four days before
election day. California allows ab-
sentee votes to be counted six days
after the polls close.
Besides Michigan, Florida vot-
ing laws state that two witnesses
must be present when the voter
signs his voting affidavit.
The Student Legislature plans a
notary service in the SL Bldg. to
operate from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. the
Thursday and Friday before elec-
tion day, according to Jim Storrie,
'51BAd., chairman of the SL citi-
zenship committee.
Storrie also suggested that stu-
dents who run into problems in
obtaining their absentee ballots
should contact him at-3-4732.

Talk Brings
Major Shift
In Policy
Asks UN To Put
Atom in Controls
NEW YORK-(P)-In a sudden
-change of signals, President Tru-
man yesterday urged the United
Nations to combine itstalks about
atomic control and conventional
arms, in an effort to achieve "fool-
proof" and "genuine" disarma-
Until .disarmament comes, the
President said, the United States
will build up its. strength to help
keeep peace.
The Soviet Union for four years
has sought a combination of atom-
ic, and arms negotiations. The
President was reported to havede-
cided the time has come to see
if the Soviet Union would make
a sincere effort to work out a dis-
armament treaty.
* * *
drei Y. Vishinsky withheld com-
ment. He merely referred report-
ers to his speech Monday when
the Russian said Mr. Truman is
using the old Hitler slogan of
"guns instead of butter."
The President, speaking at a
colorful and packed session of
the General Assembly on the
fifth birthday of the U.N., called
for every effort at disarmament.
He said he believes the work of
the 'UN Atomic Energy Commis-
sion and the Commission for
Conventional Armaments can
now be brought more closely to-
The President said:
"The only course the peace-lov-
ing nations can take in the pre-
sent situation is to create the arm-
aments needed to make the world
secure against aggression.
* *
"THAT IS THE course to which
the United States is now firmly
committed. That is the course we
will continue to follow as long as
it is necessary. The United States
has embarked upon the course of
increasing its armed strength only
for the purpose of helping to keep
the peace. We pledge that strength
to uphold the principles of the
charter of the United Nations. We
belive that the peace-loving mem-
hers of the United Nation join us
in that pledge."
Vishinsky did not applaud
when the President concluded his
when the President concluded
his 22-minute speech.
Faris El-Khoury, Syria, said he
would put up a resolution today
to combine the atomic and conven-
tional arms talks. The Assembly
has set aside a day for discussion
of atomic energy and with Mr.
Truman's clear signal the way may
be cleared for combination of the
two comrmissins.
* * *
UNTIL yesterday the United
States has voted against every
Russian attempt to merge the UN
talks on atomic energy and con-
ventional armament.
Calls Braves

To Wigwam
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early- moon of falling leaves
Came they forth, the stoics valiant
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam bne of friendly Great
Paleface might 'mong his kind;
Came he forth to take their token,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling red-
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the war cry stirred the still-

Q .'.;:

Local Selling Ordinantce
Hits Student Salesmen

KellyPromises A id to Education

University students making their
fortunes selling ten cent football
programs have hit a snag.
The Ann Arbor police picked up
26 students last Saturday for vio-
lation of a city ordinance requir-
ing a transient trader's license of
anyone selling anything on foot-
ball Saturdays.
SUCH A LICENSE may be ob-
tained from the city clerk by mak-
ing written application to the Ann
Arbor common council and pay-

THE 26 STUDENTS were releas-
ed Saturday, and Captain Gainsley
Qf the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment announced yesterday that no
charges are being pressed against
them. He said he explained the
ordinance and the penalties for
violating it to them.
The maximum penalty is $100
and 90 days in jail.
Gainsley said that the enforce-
ment was due to the traffic haz-
ard the student salesmen were

Harry F. Kelly, Republican can-
didate for governor, pledged last
night'that he would do everything
within his power to advance Mich-
igan's educational system beyond
the high level it had been on when
he gave up the governorship in
Speaking at a dinner tendered
him by the Washtenaw County

position of Michigan's educational
He said, "If elected I will con-
tinue to be a true friend of edu-
cation and all the people con-
nected with it."
When asked what he thought of
the slash in University appropria-
tions made by the Republican con-
trolled State Legislature, Kelly re-
plied that he was in no position
o .nrnmtnt+he. + n + +f thn

leges than the sum of appropria-
tions for the 20 preceding years.
"My great building program
was responsible for the erection
of many of the buildings on the
University campus.
"When the veterans returned
from the war the educational sys-
tem of Michigan was ready for
them," the wartime governor as-
"It was during my administra-

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