See Page 4
Yl r e
Latest Deadline in the State
a -A, Ap
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l)/ i .1w AT. YO -
VOL. LXI, No. 18
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tJrv pt~rii'g S *4*A'
List Shows
459 Pledge
68 Percent of Al]
Rushees Affiliate
Four-hundred fifty-nine mel
pledged fraternities last week.
The pledge lists, revealed by th
GInterfraternity Council yesterday,
showed that about 68% of the 66:
rushees pledged.
Three fraternities, Delta Chi
Kappa Sigma, and Theta Xi, hav
not turned in pledge lists to th
Office of Student Affairs, accord
ing to Bill Henderson, '51 BAd
IFC secretary. Bruce Sodee, '52,
IFC rushing chairman, said thes
houses will be subject to fines fo
getting their lists in late:
A list of the fraternities and
their pledges follows:
ACACIA: Lester J. Drake, '53
Myles Gray, '54 A&D; Joe Kim
brough, '53; John Toner, '53; Her
bert P Wagren, '54 NR; Fran]
V. Windes, '54E; Stanley Wynn,
Buchanan, '54 A&D; Charles
Drake, '54; Martin Edwards, '53;
jRoger Mulier, '54; E. Davidson
Nash,, '54 E; James Stephens,
'54; Frank Van Steenberg, '54
Appel, '54; Marvin Dubrinsky, '53
Melvin Dubrinsky, '53; Sanfor
Greenspan, '53; Sidney Kleinman
'54; David Lieberman, '52 BAd
Julian Linde, '53; Joel McKible
3; Lawrence Pike, '54; Ronal
Reinish, '53 E; Gerald Roth, '53
Robert Segal, '54.
naud, '51 E; Charles Ashley, '51
Albert Chennault, '54; Mace
Clark, '54; John Edwards, '53
Theodore Harris, '52 E; Wesle
Jacobs, '53 Ed; Providence Jen-
kins, '54; Richard Moore, G; My
ron Wahls, '54; Thomas Wood, '51
Bridgman, '53; Robert Jones, '52
E; John M. Kawner, '53; Joseph
Ray, '54; Michael Roman, '52 E;
Stephen True, '54 A&D; Ray-
mond Walmoth, '54.
Applegate, '53; John Davies, '53
Delance Hyde, '53; Jack Jacobs
'55 A&D; Frank Kuzel, '52; Donald
Malcolm, '53; Edward MacRae
'54; Michael McNerney, '53; John
Richards, '54, John Rue, '54
Francis S. Seichter, '53; Vinceni
Stempien, '53; Donald Strachan
CHI PHI: Don Alexander, '54
SP; Richard Bartlett, '52; John
Bintz, '54; Richard Brainerd, '53;
Donald Brown, '53; J. Bunker
Clark, '54 SM; Don Czachorski
'52 E; Edwin Harcourt, '53 E; Ken-
neth B. Hodge, '55 A&D; David
Jennings, '51; Harry Jones, '54;
Donald Kelley, '54; Charles Kop-
pelmann, '54; David Lang, '54;
Glenn Lieving, "53; Paul Malloy
'53 E; Gerald Miller, '54 SM; John
Scovill, '54; Charles Smith, '54
SP; James Turner, '53; Lorin Ulm,
'54 NR; William Wilbur, '52; Rich-
ard Wilson, '54; Charles Wise, '54;
Gerald Wisniewski, '53.
CHi PSI: Peter Banzhaf, '54;
William Diemer, '54; Robert Ely,
'54 E; John Kolb, '54; Charles
Smith, '54 Richard Zeder, '54 E.
Beurmann, '54; Thomas d'Arcam-
" bal '54 E; Richard Dewey, '52;
John Gray, '53 E; Kenneth Hallen-
beck, '54 SP; Karl Malcolm, '54;
John Messer, '53 A&D; Paul Rob-
ertson, '52 BAd; Gordon Stephen,
'52 NR: David Thiry, '54 E; Char-
les Wise, '54 E.
Baker, '54; Richard Brennan, '54;
John Buck, '54; R. Kenneth
Carroll, '52; Douglas Cutler, '52;
Kenneth Cutler, '54; Edward Gav-
noy, '54 E; James Himmelborger,
'54; Roy Jorgonson, '54; Stan
Karlstrom, '54; Frank Keck, '54;
Lowell Mowor, '54; Edward Phstu-
chia, '52; Jack Pinney, '54; Frede-
rick Teague, '53; Norman Welch,
Buell, '54; William Capitan, '54;
Charles Carroll, '52 E; Richard
Conover, '53; Roland Crase, '54;
John Hartigon, '52; Hugh Hatch,
'53 SP; Robert Hukill, '54 E;
Neill Hurry, '54 A&D; Arthur
Iverson, '54; William Laney, '54
A&D; Edgar Monker, '54; Wil-
liam Moyers, '54; Harry My-
ron, '54; Peter Oak, '53; Ric-
hard O'Connor, '54; J o h n
Piirto, '54; Robert Rico, '54;
Charles Ridgeway, '53 NR; John
Stock, '54; Gordon Tarront, '53;
John Tolford, '54; Neal Vanse-
low; '54; John Wiltse, '53 SP.
Stands Pat
On Candidacy
Eisenhower Speaks Out in Answer
To Dewey's Published Backing
NEW YORK-(A)-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday thanked
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey for suggesting him as a 1952 presidential cand-
idate, but indicated that he hasn't changed his mind about staying
out of politics.
The General, who repeatedly has expressed determination not to
run for public office, said his convictions about how he can best serve
"the cause of freedom" have not changecd.
However, two New York newspapers quoted unidentified sources
close to Eisenhower as saying the General would submit to a draft for
the GOP nomination.
Eisenhower's statement came after Dewey, titular head of the
,Republican party, said he favored the wartime Allied supreme com-
mander as the GOP's presidential nominee two years from now. Eisen-
hower said in a prepared statement:
"Any American would be com-
plimented by the knowledge that
H igh Cany other American considered
him qualified to fill the most im-
portant post in our country. In
Sthiscase, the compliment comes
from a man who is Governor of a
great state And who has devoted
U . D le many years of his life to public
service. I am grateful for Governor
Dewey's good opinion of me.
"As for myself, my convictions
Move To Stop as to the place and methods
through which I can best con-
Discrimination tribute something to the cause of
freedom have been often expressed.
They have not changed. Here at
WASHINGTON -(P)u d The Su- Columbia University, I have a task
preme' Court made a wide infer- that- would excite the pride and
ence yesterday that cities and challenge the qualifications and
states may have to open up such strength of any man. I still be-
publicly-owned enterprises as golf lieve that it offers to such an in-
courses to Negroes without limi- dividual as myself rich opportuni-
tations. ties for serving."
The high tribunal did not say But the New York World-Tele-
Negroes should be given such gram and the Sun said Gen. Eisen-
rights. But it did set aside a ruling hower is "definitely a candidate
of the Florida state courts barring for the Presidency in 1952. They
a Negro from unrestricted use of reportedsthatdhe will submit to a
the Miami Springs Country Club draft for the Republican nomina-
golf course in Miami.
i ~tion, although he won't say so for
And it directed the Florida Su- some time. Their source, they said,
preme Court to reconsider its de- was "an intimate friend who spoke
cision in the light of two high to the General this morning."
tribunal Tunings last June, one The New York Journal-Ameri-
of which ordered a Negro admit- can, too quoted "a source close to
ted to the all-white University of the General." This newspaper said:
Texas. "While Eisenhower will 'not lift
The outcome of the Florida case a finger' to help any move for the
conceivably could affect admission :Republican nomination, if drafted
of Negroes to other publicly-owned the General will accept out of a
facilities such as swimming pools, deep sensepofduty."
ices Smash Through
ward Pyongyang
Asks Stiffer
Curbs, Taxes
Protests Mount
On New Curbs
WASHINGTON - (/P) - Eco-
nomic Mobilizer W. Stuart Sym-
ington yesterday called for higher
taxes, stiffer curbs on credit, and
longer working hours in America
to win what he described as "truly
a fight for survival."
Symington said he believes it
may be possible to avoid general
price-wage controls in the immedi-
ate future "if we could jet over
the psychology of scare buying."
but, he declared:
"We are now getting organized
for such price and wage action as
may be needed."
The federal' official spoke out
for further "cuts and sacrifices"
even as protests mounted against
a new series of government re-
strictions on installment buying.
The new regulations, effective
today, call for higher down pay-
ments on many hosusehold rrticles
and a shorter pay-off time for
them and for new and used auto-
Some spokesmen for ousiness de-
nounced the Federal Reserve
Board's latest action, tightening
controls put into effect last Sept.
18, as too hasty and "a terrible
blow" to business.
The board said they were neces-
sary to combat inflation.
Symington, in a copyrighted in-
terview published by U.S. News
And World Report, a weekly iews
magazine, made no direct refer-
ence to these complaints, but he
"We must have stro'g credit
controls to cut down civilian buy-
ing, and we must have much high-
er taxes, on a 'pay-as-you-go' bas-
is, to keep purchasing power down
to a level of available civilian
goods." Symington, chairman of
the National Security Resources
Board, coordinator of the mobili-
zation program. He has the last
word, except for the President, on
what the administration will be
under the law Congress ssed to
gear the home front for emer-
CONFERENCE-Gen. Douglas MacArthur and President Truman sit in the back seat of the 1948"
light sedan which carried them to their two-hour conference on Wake Island. President Truman
flew back to Honolulu and General MacArthur to Tokyo immediately after the historic meeting which
brought the two together for the first time.
outdoor theatres, ball parks, play-
grounds and the like.
n In another decision today the
Supreme Court stood by its de-
t cision made last June that the
, federal government has paramount
rights to rich oil lands under mar-
ginal seas along the Texas and
Louisiana coasts.
The court agreed to consider an
attack on the constitutionality of
a California law which restricts
the recovery of damages in libel
suits against newspapers and slan-
der suits against broadcasters.
800 Extra
Men Drafted
WASHINGTON - (P) -- Selec-
tive Service said yesterday it de-
livered 50,800 met) to the armed
forces during September and late
That was 800 more than the
Army requested.
The agency said the rejection
rate for physical and mental rea-
sons has been 49 per cent.
'"The high physical and mental
standards presently required of in-
ductees by the armed forces ne-
cessitates the average draft board
sending more than twice as many
registrants for pre-induction ex-
aminations as the call requires,"
the agency said.
Meanwhile draft boards through-
out the nation started registering
young psysicians, dentists and
veterinarians f o r possible 21
months military service.
The Army said it plans to draft
922 doctors, 500 dentists and 100
veterinarians f r o in November
through January.
Registering in the first group
today were those medical men less
than 50 years old who were train-
ed at government expense during
World War II, or saw less than 21
months military service.
Calls 'for Tryouts
World News
By The Associated Press
BERLIN - East German Com-
munists last night - flashed Sun-
day's rigged election as a beacon
toward full Sovietization of the
East zone.
The Communists proclaimed that
that 12,088,745 of about 13,000,-
000 enfranchised East Germans
had voted for their Russian-spon-
sored,'unopposed "national front."
* * * -
HAVANA--A hurricane - the
third of the season - crossed
the central part of Cuba last
Preliminary reports received
here indicated damage was not
great and there was no loss of
Navy and Marines announced yes-
terday that enlisted reservists with
four or more dependents who have
been called to active duty may
apply for discharge immediately.
The action was taken because
existing law provides a family al-
lowance for only three dependents.
No more call-ups of reservists with
four or more dependents will be
UN Blocks
Soviet Korea
Vote Move
onomic and Social Council of the
UN defeated a Russian move yes-
terday to give North Korean Com-
munists a commanding voice in
rebuilding Korea.
It rejected, 14-3, a Soviet pro-
posal to put North Koreans, along
with South Koreans, on a tem-
porary Korean relief survey com-
HERNAN SANTA *Cruz, Chilean
president of the Council, immedi-
ately offered Russia a place on the
seven-nation fact-finding com-
mission which will determine how
much money and time will be nec-
essary to rebuild the country.
A. A. Arutiunian, Soviet dele-
gate to the Council, said he will
have to get Moscow's approval
for Russia to serve on the com-
mission. The Council adjourned
indefinitely until t h e word
comes. His, hesitation delayed
quick action.
One Western delegate said af-
ter the meeting "This puts Russia
on the spot. Now we'll find out
whether they'll cooperate with the
UN on helping rebuild Korea or
will obstruct further."
Neither Korean regime was ap-
pointed to the commission.
only other big power member of
the commission, which was pro-
posed by Australia. Other member's
include Australia, Chile and Pak-
istan all of them members of the
Assembly's master commission on
the relief and rehabilitation of
Korea; and Belgium and India.
Meanwhile, Russia's Andre Vi-
shinsky called on Western powers
yesterday to do what they have
demanded Russia do--back up
words with deeds. He was immedi-
ately accused of a new propaganda
move by Percy. Spender, Australian
external affairs minister.
Robert H. Stacy, admitted Hav-
en Hall arsonist, confessed yester-
day to a string of 16 purse-snatch-
ings over a period of 'a year in
Ann Arbor, according to local po-
Police Chief Casper Enkemann
quoted Stacy as saying he needed
the money for his education. No
Nehru Blasts
Demands Admission
Of Communist China
NEW DELHI-(IP)-Prime Min-
i'ster Nehru, in a major statement
of India's policy ,opposed yester-
day the American-supported plan
for United Nations military forces,
on the ground that it would turn
the U.N. toward war rather than
peace. He also strongly opposed
American policy toward Commu-
nist China.
Nehru said the idea of U.N. arm-
ed forces to combat aggression,
substance of a seven-nation pro-
posal now being debated, was "a
wrong approach."
Nehru also blamed much of the
woes of Asia today upon the fact
that Communist China has been
kept out of the United Nations.
Calling this an "astounding phe-
nomenon," he added that any
foreign policy based upon non-
recognition of the "new China" is
"wrong and leads to unreal and
imaginary results."
He declared that India feels the
problems. of combatting Commu-
nist expansion fundamentally "is
a problem of winning the under-
standing and good will of the
masses of the *orld." He said that
"unless people have some hope in
the future held out to them, they
seek other remedies."
Stacy Confesses Thefts;
A rraignment Postponed
Dead line
Wednesday is the registration
deadline for the Nov. 7 general
Prospective voters may reg-
ister in the city clerk's office in
the City Hall from 9 a.m. to 8
p.m. today and tomorrow. But
no one will be handled after
that date, according to City
Clerk Fred J. Looker.
Eligibility for registration re-
quires proof of Ann Arbor resi-
dence. This means that a stu-
dent cannot vote unless he will
swear he has no other home
than Ann Arbor.
However, married students
who have lived in Ann Arbor
for 20 days and in Michigan for
six months are eligible regard-
less of original residence.
estimate of the amount stolen has
been revealed.
* * *
THE THEFTS, police said, oc-
curred in University buildings,
public schools, churches and re-
ligious centers. Campus buildings
included the Natural Science
B 1 d g., University Elementary
School and Lane Hall.
. Chief Enkemann said that in
view of the-arson charge, Stacy
would probably not be formally
charged with larceny.
The former University teaching
fellow was tentatively scheduled
for arraignment in cricuit court
morning, but a postponement has
been obtained, according to Leon-
ard H Young, Stacy's attorney.
Young said yesterday that he
had conferred with Stacy and
found him "much more compos-
ed" than at. previous meetings.
Saturday he stated that Stacy,
'was "in no mental condition to
talk with anyone."
However, Young said, he had not
as yet reached an agreement with
his client as to what plea will be
entered to the court. The attorney
asserted that the arraignment will
probably take place Thursday.
It was rumored yesterday that
police had located Zelda Clarkson,
Stacy's ex-girl friend, who reveal-
ed information leading to his ar-
French Leave
Key Outpost
In Indochina
SAIGON, Indochina--(JP)-The
French have cleared civilians'out
of the key French frontier strong-
hold town of Langson, after
French forces abandoned still an-
other in their crumbling chain of
frontier outposts to the Commu-
nist-led Vietminh forces, a mili-
tary spokesman announced yester-
The evacuation of civilians from
Langson may presage military
abandonment of that frontier
headquarters. French officials
have said privately it soon might
be necessary to withdraw French
forces from all posts near the
Communist Chinese frontier.
The civilians were ordered out
by air and highway as the roll-up
of French frontier defenses caused
abandonment of Nacham, .only 15
miles to the northwest.
The military spokesman said all
contact.has been lost with the rear
guard of the French garrison
which is withdrawing from That-
khe. The rear' guard consisted of
Meets Little
Troops Near
Red Capitol City
TOKYO -(AP)- United Nations
forces punched through crumbling
North Korean lines today to less
than 30 air miles of the Commun-
ist capitol of Pyongyang at the
closest point.
A general breakthrough appear-
ed in the making.
U.S. Eighth Army Headquarters
reported spectacular gains. on all
fronts against negligible Red re-
Erickson at Eighth Army Head-
quarters said the U.S. 24th Divi-
sion had captured Haeju, just
north of the 38th parallel, and
then swung northward along a
good highway toward Pyongyang.
Aerial observers said - with-
out confirmation - they saw
U.S. 24th Division troops 10
miles south of Sariwon, im-
portant road Junction only 35
miles south of the Red capitol.
This would represent an ad-
vance of 52 road miles since Sun-
day when elements of the 24th
speared into Yonan, Just south of
the 38th parallel. At the start of
the war it was the 24th Division
which bought time with blood in
a slow and costly retreat.
s s a
THE U.S. FIRST Cavalry Div-
sion was last reported about 10
miles east of Sariwon on the prim-
ary highway to Pyongyang.
On the east coast, the South
Korean Capitol Division punch-
ed within three miles of the
big Communist industrial cent.
er of Hamhung, one of the last
remaining supply points for the
rapidly dissolving North Korean
The Capitol Division, aided by
strong naval air support, pushed
one column through the highway
town of Chigyong to a point with-
in three miles of Hamhung
Another Column advanced through
Yonpo toward the outskirts of
Hungnam the port for Hamhung.
The advances represented gains
of 21 to 24 miles in a single day.
Opposition to this dual advance
only 110 miles south of the Kor-
ean-Manchurian border was con-
fined to small arms fire.
The South Korean First Divi-
sion was closest to Pyongyang An
Eighth Army spokesman reported
these troops drove one column 10
miles west of captured Suan to
a point 30 air miles southeast of
the Communist capitol. Another
column was three miles northwest
of Suan on w secondary road to
the Communist citadel.
Earlier the First Division's com-
mander, Gen. Paik Sun Yu pre-
dicted his men would reach Pyon-
gyang in three days "if everything
went as planned,"
. The South Korean 8th Division
was last reported 50 miles south-
east of Pyongyang on the right
flank of the fast moving First Re-
publican Division.
U.S. Approves
French Plan
To UpArmy
ed States tentatively approved
yesterday the broad outline of
France's plan to boost its army
in Europe from seven to ten divi-
sions by the end of 1951, with this
country paying part of the bill.
Secretary of State Acheson is
reported to have given this "go-
ahead" to French Defense Minis-
ter Jules Moch before he left for
Paris to report to the French cabi-
Truman returned to the knain-
land yesterday for a major for-
eign policy speech to be given'
at 10:30 p.m. today.
Unrecognized Founding Date Remains on'M' Seal
Regent's rulings to the con-
trary, most copies of the Univer-
sity seal are marked 1817.
Seals on textbooks, letterheads,
notebooks, pennants, plaques-all,
with few exceptions, say, "Univer-
sity of Michigan-1817."
But in 1928 the Board of Re-
gents declared 1837 to be the offi-
cial date of the founding of the
University, and ordered all seals
to read accordingly.
G n
* * *
scribed it as a "device representing
six pillars supporting a dome,.with
the motto "Epistemia" at their
base, and the legend, 'Seal of the
University of Michigania' around
the margin, and a light shining on
the dome from above; and until
such a seal shall be provided the
President may use any temporary
seal which may be convenient."
A substitute must have been
found, for the original seal was
youth. It lasted as official seal
until 1895.
It was then that President An-
gell decided it was time that a new
and more original design be made.
The old Minerva seal was quite
similar to the drawing in the front
of the Webster Spellers.
So the present Lamp of Know-
ledge seal was made up and has
been the official emblem of the
University ever since
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