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October 20, 1950 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-20

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<::. FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 20, 1950

.- FIA, COE, (,15


Munch Concentrates on Performances

When the Boston Symphony Or-
chestra presents its concerts here
Sunday and Wednesday evenings,
the conducting skill of its new
leader Charles Munch will be a
major point of the audience's in-
Munch, a Frenchman, has in-
troduced into American orches-
tras the European conducting met-
hod of little rehearsals and much
* *

* * s

him over, however, was grounded
in the Azores for three weeks and
he returned to Paris without ever
reaching the United States.
MUNCH stayed in France dur-
ing the German. occupation, con-
ducting concerts and turning his
salary over to the underground
movement. After the war he was
made an officer of the Legion of
IHonor for his services to France
and was the first conductor to be
sent by his government for a se-
ries of concerts in London.
In 1946 he came to America
wit t fanfare as guest conducor
of t e Boston Symphony and the
New York Philharmonic.
Wh'en Serge Koussevitzky an-
nounced his retirement as con-
ductor of the Boston Orchestra,
the group's trustees '-gan looking
for a successor. In April 1948
Munch was chosen as the new
leader of one of the world's finest
symphony orchestras.

UNLIKE the conductor who pre-
sents a carefully prepared piece
with musicians trained by strenu-
ous rehearsals, Munch offers a
spontaneous and livelier perform-
ance with musicians fresh and
alert to every cue.
Though occasional details may
suffer from this method, it has
received favorable response from
audiences and players alike.
Munch's musical career has been
a varied and irregular one. At the
age of six he began studying the
violin with his father, Ernest
Munch, professor of the Conserva-
tory of Strasbourg.
WHEN HE WAS 21, Munch went
to Paris to study medicine but af-
ter one semester decided to devote
himself to music. With the out-
break of the first World War,
,Munch, living in Strasbourg, was
conscripted into the German Army
and wounded at Verdun.
After the armistice, his fin-
gers too stiff for the violin, he
took a job translating insurance
contracts. But determined to re-
turn to music he studied fever-
ishly and after two years.became
ly and after two years became
a Professor at the Strasbourg,
In 1930 after a stay at the Leip-
zig Conservatory, he became con-
ductor of the Straram Orchestra
and was well received by the pub-
SRA To Hear
UN Discussed
The Student Religious Associa-
tion will observe United Nations
Week with a special coffee hour
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. today at Lane
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the
political science department will
present a brief talk on the United
Nations. Afterwards, students will
have the opportunity to talk in-
formally with him.
Prof. Preuss was present at the
Dunbarton Oaks meetings and the
San Francisco conference.

.* * *
lic and press. Munch's first invi-
tation to the United States came
in 1939 from the St. Louis Sym-
phony. The plane that was to bring

'U' Botanical Gardens Receive
Two Genuine Rubber Trees

Two genuine rubber trees were
presented tonthe University Bo-
tanical Gardens by a national
rubber company in a ceremony
held at the gardens yesterday.
University President Alexander
G. Ruthven and Prof. H. O. Whit-
temore, director of Nichols Ar-
boretum, accepted the trees for
the University at the presenta-
tion. S. M. Cadwell, director of
research and development for the
company, and Charles Brandt of
the public relations department
made the presentation.
* * * *
MEASURING six feet in height,
the trees (Hevea brasiliensis) were
grown in the rubber company's
experiment station at Paramus,
N. J. from seeds brought from
plantations in Malaya.
The ten month old trees have
been tapped for liquid rubber
and will eventually attain a
height of 60 feet or more and.
yield about 10 pounds of rubber
a year, according to Cadwell.
Studies of rubber trees and
plantations have been made at the
University by Prof. Maurice W.
Plant Films Slated
The University museums will
present three movies entitled "The
Story of Dr. Carter," "Plant
'Growth" and "The Cabbage" at
7:30 p.m. today in the auditorium
of the Kellpgg Institute.

Senstius of the geology depart-
ment, Prof. H. H. Bai'tlett, director
of the Botanical Gardens and
Prof.'Carl D. LaRue of the botany
department. The trees will aid
them in continuing their research.
Stop Students
At Borderline
Prof. Claude Eggertsen's com-
parative education class encoun-
tered trouble yesterday at the Ca-
nadian border.
The difficulty occurred when
two students-one from the Philip-
pines and" the other from India.
-were not permitted to enter Can-
ada by the authorities there.
"According to the Canadians,
the reason they could notadmit
the foreign students was that they
felt United States officials would
involk the recently passed Inter-
nal Security Act and would not
readmit the students. on the return
trip," Eggertsen said..
Hence, while the rest of the class
went on, the two students went
back to the American side and se-
cured permission from the offi-
cials there; then they went back
to the Canadian side, and were
finally admitted, Eggertsen ex-
Civic Plaers
Begin Tonight
Ted Heusel, Grad., will star and
direct the Ann Arbor Civic Play-
ers production of "The Silver
Whistle" which will be given at 8
p.m. today and tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Heusel plays the role of a tramp
who, with a faked birth certifi-
cate, enters an old people's home.
The tramp is seeking a welcomed
rest from his travels. Once inside
the home he decides that it needs
a little livening up. Heusel takes
the same part which Jose Ferrer
starred in two years ago on Broad-
Tickets for "The Silver Whistle"
are on sale in the box office of
the Mendelssohn Theatre. They
are priced at $1 for the main
floor and $.60 for the balcony.

SL Probing
Need of AA
Rent Control
"The possibility that students'
cost of living would increase if the
Federal Rent Control Bill dies at
the end of this year is the reason
for Student Legislature's investi-
gation into the need for rent con-
trols in Ann Arbor'1 according to
Leah Marks, '52, chairman of the
SL Subcommittee on Rent Con-
Under the federal bill a local
option on controls can be taken
up by a city council and the Ann
Arbor City Council has already set
up a committee to investigate the
need for retaining rent controls
in the city.
* * *
that its investigation of the ef-
fect of decontrol on the student
population of Ann Arbor will be
an aid to the city council," Miss
Marks explained.
The SL committee is now in-
vestigating the direct and in-
direct effects of decontrol on
students. Only those students
living in private residences and
apartments will be 'directly ef-
fected by any action on the
federal bill, but all others will
be indirectly hit if decontrols
bring about a raise in rents.
"For with a rise in rents a cycle
of higher prices in other fields
begins, and if food prices were to
get caught in the cycle even cam-
pus residence hall fees may be
forced up," Miss Marks said ex-
plaining the SL's reason for set-
ting up the committee.
PETITIONS in favor of retain-
ing controls are being circulated
so that the students may have a
tangible way to express their
feelings, the legislator asserted.
"However, this is not a way to
gain support for retaining rent
controls as much as it is a method
of reaching student opinion," she
declared. "SL is interested in the
reason behind student's reactions
to \the petition no matter what
that reaction is," Miss Marks de-
Special petitions for the regis-
tered voters of Ann Arbor are also
being circulated by SL with the
aid of interested Ann Arbor
"SL is certain that the City
Council will give us a hearing on
our investigations when they are
completed," she said.
Cinema Guild Film
Cinema Guild will present the
Russian film, "Alexander Nevsky"
at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. today
and tomorrow in the Architecture
The movie is advertised as "the
greatest historical film ever to
come out of Russia." English sub-
titles are included.
Observatory Opens
The University's observatory
will be opened to visitors for the
first time this semester at 7:30
p.m. today.
Located on the fifth floor of*
Angell Hall, the observatory will
be open till 10 o'clock, provided
the weather is good.

The campus will be bright with
aloha shirts and muumuus next
It will be Aloha Week back in
Hawaii, and the University Ha-
waii Club plans to celebrate in
style. Its 110 members will wear
their native dress - brightly
printed aloha shirts; holokus, the
ancient costume for women; muu-
muus, the popular modernized
Sodee Says
Pledge Decline
Not Alarming
Considering the war situation
and the decrease in the number of
freshmen enrolled in the Univer-
sity, fraternities have no cause for
alarm over the drop in the num-
ber of pledges this year, according
to Bruce Sodee, '52, Interfraternity
Council rushing chairman.
Only 459 men pledged this year
compared to last year's record hign
of 542. But Sodee thought the 83
man drop only natural.
"IF I WERE a freshman I would
devote this year to my school work
and wouldn'twant to pledge until
there was less danger of being
drafted. If the army took me while
I was pledging I'd only have to
start my pledge period over again
at some future time."
"I think many freshmen con-
sidered the situation from that
angle and together with the
small freshman class there was
bound to be a drop in the num-
ber of pledges," Sodee asserted.
Aside from the smaller number
of -pledges, Sodee ventured that
fraternities were very well satis-;
fied with the results of the rush-
ing period.
Fraternities were particularly
pleased by the results of the IFC
publicity campaign, during which
information booklets were distri-
buted to all rushees and signs dis-
played on campus, Sodee added.
This year's rushees were much
better informed about fraternities
than any previous group, he said.1

ALOHA WEEK will start off on
campus with a program at 4 p.m.
Sunday at the League. There will
be Hawaiian dancing, featuring
the traditional and modern hula,
and a cultural group from the Club
will sing Hawaiian songs. In the
spirit of true Hawaiian hospitali-
ty, the program will be open to
the campus at large. Five hundred
orchids are being sent from the
Islands, and will be presented to
the women attending.
Unfortunately, we won't be
able to celebrate Aloha Week
like we could back home," said
Kiyo Taira, '51, of the Hawaii
Club. "In Hawaii, the Week is a
series of programs, feasts, ;hula
contests and even contests to
judge who has the best muu-
Aloha Week was founded in
1948 "to spread the good will of
the Islands," according to George
Ariyoshi, '52L, president of the
Club. Next week's program will
mark the first celebration of the
Week at the University.
The Hawaii Club, which was
founded in 1946, is not open only
to Hawaiians but toall students
interested in the life and culture
of the Islands.. The Club sponsors
a social every month, provides en-
tertainment for other organiza-
tions through its intercultural
committee, and publishes a tri-
Weekly paper of news about Ha-
waiian students on campus and on
other campuses in the United
London Surgeon
Will SpeakToday
Dr. J. E. A. O'Connell, neuro-
surgebn of St. Bartholemew's
Hospital, London, will deliver the
second annual Max M. Peet Lec-
ture at 4 pm. today In the 2nd
floor amphitheatre of the Uni-
versity Hospital.
The subject will be "The Cere-
bro-Spinal Fluid Pressure and its
Etiological Relationship with
Certain Lesions Affecting the Cen-
tral Nervous System."

'U' Hawaii Club Plans
'Aloha Week' Festival

-' -- -

Homecoming Pep Rally


F a- F - ?=F- _- _-F- rr snight a c'

_ __ F £ ? ? _ _

=x s;~~rrv

of the ,holoku; and, of
that old favorite, the
*.. * *q

Another Shipment
the Spectato OP1

In All These Ways

(Continued -from Page 1)
JUDGES will include Prof. Sho-
rey Peterson, of the'economics de-
partment; Marvin Felheim, of<the
English department; Prof. Donald
B. Gooch, of the architecture and
design college; Ethel A. McCormick
women's social director; Mrs. Sa-
rah L. Healy, Acting Dean of Wo-
men; and Ivan W. Parker, assis-
tant to the Dean of Students.
Prize-winning displays will be
announced at the stadium be-
tween halves of the game, ac-
cording to Irv Stenn, SL's
Homecoming chairman. Stenn
asked yesterday that all houses
which have not turned in appli-
cations for displays do so im-
mediately to ensure, getting
Separate contests have been ar-

" Black Suede
" Brown Suede
" Black Calf

" Brown Ca
" Red Calf
" Green Ca

ranged for men's and women's dis-
plays, with awards slated for first,
second, third and honorable men-
tion winners in both divisions.
Trophies will be presented to top
houses tomorrow night at the
Homecoming dance.
Claude Thornhill will produce
music for the dance. The I-M
building' will be transformed into
an array of fall-suggesting corn
shocks, pumpkins and apples in
keeping with the "Autumn Maize"
Tickets sell for $3.60 and may
be purchased from 1 to 4:30 p.m.
today in the Administration Bldg.
They will also be on sale, tomor-
row morning at the football ticket
resale window in the Union as
well as the I-M Bldg. tomorrow



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