M' Seeks To Stop Badgers
In 53rd Homecoming
Associate Sports Editor
Ivy Williamson brings his undefeated Wisconsin Badgers into
the Michigan Stadium this afternoon to attempt to spoil the 53rd
annual Homecoming celebration for all of the thousands of Michigan
alumni . . . except himself.
A capacity crowd of over 97,000 is expected to be on hand at
the 2 p.m. kickoff to watch the Wolverines try to get back on
the victory trail against the up and coming Badgers who are un-
beaten in three contests thus far.
IT'S THE FIRST CHANCE that Williamson has had to come
back and haunt his alma mater since taking over the coaching reins
two years ago. He has more reasons to want to win this one than
mere sentiment though.
The Badgers are currently riding on top of the Western
Conference with two important wins over Iowa and highly-touted
Illinois. The Wolverines are another big hurdle they must
topple if they expect to hang on to their lofty perch and eventually
get a bid to the Rose Bowl.
They're hoping to catch the Wolverines on the rebound from
their bitter and heartbreaking struggle with Army last week. Whether
the Michiganders can bounce back from that one is the biggest single
factor determining the outcome of today's battle.
Last year the Maize and Blue couldn't recover after their long
win streak had been snapped by the Cadets. However, they were
favored in that contest and this year it wasn't a great surprise
when they were beaten.
* * * *Ig
WITH LAST. YEAR'S miserable showing against Northwestern
in mind and the importance of this game in the conference race
to consider, the Wolverines presumably will be in better psychological
shape today.
They won't be in top physical condition without the ser-
vices of their experienced right halfback, Leo Koceski. Three
others still have minor injuries but are expected to see full duty.
Harry Allis and Dick McWilliams both have hand ailments while
Al Wahl is troubled with a bad knee.
But to offset that, the incomparable Charlie Ortmann is expected
to be near tQp efficiency for the first time this season. He has been
taking active part in the scrimmages the past week and should be
able to do everything but kick and block.
Sophomore Frank Howell has the job of trying to fill in for
Koceski. He got a real baptism under fire last week in Yankee
Stadium when he replaced Koceski in the second quarter.
DON PETERSON, who capably subbed for Koceski last year when
Leo was out with injuries, will be kept at the tailback slot in the
eventuality that Ortmann needs replacing on offense. '
The injuries have forced the Wolverine pilot, Bennie Ooster-
baan, to modify his two platoon setup a great deal. Several
backfield men may see a lot of double duty along with ends
Lowell Perry and Ozzie Clark.
Oosterbaan is not expected to make any other major changes
in his offensive or defensive teams from that which has been used.
in the previoug contests.
Williamson expects his boys to be in top physical shape for
today's battle. Charlie Yderstad, a veteran left tackle will be back in
(Continued on Page 6)
Badger Quarterback
Michigan Quarterback
itr tn
:43, a t I#
* *
Badger End
Latest Deadline in the State
Michigan Tackle
Paratroops Trap
By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Two battalions of U.S.
Parachute troopers jumped unop-
posed into Red Korea between the
fallen capital of Pyongyang and
theManchurian border yesterday
under the personal direction of
General MacArthur.
South Korean troops, marching
85 miles west from Wonsan in less
than a week, joined the newly-
landed American Paratroopers at
Sunchon, about 30 miles north of
Pyongyang, cutting off the North
Korean avenue of retreat.
* * *
Watching the
first airborneE
Badger Halfback
World News
By The Associkted Press
WONSAN, North Korea-A fleet
of Japanese minesweepers under
charter to the United Nations re-
fused to continue sweeping the
vast mine concentration off Won-
san, a U.S. naval spokesman an-
nounced yesterday.
The Japanese refused to con-
tinue work after a magnetic mine
blew one of their vessels to pieces.
SAIGON, Indochina -Seasoned
French forces dug in with heavy
armor yesterday along the Red
River delta while reinforcements
were mobilized to bolster new po-
sitions for a stand against Com-
munist-led Vietminh troops from
the mountainous north.
PRAGUE-V. M. Molotov of So-
viet Russia and foreign ministers
of seven other Communist nations
met here yesterday with the an-
nounced purpose of discussing "the
remilitarization of Western Ger-
many," which the Soviet govern-
ment warned it will not tolerate.
operation of this war from his con-
stellation plane "SCAP," Mac-
Arthur said:
"I didn't see any opposition.
It looks like it was a complete
surprise. It looks like we closed
the trap, which should be the
end of all organized resistance.
The war is very definitely com-
ing to an end."
4' * *
HOWEVER air observers said
the only Red troop movements
they could see after the drop were
north of Suchon and Sukchon.
They saw none between the
drop area and Pyongyang to the
south which means the trap may
have been sprung too late.
The Reds may have succeeded
in pulling out all but their last-
ditch defenders from their one-
time capital.
* * *
BAD WEATHER forced delay of
the airborne operation from
Thursday and postponed it twice
Meanwhile, three tattered Amer-
ican survivors in captured Pyong-
yang said yesterday that unesti-
mated scores of U.S. prisoners of
war "died like flies" on a terrifying
160 mile death march from Seoul
to Pyongyang.
The trio said 283 men began the
horror march, under guard of
brutal North Korean Reds. They
indicated comparatively few sur-
vived, but did not know the num-
The three who escaped said the
American prisoners were beaten
and shot by the Reds ... strafed
mistakenly by an American pilot
who thought they were a Red
Army column - exposed, starved
and given no medical attention.
The surviving prisoners may in-
clude 90 others who made an
original total of 373 moved north
from Seoul. Those still alive were
shipped north of Pyongyang on
Oct. 14-only five days before the
arrival of liberating forces.
Boss Kelly,
Stimson Die
By The Associated Press
Henry L. Stimson, 83,. Secre-
tary of State under President
Hoover, and Edward J. Kelly, 74,
former mayor of Chicago, died
Stimson, War Secretary under
three presidents, died as the re-
sult of a heart attack, according to,
a member of his family. Kelly col-
lapsed suddenly and died of heart
disease in a doctor's office in Chi-
Stimson's wife and members of
the family were with him when
he died shortly after 4 p.m. yes-
terday in Cold ' Spring Harbor,
N. Y.
He had been troubled with a
heart ailment since he left public
office in 1945.
A native of New York City,
Stimson was a Wall Street lawyer
all his life, except when he served
in the cabinets of Presidents Taft,
Hoover, Roosevelt and Truman.
He ran for Governor of New
York on the Republican ticket in
1910 but was defeated.
The next year, President Taft
called him to Washington as
Secretary of War and launched
him on a career that was to bring
him international attention.
Jap Peace
Treaty Talk
Foster Dulles announced yesterday
that the Russians have expressed
their readiness to hold informal
discussions with the United States
on a Japanese Peace Treaty.
The U. S. delegate to the United-
Nations said a time for the discus-
sions "probably will be arranged
within the next few days."
He issued the following state-
"In response to an inquiry Mr.
(Deputy Foreign Minister Jacob
A.) Malik of the Soviet delegation
has indicated that the Soviet
Government will be prepared to
discuss with us informally the
possibilities of a Japanese Treaty.
"The time and place of the dis-
cussion probably will be arranged
within the next few days."
in 112 motion picture theatres:
Homecoming Crowds
StartSurgeInto Town
'U' Makes $4,000,000
Movie. Stock Purchase
0 UniversityFunds Used
Daily Feature Editor
University officials have announced the acquisition of $4,000,000
worth of theatre stock from United Paramount Theatres Inc., of
New York, in an unusual financial transaction which they said
involved no use of University funds.
Changing hands in the transaction were 37,500 shares of Class
B stock of W. S. Butterfield Theatres Inc., of Michigan, and 6,940
shares of Class B stock of the Butterfield Michigan Theatres Co.
IN THE STOCK ACQUISITION, the University gets part interest
Judge Denies
Stacy's Plea
.for Remand
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
jr. yesterday denied a petition by
the attorney of Robert H. Stacy
to have the arson charge against
Stacy be returned to Municipal
The court ruled that the attor-
ney, Leonard Young, failed to sub-
stantiate his claim that Stacy was
"confused" when he waived exami-
nation in the lower court on Oct.
11. Young submitted his petition
to Judge Breakey on Wednesday
to have Stacy's case remanded to
Municipal Court.
Stacy was not represented by a
lawyer when he was brought be-
fore the court the first time, and
Young claimed that he was not
in a fit mental condition to waive
examination himself at that time.
Young said he would file another
petitoin, probably next Monday.
Stacy, who admitted to the po-
lice that he set the Haven Hall
fire and several smaller fires, has
repudiated all his confessions, ac-
cording to his attorney.
Michigan, including the Michigan,
dState, Whitney, Wuerth and Or-
pheum Theatres in Ann Arbor.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven said payment for the stock
will be made over a "long per-
iod of years" and involved no use
of appropriated or other funds
of the University. The only ob-
ligation of the University is to
make payment from the earn-
ings and dividends of the com-
panies, he said.
The deal was praised by M. S.
Gowthorpe, president of the But-
terfield chain in Michigan. Gow-
thorpe added that the transac-
tion involved only Paramount's
minority stock interests and does
not affect the management of the
Butterfield companies.
HOWEVER, two University Re-
gents, RoscoeO. Bonisteel and J.
Joseph Herbert, will have chairs
on the boards of directors of the
Butterfield enterprises.
(Continued on Page 6)
Resume Work
Construction and hauling crews
on the Angell Hall addition site
returned to work yesterday morn-
ing following the announcement of
the University's signing a new con-
tract with a local trucking com-
Michigan Wingback
Badger Tackle
Homecoming broke over Ann Ar-
bor today in all its chaotic glory
as thousands of alumni and as-
sorted others started pouring into
Arriving in special trains, busses
and an estimated 30,000 automo-
biles, the swarming fans will
take part in the University's 53rd
annual weekend of Homecoming
WITH clear skies and tempera-
tures in the mid 60's forecast for
this afternoon, a capacity mob is
expected to fill Michigan Stadium
for the 2 p.m. kickoff.
Before the game, students and
visitors will clog the streets and
sidewalks all over campus as
they wander from dorm to fra-
ternity to sorority inspecting
scores of colorful outdoor lawn
Despite light fogs early this
morning, students were up and
outdoors even before dawn setting
up witty signs and giant paper-
mache figures for the displays.
At 7:30 p.m. the week-end cele-
bration got a rousing official initi-
ation when several thousand stu-
dents shouted and sang their way
down State St. to a wild pep rally
at Ferry Field..
Much of the crowd headed for
a special Union Dance immediately
* * *
AND TODAY the festivities will
come to a climax with Student
Legislature's "Autumn Maize"
Homecoming dance from 9 a.m to
1 p.m. in the Intra Mural Bldg.
Heavy ticket sales have been re-
ported for the dance, but a few are
still left. They may be purchased
this morning at the Union's foot-
ball resale booth or tonight at the
Several dateless coeds were re-.
ported last night by SL president
George Roumell, chief match-
maker at the Legislature's special
date bureau.
The Legislature, which has
supervised the entire Homecom-
ing, will add a note of color to
today's game by hawking 10 cent
yellow and blue "pom-poms" at
the Stadium.
Michigan Tackle
hAL FAVERTY (below)
Badger End
Michigan End
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