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October 20, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-20

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Action Plan
Gets Formal
UN Approval
Riussia Included
In Peace Group
U.N. Political Committee yester-
day stamped its formal approval
on a plan for swift General As-
sembly action against aggression
It also put Russia on a trouble-
shooting Peace Observation group
in a rare display of big power har-
THE FINAL roll-call vote on the
anti-aggression program first laid
down by Secretary of State Dean
Acheson was 50 to 5. The Russian
bloc opposed it, although Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vi-
shinsky succeeded in getting Rus-
sia and Czechoslovakia on the
peace commission. India, Syria
and Argentina abstained.
The United States, France,
Britain, China, Colombia, In-
dia, Iraq, Israel, New Zealand,
Sweden Pakistan and Uraguay
were placed on the 14-member
Peace Observation Commission
with the two Russian bloc
Here is what the committee
resolution would do:
1. Permit th 60-nation Gen-
eral Assembly to convene within
24 hours if the Security Council
pis blocked by a veto from acting
in the event of a threat to the
peace or aggression.
2. Establish the Peace Obser-
vation Commission which may ob-
serve and report on the situation
in any area where there is inter-
national tension. Dulles pointed
out the U.S. had no objection to
the Russians joining this group
since it has no veto and the Rus-
sians cannot impose their will.
3. Recommend that each U.N.
member maintain within its na-
tional armed forces elements so
trained, equipped and organized
that they can be made available
promptly for service as U.N. units
upon recommendation of the Se-
curity Council or the General As-
4. Establish a collective mea-
sures committee of 14 members to
study methods which might be
used to maintain and strengthen
peace and security. The commit-
tee named Australia, Belgium,
Brazil, Burma, Canada, Egypt,
France, Mexico, the Philippines,
Turkey, Britain, Venezuela and
Yugoslavia on that group. No Rus-
sian bloc country was proposed
and the Russians in fact opposed
its creation.
5. Urge U.N. members to re-
spect fully and stimulate respect
for human rights and funda-
i mental freedoms, especially to
achieve economic stability and so-
cial progress through development
of underdeveloped areas.
Senators Hear
How Reds Got
4 Vital U.S. Oil
WASHINGTON - (P) -- In-'
vestgating senators heard testi-
mony yesterday which left Sena-
tor O'Conor (D-Md) convinced
that "laxity" permitted half a mil-
lion gallons of war-vital Ameri-
can engine oil to reach Red China

after fighting began in Korea.
They got three official sugges-
tions on the nature of the leak:
1. A legalistic loophole-the fact.
that the oil was technically "in
transit," out of this country when
an embargo on such shipmonts
went on. It was stored in Japan
and transhipped later.
2. Inadvertence, meaning some-
srbody failed by oversight.
3. Conflict of jurisdiction, per-
haps between authorities here and
in Japan.
* NONE OF THAT satisfied O'Co-
or, chairman of the Commerce
subcommittee investigating reports
of strategic items shipped to the
Korean Communists' northern
neighbors and sympathizers.
"I won't use the word 'violation'
yet," O'Conor told reporters after
the hearing recessed, "but theie
is no question that 13,000 drums
of oil have been sent to Commu-
nist China since early June, l1 500
of them since the Korean crisis.
O'Conor made his ,comment af-
ter a closed-door session Nith wit-
nesses for the State Department,
the Army and the Commerce De-

One-Man Picket Line

UNfMops up


Against Meager Resistance

LONE PICKETER-A one-man picket line was set up yesterday
near the rubble of Haven Hall as Shartzer Wrecking Co. workers
struck over the company's failure to meet the payroll Friday..
The dispute was settled after a meeting with University officials.
* * * *
Con--struction Halted
By One-DayStrike
Work on the $4,000,000 Angell Hall addition was halted tempor-
arily yesterday when employes of the G. H. Shartzer Wrecking Co. set
up a picket; line. .
However, a University official announced that workers would be
back on the job this morning.
The labor dispute developed over the failure of the Ohio wrecking
company to meet the payroll last Friday, according to local officials-of
the American Federation of Labor.
* * * *
EMPLOYES MET with University officials from noon until 3
p.m. yesterday when it was decided that the University would make
rspecial arrangements to cover the

'Stacy Now
Cleared of Ward
Fire Suspicion
Robert H. Stacy, former Univer-
sity teaching fellow who admitted
last week to setting the Haven
Hall fire, touching off three small-
er blazes and snatching 16 purses,
has repudiated all his confessions,
according to his attorney, Leonard
H. Young.
"Stacy told me that he didn't
have anything to do with any of
the crimes," Young said yesterday.
"He was confused when he
made the confessions."
MEANWHILE, late yesterday af-
ternoon, Young announced that
Stacy had been absolved of respon-
sibility for the recent $250,000
Montgomery Ward fire. He said
that police had filed to establish
any link between Stacy and the
Oct. 10 blaze.
The attorney said that all con-
fessions made by Stacy were
made only to impress his former
girl friend, Zelda Clarkson. "Sta-
cy realizes now the impact of
his 'confessions,' and wants to
straighten things out," Young
He said that he had filed a pe-
tition in circuit court to have the
case returned to municipal court
for a preliminary hearing. Stacy
was charged with arson after h
formally confessed to Prosecutor
Douglas K. Reading on Oct. 11
that he set the huge Haven Hall.
Stacy waived examination in the
lower court the next day, and was
bound over to the circuit court
for trial on the arson charge.
YOUNG SAID that Stacy was
"confused" at the time of his first
court appearance and had not been
represented by an attorney. The
court later appointed Young to be
Stacy's' attorney.
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey
may rule on the petition to have
Stacy returned to the municipal
court this afternoon.
Cripps Quits
Cabinet Post
LONDON - P) - Sir Stafford
Cripps, Britain's ailing Treasury
Chief, has resigned with the aim
of getting a year's rest. ,
Economics Minister Hugh Gaits-
kell was named yesterday to suc-
ceed him.
This was the first major cabi-
net change since the Labor Gov-
ernment was returned to power
with a tiny majority last Feb.
Prim Minister Attlee appointed
Gaitskell to the Treasury job, of-
ficially called Chancellor of the
Exchequer. Gaitskell's post will
not be filled, an official announce-
ment said.

ROUGH WEATHER-Sturdy Royal Palms on Miami's Biscayne Boulevard were flattened like so
many toothpicks by the recent hurricane there. Winds hit as high as 125 miles per hour in gusts,
causing widespread damage. The latest reports estimated the damage of the-storm to be $15,000,000,
and as high as $11,000,000 in the Miami-Miami Beach area alone.
* * * C

Euope A id
Halt Asked
By Hoover
NEW YORK - (A) - Former
President Herbert Hoover said yes-
terday the United States should
provide no more money or arms
for the defense of Western Europe
"until a defnitely unified :,nd suf-
ficient European army is in sight."
Western Europe must provide
most of its own defenses against
Communism, Hoover said, warn-
ing that the U.S. cannot indefi-
nitely stand the economic drain
of bolsterng everywhere against
HE ASKED the democratic na-
tions of the world to "specify what
they will join with and when" in
a united military and economic
front against Communism.
"We should say at once that
the U.S., with all its resources,
cannot long endure the present
drain on our economy," he said.
"If we do not find real military
action of powerful strength in
Western Europe; if there is no def-
inite and effective mobilization of
the United Nations so as to take
up the major burden of ther de-
fenses, then we had better recon-
sider our whole relation to the

payroll. The picket line was then
removed andi the hauling and con-
struction crews ordered back to
work this morning.
Although the strike was ini-
tiated by employes of the wreck-
ing company, construction work-
ers also refused to cross the
picket line.
A lone picketer stood by from 11
a.m. until the agreement was
ably not suffer a loss if it pays the
wages owed, according to one
University official. He explained
that the Shartzer Co. had bid
$13,000 lower than any other Offer
Meanwhile, the whereabouts of
G. H. Shartzer were unknown. A
University spokesman stated that
another company, would be con-
tracted for the remainder of the
hauling operations.
On Sept. 16 Shartzer *did not
appear to .answer a summons is-
sued on behalf of an Ohio equip-
ment company, according to Wil-
liam M. Laird, attorney represent-
ing the company.
IFC Fines Five
The Interfraternity Council last
night fined five fraternities a total
of $110 for violations of rushing
rules. i
The IFC executive committee+
fined Kappa Nu $15, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon $40, Theta Delta Chi $15,
Tau Delta Phi $15 and Zeta Psi

New Storm
Nears Coast
Of Florida
MIAMI, Fla.-(P)-A new storm
began to develop in the Gulf of
Mexico yesterday while Florida
took another look at damage cre-
ated by Wednesday's hurricane
and revised loss estimates upwards
to $15,000,000.
The new comer, not yet a full
hurricane but growing hourly,
moved eastward toward the Fori-
da coast at about six to 10 miles
per hour. It is expected to curve
PEAK WINDS were estimated at
between 55 to 70 rnles pert hour
against hurricane force of 75 miles
or higher. The storm is expected
to increase in size as it moves.
The new blow-about 240 miles
south of the Louisiana coast-is a
late-born twin of the 125-mile an
hour devastator that battered
south Florida before whirling up
the center of the peninsula.
New storm warnings went up
from Corpus Christi, Texas, to
Morgan City, La., for the newborn
s * m
THE OLD storm is dying out
over northern Alabama. In its
death throes it delivered vicious
swipes at north Floridarand Geor-s
gia beaches and inland afeas.
In Jamaica, officials said yes-
terday the old hurricane left six
dead on the island.
On the U.S. mainland it killed
three persons, injured 65, left 300
families homeless, destroyed 128
homes, damaged 13,464 residences
and smashed so many thousands
of windows that a glass shortage
was reported.
Latest estimates of Florida's
$15,000,000 damage toll shaped up
this way: Miami-Mami Beach and
surrounding area $11,000,000; oth-
er parts of the state, $2,000,000,
and crop losses $2,000,000.

Brandishing fiery torches and
instilled with a "Beat Wisconsin"
spirit, crowds of students will con-
verge of Ferry Field tonight to
launch the University's 53rd
annual Homecoming celebration.
Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in front
of the Union, students will be' led
by the Michigan Marching Band
to a Ferry Field pep rally featur-
ing jazz band entertainment,
a bonfire and special speakers.
IMMEDIATELY following the
rally the Union will sponsor an in-
formal pre-game dance with com-
ic intermission entertainment.
Tomorrow morning, Home-
coming festivities will swing into
high gear as house groups all
o v e r campus bedeck their
Attack Russia,
"The United States should at-
tack Russia before she attacks us,"
Alvin M. Bentley told the Young
Republicans last night.
Bentley, who resigned from the
diplomatic service of the State
Department in May, asserted that
inasmuch as Russia is headed for
war, we should not sit by and wait
for her to make the first move.
The ex-State Department man
criticized the administration plan
to contain the Russians for the
next 25 years. "Russia is out to
bleed us white," he warned.
"It is imperative that we keep
troops over in Germany, and se-
cure the full support of the Atlan-
tic Pact nations," he said.
Bentley also criticized the trend
toward socialism in this country,
declaring that it was the next step
to Communism.

Pep Rally Will Launch
Beat Wisconsin' Spirit

porches and front lawns with gi-
gantic displays designed to awe
the thousands of visitors who
will be in town.
Climaxing the week-end cele-
bration will be Student Legisla-
ture's annual Homecoming dance
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow at
the Intra Mural Bldg.
Tonight's pep rally will include
a talk by Detroit sportscaster Van
Patrick, music by Bob Leopold's
band and the Chicago House Band
and chorus entertainment by the
"pom-pom girls."
s " *
TYPICAL pep. rally attire of
sweaters and dungarees will be ac-
cepted dress at tonight's Union
dance. Tickets for the affair cost
After the dance large numbers
of students will hurry home to
begin all-dight sessions finishing
up their homecoming displays.
The projects must be completed
by 9 a.m. tomorrow, at which time
two crews of judges will tour Cam-
pus in brand-new convertibles
loaned by an automobile manufac-
turer especially for the occassion.
(Continued on Page 6)
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man told his press conference yes-
terday three is no disagreement
between him and Gen. Douglas
MacArthur on Formosa-that the
question was settled five weeks ago.
D. Eisenhower last night came
out strongly against preventive
war because, he said, "war be-
gets conditions that beget fur-
ther ,war."
* *
LONDON-Russia, in notes to
the United States, Britain and
France, has warned that she will
not tolerate creation of a German
army in Western-Germany, the
Moscow radio said yesterday.
* * *
LAKE SUCCESS - The Unit.ed
States told the UN yesterday that
two American planes strafed a
Russian airfield Oct. 8, and offered
to pay for the damage.
WASHINGTON-Franco Spain's
Falangists were barred from the
United States yesterday and Presi-
dent Truman reiterated that he
intends to enforce the new sub-
versive control law down to the
HELMSTEDT, Germany-Bord-
er crossers arriving at this check-
point reported last night that the
Russian Army is holding large-
scale autumn maneuvers in the
area between Goerlitz' and Pirna,

Fighters Hit
Reds Fleeing
Allies Take 6,022
Prisoners in Day
SEOUL, Korea - () - United
Nations troops mopped up yester-
day inside Pyongyang against the
last Reds still resisting with small
arms and mortars in the swiftly-
overrun former North Korean cap-
A U.S. Eighth Army spokesman
said Pyongyang, the bulk of which
was occupied yesterday, has not
yet been officially declared secur-
ed. But he added: "It is more in
the nature of a cleanup operation.
* * *
north at the retreating Commu-
nist remnants, operated from the
former Communist air base.at the
northeast edge of Pyongyang. The
base was captured yesterday by
South Korean troops.
A U.S. Eighth Armyr spokes-
man said 6,022 Reds have been
captured in the past 24 hours.
The war's total bag exceeds 75,-
The avenue of retreat for Reds
still fighting in the city was block-
ed by the entry of the South Ko-
rean Seventh Division from the
S* S *
COMPLETE conquest of the for-
mer Communist control point was
believed to be only a matter of
American and Korean Repub-
lican troops slashed into the city
in lightning drves through crum-
bling Red resistance within 18
minutes of each other shortly
after 11 a.m. yesterday.,
There was not enough Red
strength left to make an organized
stand against the United Na ons
forces. What was left heade for
the hills, presumably to wage guer-
rilla warfare as long as possible.
* * *
Red elite left behind to cover its
headlong flight were surrenderng
by the thousands.
In its seventeenth 'week, the
end of the bitter war was in
sight. Top Allied conmanders
expected only gurrilla resist-
ance from now on.
Capture of the Red stronghold
of Pyongyang undoubtedly broke
tlh back of Korean Red morale;
and on both' the east and west
coasts, the Allies were striking
deeper toward the Korean-Man-
churian border.
Stalks Campus
For Palefaces
When out from the paleface
From behind the staring moon-
Came the slow and solemn five
Telling that the evening spirit
Wandersdover the woods and
Lights the campfires of the
Then the Michigamua warriors
In their feathers and their war-
Soon will gather 'round the oak

'Round the oak tree called the
, Tappan
There to greet the trembling pale-
Many in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins
For before they take the long trail
To the home of Michigamua
Many trails and many tortures
First must prove their strength
and courage
Ere the redman bids them wel-

Supervised Woo Plan Gets Cold Shoulder Here

Supervised woo pitching got a
cool reception here yesterday.
Women students wouldn't go
for a' University established "lov-
ers' paradise" even if it guaran-
teed protection against "snoop-
ing police", a sorority president
She termed "nutty" a University
of Wisconsin sociologist's plan to
have reasonably supervised, well
lighted lovers' lanes set up by that
"I don't see where that would
give you any privacy at all. Besides
campus cops aren't always such a

said that the principle behind the
Wisconsin idea is good.
The plan, proposed by Prof.
Howard B. Gill to a group of
Wisconsin housemothers, con-
demned as disgusting "the idea
of police lying in wait to pounce
on the intimicies of students."
Prof. Gill called for "a lovers
paradise with comfortable bench-
es, and good lighting where re-
sponsible and mature students
could do a bit of romancing in pri-
vate - with reasonablei super-
Dean Robertson said such an

versity police a mark of
nalism on the part of the
"Love will always find a
spite of police."
,'I * ,

way in

Leona Dakema, resident director
at Martha Cook, love seems to
find its way to dormitory steps.
"I don't believe in using pub-
lic places for private purposes,"
Mrs. Dekama said. "There are
plenty of quiet, shady spots
around Ann A r b o r where
couples can clinch if they have
td, although I feel that more
self control would be a good

selves, who could be their own
campus cops.
* *
the idea of benched areas by
James Hood, '51E.
"Now ihe only place you can
go is to some over-lighted house
steps," he complained.
Bernie Kahn, '52, joined Hood
in condemning.the limited facili-
ties for courtship here. Kahn said
that he couldn't see any objection
to setting up places for students to
conduct their love-making in pri-
BUT MANY students wondered

"responsible and mature" stu-
dents are who would receive ac-
cess to the lovers' lane,
George Allen, '52, expressed
doubt that students would keep
their courtship fully in control
"Besides I don't think students
are spied on by police too much.
Of course I may be an exception;
my girl lives in a private home."
All in all students and faculty
members were skeptical of super-
vised courting. But two psycholo-
gy instructors took a broad view of
the whole problem.
"I am unopposed to sex," "Wil-








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