FAGW FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY i TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1950, , FAG! FOURTUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1950. United Nations--Fifth Anniversary Report A MILESTONE in the history of the United Nations is being celebrated today. Throughout the world, the UN's fifth anniversary will be marked by the observance of United Nations Day. During the course of this first five- year period, we as a nation have gone through several varying phases in our attitudes toward the world organization. Immediately after the San Francisco conference in 1945, there was tremendous enthusiasm throughout the country for the UN, and a general feeling that by creating this new ,organization, we had solved all the world's problems for years to come. But shortly after the UN began func- tioning, a sharp reaction set in. The new organization- wasn't solving every prob- lem, it was snarled by big-power disagree- ments and was tied up in slow-moving procedural problems. The basic trouble was that the UN had been over-sold to the American people. Some of them even favored forgetting about the UN alto- " gether. After the Korea outbreak, the UN ' proved as never before that an inter- national organization was capable of effective action. The Korea incident, -as well as the efforts of UN personnel In their cross-country tour last year, restored- a great deal of confidence in, the UN. Now, at the time of its fifth birthday, Americans have arrived at a more rea- listic picture of the world, group. There is a. sane realization that the UN can't solve all internat'ional tangles by its mere existence but this 'is combined with an appreciation of the necessity of strong support for the UN. The American peo- ple are becoming more willing to give that support, and with this attitude here and throughout the world, the chances for many more UN anniversary celebra- tions are: greatly increased. -The Senior Editors M U.- S - ('HAELES MUNCH conducted the Boston *SyMphony Orchestra last night in a program that few who sat in Hill audi- torium will, ever forget. His appearance here with the National French Orchestra in 1948, and the two spectacular performances with the, Boston Orchestra last year had raised high pitch an expectancy which was not disappointed. A year ago, Munch had been working with the orchestra only a short time; his way was a new way-different, de- manding 'and 'somewhat startling. The orchestra was used to Koussevitsky and loyal to him, and' for everyone the adjust- ment must have been a difficult one. This year that adjustment is made. The Bos- ton, isn't Koussevitsky's orchestra under Munch .any longer; it is Munch's or- chestra, and as such may well become the greatest in the world today. Last night's program, devoted entirely to works of Beethoven, was not only superbly executed but ideally planned. To hear the first and third-symphonies, in their chrono- logical order on the same program, is mu- sically' rewarding and historically enlight- ening; it is an experience which clothes the first in; fresh beauty and renews awareness of the immense progressiveness and monu- Mental significance of the third. The in- clusion of the Fidelio Overture completed the balance, introducing the program with a somewhat lighter Beethoven, The performance itself was magnificent. M4unch has achieved an ideal orchestral balance; the brass and woodwind sections played magnificently, running the always peerless strings a close second. The en- semble work was impeccable and frequent- ly had an almost chamber-music quality; there was an-unusually independent signi- ficance of single instruments and choirs; which only added to the effectiveness of the total ensemble, and while Munch brings out inner voices with remarkable claity,'he newer destroys melodic - line or sacrifices a firm foundation. The orchestra as a whole has achieved an intensity as well as beauty of tone. Though Muknch does not use an infinite variety of cloristic possibilities, his coloring is always interesting, straight-forward and in good taste. The orchestra's unique quality is achieved through an uncanny exploitation, of rhythmic elements and a constantly maintained dynamic 'interest. The dynamic level is subtlely planned and has structural significance, and there is always perfect; balance 'between stress and rest, crescendo and decrescendo. etc. Munch's tempos, which were a matter of some discussion last year, were less startling and more leisurely paced. His phrasing is fresh and original, full of small' interest which' does not destroy the road line. There can be no doubt, I think, that Munch's Beethoven is unorthodox, but it is fresh, vigorous, beautiful and in good taste. He makes Beethoven happy music-- strong, noble ancI dignified, but never lugu- brious. The first symphony was enchantingly conceived, in full understanding of the clas- ,sic ideal in which it is set, and as a proph- ecy of things to come, yet there was no touch of the gloomy and not once. did fate knock on' the door. In the third symphony, Munch maintained the mood of noble optimism, but on a broader canvas; the work was read with fire, brilliance and breadth, but despite its IetteA TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -Daily-Bill Hampton "Why, I remember im when . . . . 11 ON THE Washington MerryGoRound WITH DREW PEARSON SAN FRANCISCO -- It's now possible to piece together a fairly accurate picture of what went on at the mysterious Wake Is- land conference-except for one part. I have not been able to ascertain what took place during the solid hour when President Truman and General MacArthur were alone together. Another part of the picture puzzle is also missing-namely why did MacArthur de- cline President Truman's invitation to lunch aid rush off to Tokyo without breaking bread with his Commander-in-Chief? It was because MacArthur requested that he be excused from lunching that the visit broke up earlier than expected. Aside from these missing points, however, here is pretty much the story of what hap- pened. The President and his party had expected a tough argument with MacArthur over Formosa and the general policy agreed upon. by both the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the State Department-that we cannot afford to risk war with China over Formosa. Expecta- tion of such a blow-up may have been the reason for the President's solemn silence while en route to Wake. He had indicated to his staff that he was prepared to stay all night and longer on Wake, if necessary, in order to bring MacArthur around to his point of view. First signs were slightly ominous. Mac- Arthur did not go down to meet Gen. Omar Bradley when he arrived half an hour ahead of. the Independence, though.Bradley, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is MacArthur's superior. KEPT TRUMAN WAITING When the President pendence, MacArthur arrived in the Inde- rode down the air [CURRENT MOVIES3 At The State .. . Mr. 880, with Burt Lancaster, Dorothy McGuire, Edmund Gwenn and Millard Mitchell. ALL TOO OFTEN the attempt to create the sentimental and the touching breaks down into the maudlin and the artificial tear-jerker. Happily, Mr. 880, the story of a beneficient old counterfeiter, manages for the greater part of the footage to preserve its balance. And even when it does suc- cumb, we do not seem to mind because we are enjoying every minute of it. Taken from an article in the New Yorker by St. Claire McKelway.,"Mr. 880" is the name which the Secret Service, almost af- fectionately, dubs the records of a mysteri- ous counterfeiter who, for 10 years, led that department a merry chase through the streets of New York by passing out fake, one dollar bills. In fact, the bills are so obviously fakes that it is the very inepti- tude of the job which is so frustrating to the S. S. men. Mr. 880, who, by the way, actually lived, is so hopelessly guileless that it is impossible to bear him any animosity; he is so disarmingly honest that it is impossible to remain cold and unaffected. (When asked if he wasn't afraid of going to jail, Mr. 880 blithely answers, "I don't . know. I have never been there, so how can you .be afraid of something you don't know. There. are probably some very nice people there.") The director takes full advantage of the helplessness of his friends and foes before his almost awe- inspiring naivete in building up to the big courtroom climax. Here the story oversteps even the relaxed bounds of' credulity, but by then it is too late and strip in a jeep, and, walking to the plane with Averell Harriman, stopped on the way to pose for the photographers with the re- sult that the President had to stand for a few minutes inside the plane, by the door, waiting for MacArthur to greet him. The two were guardedly cordial. In con- trast, MacArthur remarked to U.S. Ambassa- dor to Korea John Muccio: "You did a whale of a job." There followed the one-hour conference between the President and the General. What method of approach Truman used on MacArthur is not known. What is known is that the President felt strongly that the United States could not afford to risk thou- sands of expensively trained American sol- diers in a war over Formosa; also, that we must avoid border incidents along the Man- churian and Siberian frontiers at any cost; and finally that our main hope in China was to make a Tito out of Mao Tse-Tung. At times the President has been known to get so wound up and engrossed in his subject that he doesn't let the other person put in a word edgewise. He has also been known to get so steamed up that what he says amounts to a bawling-out. Whatever tactics he used with MacArthur, however, the General later gave .every appearance of agreement. And afterward the President personally appeared highly pleased. TALKS ON DIPLOMATIC, MILITARY LEVELS After the hour's personal talk, staff dis- cussions followed-in two groups: one the military, the other diplomatic. Ambassador Muccio conferred with the State Department officials who accompanied Truman, while Bradley conferred with MacArthur. The President at this point indicated that he would let the staffs work out further de- tails and went for a trip around the island. During the staff talk, MacArthur reported that he expected to clean up the bulk of the Korean fighting by around November 1. He said that he had quit worrying about the Chinese and Russians intervening in Korea, and he was convinced now that they rea- lized it would be foolish to do so. MacArthur also agreed to the idea of pull- ing American troops out of Korea as soon as possible, probably after elections in North Korea. He paid tribute to the South Korean Army, said they were now rehabilitated, re- equipped and'competent to defend South Korea. t rewas also decided that aid would be speeded to the French in Indo-China, though this is to be the arms already promised the French, not any new commitments. The economic situation in the Philippines was also discussed. At one point, when President Truman had returned to the staff conference, an import- ant difference of opinion arose regarding Korean President Syngman Rhee. Truman had some rather harsh things to say about Rhee, felt he had been inadequate and that Korea could not be unified with him as President. But MacArthur defended Rhee and finally won his point. Whereas the President want- ed to hold elections in both North and South Korea as suggested by the United Nations, MacArthur held out for holding elections only in North Korea. Thus Syngman Rhee would remain in power in South Korea until 1952. It was finally decided that the United States would maintain this position in talks with the United Nations. After the staff conferences were conclud- ed, the President had another 15 minutes completely alone with General MacArthur. He came out of this all smiles. But MacArthur politely and firmly asked to be excused. He said he had some work awaiting him in Tokyo and that he would like to take off immediately so as to get back before dark. Prejudice . . To the Editor: THE PREJUDICES of our cold war have fdund their way even into the Daily's ihovie criticisms. Though surely the Soviet's "Alex- ander Nevsky" has some faults, Miss Greenhut's review must have been made through Hearst-color- ed glasses. She charges that the movie's "negligence of the individual" and that the way the Teuton invaders are "black-washed from beginning to end" (doubly emphasized by repeating the phrase twice!) are projections of modern Russian na- tionalism. The first charge Is unfair for at least three reasons: 1) it is most doubtful that bourgeois individual- ism was very widespread in the 13th century Russian feudalism; 2) the theme of war is at no time and in no country compatible with a doctrine of individualism; and 3) if Miss Greenhut had even an elementary knowledge of Soviet cinema she would know that it does not typically submerge the individual in the group, e.g. the two films recently in Ann Arbor - "The Youth of Maxim" and "The Train Goes East." The second accusation is true in the obvious sense that there must have been some 'good" souls amongst the enemy, but it would also be obvious that describing the enemy as totally "bad" is not pe- culiar to Russian films if we would remember the way our own war pictures depicted the Germans and Japanese, (and the way our cold war pictures paint the Russians!). It is a shame that the reviewer's duty to contribute her bit to anti- Russian propaganda obliged her to complete silence on the great "Nevsky" music by Prokofiev. -J. G. Barense * * , * Harvard College , To the Editor:. I N REGARD to the item on Har- vard College dating regulations in last Saturday's Daily, I would like to correct the erroneous im- pression conveyed therein. The chaperonage of dates is required only of freshman students living in Yard dormitories. There are no chaperons required for any stu- dents not freshmen, all students being allowed to entertain their dates privately in their own rooms until 8 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I might also add that Harvard College imposes no liquor prohibitions whatsoever on stu- dents in regard to drinking and keeping liquor in their rooms. To all that support the regula- tion of this university, viz., pho- hibition of women and liquor in rooms, the Harvard practices, be- sides. being downright immoral, would seem to jeopardize the very framework and fabric of morality which keeps this society going. And yet the fact that Harvard students and their dates do live such "degenerate" lives and still maintain some rapport with the world, would indicate that perhaps the attitudes that prompt the Uni- versity regulations are more those of the 16th century Geneva rather than the. 20th century U.S., and represent the attitudes of just one faction of our culture which seeks to impose its standards on the rest of the society. It is not a reflection on the true moral character of this society that people of the age and matur- ity of college students cannot be safely entrusted with any more moral responsibility than those an- achronistic prohibitions suggest? -Robert W. Secombe Crimte To the Editor: THE RECENT report that, a 30- year old University Teaching Fellow who set the $600,000 Haven Hall fire, confessed the theft of 16 purses, "because it made him unhappy to see people enjoying themselves and he wanted to take it out on them" follows closely on the confession of a Michigan youth that he shot two girls because he wanted to do something bad. These admissions show that the good- evil polarity in men which has been recognized icy many philo- sophers and religious leaders since hundreds of years, is still valid to- day. That a man can be sufficient- ly gifted intellectually to teach college students and at the same time morally an imbecile was clari- fied by Aldous Huxley in his "Per- ennial Philosophy": "At no period in history has cleverness been so highly valued . . . and intellectual vision and spirituality less esteem ed as at the present time ... Pro- fessionally, in relation to his cho- sen speciality, a man may be com- pletely mature. Ethically, in re- lation to God and his neighbours, he may be hardly more than a foetus. Tolstoy had warned of this tragic situation fifty years earlier: "A learned man is a man who knows very many things out of all sorts of books. An educated man is he who knows what is now cur- rently accepted among people. An enlightened man is he who knows why he lives and what he ought to do. Do not try to be either learn- ed or educated, but strive to be- come enlightened." Those who claim that nothing can be done to stop the crime wave mentioned above should lis- ten to Socrates who taught that virtue is a consequence of insight and to Professor Edgar Dale of Ohio State University: "Those who say that goodness-can't be taught are talking dangerous nonsense." It would have cost the University less than $600,000 to include an "Enlightenment" course in the curriculum! For the past 4%/2 years the un- dersigned has compiled gems of insight by 600 of the world's deep- est thinkers. The emerging science which this/manuscript represents is in accord with research into Happiness which has been con- ducted at Chicago University, Co- lumbia, Duke, and Stanford. My professional work leaves me little time for the completion of this book and collaboration from readers of this column who share above views would be welcome: faculty men could help in the final revision of the text and students by compiling indexes, typing, etc. Those who wish to volunteer such assistance can reach me evenings or weekends. -Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk 1331 Geddes Avenue Telephone 21751 *a * More on Germany,. To the Editor: MR. OLSEN is modest. He de- serves ample credit for find- ing coherence in my last, incoher- ent letter. He has stated my posi- tion better than I could have done it, even though I cannot agree with some of the inferences. I am willing to defend my stand, but not with semantics, thrown a 50 yards. I think the meaning of "un- avoidable" is clear, except if you look in Webster, which will refer you to "inevitable," which in re- turn will refer you' to "unavoid- able." I consider partial German rearmament "necessary," not "ad- visable." We can prevent it, but in view of Soviet support of Ger- man nationalism, we have been forced to retaliate in kind. Russia is responsible for the reactivation of German military or paramili- tary organizations, and must bear the blame. i - We must let the Germans defend themselves. Their contribution should consist of manpower, not of atom bombs. Right now, we could not give heavy arms to Ger- many if we wanted to, according to Murrow. and the bulk of Euro- pean production should be for peaceful pursuits, lest the West European countries experience long term drops in living stan- dards a la U.S.S.R. But the Ger- mans will help defend geographi- cal, not political boundaries, the Rhine, mnot the zonal frontiers. Chancelor Adenauer thought German units should form part of the European Army, but so far there is no such army. And the value of international foreign le- gions unmotivated by idealism is debatable. Yes, I do mean American pres- sure, but I do not mean that this country should determine how strong any country should be per- mitted to become. Mr. Olsen fails to make a distinction between the defeated Axis powers and the rest of the world. It would be nice if we could restrict Russian arma- ments, but we can't. In the case of vanquished countries, which have not yet signed peace treaties, we have a wider range of control and responsibility. We have vowed to "ensure that Germany will nev- er again be able to disturb the peace of the world" (Yalta) and to "prepare for the eventual recon- struction of German political life on a democratic basis" (Potsdam), and should carry out our obliga- tions. This, by the way, is not just an American affair. It concerns eq- ually the high commissioners of France and the United Kingdom. Time was when even the Russians cooperated in the Control Coun- cil'. It is not up just to this coun- (Continued from page 2) sics (February graduates only), Mechanical Engineering (February Graduates only), and Electrical Engineering with major in com- munications (February and June graduates); MS degree in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechan- ical Engineering, Engineering Me- chanics, Aeronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (both com- munications and power), and Chemical Engineering; PhD de- gree in Physics, Chemistry (west coast residents only), Mathematics (applied), Mechanical Engineer- ing, Engineering Mechanics, Aero- nautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (both communica- tions and power), and Chemical aEngineering. For further informa- tion and appointments for inter- views call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Lectures University Lecture; auspices of the Department of Physics. "Mi- crowave Optics" (with demonstra- tions). Proessor Charles Luther Andrews, Chairman, Department of Physics, New York State College for Teachers, Albany, and Re- search Physicist, General Electric Company. 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct. 24, West Lecture Room, West Phy- sics Building University Lecture: auspices of the College of Architecture and Design. "English Town Planning." Frederick James Osborn, of Wel- wyn, England. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Oct. 25, Rackham Amphitheatre. University Lecture in Journa- lism: auspices of the Department of Journalism. "A Quest .for Truth." Frank J. Starzel, General Manager of the Associated Press. 3 p.m., Wed., Oct. 25, 1025 Angell Hall. Lecture: auspices of the Stu- dent Branch, Society of Automo- tive Engineers, and the Engineer- ing Council, College of'Engineer- ing. "The Road to Engineering. Competence." James C. Zeder, '22e, Chairman of the Engineering Board, Chrysler Corporation, and National President, Society of Automotive Engineers. 8 p.m., Wed., Oct. 25, Rackham Lecture Hall. Academic Notices Preliminary Examinations in English: Candidates for the Ph.D. degree in English who expect- to. take the preliminary examinations this autumn are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 3230 Angell Hall, at once. The ex- aminations will be given as fol- lows: English Literature to 1550, November 21; English Literature, 1550-1750, November 25; English Literature, 1750-1950, November 28; and American Literature, De- cember 2. Both the Tuesdayand the Saturday examinations will be', given in the School of Business Administration, Roon 69, at 9 a.m. Bacteriology Seminar: Wed., Oct. 25, 10 a.m., Rm.1520 E. Medi- cal Bldg. Speaker: Dr. Philip Jay. Subject: Recent Contributions to Dental Caries. Mathematics Colloquium. Math- ematics Lecture: Prof. H. W. Turn- bull, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, will speak on ".Recent Discoveries of Newton Papers,' at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct. 24th, 3011 Angell Hall. All those interested are invited. Geometry Seminar: Wed., Oct. 25, 2 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Flesner will report on Hsieh's pa- per on double linking of a line by skew pentagons. Game Theory: Wed., Oct. 25, 7 p.m., 3001 Angell. Hall. Professor Thrall will speak on "Geometric Approach to the ITwo-person Game." Set Theory Seminar: Wed., Oct. 25, 3:10 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Jack Miller will speak on C6n- tinuation of Set Rings and Fields. Notice to freshmen who missea any or all of the aptitude tests given during orientation week, Sept. 22 and 23: The makeup for those who missed the Friday aft- ernoon session, Sept. 22. will be held from 6:45 to 10 p.m., Oct. 25, try, but to France and Britain, how strong Germany should become. Expedience is necessary m .the conduct of government, but we should keep our eyes open tc the ultimate results of any action, and if we have to take a calculated risk, let us not blind ourselves to the danger. -John Neufeld 130 Business Administration Bldg. The ma eup for those who miss- ed the Sa'urday morning session, Sept. 23, will be held from 6:45 to 10:15 p.m., Oct. 26, 130 Business Administration Bldg. Students who missed the entire testing progr n are expected to report for both sessions. Concerts The Boston Symphony' Orches- tra, Charles Munch, Conductor, will be heard in its second con- cert this season, Wed., Oct. 25, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Mr. Munch will present the following program: Handel's Suite from the "Fireworks" Music; Debussy's "La Mer"; "Bacchus et Ariane" Bal- let, 2nd Suite; and the Brahms Symphony No. 4 in E minor. Tickets are available daily at the offices of the University Mu- sical Society, from 9 to 5; and at the Hill Auditorium box office after 7 p.m. on the night of the concert. Events Today The Congregational Disciple, Ev- angelical and Reformed Guild: Tea, Guild House, 438 Maynard' 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Christian Science Organization: Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Deutscher Verein: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rooms K, L, M, Union. All interested students and faculty members invited. Electrical Engineering Depart- ment Research Discussion Group: First meeting at 4 p.m., 2084 E. Engineering Bldg. All graduate students, advanced undergradu-, ates and faculty are invited. H. W. Batten and W. W. Peterson will discuss "Induced Currents inM Elec- tronic Devices. U. of M. Women's Glee Club:' Rehearsal, 4:10 p.m., League. Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Re- hearsal for men's chorus in the League: For women's in the Un-. ion. Both at 7 p.m. International Girl's House Or- ganizational meeting, 7:30 p.m., 915 Oakland. Political Science Graduate Round Table: 7:30 p.m., Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Student panel: "Some Aspects of Atomic Energy of In- terest to Political Scientists.' Po- litical Scieice graduate students are expected to attend. Other in- terested persons invited. Michigan. Education Club: 7:30 p.m., Union. "Rookie Teacher Pan- el" will discuss the problems of the first year teacher. B'nai B'rith Hill Foundation. All interested in learning modern Hebrew meet 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall, Hillel Office. Lecture on Labor Relations: A lecture-discussion on the topic "Five years of Industrial Peace,"' (Continud on Page 5) Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown..........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor IRoma Lipsky...... .Editorial Director Dave Thomas... ....Feature Editor Janet Watts.. ...,.....Associate Editors Nancy Bylan. ......,..Associate Editor James Gregory ........ Associate Editor Bill Connolly............ Sports Editor Bob Sandell. Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton .....A sociate Sports Editor' Barbara Jans........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels..........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager ~Paul Schaible..Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of, all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann ArborMichigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school ,year : by carrier, '$6.00; by mail, $7.00. BARNABY But what happened to the "reward" toy I put out on the porch for Barnaby? Later.'.. After the other toys were gone? I s/ppose one of the Now don't tell me your imaginary Fairy Godfather took it, son- No. Mr. O'Malley didn't take it. a He took it by mistake... But Mr. O'Malley got it back. See. Here it is- I