PAGE FO1r1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. OCTOWX iR Isa U ________________________________________________________________________ U WEI~NESDAY, OGTO3iX 13 IS. NSA Report EVERY SO OFTEN, a governmental agen- cy takes a look at the way it is working and comes up with a new idea for more efficiency. Tonight, the Student Legislature will indulge in this bit of self-examination when it considers the reorganization of the campus National Student Association com- mittee. At present, NSA is one of the SL's standing committees. This arrangement has proved workable but somewhat confusing. At many schools the NSA committee is the student government. Here, a clear definition of the relationship between NSA and SL has always been an unanswered question. It has resulted in duplication of effort and confusion as to what matters should be taken up by the committee and what by the entire Student Legislature. As a solution, the proposed reorganization calls for the elimination of a separate NSA committee. Instead, NSA delegates'-the 14. students chosen by the SL Cabinet to rep- resent Michigan at all NSA conferences- will be members of other SL committees. ' Such an arrangement would unite the efforts of NSA and those of SL and would do away with the false dichotomy now existing. Under the new plan, the entire Student Legislature would benefit from closer contact with the national student group. One of NSA's main purposes is to serve as a nation-wide coordinator of student gov- ernment. Therefore, a move on this campus. to unite NSA ,and SL into one functioning group would' probably benefit both. The Legislators will be adopting a wise policy and taking a sound administrative step to- night by accepting the new plan. -Roma Lipsky THOMAS L. STOKES: Two Key Campaigns "Personally, I Got One Of Them Bipartisan Policies" W ASHINGTON-Of all the Congressional election contests, two are attracting the most attention here-one because of the titular position in the Democratic party in Congress occupied by the figure involved; the other because of the commanding posi- tion, won by the second figure in the Re- publican party, both in Congress and out- side. Reference is to Scott Lucas of Illinois, Senate administration. floor leader, and Robert A. Taft of Ohio, chairman of the Republican Policy Committee in the Sen- ate and otherwise the party's most influ- ential leader in Congress. Both are in close and hard-fought races, with the outcomes doubtful from all reports. If Senator Lucas should be defeated by former Republican House member Everett Dirksen, the administration would suffer the psychological blow that loss of its Sen- ate leader and spokesman naturally repre- sents, though he could be replaced. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY would suffer a much heavier psychological defeat if Senator Taft were eliminated by his Demo- ,cratic opponent, state auditor Joe Fergu- son. Senator Taft could not be so easily re- placed because of the special and peculiar position he has come to fill in the Republi- can party. Senator Taft often is called "Mr. Re- publican," and with considerable logic, since he is somehow a symbol of earnest, honest-if somewhat strict-conservatism. The term is applied to him ironically by some if with serious admiration by others. The Ohio Senator does not, of course, re- present all Republicans by any means, not actually or as a symbol. What he represents chiefly is midwest Republicanism, as it might be termed broadly, though there is a lot.of it elsewhere. It is midwest Republi- canism that is predominant in Congress. This is because Republican tenure is more certain from the midwest, as is Democratic tenure in the South. Consequently, midwest Republicans rise more easily to places of power in Congress through the seniority rule, as do Democrats from the South. That contributes to Mr. Taft's prestige and influence, but only partly. Much of it lies in his own industry and perseverence, his close study of-issues, and his willingness to lead, to speak up, and to stick out his neck. The Senator always seeks an answer, and finds one to suit him. His less industrious colleagues are willing to take it in a urge number of cases. APOLITICAL PARTY'S record is made in Congress to a considerable degree. The result is that in the public mind the party comes to stand for what the party in Con- gress stands for, and so the Republican party becomes identified with Mr. Taft since his imprint is so heavily on the Republicana record. This irritates Republicans who dis- agree with the Senator-a minority in Congress, but seemingly quite a considerable body outside, including such party leaders as Governors Dewey of New York and War- ren of California. i~ { ' i l F. ' -z . Y + M L } f q ki n F i 4 * S Ox t\ {k .y{'AFC (' l i , i ',Y , , iv Yi s 'off : " " Vii. '< .. 1 e ... > << 'z :., .' _ =ly z . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ART XetteA/ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for anyreason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB KEITH DREW PEARSON: Washington .merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-Rep. Ralph Gwinn from aristocratic Westchester County, New York, stuck out his neck a country mile the other day. The white-haired congressman thundered to Bronxville constituents: "How can there be any brains or intelli- gence in the democratic administration when its chief magistrate couldn't even run a haberdashery store? Harry Truman went busted." What Gwinn failed to tell the voters was that he himself also flopped when he attempted to operate a bank during the Florida real-estate boom in the late '20's. Gwinn's bank, the City National of Miami, was forced to close because of poor management, leaving some 5,700 de- positors holding the bag for.$5,996,970.02. Depositors finally recovered about half of this, but they had to fight the case through the courts for over 10 years to get even this from Gwinn and his senior part- ner in the bank deal, J. C. Penney, the chain-store king. Since many of the depositors and stock- holders in the bank resided in New York, the suit wound up in the New York courts. The official records sizzle with criticism of Gwinn and Penney. Federal District Judge John Clark Knox of New York (Southern District) handed down a decision, describ- ing phe Penney-Gwinn bank failure as: ".. . A story of neglect, poor judgment and erroneous policy that is at once amazing and startling. Reports upon the bank's condition, its profits, losses and' commitments, went regularly to Gwinn. Other details of management were under his supervision and direction/' The court record shows that even when the Miami Bank was on the brink of failure, Gwinn continued to make demands on it for money for his and Penney's enter- prises. After receiving .a letter from the bank's vice president stating that a request by Gwinn for a $110,000 withdrawal "would leave our cash- much too low and would cause comment among our own employees," Gwinn wrote back on July 16, 1929: "I trust you can work out the $110,000 at the earliest possible moment." At this time the bank already was de- faulting on its payments. Nonetheless, Pen- ney sent a telegram to allay the fears of Miami-depositors, stating: "Impress on our depositors the fact that ample funds are available to meet any demands that may be made upon us." WASHINGTON SNAPSHOTS A servant discreetly 1$ulling down the old- fashioned blinds in the parlor of Blair House, where the Truman's live .. . George Marshall's quiet smile in place of Louey Johnson's broad grin at the Pentagon - - - Secretary of State Dean Acheson's eloquent mustache emphasizing a point . . . John Steelman's long, loping walk through the lobby of the east wing of the White House - The dazed look on the faces of young government girls each time handsome Stuart Syniington strides by... The worn carpet and sedate atmosphere of the Con- necticut Avenue mansion which houses the Republican National Committee com- pared to the brassy modernism of the "A NEW DIRECTION IN INTAGLIO" brings to the Museum of Art for the second time in recent years the exciting work of Mauricio Lasansky and his students in print making at the University of Iowa. On exhibit until Nov. 5 in the North and South galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, the brilliant adventure in intaglio, for all the apocalyptic self-consciousness of its manifestoes, is a stirring testimony to one. episode of the rescue of a major medium from- academic decadence. Under the hands of an enthusiastic, mutually-stimulating group of young artists the copper plate has ceased to be "a passive medium for repro- duction purposes, but rather is an active participant in determining the ultimate form of the work of art." To dispel the esoteric implications of the title, let it be understood that "intag- lio" is simply the generic term for all incised or engraved designs, whose impres- sion produces a relief facsimile in reverse. Hence it embraces etching, drypoint, en- graving with a burin, soft ground, and aquatint. Although lithography (not an intaglio medium) is represented here in combination with some of the above, La- sansky does not encourage its use, because the speedy and often superficial results are in conflict with the sense of self- discipline and responsibility he seeks to instill in his students. "A New Direction" sounds challengingly avant-garde and properly provokes the query: ."What new direction?" The answer appears clear. Whether or not it is convinc- ing depends on one's ability to discriminate between Childe Hassam, for example-and -Mauricio Lasansky. The essence of the new direction is the conscious break with the tradition of using the copper plate only as an acid in transferring a drawing from one sheet of paper to many. For Lasansky the plate, once the skeleton of the drawing is entrusted to it, comes alive and "begins to dictate the ultimate result. The sensuous sculptural qualities of the plate must excite the touch as well as the eye . . . complete union must take place between the artist and the plate." The creator of intaglio ac- hieves spontaneity and freshness through exploiting the tactile possibilities of his med- ium, just as to-day's sculptors carve in stone and wood with flexible concepts developing as the grain and marbling respond to the hand and guide the eye. Freedom to experiment is another canon of Lasansky's credo, realized in the great variety of his students' personal expres- sion. Inevitable influences, such as Stan- ley Hayter's and Picasso's, both pronounc- ed in the work of Lasansky himself, are freely acknowledged. Hdwever, the many sources, past and present, are synthesized by the catalyst of individual purpose into something genuinely new. New is the confident fusion of the many intaglio techniques in one print; new is the vigorous sculptural carving into the plate of deep troughs and broad depressions, whose action under the press raises extravagant bosses on the moist paper. (On occasion the burin is allowed to perforate the plate, elevating plateaus of startling white against the inked surface.) New is the scale, for many plates are enormous. New is the em- phasis on color intaglio, characterizing the master's latest portraits-and his impres- sive "Pieta"-with exquiite tones of chart- reuse and orange juxtaposed boldly with large areas of deep reds, blues, and purples. New is the violent distortion of savage sym- bols in intaglio, whose sedate progress has trailed the rapid expressive advances of more facile media. The feral images of the ' four-part series "For an Eye, an Eye" equal in intensity the agonized social comment of Picasso's "Guernica." Lest unreserved praise of the exhibition force the conclusion that the Iowa Print Group is an isolated attempt to revive crafts- If Senator Taft should be eliminated from Congress, it would weaken the midwest in- fluence in the party as such to the degree that loss of his leadership would weaken that influence in Congress. That would open the way for other leadership. The Senator, too, always has been influential in the Republi- can National Committee. His impress is strong there. The Ohio contest, therefore, is watched not only by Democrats and their labor allies, but by Republicans, for it involves the tussle for power in that party. To Truman Democrats the Ohio contest has become almost the symbol of this elec- tion. For embodied in Senator Taft is their most effective opposition in Con- gress, their relentless and outspoken:chal- lenger, and a well-defined demarcation on issues, both domestic and international. Yet, Senator Taft has his paradoxes. It was he, for example, who pushed through the Senate in the Republican-controlled 80th Congress housing, federal-aid-to-edu- cation and minimum wage increase bills, only to have the House Republican leader- ship shunt them aside and thus hand Presi- dent Truman the ammunition for his re- peated assault on failure of that Congress to adopt social welfare measures, an assault which had its part in the 1948 Republican defeat. The Senator saw the need of mod- erating the party's course. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Women Speaking WOMEN of the country are speaking, and their tone is serious and imperative. They were heard last week at two Washing- ton meetings: First, at the all-day session on civil defense to which women were called by W. Stuart Symington, chairman of the National Security Resources Board, and two days later at the meeting which na- tionalheads of women's organizations had already arranged. It is important that American official- dom not only listen but take care to understand just what the women are saying. As we hear them, they are not asking token representation in civil de- fense councils because they want to be recognized. They are asking full partici- pation on all levels in defense planning because they know they offer a needed contribution. They are not asking the appointment of a woman to represent women. They are asking that the great reservoir of ability on the distaff side of our citizenry be drawn upon. They are not willing to wait until all the planning has been done. They are offering the indispensable woman's viewpoint on the planning level. They are not criticizing the able work of men who head the committees. They are dismayed when they are told, "We just didn't think about having women on the committee." The women have raised a voice that should be promptly and wisely heeded. Women's contribution is needed in all civil defense planning, and their full participa- tion should be enlisted. -Christian Science Monitor. Why & How of Society THE END only justifies the Means within very narrow limits. A surgeon is justified in inflicting pain because the results of the operation are reasonable predictable; hnf. ra. +la mp- n c-n-nnorn inn nn +,a Germany . To the Editor: IF ONE CAN accept the picture Robert B. Olsen paints of a re- armed Germany at face value, there is indeed nothing to worry about, and emotional alarmists living in the past would be the only ones to oppose or caution about a new Wehrmacht. (If Mr. Olsen read carefully, I said that "partial German rearmament may be unavoidable.") However, upon close inspection Mr. Olsen's pas- toral landscape turns out to be something of a camouflage net which may hide the operations of a war machine. It is not difficult to be a Sor- cerer's Apprentice. We can start the hocus-pocus, but where is the Old Master who is going to call it off? The broom keeps on working when we want stop. Control is a fine thing, but in a divided world, the stronger a country is, the less is it going to submit to outside pressure. Our immediate concern is with the next few years, but what will happen if no World War is invoked? The Soviet Union believes in long-range policy, and is willing to wait 50 years to achieve her goal, if she can keep her forces in line in the meantime. Before the 50 years are up, we might be buddies again with the Russians, just to keep the Wehr- macht off our necks. There are two more points Mr. Olsen makes that weaken his ar- gument. For once, the line that is being strengthened is the Rhine, which would still abandon the lion's share of German industry to the Russians or a scorched earth policy. Secondly, if "the German people ... are accustomed to a strong leader" and cannot take some bickering, how much democracy are they going to take? Germans who were never Nazis are becoming such now, or at least are sorry they didn't join when they had the chance. Many of them can now say "we told you so" and feel Hitlers Eastern policy completely vindicated. Conclusion: The world is in the hell of a state. World Wars I and II were wars to end war, but World War III will either be a war to end the world, or it will be unable to solve all problems. -John Neufeld. * * . Music Criticism - ,. To the Editor: T IS TRUE that during recent years "the old Heldentenor has received many nicks in his armor, sustained many a grievous wound," and he will undoubtedly suffer ad- ditional injustices before his long and illustrious career reaches its close, but Melchior's glory is not likely to be tarnished by picayune sniping of the nature directed at him in the Daily review of his re- cent Choral Union recital. The enormous discrepancy be- tween the music heard in Hill Auditorium Tuesday night and the judgment of it rendered in Wed- nesday's Daily smacks of the di- lettante whose opinions stem less from attention to the artist's mu- sical merits than from predeter- mined disdain of his wide popular favor. To sniff that "his program was planned on the something- for-everybody idea" reveals little understanding of the requirement of a well-balanced recital. Rather, it appears that the inclusion of a recently popular song, however lovely, is a vulgarity too gross for the sensitive soul of a self-appoint- ed champion of music's ivory tow- er. It may be presumptuous to ques- tion the musical judgment of a critic so discerning that he can draw a fine distinction between musical "schmalz" and "ham," but his assignment of one term to the spirited Steersman's Song and of the other to the beautiful Prize Song lends one the confidence to disagree. Mr. Gross seems no more justified in baldly adjudg- ing the moving and interesting Scandinavian songs "dull," than he has in speciously condemning the magnificent Wagnerian works ("war horses") which have thrill- ed music lovers and authorities for generations. It is again true that Melchior's voice is not remarkable for tone or flexibility, and the instrument as a whole has somewhat lessened in lustre. But Melchior's position as the world's preeminent Helden- tenor was not attained by virtue of these qualities. His unique gifts have been his sympathetic realiza- tion of the intentions of one of the great dramatic composers and his vocal power equal to ringing the rafters of the world's renowned music halls. Though the years have slightly subdued the heroic quality of his voice, there is no challenger before the public today who is capable of thrilling as a Tristan or Siegmund as does this Melchior, whose voice imparted inspired song to the extremities of our own Hill Auditorium this week. -Philip Leon *-* * A Hunch. To the Editor: THIS MIGHT be termed a sequel to a little wager which took place almost 3 years ago when Michigan and Wisconsin last met on the gridiron field. At that time I was still an en- thusiastic Wolverine attending the University of Wisconsin law school. A very good friend of mine, Jack Goodale, who shortly thereafter met an untimely death by auto accident, was my exact counter- part, a Wisconsin graduate at- tending Michigan law school. Well, I spotted 30 points on the Wolverines and Jack and my Bad- ger friends let out a howl of pro- test and practically called me in- sane. The outcome is now past history, a gratifying 40-6 win for the Wolves. So times change. Michigan again has a fine team, but I'll place my bet on the underdog fighting Bad- gers. No points, mind you, but just a hunch! -Frederick C. Seegert Jr. Michigan '46 Wisconsin law '50 * * * Team Praise ., . To the Editor: AY WE ADD our praise to the thousands of ovations you un- doubtedly will receive for the best football game any University of Michigan team has ever played. -Don McNeil -Al Blumrosen (Continued from page 2) and 2-4. This applies to people wishing' to register in either the General or the Teaching Division. No Blanks will be given out af- ter this week until Tues., Nov. 7. There is no charge for registra- tion at this time. Beginning Nov. 7 there will be a late registration fee of $1, payable to the Cashier. Dr. Purdom will be in Room 231 Angell Hall, at 4 p.m., Wed., Oct. 18 to answer any questions regard- ing registration in the Teaching Division and the General Division of the Bureau of Appointments. On the night of the Homecoming Dance, Oct. 21, all women students may have 1 a.m. permission. All Undergraduate Women Stu- dents living in Ann Arbor or the vicinity (outside university resi- dences) are invited to a meeting of the Ann Arbor Girl's Club on Thurs., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m. in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan League. Schools of Education, Music, Natural Resources and Public Health: Students, who received marks of I, X, or "no report" at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance, will receive a grade of "E" in the coursedor courses unless this work is made up by Oct. 25. Students, wishing an extension of time be- Yond this date in order to make up this work, should file a peti- tion, addressed to the appropriate official in their school, at Room 1513 Admin. Bldg., where it will be transmitted. Approved Student Sponsored So- cial Events for the coming week- end: October 20 - Alpha Chi Sigma, Graduate Stu- dent Council, Inter-Cooperative Council, Kappa Nu, Palmer House, Phi- Delta Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Triangle Fraternity, Zeta Beta Tau. October 21 - Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Omega, Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta, East Quadrangle, Kappa Al- pha Psi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Lester Co-op House, Lloyd House, Michigan Christian Fellowship, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Upsilon-Delta Upsilon, Psi Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Ep- silon, Tau Delta Phi, Tau Epsilon Rho, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Trigon, Zeta Beta Tau. October 22 - Delta Sigma Delta, Phi Delta Phi. Student Tickets for the Lecture Course at the season rate of $2.40 will not be available after today. Hill Auditorium box office is open today from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Lectures University Lecture: auspices of the Department of Romance Lan- guages and Literatures. "The F i' e n c h Stage, 1945-49" (in French). Charles Dedeyan, Pro- fessor of Comparative Literature, The Sorbonne, Paris. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Oct. 18, Rackham Amphi- theatre. Dr. Alwin Walther Lectures: The lecture scheduled for Tues., Oct. 17, has been changed to Thurs. at 2 p.m. The second lec- ture, scheduled for Thurs., Oct. 19, at 4 is unchanged. Both lec- tures will be held in Room 1042 East Engineering Bldg. These are sponsored by the Departments of Aeronautical Engineering and Mathematics. The 2:00 lecture will be on "Mathematical Ma- chines and Instruments in Ger- many"; the 4:00 lecture on "Some Remarks on Special Mathematical Functions" will be in conjunction with the Seminar in Applied Ma- thematics. The Parliamentary Procedure Lectures given by Prof. Brackett will be held in rooms 3R and S at the Union at 7:30 p.m. on Wed., Oct.,-18. David Lilienthal, former chair- man of the Atomic Energy Com- mission, will open the 1950-51 Lecture Course tonight at 8:30, Hill Auditorium, speaking on the subject "The Atom in Peace and War." Tickets may be purchased today from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. at the auditorium box office. Seuao tickets for the full course of wren outstanding attractions are avail. able through today. Academic Notices Bacteriology Seminar, Wed.,Oct. 18, 10 a.m., 1520 E. Medical Bldg. Speaker: Dr. Abraham I. Braude; Subject: Experimental Brucella Infection. Geometry Seminar: Wed., Oet. 18, at 2 p.m,. 3001 Angell Ha. Mr. Kazarinoff will speak on "'The Decomposition of Given Square In- to Small and Different Squares" Topology Seminar: Wed., Oct. 18, at 3 p.m., 3011 Angell Hai. Mr. Hocking will speak on"eft tracts and Local Connectivenes." Set Theory Seminar. Wed., Oct. 18, at 3 p.m., 3201 Angell Hal. Mr. Jack Miller will speak ci et rings and fields. Botanical Seminar: Wed., Oct. 18, 4 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Bldg. Professors L.. E. Wehmeyer. C. A. Arnold, W. R. Taylor Will speak on "The VII, Interatioanl BotanicalCongress at Stockholm, July. 1950." Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Wed.', Oct. 18, 4 p.m., 101 W. i gineering Bldg. Mr. Bobrowuky will speak. on "The Chait Reac tion." Physical Chemistry Seminar: Wed., Oct. 18, 4:07 P.m., 23" Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Wayne X0' Meinke will discuss "The Stability of Heavy Nuclei and Alpha Decay Systematics." All interested grad- uate students invited. Orientation Seminar In mathe. matics: Meeting Thurs., Oct. 1, 4, p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Jars- ma will speak on "Inversions." Te at 3:30. Seminar in Applied Matheut- tics will meet Thurs., Oct. 19.. 4 p.m., 1042 East Engineering 314 Dr. Alwin Walther of the Institut fur Praktische Mathematik *i1) speak on "Some Remarks on OR- cial Mathematical Functions." Algebra (1) Seminar: Thuts.i Oct. 19, 4:10 p.m.,. 3011 Arigeli Hall. Mr. R. Z. Norman iriwspes on "Ideals in Commutativcelns." Make-up examination. forGet - man 1, will be held Mon., Oct. 213, 1-3 p.m., 106 Tappan Hall. Concerts Student Recital: Natalie Bar nett, pianist, will play a. progaM in partial fulfillment of the -a= quirements for the Master of Mt- sic degree at 8:30 p.m~,ThurS Oct. 19, in the Rackham Asembly Hall. It will include work by- Bach, Beethoven and Shubert, and will be open to the public. Miss Barnett is a pupil of JOseph Brinkman. (continued on Page lip Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students d the University of Michigan under 92 authority of the Board in Contoil Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown.........Malagi Editer Paul Brentlinger.......i dItier Roma Lipsky ........ Editorial Dirct Dave, Thomas .......... Feature Editor Janet Watts ....... .. Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ....... Associate Edir James Gregory ...... Associate XdItUW Bill Connolly.........Sports EditOr Bob Sandell .. Associate ftts XdfWo Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Wi' Barbara Jans Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels.......Business Managet Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .... Advertising Matkager Bob Mersereau'......Finance Mnags? Carl Breitkreitz .. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24- Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press IS ezclusi 'ely entitled to the use for republiestlon of all news dispatches credited torit e otherwise credited to this nwappe All rights of republication of. all ,e matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan. as second-elams nail matter. Subscription during regular sdeol year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail ;'.. BARNABY Aren't there toys here you never play with? That you want your "Pixie" to take? The kids who don't get many presents on Christmas will like them. When they're fixed up like new at the toy depot- t3Im i .1.MIg4 r He'll have assistance ... You said he wanted to help Mrs. Givney. You said he started Fairy rotht,4rsnDav . n But, Pop. You and Mom don't be.ive in Mr. O'Money... .r-- -. Llm. a I i &