Wisconsin BringsUndefeated Record to An
League Tilts Top Weekend Grid Menu
Koceski Injury Forces
Switches in 'M' Lineup
Michigan Hopes to Regain Winning Ways
In First Conference Tilt Against Badgers
Fraternities Tackle Annual Grid Rivals
NEW YORK-(IP)-Army and
Oklahoma subject their unbeaten
streaks to only mild pressure to-I
day while conference battles hold
the attention of college football
West Point's Black Knights, un-
conquered in 23 games, throw their
awesome attack at deemphasized
Harvard in Cambridge, Mass.
OKLAHOMA'S Sooners, boast-
ing a 24-game winning string, play
battered Kansas State at Norman,
Okla. Several Oklahoma bench
warmers figure to get their suits
dirty for the first time.
While the nation's no. 1 and
no. 2 powers are thus occupied,
other ranking teams will be
sweating out difficult conference
and intersectional assignments.
This is a big week-end for league
play with the Southwest again
providing theaheadliner in the
night conflict at Houston between
Southern Methodist's third-ranked
Mustangs and Rice's defending
Southwest Conference champions.
Both are unbeaten and untied.
SMU boasts one of the country's
deadliest scoring punches in Kyle
Rote. the line splinterer, and Fred
Benners, trigger-armed aerialist.
The Owls have a rugged defense.
* * *
THE MUSTANGS and Rice are
favored to battle it out for con-
ference honors along with Texas,.
the well-heeled giant that lost in
Frosh Coach Tells woes
Of After-D inner Circuit
"I'm busier thin a doctor at the
Birth of a Nation" said Michigan's
apotheosis of verbalization, Wally
"But not too busy to give some
time to such a venerated institu-
tion as the Michigan Daily," he
continued, settling down into the
big chair which well fits his ex-
pansive frame.
mentor answered our questions
even before they were asked, but
here's how the conversation went,
in general:
Query: About how many ban-
quets have you spoken at in
your lifetime, Coach Weber? Af-
ter dinner speaking is second
nature, possibly first, to the for-
mer Wolverine fullback.)
Answer: Well, son, if memory
serves me correctly, in the near
vicinity of 600. I've spoken, accord-
ing to my most recent statistics,
at 98% of the towns above 10,000
in the state of Michigan. -
I've spoken at banquets from
San F ancisco to New York, from
New 09leans to London, Ontario.
Q.: What is the usual subject of
your talks?
** *
A.: I SHOULD say the general
heading for my post-gustatory vo-
calization is "Athletic Values and
Reminiscences." I repeat myself
every once in a while, of course,
but I've found it isn't safe to do
so ~ithin a fifty-mile radius.
Q.: Have you ever been caught
at a loss for words? (Weber is
reputed to be "the man with the
million words.)
A.: Well, not very often. In fact,
much of the time I don't have time
to really set the bronchial wheels
in sufficiently rapid motion.
I do remember being stumped
once. It was in the days when a
Michigan coach had but recently.
resigned his position of tutelage
after a disappointing season. I had
been speaking of Yost's "point-a-
minute" teams, and ur most re-
cent "point-a-game" teams, when
a local wag asked O. K., so why
not "appoint a coach" now?
Q.: Does banquet fare tend to
become repetitious?
A.: Well, back in the war-time
days you were lucky to get sog-
gy meatballs. Now the usual cui-
sine consists of han. Once ino -
while chicken. And of course,
the perpetual green beans.
Q.: How does this year's fresh-
man team stack up, MrJ Weber?
(He has been coaching freshman
ball at Michigan for the last fif-
teen years, after a four year
stretch of mentoring at Benton
Harbor High School.
A.: WELL, so far as manipula-
tion of the leather ovoid is con-
cerned, our backs have not been
particularly proficient, though
4hey may be expected to improve.
It looks from here as if we have
seven or eight men of definite Big
Ten potentialities at the present
-and most of those are linemen.
Weber, his vocabulary still not
exhausted but his multitudinous
duties pressing, turned back to the.
desk in front of him to add a sen-
tence or two to a letter. We pre-
pared to leave, but first extracted
the information that he owed his
interest in the art of communica-
tion to the sage of Baltimore, H.
L. Mencken, whose extremely pic-
turesque and graphic style of pre-
sentation set he pattern for the
voluble Michigan coach's articula-
I-M Scores
Mealmarters 6, Owen CoOp 0
Newman Club 13, Gamma Del-
ta 0
Foresters 45, Baptists 0
Presbyterian 19, Cong. Disci-
ple 0
MCF 15, Wesleyan 0
Hawaiians 6, Terrors0
Michigan CoOp over Interna-
tional (forfeit)
Phi Delta Epsilon 15, Tau Ep-
silon Rho 0
Prep Teammates
Vie In ND Game
high school football team of Bea-
ver Falls, Pa., had a superb pass-
ing combination two years ago in
quarterback Lou D'Achille and end
Jim Mutscheller.
Today they'll be on the same
field again and D'Achille hopes
Mutscheller doesn't catch a one of
his pitches.
D'Achillenow is Indiana Uni-
versity's sophomore star. Muts-
cheller is Notre Dame's best re-
the fading minutes last week to
Oklahoma. Texas entertains Ar-
The Big Ten, which furnishes
the host team in the Rose Bowl,
offers three league games that
will go a long way toward deter-
mining the 1950 choice for Pasa-
Purdue will play at Iowa and
Ohio State at Minnesota, in addi-
tion to the Michigan-Wisconsin
Illinois will take one one of the
Pacific coast's titans-unbeaten,
untied Washington - at Cham-
paign, Ill., in one of the several
good intersectional frays. The
Huskies, featuring a fullback nam-
ed Hugh McElhenny, have won
four games, scoring more than 20
points in each.
Kentucky's Wildcats, no. 4 in
the national rankings, come north
to engage Villanova. Southern Cal-
ifornia sweeps all the way across
the continent to meet thrice-whip-
ped Navy at Baltimore. Penn State
travels to Nebraska.
* * *
Pacific Coast is at Los Angeles
where Stanford, winner of four
straight, pursues a Rose Bowl bid
against Red Sanders' UCLA team,
which has proved tough on de-
fense but not so speedy when it
gets the ball.
California's Golden Bears, de-
fending P C C champions, go
against Oregon State, which is still
looking for a win.
In the Midlands, Missouri plays
Iowa State at home in the Big
Seven headliner while Tulsa and
Detroit tangle at Tulsa in the
game that may decide the Missouri
Valley champion.
MSC Meets
Hi IltopperS
In Lansing
quette, minus its chief passer, and
Michigan State with five hurlers
ready to go, meet here today be-
fore 30,000 fans in the 20th re-
newal of a tight football rivalry.
A passing game is indicated for
both sides as the underdog visi-
tors seek to surprise the Spartans,
who next play Notre Dame.
short end of a 12-6 edge in the
series, have taken it on the chin
from tie Spartans in the last seve-
ral years, but are reported to have
a versatile, experienced aggrega-
tion this season.
If the reports are true, the
match could be a return to the
thrilling battles of the earlier
years, when 12 out of 17 games
were won by the margins of sev-
en points or less.
The visitors, however, go into
the game minus the services of
passing quarterback Frank Volm
and tackles Charley Zettek and
Chuck Mangion. Michigan State
is missing only Dick Tamburo, reg-
ular center.
Volm's place in the backfield,
hodwever, will be taken over by
Don Leahy, a red-hot reserve who
was involved in all three of Mar-
quette's tallies in a 27-14 victory
over Detroit last week.
* * *
Blackbourn also is counting on a
couple of fleet backs, right half
Stan Wojcik and fullback Frank
Kopenski, to find and pentrate
any holes in the Spartan line.
Against these, MSC coach Biggie
Munn probably will throw his
whole collection of passers and re-
(Continued from Page 1)
action for the first time since the
initial game of the campaign. Bob
Mansfield will be back for duty at
left half.
IN THE THREE games to date
that include wins over Marquette,
28-6; Illinois, 7-6; and Iowa, 14-0,
the Badgers have not proven that
they are a great offensive outfit.
Instead they have taken ad-
vantage of the opportunities
presented them in the form of
intercepted passes, fumbles, and
the like. To date they have
snagged seven of the opponent's
aerials while having none of
their own stolen.
Their defensive alertness was
the margin of victory against the
Illini and accounted for one of
the scores against the Hawkeyes.
They resemble the opportunistic
Illinois team of 1945 who went to
Pasadena mainly on their de-
fensive ability.
Quarterback Bob Petruska does
most of the passing for the Bad-
gers. So far he has completed 14 of
34 tries fors158 yards. As a team
the total is 19 completions otut
of 41 tries.
.1 - *
THIS IS quite a bit below the
Wolverine totals but is a much
better percentage mark. Michigan
passers have found their receivers
only 34 times in 84 tries. Bill Pu-
tich leads in this respect with
an identical mark to \that of
Rollie Strehlow, Roy Burks,
and Bill Hutchinson have rolled
up most of the yardage on the
ground in . Wisconsin's three
games. Strehlow has a 5 yards
per try average while Burks and
Hutchinson have 3.7 and 3.6
marks respectively.
Don Peterson has the best rush-
ing mark for the Wolverines with
a 5.06 average. The injured Ko_
ceski has 4.18 and Don Dufek
* *
. . . Ypsi flash
3.45 yards per play. Dufek is far
and away the leading gainer with
178 yards.
The Badgers have woo only 4 of
the 22 contests played so far with
Michigan. They were shellacked
40-6 by the Chappius, Yerges, El-
liott powerhouse in 1947. That
was the last time the schools have
An extra treat awaits old grads,
enthusiastic fans and other con-
cerned individuals this Homecom-
ing morn as six teams square off
in the classic Greek grid tussles.,
Oldest and best known of this
series is the famed Mud Bowl
Game played at the corner of
Washtenaw and South University.
At 10:15 this morning Phi Delta
Theta squares off against Sigma
Alpha Epsilon in the 13th renewal
of this classic.
lively interest is the Tau Delta
Phi-Triangle tussle at Ferry Field,
commencing at 10:20 a.m. Tri-
angle will be attempting to win;
the gold trophy for the first time
in the three year old series.
To the winner of the Phi Delt-
SAE clash goes the little empty
jug, now in the possession of
the Phi Delts. The men of Phi
Delt lead in the series seven
games to five, with last year's
battle resulting in the first tie.
During the halftime, the Thetas
will battle Sorosis in the annual
Powder-Puff Classic, for the sixth
time. These two teams have been
so evenly matched that during the
last six years neitherepowerhouse
has been able to score.
To alleviate this stalemate the
game has been lengthened this
year. Other -halftime entertain-
ment will include the crowning of
the Mud Bowl Queen and the SAE
Staggering Band. The Queen will
be crowned by last year's winner,
Butch "Sweetlips" Skau.
* * *
PHI DELT is favored to take
the classic although a close battle
is expected. The defending champs
boast, three former all-state high
school players in the lineups,
Doug Lawrence at halfback, Mike
Papista at quarterback and Gill
Sabuco at the other halfback
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SAE will field a strong 4vell-
balanced squad, deep in person-
nel and hopes to take its fa-
vored next-door neighbors, in
this, one of the most bitterly
contested Greek classics.
In the Ferry Field battle, Tau
Delta Phi will be gunning for its
third straight win over Triangle.
The Tau Delts who boast a two
won, one lost intramural record
have been beaten by only the Sig
Big man for the Tau Delts is
Moe Katz who has starred in each
of these three battles. In last
year's game, Katz ran the length
of the field for the game's only
touchdown as the Tau Delts won,
fense of the Tau Delts will be
bolstered this year by a 200 pound
line anchored by Paul Russman
and Harvey Belfer. The Tau Delts
use separate units for defense and
Tau Delt prepared for today's
tussle by beating Alpha Delta
Phi, 21-0, on Thursday as Katz
ran for three touchdowns in
four tries with the ball. His
scamperings covered 20, 30 and
50 yards.
Triangle has not enjoyed too
successful an I-M season, but the
Engineers should be up for this,
the biggest of their games during
the season.
The men from Oakland Avenue
boast one victory and two losses
in I-M play. They beat Alpha
Phi Alpha, 20-0 and dropped close
games to Kappa Sigma and Sigma
The Engineers are led by
"Sticks" Davidson and Mark
Sluis at the halfback slots and
Tom Davis at end.
So if Mr. Fan can get away
from sleep and watching the dis-
plays, he can see three interesting,
well fought battles at Washtepaw
and South U and at Field A' of
South Ferry Field.
Gene Felker LE
C. Yderstad LT
Bob Kennedy L G
Dave Hansen C
Dave Staiger R G
Huxhold-Cap.R T
T. Meyers RE
Bob Petruska QB
R. Strehlow LH
Lowell Perry
John Hess
Pete Kinyon
John Padjen
Torn Kelsey
Al Wahl-Cap.
Harry Allis
Bill Putich
C. Ortmann
B.Hutchinson RH Frank Howell,
Bob Radcliffe FB Don Dufek
Officials: Referee, C. A.
Wertz (Ohio Wesleyan); Um-
pire, R. W. Finsterwald (Ohio
University); Field Judge, C. A.
Leadbetter (Alma); Head Lines-
man, John R. McPhee (Ober-
lin); Fifth Official, Jack Bern-
hardt (Chicago).
Game aime: 2 p.m. (EST)
Attendance: 95,000
* *'
New Styles
First at
Badger Mentor Avers Team
At Peak for Wolverine Tussle
Special to The Daily
MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin's
grid team will be at peak strength
for its important engagement with
Michigan today.
Coach Ivan Williamson verified
this statement at the close of final
home drills before departure to
Dearborn, Mich., Badger grid
headquarters, yesterday afternoon.
"WE ARE as ready as we can
be," said the Badger coach, a for-
mer Michigan football star.
The Badgers will go into the
game without any injuries ex-
cepting the loss for the season of
halfback Harland Carl and
guard Bill Gable.
That means that Charles Yder-
stad, veteran offensive left tackle,
will be in at the starting whistle
for the first time since th'e open-
ing game of the season.
Bob Mansfield, another gridder
on the hospital list, should also
see duty at left half.
* * *
WILLIAMSON was still unde-
cided on two other positions in his
offensive platoon. Either George
O'Brien, or Dave Staiger, a Port
Huron, Mich. product, will get the
call at right guard and either vete-
ran Rollie Strehlow or Roy Burks
will start at left half.
Should O'Brien and Burks get
the starting bid, the Badgers will
have five sophomores on their
offensive lineup. The others be-
ing Bob Kennedy, left guard;
Dave Hansen, center; and Bill
Hutchinson, right half.
The remainder of the offensive
unit will have Gene Felker, left
end; Capt. Ken Huxhold, right
tackle; Tilden Meyers, right end;
Bob Petruska, quarterback; and
Bob Radcliffe, fullback.
The defensive platoon will be the
same as has operated against both
Illinois and Iowa. This includes
Pat O'Donahue and Ken Sachtjen,
ends; Bill Albright and Jerry
Smith, guards; John Sincic, guard;
Hal Faverty, Deral Teteak and
Radcliffe, line backers; Jim Ham-
mond and Ed Withers, defensive
halfbacks; and Bill Lane, safety.
Radcliffe is the sole starter who'
will operate ofn both the offensive
and defensive lineups.
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