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October 19, 1950 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-19

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Ex'l' GreatBack As Badger Coach

Connie ack Quits As A's Pilot


Another old Wolverine will be
back Saturday,Mall prepared to
scalp his Alma Mater.
Ivan Williamson, or 'Ivy' as he
is known to his associates in the
coaching fraternity, will stride in-
to Michigan Stadium with his
Wisconsin Badgers.
WILLIAMSON, a Michigan
grad, class of '32, captained the
1932 edition of the Maize and
Blue which took the Western Con-
ference crown.
In fact Williamson seems to
have given Michigan the confer-
ence crown touch. In his three
years here, Williamson, a great
end, and the Wolverines each
Toledo Edges
Michigan Tars
In Sailing Tilt
Toledo University's tars edged
out the Michigan Sailing Club to
capture first place in the Bowling
Green Invitational Regatta held
Sunday at the Ottawa River
Yacht Club on the Maumee Riv-
The Wolverines and Rockets led
the eight team field throughout
the entire meet and were tied for
the lead at the end of the third
race of the 'B' division and the
Sixth race of the 'A' division.
THE ISSUE was in doubt until
the last two races when the Toledo
sailors pulled away and won with
a total of 120apoints to the Wol-
verine's 111.
The other schools in the or-
der in which they finished were
Depauw, Chicago, Oberlin, Bowl-
ing Green, Notre Dame, and
Representing Michigan in the
'A' division was the crew of Bob
Allen and Li Steinhardt and in
the 'B' division Paul Paris and
Peggy Graham.

batted a thousand, he being a
three letter man and Michigan
taking the Big Ten title three
straight times.
Harry Kipke, who coached those
three Wolverine powerhouses, de-
scribes Williamson as "one of the
greatest ends ever to wear the
Maize and Blue, a great and cou-
rageous competitor."
* * *
WILLIAMSON learned most of
his basic coaching tactics from an
astute teacher, Yale's great of-
fensive whizz Ducky Pond. From
1934 to 1940, Williamson worked
under the eccentric Pond at old
Eli before serving a term in the
After a six year hitch with
the sea service, during which
time he coached at several
training stations, Williamson
returned to Yale and assisted
Howie Odell in 1946.
His first big chance at a head
coaching spot came in 1947, when
after Hook Mylin moved ffom La-
fayette to NYU, the ex-Wolverine
took over at the Pennsylvania
HE WAS highly successful in the
small college ranks, winning seven
Lacrosse contestants are to
play at 4:30 p.m. today at
Ferry Field.
-Earl Riskey.
out of nine in 1947 and leading all
Pennsylvania colleges in offense
during 1948.
Last year, Williamson led the
Badgers to a highly successful
season, winning five and drop-
ping three while tying one,
This Saturday Williamson
brings his Badgers to Ann Arbor
with & double incentive: 1) to
knock off Michigan so his Badgers
can get a good chance to take the
Big Ten crown, and 2) to knock
off Michigan to show the old home
folk what an old Wolverine great
can do.

'M' in Heavy
.ine Practice
For Badgers
Michigan went through usual
workouts in preparation for Satur-
day's game with the Wisconsin
The line spent considerable time
at the tackling and blocking dum-
mies, while the defensive plattoon
was tested against Wisconsin plays,
performed by the J-V's.
* * *
HEAVY SIGNAL and line drills
showed the Maize and Blue grid-
ders to be in tip-top shape with
two notable exceptions.
Leo Koceski, who severely in-
jured his knee in the Army
game, is definitely out of the
Wisconsin clash and Oosterbaan
will rely on Frank Howell, Don
Oldham and Tom Witherspoon
to fill the star halfback's-
shoes on offense.
Either Tony Momsen or Bill Bil-
lings will be counted on to replace
Koceski in the punting depart-
ment-that is, if Chuck Ortmann
is still unable to kick.
* * *
HARRY ALLIS, whose hand in-
jury appears to have healed per-'
ceptively, has not yet angaged in
workouts this week but he will
probably be available for the Wis-
consin tussle.
Dick Mc Williams sported a
cast on his right hand from a
bad sprain although he ran
through full scrimmages. He too
should be ready for full-time
duty on Saturday.
Dave Hill and Don Peterson re-
ceived extensive drills at the tail-
back position while Ralph Straf-l
fon and Don Dufek performed at

Grand Old Man' Retires
After 50 Years Service

# * *

nie Mack, baseball's "grand old
man," resigned yesterday after 50
years as manager of the Philadel-
phia Athletics.
And into his shoes as manager
stepped Jimmy Dykes, 54, star
third baseman of the Athletics
when Connie Mack's team domi-
nated the baseball picture two dec-
ades ago.
lers, 52, director of the American
League club's farm system, was
elevated to the position of general
Although the lanky 87-year
old leader of the Athletics had
been under fire for some time by
sports fans as having outlived
his usefulness, his resignation
came as a surprise. The an-
nouncement was made at a press
"I am retiring from the active
management of the baseball club
but will remain as a director," Mr.
Mack said.
ACTUALLY, he'll retain the of-
fice of president with his oldest
son, Roy, vice president, and an-
other son, Earle, secretary-trea-
Roy and Earle own all
the stock except that in posses-
sion of their father. They pur-
chased therstock from Connie
Mack, Jr., a half-brother, and
the Shibe interests last month
as the culmination of a bitter
argument within the organiza-
Mack became manager of the
Athletics when the American
League was organized in 1901. A
major league catcher in the early
days of the sport, Mack directed

. ..one pennant short
* * *
the Athletics to nine American
League pennants and five world
BUT SINCE the Athletics lost to
the St. Louis Cardinals in the 1931
series, they have failed toncome
through. They finished second the
following year and since then have
wound up in the first division only
twice, in 1933 and 1948.
Mack had hoped to celebrate
his golden anniversary of man-
aging with a pennant in 1950
and then announce his retire-
ment, but the team's pitching
fell apart and it found itself
mired in the second division,
finishing a badly beaten last.
To Dykes the appointment came
as a surprise.
have the least idea where I would
be in baseball next year," he said,
"I amflabbergasted about my
appointment. Stepping into the
shoes of a man who has run the
club for 50 years is a job that is
too big for me, too big for any
"I am not afraid of being a man-
ager. I have been through all that
before but I am afraid in follow-
ing in the footsteps of Mr. Mack
and carrying out his ideas."
Dykes, manager of the Chicago
White Sox from 1934 to 1946; suc-
ceeded Earle Mack as assistant
manager during the past season.
At the same time, Mickey Coch-l
rane, former A's star catcher, wasi
made general manager. Cochrane,
however, resigned shortly before
the end of the season.

Cadet Center
Voted Week's
Top Lineman
WEST POINT, .N. Y.-(R)-The
Michigan football team didn't have
to ask "Where's Elmer?" when it
played Army last Saturday.
But Elmer Stout, 20-year-old de-
fensive center at the U.S. Military
Academy was a hard man to lo-
cate today when someone wanted
to break the news that he'd been
chosen Associated Press college
football lineman of the week.
UNWILLING to discuss his sterl-
ing performance in backing up
Army's line, the reserved, soft-
spoken second classman (junior)
simply smiled when he learned of
his nomination.
The 180-pound shock producer
from South River, N. J., was high
in his prase for the Michigan
blockers who "rocked him" time
and again.
And he had great respect for
Michigan All-American candidate
Chuck Ortmann who "surprised
me with his running ability."
* * *
CALLING THE defensive sig-
nals, Stout led the Army gang in
tossing back Michigan four times
when the Wolverines moved to the
shadows of Cadet goal posts.
"One of the outstanding line
backers in the country," said
Coach Earl (Red) Blaik of Stout.
who covers more ground in the
Army secondary than two men
would normally be expected to pro-
Fraternity I-M
The annual intramural frater-
nity track meet will be held this
afternoon at Ferry Field begin-
ning at 4:15 p.m.
Earl Riskey, intramural head,
reports that a 25 team field in-
cluding defending champions,
Delta Upsilon, is entered in the
outdoor festivities.
Opening the program will be.
the 65 yards high hurdles at
4:15 p.m. The last event, the
65 yards low hurdles, is slated
to get underway at 5:30 p.m.
Sandwiched in between the
hurdles are eight contests includ-
ing the mile, the running broad
jump, shot put, pole vault, high
jump, the 100 yard dash, 440 yard
run, and the 880 yard run.

CHICAGO- (I)-Former heavy-
weight champion Joe Louis, trying
a comeback from a comeback that
failed, is going to nail 'em early
henceforth -- and that includes
champion Ezzard Charles, if and
when they meet -again.
The long trail back begins at
Chicago Stadium Nov. 29 when
Louis meets Argentine Cesar
Brion whose 10 round bout with
the erstwhile Brown Bomber was
announced yesterday.
JIM NORRIS, International
Boxing Club chief, broke the news
in New York just as Louis applied
for an Illinois boxing license- and
publicly discussed his plans to con-
tinue in the ring for the first
Joe plans "three or four"
fights before challenging Charles
for a re-match. When Louis said
he was "through" after his Sept.
27 pummeling by Charles, it
was onedofdthose spontaneous
slips he didn't mean.
"I have thought it over and now
I think I can beat Charles," said
Louis. He added:
"YOU KNOW I fought 60, 70
exhibitions before I fought
Charles, and you fight an exhibi-
tion without getting real tough. I
musta had the same frame of
mind against Charles. Right along,
I planned to dump Charles : in
three or four. Just before the fight,
I switched after a couple of people
advised me and decided to box
him. That was wrong.
"From now on, I'm goin' out
right after the other guy and
nail him like I used to."
Reminded that he might not
meet Charles again until next
June and would then be a year
older, 36-year-old Louis came back
quick as a flash with: "So will
NO, JOE DIDN'T know who he
would fight if he beats Brion, a
bout in which Joe will get 371/2
per cent of the gate and Brion
221/2. But the IBA reportedly will
have him take on Lee Oma in
Detroit and Rocky Marciano in
Madison Square Garden.
Against 26-year-old Brion, a

rough-and-ready 192-pound scrap-
per with 31 wins and three de-
feats since he turned pro in 1945,
Louis will have a 25-pound weight
pull. Crude, but coming, Brion
last fought 10 days ago, outpoint-
ing Vern Mitchell in New York.
In view of Joe's vow to bang
away early and often, the Nov.
29 bout may have a touch of vio-

I-M Football


Zeta Beta Tau 24 Lambda Chi
Alpha 6
Theta Chi 12 Phi Sigma Kap-
pa 6
Delta Chi 25 Acacia 6
Theta Xi 6 Kappa Nu 0
Chi Phi 13 Theta Delta Chi 6
Kappa Sigma 17 Triangle 0
Alpha Tau Omega 6 Beta The-
ta Pi 8
Chi Psi 18 Trigon 0
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 32 Phi
Gamma Delta 0

Louis Plans Comeback,
To Fight South A merican


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 21

Toy All Department Heads - Di-
rectories: Will you please requisi-
tion as many Directories as you
will need for your department. Di-
rectories will be available for dis-
tribution on Oct. 27 and will be

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delivered by Campus mail on re-
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-Herbert G. Watkins
Placement Registration: All stu-
dents who were unable to attend
the placement meetings held at
the Rackham Bldg. on Mon. or
Tues. may obtain registration ma-
terial the rest of this week -
through Friday-at the office, 3528
Admin. Bldg.-office hours 9-12.
All Undergrapuate Women Stu-
dents living in Ann Arbor or the
vicinity (outside university resi-
dences) are invited to a meeting
of the Ann Arbor Girl's Club to-
night at 7:30 in the Kalamazoo
Room of the Michigan League.
Late Permission: On the night
of the Homecoming Dance, Oct.
21, all women students may have
1:30 a.m. permission.
Aeronautical Engineering Stu-
dents: There is available one $500
Richard L. Perry Memorial Fel-
lowship to students in Aeronauti-
cal Engineering who are in need
of financial assistance and who
show definite promise in this field.
In the selection of a candidate
preference will be given to veteran
pilots. Applications should be in
letter form, giving a statement of
services in the armed forces, and
addressed to Prof. A. M. Kuethe,
1501 E. Engineering Bldg. Appli-
cations will be received up to Oct.
Choral Union Members whose
attendance records are clear will
please pick up their passes for the
Boston Symphony Orchestra con-
cert Fri., Oct. 20, between 9:30-
11:30 and 1:00-4:00, at the Uni-
(Continued on Page 4)

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