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October 19, 1950 - Image 1

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:43 a t I


VOL. LXI, No. 21



Red Capita
U.S. Troops
Victory Climaxes
13 Mile Advancel
TOKYO - () - United States
First Cavalry troops fought their
way yesterday into the deserted
Red Korean capital of Pyongyang,
a field dispatch reported.
This would make a 13-mile final
advance against fiercely resisting
Reds seeking to protect the flight
of Premier Kim Il Sung's govern-
ment and army northward.
United States Eighth Army
Headquarters at Seoul received
word that elements of two regi-
ments had battled into the ancient
' city.
the Red rear guard opposition yes-
terday while engaged in a race
with the South Korean First Di-
vision for the honor of being the
irst into Pyongyang.
Striking out yesterday morn-
ing from the town of Hukkyo,
the troopers powered their way
through Chunghwa, 10 miles out,
and then drove on into the city,
the field dispatch said.
Strong armored reinforcements
were rushing up to support the
Captured Pyongyang civilians
told a South Korean Army spokes-
man that Premier Kim Il Sung's
Red government had fled to Hui-
chon, 80 miles north of Pyong-
yang. They said the Red army had
moved military headquarters 10
miles north of the capital to Sun-
"We will launch a new attack as.
soon as we can spread out and hit
the enemy positions," said a Unit-
ed States Eighth Army spokesman.
He added, "We have overwhelm-
ing force at our command and, as
soon as we can get set, nothing can
stop us."
THE STIFF Red defense was
strictly a rear guard action. Pyong-
yang itself was deserted. Main
Red forces and civilians stirred up
clouds of dust in their headlong
flight north of the capital.
South Korea's Pusan radio had
said, without confirmation, that
the Republic's forces entered Py-
On the west end of the surg-
ing Allied battle line, the U.S.
24th Division sliced westward to-
ward Chinnampo, the port for
Right behind the First Cavalry,
a British Commonwealth Brigade
of Scottish Highlanders, English
Midlanders and Australians
stamped out the last resistance in
Sariwon, 35 miles south of Pyong-
There were no fresh reports
from the northeast end of the Al-
lied line since South Korean troops
captured the twin industrial cities
of Hamhung and Hungnam, 110
miles south of the Korean-Man-
churian Border.
The United States Far East Air
Forces said bombers and fighters
pounded North Korean Reds in
the Pyongyang area with "excel-
lent results."
Pleads Guilty
To Spy Charge

NEW YORK-(P)-A 28-year-
old former Army sergeant, who
worked on the atomic bomb,
Ipleaded guilty yesterday to con-
spiring to slip secret government
information to Russia during war-
David Greenglass, the chunky
former soldier, stood with bowed
head and clasped hands before
Federal Judge William Bondy as
the charge against him was read.
Greenglass, who worked on the
atom bomb at Los Alamos, -:- Mex.,
originally was indicted in New
Mexico. Thin he was named in a
superseding indictment with four
others, including former Russian
Vice-Consul in New York, Anatoli
A. Yakovlev The latter is now be-
lieved to be in Russia.
In tne light of Greenglass' plea
it was expected he would turn
government witness to escape the
death penalty.
He was the third American to
plead guilty to atom spy charges.
When arrested last June Green-

SL Votes Closer
Ties With NSA
Plans for Thanksgiving Holiday
To Be Sent to House Groups
Student Legislators last night received copies of the Thanks-
giving Holiday plan to distribute to house groups and voted to bring
the National Student Association into a closer relationship with the
The Thanksgiving holiday plan, calling for a four day vacation,
was turned down for this year by the University's Conference of
Deans Tuesday.
* * * *
HOWEVER the student body should become familiar with the
plan and begin working on its approval for next year, Dave Belin,

Anti - Aggression







French Flee
Border Post
SAIGON, Indochina - (AP) -
Screened by typhoon weather,
French troops menaced by Com-
munist-led Vietminh Nationalists
have abandoned the frontier post
of Dong Dang, on a traditional in-
vasion route from Communist
The withdrawal, the fifth by
frontier garrisons within a month,
was announced by a French mili-
tary spokesman yesterday. He
said it was carried out in good
order and without unusual pres-
sure from the Vietminh guerril-
las, who are directed by Moscow-
trained Ho Chi Minh.
* * *
AGAINST A background of
military reverses, Premier Tran
Van Huu of the French-supported
Vietnamese government proposed
in an interview that the United
States help him build, up a na-
tional army of 40,000 troops im-
mediately, plus a navy and air
"I ask friendly nations to as-
sist me in placing the projected
army under purely Vietnamese
control," he said.
The State Department said the
major part of all American funds
earmarked for arms shipments to
the Far least would go to Indo-
china to pay for arms, munitions
and newly requested light bomb-
An official estimated Indo-
china's share at about $500,000,-
000. High American officials said
France, a key partner in the North
Atlantic pact, is likely to get up
to $6,000,000,000 in American mili-
tary aid during the next three
Reports Hint
Wake Accord
WASHINGTON - () - Gov-
ernment officials spread a report
yesterday that President Truman
and Ge. Douglas MacArthur had
reached general agreement on the
hot issue of Formosa-and a Re-
publican critic of administration
policy, immediately demanded that
the report be checked up to Mac-
Senator Knowland (R-Calif) de-
clared that the public should re-
ceive the facts directly from the
General and President Truman
rather than through "second hand
The developments followed Pres-
ident Truman's return home from
his dramatic Wake Island confer-
ence with MacArthur, during
which they discussed Korea and
other major matters. One of these
was Formosa, on which the Presi-
dent and the General have vot
seen eye toeye.

>'51, originator of the plan, em-
Copies of the plan will be post-
ed in all houses, and Belin re-
quested that house presidents
inform SL of their groups re-
sponse to it.
Under the revised NSA struc-
ture, the work of the association
will be done by the standing com-
mittees of SL, instead of the sepe-
rate NSA Committee. "This will
result in a close affiliaton between
SL and NSA and prevent dupli-
cation of committee work," legis-
lator Dorarinne Zipperstein, ex-
The present NSA committee
members willbe redistributed to
other SL committees. The Legis-
lature will consider the actual or-
ganization of the new set-up at
its next meeting.
THE STUDENT Legislature also
heard report on this summer's
Third National Student Congress
held here at Ann Arbor. The dele-
gates reported that, contrary to a
report in Life Magazine, many
concrete proposals had been dis-
cussed and accepted at the con-
vention. '
Included in the results were
a revamping of the Student Dis-
count Service with purchase
cards to be given away.
The delegates also reported that
the University's system of faculty
evaluation was the most advanced
at the congress.
FOLLOWING the report on the
NSA Congress, a representative of
the Japan International Christian
University asked that the SL con-
duct a fund raising drive on cam- .
pus for that university. The re-
quest was turned over to the Cul-
ture and Education Committee for
Also distributed to Legislators
last night were petitions drawn
up by a special SL committee
protesting the expiration of rent
control in Ann Arbor. The peti-
tions will be circulated by SL
members and then presented to
the Ann Arbor city council,
which has authority to act upon
rent control in the city.
Audrey Smedly, chairman of
SL's Michigan Forum also an-
nounced last night that any stu-
dents wishing to work on the com-
mittee should meet with her at
4:30 next Tuesday in the Union.
The Forum will sponsor discus-
sion groups and lectures by promi-
nent speakers throughout the year.
At another meeting, also held
last night, the Engineering Coun-
cil announced that a special elec-
tion will be held in conjunction
with this fall's SL election to
choose a successor to Ned Hess,
ousted Engineering School presi-
dent. The election will take place
Nov. 21 and 22. Petitions for botf
the SL and engineering president
are available at the SL office.
Walter Oberreit, chairman of
SL's Crusade for. Freedom Cam-
paign, reported that 3200 names
have already been collected with
the final total not yet compiled.
Because of the great response
throughout the country, the drive
will be extended a full month until
Nov. 16.

In Florida
Damage Amounts
To Five Million
MIAMI-(I)-A tropical hurri-
cane degenerated into widespread
gale winds in central Florida yes-
terday after it had ripped up south
Florida's Atlantic coast, killing two
persons and causing several mil-
lions of dollars damage.
The Weather Bureau ordered all
hurricane warning flags lowered
late today but kept storm warn-
ings flying from Stuart, Fla., north
to Cape Hatteras, N. C.
AT 4:30 p.m. the Weather Bu-
reau said the "remains of the hur-
ricane, greatly reduced in force"
were blowing about midway be-
tween Daytona Beach and Ocala,
95 miles inland.
The storm was moving north-
ward at 17 to 18 miles an hour.
The American Red Cross re-
ported 128 homes destroyed and
13,464 damaged to some extent
by the tropical storm's 125-mile
winds in Dade and Broward Coun-
ties on the peninsula's lower east
ONE WOMAN was killed, her
husband critically injured, and
their four children hurt when the
hurricane smashed their home at
West Hollywood. Sixty-five per-
sons received hospital treatment
for injuries in the two counties.
Forty of the injured were in the
Miami area.
The other fatality was an un-
identified man whose body was
found in the wreckage of his
home at West Hallandale.
Damage was tentatively esti-
mated at $5 million in Dade, Brow-
ard and Palm Beach counties by
Grady Norton, chief storm fore-
caster. He said the estimate un-
doubtedly would rise as more com-
plete reports were received. News-
paper estimates ran as high as $8
million for the Miami area alone.
Company C of the Florida Na-
tional guard was called outto pro-
tect property and prevent looting
in three hard hit communities-
West Hallandale, West Hollywood,
and Davie. The towns, each with
about 2,000 population, are 12, 16
and 27 miles north of Miami.
Prof. Knappen
Hits MSC Ban
versity professor joined in a pro-
test meeting of Michigan State
College faculty members against
the college's ban on partisan poli-
tics for staff members Tuesday.
"Naturally we are concerned at
Ann Arbor," Prof. Marshall Knap-
pen, a member of the University's
political science department said.
"Every college professor should be
concerned about the restrictions
imposed on any fellow professor."
"When you concede one of these
infringements now others will fol-
low," he told a group of MSC fac-
ulty members.

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
ATOMIC LECTURER-David E. Lilienthal, who delivered the
first lecture in the 79th oratorical series last night takes a quick
look at his notes before ascending to the Hill Auditorium stage.
* * * *
Lifienthal Ridicules AEC
Atomic Information Policy

Eye Say
By The Associated Press
LONDON-O. D. Rasmussen,
who has been gazing into
women's eyes the world over
for years, says womenof Brit-
am's upper middle class have
the most beautiful orbs in the
Optician Rasmussen sizes up
women's eyes this way:
French-Their eyes have a
certain hardness.
German-Too staring.
American-Too Intelligent.
Russian - Not intelligent
Rages over
Hlanley Note
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-The Hanley letter
controversy spread yesterday as
politicians wondered what effect
it would have on New York's
6,000,000 registered voters in the
elections Nov. 7.
The World-Telegram and Sun
quoted "unimpeachable Republi-
can sources" as saying that Rep.
W. Kingsland Macy tried to use
the letter to high-pressure a Sen-
ate candidacy for himself.
MACY WOULD not comment on
the report, but his friends said a
copy of Hanley's letter was shown
at the GOP State Convention 12
hours before Macy receivec it.
In his letter to Macy, Lieut.
Gov. Joe R. Hanley, the GOP
Senate candidate, said that in
conference with Gov. Thomas
E. Dewey he received "unalter-
able propositions" which would
enable him to pay off his debts
in 90 days if he ran for the Sen-
Hanley had wanted to run for
Governor but stepped aside and
Gov. Dewey was renominated. -
Dewey denied making any mon-
ey deal with Hanley and Hanley
himself denounced as a "new low
in political smears" Democratic
charges that he was paid off to
make way for Dewey to run for
Rep. Walter A. Lynch, Demo-
crat-Liberal candidate for. Gov-
ernor called for impeachment and
prosecution of Dewey. He said the
letter showed Dewey had violated
the state criminal code forbidding
the bartering of public office.
FCC Defends
Color Choice
eral Communications Commission
yesterday struck back at the crit-
ics of its color television decision
of last week.
Breaking silence on the pro-
tests, including court actions,
which followed its selection of
Columbia Broadcasting System
color as the nation's official color
system, FCC issued a statement de-
signed to refute a charge by' RCA
in the Chicago suit that FCC was
influenced in its decision for CBS
by a commission engineer who in-
vented a device useful to the Co-
lunbia system.

The Atomic Energy Commis-
sion's policy of keeping all atomic
information top-secret was ridi-
culed by David E. Lilienthal open-
ing the 1950-51 lecture series last
"The government decides who
can think, by default who can't
and about what," he declared. "I'm
not 'agin' government, in fact my
years of public service on the Ten-
nessee Valley Authority should
World News
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM - Outgoing Pre-
mier David Ben-Gurion asked
President Chaim Weizmann yes-
terday to have someone else
form a caretaker government
pending the national elections
called to solve Israel's political
WASHINGTON - The Natiunal
Production Authority last night
proposed to the construction in-
dustry a possible shutdown on the
building of amusement places
such as race tracks, dance halls
and amusement parks.
LONDON-Britain's Labor Gov-
ernment won approval of the
House of Commons by a 12-vote
margin last night for its man-
agement of the Nationalized
Transport industry.
*. * *
PARIS - Preffiier Rene Pleven
indicated last night his govern-
ment will resign unless the Na-
tional Assembly supports it fully
on Indochinese policy.

prove I believe that government
can do some jobs well."
* * *
fecting industrial use of atomic
power, 'he maintained, is some-
thing that only industry can do
and do well.
On the security side, Lilien-
thal reportedthat the United
States has a "formidable" stock-
pile of atomic weapons, in con-
trast to 1946 when he became
AEC boss.
"Information on atomic wea-
pons must be classified," he add-
ed. But he condemned the haze
of fear that has surrounded any-
thing atomic since the first bomb
was detonated over Hiroshima.
"Such projects as the Michigan
Memorial Phoenix Project, which.
sponsor independent investigation
of peaceful uses of the atom can
be the, center for breaking this
awesome hold that fear has over
the people."4
TO GET through this fear-rid-
den period Lilienthal made four
1. The American public must
get the right frame of mind
about atomic weapons, and learn
to see the whole picture clearly.
2. The public must see that
the atomic bomb is neither the
absolute weapon with no possi-
ble defense, nor the complete
cure for Communism. "The value
of the bomb is over-rated," he-
3. Create a secrecy* policy
which makes more sense.
4. Rely on the faiths that have
put America on top: faith in the
power of many men with ideas,
unbreakable courage; and sense,
not sensationalism.

Action Hits
At Russia's
Veto Power
Program Seen.
As Far-Reaching
Assembly's Political Committee
overwhelmingly approved yester-
day a veto-free plan to combat ag-
gression anywhere in the world,
by armed force if necessary.
The vote was by paragraphs and
sections, and no vote was taken
on the resolution as a whole since
all sections were approved. The
vote in all cases was well over tlie
two-thirds majority neded for
final ratification later by a plen-
ary session of the general assem-
THE PROGRAM was described
by, the United States and other
sponsors as the most far-reaching
ever brought before the UN. It
provides for:
1. Emergency sessions of the
60-nation general assembly, call-
ed on 24-hour notice, whenever
the security council is prevented
by a veto from acting against
2. A peace, patrol system to
check on the world's trouble
3. Designation by member
nations of specific units of their
armed forces to be placed at the
disposal of the United Nations
in times of crisis.
4. Establishment of a commit-
tee to blueprint collective securi-
ty plans.
A number of soviet amendments
designed to emasculate the pro-
gram were defeated in the section
by section and paragraph by para-
graph votes. A week and a half of
debate preceded the balloting.
* S S
BASIC AIM of the entire plan
is to prevent a security council
veto by the Soviet Union or any
other major power from paralyz-
ing United Nations machinery
when the peace is breached.
Indian Move
May Result in
Ouster of Lie
LAKE SUCCESS -()- Russia,
Nationalist China and Egypt lined
up today behind an unexpected
Indian move which in effect would
throw Trygve Lie out of office next
Feb. 2 and select a new Secretary-
General for the UN. ,
Russia suggested the new man
should come from Latin America
or Asia.
The Security Council met in
secret session for two hours today
without reaching a decision and
without bringing new names open-
ly into the issue. The council will
meet again tomorrow after mem-
bers have heard from their home
governments on the Indian pro-
A MEETING of the General As-
sembly called for today to act
finally on an extension of Lie's
term was cancelled. It cannot be
held while the council still is con-
sidering the question.
The United States stood by
Lie during today's session. The
Russians are reported to be talk-
ing about Luis Padilla Nerv,
Mexican Delegate, Sir B. N. Rau
of India, or Sir Ramaswami
Mudallar, India, as possibilities.
The Council meeting was called

at the request of Soviet Deputy
Foreign Minister Jacob A. Malik,
but Rau took the leading hand in
the session. He proposed that each
of the 11 members nominate two
men for the post of Secretary-
THESE NAMES would be put
in a secret ballot box and turned
over to the five permanent mem-
bers of council - Russia, United
States, France, Britain and China.
Pa.. ni of.; *4!. ior n.69V.. nrnild 4 an




Pro's and Con's

of Women's Rights Aired in Debate

Cropped hair, blue jeans and
the emancipation of women were
thoroughly aired by the combined
British-American debate teams
Altering the topic, "Women's
Rights," to "Resolved, that this
house deplores the emancipation of
women," both teams were divided

in common," he continued, "the
more you give away to a woman
for herself, the less you have for
yourself." ,
"In this country, women are su-
preme. In giving freedom to your
women, you have enslaved your-
selves. Succumbin'g to the evils of
women you have lost your integ-
rity, your liberty," he asserted.

women, Lloyd Kaiser, graduate
student of the speech department,
declared that insecure men are
afraid of competition when they
say "no women wanted in the field
of work"
"Women are somewhat frustrat-
ed because they are not allowed to
channelize their energies and make
proper use of them. They are not

the speech department, declared
that women are responsible for
the dangerous aggression into
the male domain because they
ftel they must assert themselves.
"We've agreed that women are
a particular kind of humanity,"
he pointed out, "and their cropped
hair and blue jeans are examples
of their asserted aggression."

the most important function of
civilization to perform. But they
are ignoring their responsibility
as home-makers and mothers to
enter the domain which should
be reserved for men alone," he
Gwynn Williams from the Uni-
versity College of North Wales be-
lieves that free competition be-
+_- " m .6"A 11-nma" ha. irn

like to see sheep in wolves' cloth-
ing," Williams quipped.
Following the debate, the audi-
ence asked questions pertaining to
the controversial statements made.
Alwyn Smith when questioned
declared he would refuse medical
help from a woman doctor in a
moment of emergency because "In
another'year, I shall be a doctor

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