PAGE TWO. THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1950 DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN The Big Three MICIUGAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice toall members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day 'preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1950 VOL. LXI, No. 19 Nbtices New Faculty Members: Regular faculty members are eligible for insurance under the University's Group Insurance Plan. If you are a new faculty member you may enroll for Group Insurance with- out medical examination within 31 days after you began work. Af- ter that time you may enroll up- on satisfying Prudential Insurance Company that you are a good in- surance risk. New faculty members who be- gan work this semester may, if eligible, enroll for Group Insur- ance without medical examination up to 5 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 20. De- tails regarding the Group Insur- ance Plan may be obtained at 3057 Admin. Bldg., Telephone ext. 709. Rules Governing Participation in Non-Athletic Extracurricular Activites: Any regularly enrolled student above the rank of first term freshman is eligible to par- ticipate in non-athletic extracur- ricular activities provided he is not on academic discipline. Responsibility for observance of the eligibility statement is placed directly upon the student. In case of doubt of status, students should inquire at the Office of Student Affairs. Participation in an ex- tracurricular activity in violation of the requirements may subject a student to disciplinary action. In' interpretation of the above eligibility statement, the follow- ing are specifically forbidden to participate in extracurricular ac- tivities: (a) First term freshmen. (Ex- ception: first term freshmen are authorized to participate in the Marching Band, Men's Glee Club,; Women's Glee Club.) - (b) Students on academic dis- cipline, i.e., notification, warning, probation, action pending. for . . . EVENING WEAR Qc 330 Maynard Street n t)G' A<::UG''.=C3L (c) Part time and special stu- dents carrying less than 12 hours. Restrictions do not apply to membership in student organiza- tions unless eligibility is a requi- site for membership. Organiza- tions which now require eligibilityI for membership are Arts Chorale, Glee Clubs, Michigan Singers, Gil- bert and Sullivan Society, and' Band (for students not enrolled in Band courses). The eligibility requirements must be met by students partici- pating in such activities as are listed below. The list is not ex- haustive but is intended to indi- cate. the kinds of extracurricular activities for participation in which eligibility is necessary. (a) Participation in public per- formances which are sponsored by student organizations and which require group rehearsals. Ex- amples: Union Opera, Junior Girls' Play; productions of Gil-j bert and Sullivan Society, Student Players, Inter Arts Union; per- formances of Arts Chorale, Mich- igan Singers, Glee Clubs, and Band. (b) Staff members of student publications. Examples: Daily, Michiganensian, Technic, Genera; tion. (c) Officers and chairmen of standing committees in student organizations, including house groups. (This includes positions in house groups such as social, rush- ing, personnel, publication chair- men, and house managers.) (d) Class officers or candidates for such office. (e) Members and candidates for membership in student gov- ernment groups.. Examples: Stu- dent Legislature, Judiciary Coun- cils, Interfraternity Council, Pan- hellenic Board, Assembly Board, Association of Independent Men, Intercooperative Council, League and Union student government groups, Engineering Council, Mu- sic School Assembly, Business Ad- ministration Council. (f) Committee members for ma- jor campus projects and dances. Examples: Michigras, Winter Car- nival, League Committees, Prosh week-end, Sophomore Cabaret, Assembly Ball, Interfraternity Council Ball, Homecoming Dance, Senior Ball, J-Hop. (g) Representatives to off-cam- pus conferences. The University Extension Ser- vice announces a six-week course on Positive Citizenship on the Lo- cal Level to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in Rm. 131 School of Bus. Admin., Monroe at Tap- pan. Dates, topics, and speakers are as follows: Oct. 18-State-Lo- cal Relationships, John Huss, Di- rector of the Michigan Municipal League; Oct. 25-Mayor-Couneil Government in Ann Arbor, Prof. BUSINESS SERVICES VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. 308 S. State. Legal, Master, Doctors dis- sertations, etc. 2-9848 or 2-4228._)12B WASHING-Finished work and ironing. Also rough dry and wet washing. Free pick-up and delivery. Ph. 2-9020. )1B TYPEWRITERS AND FOUNTAIN PENS Sales, Rentals, and Service Morrill's - 314 S. State St. )4B RAISE PARAKEETS for fun and profit. Mated pairs $10.00. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th. Phone 5330. )2B AL CHASE and his ORCHESTRA Ann Arbor's Finest Dance Music! Phone 3YP-4427 )21B GOOD RENTAL TYPEWRITERS now available at Office Equipment Ser- vice Company, 215 E. Liberty. Guaranteed repair service on all makes of typewriters. )6B SYLVIA STUDIO OF DANCE, 603 E. Liberty, over MichiganTheater Lobby. Call 8066 for information. )20B WANTED TO BUY WILL TRADE 3 non-student Illinois tickets for 3 Wisconsin. Ph. 2-3853.. __ )19X HELP WANTED A PILE OF CASH goes to each of the students who sell the student rates on TIME & LIFE. We can show you how. Phone Don Anderson, Student Periodical Agency, 2-82-42. )2 HELP WANTED PART TIME soda fountain help. Nights -noSaturdays or Sundays. )34H STUDENT TO HELP with dinner and dishes; hours 5 to 7; family of two; near campus. Telephone 9787. )32H GIRLS NEEDED to baby sit during foot- ball games. Call Kiddie Kare. 3-1121. )10B STUDENTS! Do you have any sal~es ex- perience. We can show you good earn- ings for part time work; also an op- portunity to follow a successful sales organization that offers an excellent future to those who qualify. Write Box No. 302. The Michigan Daily. )30H FOR SALE 4 TICKETS to Wisconsin game. List price. Call Ypsi 1643R after 6. )67 SET OF HARVARD CLASSICS. Good condition. $35-51 books. )66 SUIT OF TAILS and accessories, size 38-40. CallBob, 305 Lloyd, 2-4401. )63 '37 OLDS BUSINESS COUPE-Must sell immediately. Owner called back to active duty. Best offer. Phone 2-8265 after 5:30. )65 DON'T OVER - SPECIALIZE. on your school activities. Keep an eyenon the world news by reading TIME. The special Student Rate brings the cost down to less than a dime a week. Rates are $4.75 a year or $3 for the school year. Available through the specially-authorized Student Periodi- cal Agensy. You phone 2-82-42 to order. We'll bill you. ) BLUE PAID sport jacket, size 36, $7.50. Phone 3-1903 after 5 p.m. )62 U.S. ARMY-NAVY type oxfords, $6.88. Navy black-Army brown. Sizes 6 to 12, widths B to F. Open till 6 p.m. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington St. )5 FOR SALE '39 FORD V8 4-door as is $75.00. Phone 2-5695 evenings. )64 7 in. TABLE TV with magnafier, table radio-phono. combination, table F.M. radio (new), 45 r.p.m. player attach- ' met (new). All for $90 or separately. Ph. 5114. ) 61 1949 FORD CUSTOM 8 TUDOR-R., H. & seat covers. Excellent condition. Owner must sell. Phone 28561 evenings. )60 CANARIES-$15.00. PARAKEETS $5.95. ZEBRA FINCHES-$6.00 a pair. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th. )2B on State Street Genuine Levis $3.95, Sanforized 22 inch waist line and up )3 EVERGREENS at half nursery prices to Univ. personnel. Junipers, Arborvitae, etc. See Michael Lee, 1208 Chem. Bldg. or call Univ. Ext. 2412 mornings. )41 ROOMS FOR RENT SINGLE or double room-Men.- Cooking facilities, near campus, student land- lord. Call 6641 at meal times. )40R $10 A MONTH for room plus services. Male student. Ph. 2-2052. )37R BLOCK and half from Engineering Arch. %a of double room to share with male student; also large double room. 714 E. University. Ph. 9310. )38R 2 ROOM SUITE for 3 men. 1218 Olivia. Call 8746 after 5:30. ) 34R 3RD FLOOR STUDIO NEAR CAMPUS- Prefer two to four art or arch. men students. Linens, use of dark room. Student landlord. Ph. 2-8545, 6-7. )23R TOURIST HOME for Overnight Guests. Bath, shower, reasonable rates. 518 E. Williams St. Phone 3-8454. )12R ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS available for students' guest football week-ends. Private home ac commodations. Phone 2-9850, 12:30 t 1:00 or 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. )14 PERSONAL HEY SCHOLARS - Ever hear the one about the moron He had sense enough to see that: Don-Al Grill's Dollar Steaks are the best buy in town. 328 E. Liberty at the FOOD sign )26P DO THREE SENSIBLE things. Patron-. ize student-owned business; take ad- vantage of student rates; buy what will give you the greatest possible ser vice. You do this when you order a subscription to TIME or LIFE at the Student Periodical Agency.' Phone 2-82-42 for information. ) RAY HATCH will patch that match-Learn to dance with RAY HATCH DANCE STUDIO 209 S. State Ph. 5083 )4P: TYPING manuscript pieces, etc. Calll Lois Spaide, 2-0795 or 2-7460. )24P CLUB 211 Three meals per day for $1.50. J. D. Miller's Cafeteria. )2P LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio 122 E. Liberty Phone 8161 )1P LOST AND, FOUND FOUND-A wrist watch on S. Ferry Field. If owner can identify call Glen Howell, 317 Chicago H., Tel. 2-7701. ) 36L LOST-Set of keys with N.Y. state license plate tag on chain. Call Lois Cohen, 3-1561. )33L Daily Classifieds Get Quick Results !'r 1 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 "1 it 11 1 -Daily-Carlisle Marshall TOTEMPOLE STYLE-Wolverine cheerleader Fred Thompson, '51, an Army cheerleader and their mutual friend, the West Point mule (bottom), cavort for the capacity crowd in Yankee Stadium before Saturday's game. Although lacking the practiced precision of the Cadets, the Michigan rooters in New York made up in loudness what they lacked in polish. Arthur W. Bromage, Dept. of Po- litical Science; Nov. 1-Council Manager Government in Ypsilanti, N. G. Damoose, City Manager, Ypsilanti; Nov. 8-Financing Our Local Governments, Prof. Robert S. Ford, Director of U. of M. Bu- reau of Government; Nov. 15- County and Township Govern- ments, Marvin Tableman, Dept. of Political Science; Nov. 29-Eval- uating Our Local Governments, John Iglauer, Assistant Director of the Michigan Municipal League. Enrollment, which is $3.00 for the series, is open to all citizens who wish to be better informed 'about the local governments of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Wash- tenaw County.. To All Department Heads - Di- rectories: Will you please requisi- tion as many Directories as you will need for your department. Di- rectories will be available for dis- tribution on Oct. 27 and will be delivered by Campus mail on re- ceipt of your requisition. -Herbert G. Watkins Orchestra To Play Today The University Symphony Or- chestra, under the direction of Wayne Dunlap, will present a Young People's Concert at 3 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Although the program will be arranged especially for grade and high school students from Ann Ar- bor and surrounding communities, who will comprise a major part of the audience, the public will be admitted to the second balcony. Among the works scheduled to be played are Tchaikovsky's "Nut- cracker Suite," "Scherzo" from "A Midsummer Night's Dream' by Mendelssohn an d Prokofieffs "March" from "Love For Three Oranges." NOW SHOWING AT 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:25 I i I- "A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned" tt~4 Ten ENSIANS Sold Is a Dollar Earned Sign Up To Be An Ensian Salesman NOW! I 11 II U I I