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October 15, 1950 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-15

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Laing Includes Student,
Activities As Main Hobby

Scottish ancestry and Canadian
schooling haven't hampered Prof.
Lionel Laing in taking an active
part in American campus life.
"I do get a little ribbing from
my students about my weakness
for plaid ties," the Canadian-born
political scientist said. "And I sup-
pose some regard it funny that I
think there is music in a bagpipe."
But any such kidding hasn't
dimmed Prof. Laing's view of stu-
dents or University activities. He
can list nearly a dozen faculty and
student groups which he partici-
pates in now, and many more from
the past.
"IN FACT IF YOU say I have
any main hobby, it would be stu-
dents, he noted.
As it is, his activities became
so numerous he had to drop sev-
eral that he had participated in
for years.
Now he is a member of the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee, Druids,
the Toastmasters (one of the old-
est social groups on campus), the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, University Press Club
Scholarship Committee and the,
scholarship committee of the liter
ary college. In addition is is sec-
retary to the literary college facul-
ty, chairman of the Rhodes scho-
larship committee and faculty as-
sociate of Lloyd House in the West
* * *
"SAC AND the literary college
scholarshipgroup take the biggest
part of my time in these activi-
ties," Prof. Laing explained.

* * *


He said the scholarship com-
mittee, with its long hours and
many interviews seems most
worthwhile to him. He noted
that the group makes a real con-
tribution in helping worthy stu-
dents who can benefit from fin-
ancial aid.
All of his out-of-class activities
stem from his feeling that the
teaching function does not end'at
the class room door.
* * *
"MY CONCEPT of teaching is a
rewarding one that gives me many
satisfactions," Prof. Laipg said. "I
have gained many friendships that
have lasted over the years."
However, Prof. Lang noted
that he doesn't limit himself to
extra-curricular activities. Aside
from teaching courses in British
government, he likes to devote
much of his time to research and
His main project now is a study
of original sburces of the colonial
Vice-Admiralty courts in Boston.
He has assembled a 1600 page
manuscript of the volume which
he said will be the only one of its

Laing were in the form of periodi-
cal articles on government al-
though his major work was a case
book, "Canada and the Law of
Before he came here in 1942,
Prof. Laing taught at William and
Mary College where he became
friends with Vic Raschi, now a
New York Yankee pitcher, in one
of his classes.
' "My friendship with Raschi
probably explains my avid interest
in the Yankees," he said.
But Prof. Laing is interested in
anything to do with a base-
ball game-except newspaper sta-
Winner Has
Book Printed
Another Hopwood Award win-
ner has hit the book stands
Charles F. Madden's "Bent Blue."
Published by the Decker Press
of yPrairie City on October 1.
"Bent Blue" is a book of free verse
which won the Avery Hopwood
Award in Poetry at the University
in 1947.
Madden, the author, was gradu-
ated from West Virginia Wesleyan
College in 1943. Called to active
duty in the United States Air
Force, he flew twenty-one mis-
sions in the Italian theatre of op-
. Upon his discharge, he enrolled
in the graduate school of the Uni-
versity and in 1947 received an
M.A. degree in creative writing. It
was at this time that his "Bent
Blue" or "A Symphony of Flight"
won a Hopwood Award.
Madden is now married and the
father of two sons. At present, he
is teaching creative writing at
Stephens College in Columbia,

U' Foreign
Students Tell.
Visa Views
Hit Restrictions
On Immigration
The State Department's recent
freeze on visas for entry into the
United States is "definitely not
good," according to a student from
India, who requested that his name
not be mentioned.
Too many non-Communists get
hurt by it, he said, and besides,
"the attempt to keep Communists
out can only succeed for a short
time. They'll find ways to get in."
He was one of five foreign stu-
dents at the International Center
who expressed their opinions of
the recent exclusion of all incom-
ing aliens from the United States.
THE STATE Department had
imposed the freeze to have time
to check the background of the
immigrants in order to determine
which are excluded from the coun-
try under the new Mundt-McCar-
ran anti-Communist law.,
Another Indian student, Far-
sos H. Dastur, '51 pharm., said
that to try to keep Communists
out of the country will be use-
less. "They'll just deny that
they're Communists," he stated.
A student from Ecuador called
the immigration restrictions "un-
fair." He said, "There are many
non-fascists in Germany and Italy
who simply fought for their coun-
To refuse entrance to them, he
indicated, would show fascistic
trends in the United States. "It
would be all right," he stated, "if
just fascists and Communists were
On the other hand, a student
recently arrived from Haiti said
the restrictions could be good.
"You don't know what immigrants'
plans are. You have to keep them
out until you learn about them,"
he explained.
"It's your country," summed up
an Iranian student., "I guess the
government can keep out anybody
it wants to."
Organist To
Give. Recital
Robert Noehren, University Or-
ganist, will present the final pro-
gram in a series of three organ
recitals at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill
Noehren will play "Symphony
No. 6" by Widor, followed by
"Comes Autumn Time" by Sow-
erby. Other selections will be
"Passacaglia" by Andriessen and
"Carillon de Westminster" by Vi-
The program is open to the pub-

IT. E. Edmonson, Dean of the
School of Education, commenting
yesterday on the Life magazine
survey "What U.S. Thinks About
Its Schools," declared that it re-
veals the American people heart-
ily endorse our education system.
"We in this country have the
almost unique privilege of criti-
cizing our government or any-
thing else without fear, and our
citizens exercise this right fully,"
Edmonson said.
"Therefore," he added, "on any
issue, and especially on educa-
tion, there will always be some
people who will criticize it."
"HOWEVER, the fact that 56
per cent of the people polled said
that they are in favor of a law re,
quiring children from 17-231 to
attend school is an exceedingly
strong endorsement of our pre
sent school system."
Edmonson warned that one
must be careful in interpreting
the survey, for there are many
factors to be considered in each
of the 20 questions asked in
the poll.
"For example," he said, "the
fact that 35 per cent of the people
questioned would rather spend
more of the money that goes for
education on school buildings, as
opposed. to the 30 per cent who
would spend it on' salaries, is not
very significant."
* * *
"THIS IS because the people in
one town might be in need of new
school buildings, whereas other
towns might have enough of
"That 57 per cent of the peo-
ple felt that at least part of a.
s t u d e n t's college education
should be free is a figure to be
proud of," the dean declared.
"No other country would have
nearly as high a figure."
"It is equally encouraging," he
added, "to note that 64 per cent
of the people realized rthat,grade
school has more influence on what
type of person a child will be when
he grows up than high school." j
Especially impressive' Is, the
small percentage of people, 1,7,

Casting in The Daily Press Room

Edmonson Claims Poll
Supports School System

--Daily-Carlisle Marshall
PRINTING TROUBLE-SHOOTER--Godfrey Schmidt, installation expert for a Battle Creek print-
ing press company, checks recently-installed stereotype machinery in The Daily's shop. Schmidt's
work has taken him to the far corners of the ea rth and established him as an expert in his field.
Master Printer Tells of Trade, Travels

Godfrey Schmidt, master print-
er and recent sampler of Liberty
street hospitality, has traveled all
over the world in happy pursuit
of both his vocation and avoca-
His work as an installation su-
pervisor for a Battle Creek print-
ing press manufacturer has in-
troduced him to many of the
famous printing shops, newspaper
offices and taverns of most of the
world's literate nations.
* * *
GENERALLY, Schmidt finds
.that printing shops and schnapps
are complementary by nature.
"Good beer makes good printing."
But in Ann Arbor, Schmidt found
an exception: The Daily shop won
his immediate approval but he
could muster only a bare "ade-
quate" for the local brew.
Recently his duties have taken
him to Israel and India where
he varied his recreational ac-
tivity with cold swims in the
Ganges River and Indian
"Traveling's the best part of
this trade," Schmidt remarked.
"I've flown the ocean six times,
have worked in all 48 states, and
have been in every Canadian pro-
vince, from Nova Scotia to British
* * -*
SCHMIDT, an old-type German
with a heavy accent and a twinkle
in his eye, came to Hamilton, O.,
from Hanover, Germany, in 1922.
Three years later he established

himself with the company for
which he's worked ever since.
"I ]earned my trade the hard
way," he said. "I worked in
Hanover as a mechanic and
became acquainted with print-
ing presses that way. Then,
when I came to '.the United

States, I naturally
along the same lines."


Schmidt is not a talkative man
by nature, but he does have his
travel preferences. "England and
Holland were good," he recalled.
"But Germany! Ah, the work I
did in Heidelberg."

who feel that a teacher's reli-
gion should be considered when
she applies for a job, the dean!
"Another tribute "to American
education is the fact that 31 per
cent of the people polled - the
highest percentage - felt that
teachers were more important to
the community than clergymen,
public officials, merchants or
You are cordially
invited to attend s
"Christian Science:
The Revelation of
Spiritual Law"
of Portland, Oregon
Member of the Board of Lec-
tureship of The Mother Church,
The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in Boston,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Michigan League Building
North University Avenae.
Sunday, Oct. ,5, 1950
et 3:30 P.M.
Under Auspices of
Ann Arbor

Atom Talk by Lilienthal

Toa Open Lecture
David E. Lilienthal, former head Anothe
of the Atomic Energy Commis- was being
sion will open the 1950-51 ora- city of Ch
torial series at 2:30 p.m. Wednes- phone-ra
day in Hill Auditorium. timately
The distinguished lawyer, who States Su
will speak on "The Atom in War refund of
and Peace," has been in the lime- ed teleph
light since he copped'the amateur
light-heavyweight championship
at De Pauw University. RECEN
, , al renowi
HIS PUBLIC service record in- Atomic E
includes work with the Tennessee which he
Valley Authority, the Wisconsin His reas
Public Service Commission and in a nat
publication of two books', "This I faith in t
Do Believe," and "TVA-Democ- dle atomi
racy on the March." governme
In his work with TVA he arose The r
as a champion of the democratic on thea
method, when he included the mittee
people of Tennessee in the plan- for in
ning commission for the Author- atomice
ity. partmen


r triumph in his record
g special counsel for the
hicago in the famous tele-
te controversy which ul-
resulted in the United
supreme Court ordering a
$20,000,000 to overcharg-
one subscribers.
NTLY he achieved nation-
vn for his work on the
Energy Commission, a job
resigned early this year.
on for resigning, stated
tional magazine, was his
he 'common man' to han-
nic energy better than a
ent agency could.
esignation followed work
original consulting com-
which drew up a plan
Lernational control of
energy for the State De-


Wrap aroun

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