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October 24, 1950 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-10-24

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Martha Cook
For Fortnight C
Scholarships, house awards and
skits again combined last night to
make Fortnight one of the year's
highlights for independent women.
Martha Cook walked off with
top honors. They were awarded
first place for the presentation of
their skit, "The Sacred Oobat-
chee," and they receive' the schol-
arship cup for their '49-'50 year.
Cook earned an overall 2.79 house
average for 283 hours.
Mosher also was awarded a
scholarship award for their 2.56
Senior Society
Taps Women
Senior Society, independent se-
nior women's honorary, tapped
nine new members at the close
of the Fortnite program last night.
The following coeds were hon-
ored for their outstanding scholas-
tic and extra-curricular activity
records: Fumiko Ikemori, Helen
Newberry; Arlene Jewell, Martha
Cook; Rosemary Jones, Betsy Bar-
F bour; Marian Larson, Martha.
Cook; Jacquelyn Rau, Couzens
Hall; Elizabeth Ross, Helen New-
berry; Mary Schuhmacher, Helen
Newberry; Bernice Weinberger,
New Womens Residence and Leena
Winneg, Jordan.
Present members of the society
came out in their caps and gowns
chanting their traditional tapping
Formal initiation will be held
at 7 a.m. Wednesday in the League
At the initiation new members
will receive their black and gold
pins after inscribing their names
in the society's book. They will
be given yellow roses at the close
of the ceremony.
New members can be recognized.
on campus today by their white
collars and blue bows.

Captures Honors Fashion World
Skit Scholarship Features_'You'
average for 469 class hours. Muriel Variety of Creations
Lester received honorable mention Designed
for their 2.95 average, but because for Flattery
they housed less than 95 women,
no cup was awarded. 'You' is the important word in
Scholarships were awarded to the fashion world today.
F the outstanding women in each The emphasis is to look first
class. Receiving freshman honors at the woman and then at what
was Lois Ann Chlopan. Gladys Ro- she is wearing. Regimentation in
bina Quale and Yun-Chin Liu styling is a thing of the past; 1950
Chou tied for sophomore awards, offers flattering slim lines or bouf-
while Elizabeth Frances Ainsley fant creations.
topped the junior class. Peacock blue rates high for fas-
Jordan' took second place for hionable evening wear, but winter
their skit, "What's in a Bluebook." white, burgundy, ebony brown
Third place was shared by Hins- and champagne are also among
dale's presentation of "The Divine the top shades. The most impor-
Sarah" and the Ann Arbor Girls' tant thing to consider in choosing
club offering of "The Groaning new color creations is to find the
of the Greeks." ones that do the most for one's
Added applause was given to the complexion.
co-mistresses of ceremonies, Mary Variation is the fashion theme
Gratzer and Barbara Miller, for for today. Dresses range from the
their between skit commentaries sheath- to the full hipline style.
and running lines of chatter. Skirts for evening wear may sweep
The house directors gave their the floor or rise to a height of 12
annual skit to round out the even- inches in front to reveal a pretty
mg' ankle. Overskirts, wrap-arounds,
and panels have been revived.
WAA Representatives The wide fashion range is in-
Will Canvass Houses *tended to produce the best sil-
Y I Cnas oue houette, the line that flatters the
During Calendar Sales figure.
The best details are those which
Yellow and blue calendars will emphasize one's good features such
go on sale today. as pretty legs and ankles, a small
The board of the Women's Ath- waist or an attractive face or fig-
letic Association is sponsoring the ure.
sale of these calendars.
Bearing the seal of the Univer-Pe
sity on the front, booklet calen- P oeniX G oup
dars are about 4 inches by
6 inches. They contain many fa- *e
miliar campus scenes and a space ..,
for each day ldrge enough to ac-
comodate all appointments and All organized women repre-
commitments. sentatives of the Phoenix Project
The sale beginning today will will meet enmasse at 4 p.m. tomor-
last for several weeks or as long row in the League Ballroom.
as the supply lasts. Instructions will be given to the
A representative with these cal- independent and sorority mem-
endars will call each house and bers to take back to their groups.
make a personal visit to show the Marvin Lubeck, chairman of the
calendars and take orders. Student Executive Committee, will
speak, and a skit will be given by
. {..the Phoenix committee.
The Phoenix Project was origi-
nated by the students and is now
40rbeing backed by the personnel,
ype 017" alumni and friends of the Univer-
The purpose of the project is
to build a living war memorial in
honor of the 517 University stu-
World War II.
From the funds obtained in the
drive, which is to begin soon, a
newbuilding will be erected in
Ann Arbor. Projects in the natural
and social sciences with reference
to the effects of the atom on our
modern civilization will be carried



s ' ,

Weddings' &
A iller-Stirton
At an Open House at their home
in Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Wendell
S. Miller announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Carol Ann,
to Ned Stirton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William E. Stirton, also of
Miss Miller is a junior in the
School of Education and is affili-
ated with Gamma Phi Beta.
Mr. Stirton is a senior in the
Literary College.
* * *
Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Jacoby of
Bay City, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Barbara
Ann, to Richard B. Michelson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. M. Michelson also
of Bay City.
Miss Jacoby is a sophomore in
the literary college. Mr. Michelson
is a senior in the School of Medi-
cine and is affiliated with the Phi
Delta Epsilon fraternity.
The couple plans a December
''"''. - * *
The Jefferson Avenue Presby-
terian Church in Detroit was the
scene of the wedding of Janet L.
Buckwalter and Gordon E. Saxon,
which took place Sept. 7.
The new Mrs. Saxon is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Buckwalter of Detroit. She is a
junior in the Literary College and
is a member of Gamma Phi Beta.
Mr. Saxon's parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Saxon of Detroit. He is
a senior in the School of Engineer-
ing and is president of the En-
gineering Council.

Soph Satire To Be Presented
At Hill Auditorium on Friday

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
FEMININE BALL CARRIER-It's Theta's bail and this coed is
going for extra yardage. It was all to no avail, however, as Kappa
Alpha Theta finally bowed in defeat to Collegiate Sorosis Saturday.
* * * *
Theta Team Bows to Sorosis;
Grid Classic Deadlock Broken



Members of the supposedly
weaker sex proved their strength
Saturday when Collegiate Sorosis
triumphed over Kappa Alpha
Theta with a six to zero score in
their annual feminine football
The game was held during the
half time of the Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon, Phi Delta Theta "Mudbowl"
In the years gone by, the game
has always remained at a score-
less tie, but the members of Soro-
sis broke the tradition with a
touchdown pass received by Bette
* * *
NO DOUBT there were a few
tragedies, such as broken finger-
nails, when the game got off to
a rousing start with Sorosis kick-
ing off. The Thetas took over the
ball and by a process of passing
and receiving, managed to gain a
first down.
The Thetas sent in their de-
fensive team when Sorosis re-
covered a' fumble, but members
of the male audience were forced
to swallow their laughs when the
Kappa Alpha Thetas intercepted
a Sorosis pass.
While the ambitious athletes
made the most of half time by
straightening their pigtails and
adjusting their strategy, the Phi
Delta Theta marching band took
over the field. Equipped with toy
horns and a drum made out of a
wastebasket, the Phi Delts para-
ded across the field preceded by
their duck.
. . .
the Mudbowl was then introduced
to the crowd and crowned by Bet-
ty Bridges.
Resuming the game, the Kap-
pa Alpha Thetas kicked off to
the Collegiate Sorosis, who then
proceeded to pass over the goal
line. The attempt was all in
vain, though, for the pass failed.
The referees then decided that
each team would play four downs
and the one gaining the most
yardage would be declared sthe
winner of the contest. When their
turn came, the Sorosis team pass-
ed over the goal line to Betty
Tornquist, and the scoreless streak
was broken.
* * *
MEMBERS OF both the defen-
sive and offensive teams for Colle-
giate Sorosis were: Sally McBride,
Jo Kleinert, Holly Herz, Mike
Sherwood, Sally Smith, Bette
Tornquist and Betty Bailey.
The list continues with: Mari-
lyn Wroboles, Carol Clifford,
Karlan Johnson, Ann Cleary,
Janet Bosworth, Alice Rich-
m o n d, Priscilla Ball, Carol
Briggs and Cynthia Bruce.
Concluding the roster are: Pa-
tricia Rich, Georgianna Taylor,
Phyllis Gundrum and Nancy Berg-

Barlow, Shelia Patterson and An-
ne Stuart.
The roster continues with: Pa-
mela Price, Dibby Ewing, Terry
Matheson, Diane Harris, Ann
Patterson, Susan Craig and
Mary Marsh.
The list concludes with: Bar-
bara Beukema, Florence Crotty,
Joanne Jones, Andy Londes, Jan-
ice Bailey and Nancy Washburn.
Captains of the respective teams
were Mike Sherwood, Collegiate
Sorosis, and Andy Londes, Kappa
Alpha Theta.


(Continued from Page 4)

307 North Main Street
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Hill Auditorium will resound
with the cheers of thousands of
students at 7:30 Friday, when
crowds, made up primarily of
freshmen and sophomores, gather
for rallies and Soph Satire.
Soph Satire is a musical comedy
based on upperclassmen's inter-
pretation of college life, dedicated
to all incoming tenderfeet.
* * *
THIS IS the second year that
this production has been offered to
the students.
Originally started by "Beanie
Bill" Gripman, Tug Week, of
which Satire is a part, has be-
come an important part of a
freshman's initiation.
The play is the only original
campus production presented by
both men and women.
freshmen and sophomores inter-
ested in participating in the tug
of war over the Huron River are
to meet at the Mall by Burton
An added feature of Tug Week
is the introduction of "King
Tug," a mystery man soon to be
seen in prominent campus .10-
Tickets for Soph Satire will be
on sale from 1 to 4:30 p.m. today
in the Administration Building.
They will be sold all day for the
Coed Ca en ar
Soph Cab Floorshow - There
will be a meeting for all sophomore
women who have speaking parts
in the Soph Cab floorshow cast at
4 p.m. today in the League.
* * *
Soph Cab Chorus-Members of
the Group 1 singing chorus will
meet at 5 p.m. today in the
League. Room numbers will be
posted at the desk.
Tea Committee-- Assembly's
members for the student faculty,
tea committee have been an-
nounced by Deora Nelson, presi-
dent of the organized indepen-
dent women's group.
Pat Olsen has been appointed
general co-chairman, hostess co-
chairman is Joan Pierce, and
Diane Khoury will handle the
* * *
Board of Representatives -
Members will meet at 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League.

remainder of the week on the Di-
agonal, and can also be purchased
at the dooi Friday night.
CHAIRMEN FOR the event are:
Ned Miles, general chairman; Fred
Ittner, publicity chairman; Bill
McIntyre and Ed Griffino rallies;
Dick Thompson and Mary Mueller,
tickets and Dan Burlingame and
Art Stoddard, tug of war.
Fran Hanslovsky is director
of Soph Satire, and Jim Yobst
and Dave Connell are in charge
of production.
Rehearsals for the play will be
from 7 to 9 p.m. in the following
rooms: today, Union 3S; Wednes-
day, Union 3G and Thursday, Hill
All members of the cast are re-
quired to attend all rehearsals.
Golf Club
The WAA Golf Club will meet
at 5 p.m. today (5:10 p.m. in
case of rain) at the WAB.
Members are asked to bring

Bridge Lessons Begin
Tomorrow at League
For Men and Women
Bridge lessons, under the direc-
tion of Mrs. C. P. Ervin, will be-
gin tomorrow at the League.
Beginners will meet at 7 p.m.
and intermediates at 8:30 p.m.
Wednesdays. Classes are open to
both men and women.
Tickets will be sold from 9 a.m.
to noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
daily in the undergraduate office
of the League. They are $3.50 for
ten lessons.
The Interior - Decorating
Group of the Michigan Dames
Society will meet at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the west lecture
room of the Rackham building.

concerning General Motors recent
five-year labor contract will be
presented by a member of GM La-
bor Relations Staff; auspices of
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Bus-
iness Fraternity. 8 p.m., 130 Busi-
ness Administration Bldg.
Wolverine Club: Meeting,"7:15
p.m., Union. New and old mem-
bers invited.
Chess Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Room D, Union.
Michigan Forum Committee of
Student Legislature: Meeting, 4:15
p.m., Room D, Union.
Students who wish to join in-
Pershing Rifles: Regular meet-
ing, R.O.T.C. Rifle Range, 7:30
Dr. Bishupada Mukerjee, M.D.,
Sc. D., University of Michigan, 19-
36, Director of Drug Controls and
Deputy Minister of Health of In-
dia, will be at the International
Center at 8 p.m. He would like to
meet all Indian students on cam-
Coming Events
Canterbury Club: Wed., Oct. 25,
7:15 a.m., Holy Communion fol-
lowed by Student Breakfast.
Wesley Foundation: Do Drop In,
4 p.m., Wed., Oct. 25, Wesley
Westminister Guild: Wed., Oct.
25, Tea and Talk, third floor par-
lor, First Presbyterian Church.
Featuring the Leiden String Quar-
tette from the Netherlands.
MIMES of the University of
Michigan Union: First meeting of
semester; Wed., Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 3-K, Union.

starts at 8:30 p.m. Tickets on sale
in the Undergraduate Office of
the League or they may be ob-
tained at the door on Wednesday
night when registering for the
Tau Beta Sigma: Meeting, 4:15
p.m., Wed., Oct. 25, Harris Hall.
W.A.A. Folk and Square Dance
Club will meet in Waterman Gym-
nasium, instead of the Women's
Athletic Building, from 7:30-9:45
p.m. on Wednesdays beginning
Oct. 25. Note change in meeting
Charles Laughton Tickets will
be placed on sale tomorrow at 10
a.m. in Hill Auditorium box office.
Mr. Laughton, distinguished actor,
has been receiving a c c 1 a i m
throughout the country for his
"one man show," which iicludes
readings and dramatizations from
classic as well as current and po-
pular authors. He will be present-
ed by the Oratorical Association
as the second number on the 1950-
51 Lecture Course, appearing in
Hill Auditorium Nov. 1, 8:30 p.m.
Pre-Med Society: Open meeting,
Wed., Oct. 25, 1400 Chemistry
Bldg. 7:30 p.m. Movie: "Life of
Louis Pasteur."
Sociedad Hispanica: First meet-
ing of the semester. Lecture, "Se-
mana Santa in Sevilla", by Rich-
ard Defendini of the faculty of
Romance Languages. Wed., Oct.
25, 8 p.m., League. Everyone wel-
American Institute of Architects,
Student Chapter: First monthly
meeting, Wed., Oct. 25, 4:15 p.m.,
Architecture Auditorium. Election
of class representatives and open-
ing of 1950-51 membership drive.
All architecture students invited.

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Other styles, too,

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