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October 18, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-18

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VOL. LXI, No. 20



Truman Says



Fight Any



UN Spearheads
Near Pyongyang
Hamhung and Hungnam Captured
As Troops Pound Red Defenses
TOKYO-()-United Nations armored spearheads pounded to
within eight miles of Pyongyang yesterday and were confident they
would smash into the capital of Communist North Korea today.
Organized resistance on the road to the Red capital appeared
ended. The climax to the 15-week-old war seemed near at hand. Unit-
ed States and South Korean columns sped forward on all fronts.
Hundreds of Red troops, ordered to make a death-stand defense
of Pyongyang, downed their arms. Advancing United States columns
sped past huge piles of abandoned supplies, arms and ammunition,
field dispatches said.
S* *
COMMUNIST CHIEFTAIN Kim Il Sung and other leaders of his
collapsing Pyongyang government may have fled to the Manchurian
border or to a mountain hideout near it, some high American army
officers and Korean civilian sources believe.
As the massive United Nations breakthrough drive gathered
momentum, the South Korean Capital Division and elements of
r other Republican troops captur-
ed the twin industrial cities of
Hamhung and Hungnam on the
east coast. Mopping-up opera-
tinc were in nrn ress in the two

Hits Florida
East Coast
MIAMI-(RP)-A small but vi-
cious tropical hurricane buffeted
Miami with slashing winds up to
125 miles an.hour last night, ther
swirled on northward toward Palm
Beach and the Lake Okeechobee
First reports indicated the city,
buffeted by the screeching winds
and drenched by an accompanying
downpour, had escaped extensivF
damage, except for many broker
power lines, uprooted trees, top-
pled radio masts and, in somelI
cases, shattered windows.1
* *
city were in darkness as power
lines snapped.
Lights went out in two hospi-
tals. All causeways linking Mia-
mi with Miami Beach were clos-
ed to motor traffic.
All public buses were ordered
off the streets before midnight
Police headquarters urged all traf-
fic to stay off the streets until
further notice.
* * *
TWO STORM casualties were
The driving winds bore heavy
Pompano Beach, a resort town
of 5,708 population about 30
miles north of here, was in dark-
ness after high winds in the van
of the hurricane ripped away a
power line. The town's public
hurricane shelter in the Ameri-
can Legion building was without
lights, but an auxiliary power
unit supplied lights for disaster
headquarters in the City Hall.
There appeared little hope of
restoring power in Pampano Beach
before dawn.
Numerous power failures were
reported also in suburban Miami
Springs and Hialeah, as well as
Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood.
No important structural damage
had yet been reported.

Le islature
The University's Conference of
Deans has decided that classes will
be held as usual the Friday and
Saturday of Thanksgiving week-
end, Frank Robbins, assistant to
President Alexander Ruthven, dis-
closed yesterday.
"After briefly discussing the
matter of a long Thanksgiving hol-
iday," Robbins said, "the deans de-
cided to maintain the calendar as
it is.
* * *
THEY specifically consider-
* ed t h e Student Legislature's
Thanksgiving plan before deciding
to retain the status quo, Robbins
The SL's plan, briefly, is this:
The two class days lost by hav-
ing the four-day holiday would be
made up by holding classes on the
Saturdays immediately preceding
the Christmas and Spring recesses.
SL MEMBER Dave Belin, '51,
who had been working for eight
months attempting 'to get the SL's
plan before the Deans' Conference,
expressed "great dissatisfaction"
with the deans' action.
"I have been trying to get a
half-hour audience with t h e
Deans' Conference to explain more
fully SL's position," Belin con-
Although until now he has
been unable to get the hearing,
Belin said that he would continue
his efforts.
In SL's meeting tonight, Belin
plans to distribute reports of SL's
proposal to all legislators, so that
they can circulate the plan in their
house groups.
Marital Status
Review Asked
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Selective Ser-
vice headquarters said yesterday
it has suggested to local draft
boards that careful reviews be
made of cases of draft registrants
who have married since registra-
Aimed at determining whether
such men may be eligible for de-
ferment, the proposed reviews
were prompted by many ques-
tions which have arisen over their
In another draft development,
Bobiface R. Maile, national com-
mander of the Disabled Ameri-
can Veterans charged that many
retailers and financial institutions.
are denying credit to men subject
to the draft.
Meanwhile in Michigan it was
announced that 907 doctors, den-
tists" and veterinarians in the na-
tion's first special draft registra-
tion fox professional men.
H. L. Mencken's
Death Expected

hins weri n n p. r gres*A men.
cities, 110 miles south of the
Manchurian border, Eighth Ar-
my headquarters said.
On the west coast the veteran
U.S. 24th Division, after rolling
78, miles in 24 hours, was given
the important mission of clearing
Chinnampo, Pyongyang's port 27
air miles southwest of the Red
Pyongyang, however. High military
commanders considered that with
the fall of the Red capital the or-
ganized fighting phase of the Ko-
rea war would end.
After its liberation military.
circles in Tokyo expected a ted-
ious, large-scale mop-up opera-
tion throughout a unified Ko-
The South Korean First Divi-
ion, led by General Paik Sun Yu,
-himself a native of Pyongyang
-was in the vanguard of the ad-
vance on the North Korean seat
of government.
* * *
RACING TO BEAT the steam-
roller U.S. First Cavalry Division,
the veteran Republican division
pushed ahead 30 miles yesterday
to within eight miles of Pyongyang
after dark.
The U.S. First Cavalry Divi-
sion sent a 30-mile long column
of tanks, motorized troopers and
supplies rolling along the pri-
mary highway to Pyongyang.
They last were reported about
18 miles away.
North Korean mines cost the
United States Navy two more
minesweepers sunk with one dead
and 12 mssing, the Navy reported
in Washington. The vessels Pirate
and Pledge went down Oct. 12 off
Wonsop on the east coast.
Two American cruisers heavily
shelled the east-coast town of
Songjin "to cut off the escape
routes of the retreating North Ko-
reans," the navy announced.
Meanwhile.South Korean Presi-
dent Syngman Rhee said he will
install as soon as possible in North
Korea a program of land reform,
including the return to owners
of property confiscated by the

Daily-Ed Kozma
IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME-Young and old leisurely lick ice-cream cones to while away
Ann Arbor's welcome Indian Summer weather. Pete Hall, '51, amuses Margot Hughes (left) and
Gwen Day by demonstrating how to eat a cone without dipping either end of a carefully waxed
mustache into the ice cream.
* . * *

U.S. To Give
More Adid
To French
United States promised France
yesterday it will provide from
$1,800,000,000 to $2,400,000,000 in
American arms and money to
French forces in Europe and Indo-
China by the end of 1951.
An informed government offi-
cial said this arrangement was
worked out during conferences
with the French Defense minister
and finance minister which ended
The money would come from the
total of approximately $6,000,000,-
000 which Congress already has
appropriated to rearm nearly 20
friendly countries against the
threat of Communist aggression.
France will get from 30 to 401%
of this total, the official said. The
exact amount will be determined
later after further detailed dis-
cussions between the United States
and its 11 Atlantic-Pact allies.

Study Stops as Summer
Sneaks In, Indian Style"



distributed by the Michigan Labor
Youth League, a non-recognized
organization, charged yesterday
that the Michigan State News, stu-
dent newspaper, is no longer a
free paper
The leaflets asserted that the
newspaper was censored by col-
lege authorities.
At the same time, the publica-
tion carried an editorial blasting
James H. Denison, administrative
assistant to President John A.
Hannlah for firing Russ McKee as
student publicity writer with the
College Press.
* * *
Clarification Asked
The MSC chapter of the Ameri-
can Association of University pro-
fessors has asked the MSC gov-
erning -body for clarification of
its policy forbidding faculty mem-.
bers to participate in partisan pol-

Lilienthal Will Begin
Lecture Series Tonight

w orld News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Sec. Charles
Brannan yesterday predicted con-
tinued rising food costs for seve-
ral months but said the nation's
"superb - food production" will
make controls unnecessary "at this
Meanwhile, in Washington Eco-
nomic Stabilization Administrator
Alan Valentine declared the sta-
bility of the economy is threaten-
ed by inflation but indicated he
would prefer to keep direct price
and wage controls as a last resort
** *
NEW YORK- Legal attacks
were opened yesterday on the
Federal Communications Com-
mission's approval of the color
television method of the Colum-
bia Broadcasting System.
LONDON - With one engine
dead, a British airliner crashed
in a London suburb yesterday, kill-
ing all but one of the 29 aboard.
* * *
LANSING - State Controller
Robert Steadman reported yes-
terday the state ended last fis-
cal year June 30 with a general
fund deficit of $21,311,231.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The National
Production Authority, dissatisfied

Eighty-three degrees of lethargy
disintegrated the student body in-
to ice-cream cone licking loafers
All over town shirt-sleeves vied
with cotton dresses to welcome
back the summer weather, and
one male bicycler appeared on S.
University clad in shorts.
* * *
OFFICIALS at Willow Run
Weather Bureau predicted that
Russia Asks
Seat on UN
delegate Andrei Vishinsky de-
manded yesterday that the major
powers, including the Soviet Un-
ion, be given seats on a proposed
United Nations patrol commis-
However, sponsors of the Amer-
can-supported plan turned him
down until they can see how Rus-
sia will act on their entire anti-
aggression program.
Vishinsky spoke to the 60-na-
tion Political Committee of the
UN Assembly after a 40-minute
private talk with U.S. delegate
John Foster Dulles,. one of the
chief framers of the anti-aggres-
sion resolution.
* * *
smiling after their talk, but it
appeared that they had reached
no agreement on the program,
known in the Committee as the
seven-point proposal on "United
Action for Peace."
Vishinsky opposed a section of
the seven-point proposal calling
for UN members to maintain
military units for an emergency
call from the UN.
He said 'that troops should be
put at the disposal of the Security
Council and not at the beck and
call of the General Assembly.

the 83 degree warm spell would
last through today.
Meanwhile, State Street drug-
gists laid In a stock of ice-cream
and cones for the flocks of stu-
dents who have been demanding
everything from orange pop-
sicles to banana cones.
Business was brisk in the Arb,
too, as couples and groups slowly
strolled through the botanical
showcase absorbing the sight of
colorful trees. A few piles of neg-
lected texts were mute testimony
to the effects of weather on study-
ing capacity.
by the lazy heat as economics 52
students learned at 2 p.m. when
Prof. William B. Palmer gave the
class a bolt. The released students
filed out in the general direction
of Geddes hill.
More energetic students filled
the tennis courts on Palmer
Field, or attempted to use the
municipal golf course. The links
were closed yesterday, so golfers
had to content themselves with
wandering along the river-bank.
"It was a great day for anything
but studying, sighed Pete Hall,
'52, as he awakened from an after-
noon nap.
U.S. Ship Delivers
Load to Red China
ter of the U.S. freighter "Flying
Cloud" acknowledged today that
he delivered steel plate, radio
tubes, wire and other material to
Communist China after the out-
break of the Korean war.
But the skipper, Capt. F. H.
Rylander, denied his cargoes were
contraband and swore they had
been cleared by U.S. Customs of-
ficials and Army authorities.
Rylander gave his version of the
"Flying Cloud's" China trade to a
Senate commerce subcommittee in-
vestigating the incident.

Today is the last day for re-
gistering for the Nov. 7 general
All those wishing to vote in
the election may register in the
Town Clerk's office in City Hall
from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m., accord-
ing to City ClerkFredJ. Look-
Only those who are Ann Ar-
bor residents may register. A
student cannot vote in Ann
Arbor unless he swears he has,
no other residence.
Married students who have
lived in Ann Arbor for 20 days
and in Michigan for six months
are eligible regardless of orig-
inal residence.
Hanley Says;
[denies Payoff
NEW YORK-(A")-Lt. Gov. Joe
Hanley last night labeled as "a
new low in political smears" a
charge that he was paid off to
drop out of the Republican race
for governor.
He added his denial to one by
GOP Gov. Thomas Dewey amid
demands for a grand Jury probe
of the matter.
* * )*
seemed surprised that opponents
put a "pay-off" interpretation on
a letter in which he wrote:
"If I consent to take the nomi-
nation to the'United States Sen-
ate, I am definitely assured of
being able 'to clean up my fin-
ancial obligations within 90
The'letter was written to a GOP
supporter after a conference with
Gov. Dewey in September.
* * *
HANLEY SAID there was "no
commitment of any kind" and fin-
ancial matters were not discussed
"even remotely" when he decided
to run for the Senate-leaving the
gubernatorial field to Gov. Dewey.
"If there was anything crook-
ed about it, I wouldn't have writ-
ten the letter," he said, a trace
of emotion in his voice. "I have
more sense than that."
In talks with Gov. Dewey, Han-
ley said he was pleased to learn
that a state pension was available
to augment his Senate salary if
he were elected.
This solved one problem for him,
Hailey said.
But, Hanley added:
"My 'financial affairs were not
discussed with Dewey either then
or at previous meetings."
Petitions For
Petitions of candidacy for Stu-
dent Legislature, J-Hop and the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications may now be picked up,
according to Jim Storrie, '51 BAd.,
chairman of the SL citizenship
Prospective candidates may ob-
tain the petitions and campaign
information between 3:30 and 5:30
p.m. at the SL house,122 S. Forest,
Storrie said.
Any student who is eligible for
activities may file a petition for
Student Legislature, Storrie add-
ed, and any eligible junior may

campaign for a J-Hop committee
Positions on the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications are
open to all eligible students except
those on staffs of student publi-

Support for
Asia Pledged
By President
Challenges Reds
To End Cold War
dent Truman boldly proclaimed
late last night this country's readi-
ness to fight Russia anywhere in
the world to put down aggres-
sion and, preserve "our free way
of life."
The American people, he said in
probably the toughest speech he
ever has delivered, "hate war,
but "love our liberties," and "will
not see them destroyed."
He pledged this country's grow-
ing military might to support the
peoples of all Asia to help "attain
and defend their independence."
* * *
"WE WANT PEACE. But it must
be a peace founded on justice."
He made it clear, however,
that the United States will not
hesitate to go to war at any
point in the Far East or else-
where over the globe if this step
is necessary to preserve the in-
dependence of free nations,
The President scornfully con-
trasted this country's offer to the
Far East of a "partnership with
peace" with Russia's desire to turn
Asiatic peoples into "slaves of a
new imperialism."
* * *
United States will not hesitate to
go to war to resist aggression and
defend "our liberties."
Speaking in San Francisco's
War Memorial Opera House
.where he witnessed the signing
of the United Nations Charter
five years ago, President Truman,
fresh from his dramatic Wake
Island conference with General
Douglas MacArthur, declared he
was confident "in our long-
range ability to maintain world
His talk, the United States' ans-
wer to Soviet propaganda attempt-
ing. to picture this country as "ag-
gressors" in Korea, heralded the
reopening of a new phase of his
"campaign of truth" designed to
force Russia to make a realistic
bid for peace.
s * *
government to lift its "Iron Cur-
tain" and take other steps toward
"We want peace but it must
be a peace founded upon Jus-
tice. That American policy is as
old as our Republic, and it is
stronger today than everbefore
in our history. We intend to keep
it that way."
He laid solely at Russia's door-
step responsibility for the "con-
stant threat to peace" inherent
in vast armies in both Europe
and Russia.
* * *
"SO LONG AS THEY persist in
maintaining these forces and in
using them to intimidate other
countries," Truman said, "the free
men of the world have but one
choice if they are to remain free.
They must oppose strength with
"This is not a task for the
United States alone. It is a task
for the free nations to under-
take together."
President Truman demanded
that the Russians make pe'ace pos-
sible by these steps:

1. "IF THE Soviet Union really
wants peace, it must provide it-
not by glittering promises and
false propaganda, but by living up
to the principles of the United Na-
tions Charter.
2. "'If the Sovet Union really
wants peace, it can prove it-
and could have proved it on any
day since last June 25-by join-
ing the rest of the United Na-
tions in calling upon the North
Koreans to lay down their arms
at once.
3. "If the Soviet Union really
wants peace it can prove it by lift-
ng the Iron Curtain and permit-
ting the free exchange of infor-
mation and ideas.
The crowd that overflowed the

David E. Lilienthal, for three
years chairman of the Atomic
Energy Commission, will open the
1950-51 lecture series at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
The distinguished administrator
will speak on "The Atom in Peace
and War."
Lilienthal left the AEC early
this year, and has since severely
criticized the Commission's pur-
poses by alleging that private in-
dustry should be allowed to con-
duct atomic research for peace and
The De Pauw '20 graduate
worked into his job on the AEC

Soviet Claims Atom Ready for Peace

By The Associated Press
American and Soviet scientists
are engaged in a verbal battle over
when to expect the arrival of
atomic power for peaceful use.
East of the Iron Curtain. Soviet

if all obstacles are surmounted,
the widespread use of atomic
power is at least 15 to 25 years
Sporn made these forecasts:

stated definitely that atomic fuel
ever will compete with coal in pro-
ducing power.
Meanwhile Golubstov declared
that the Russians are far ahead of


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