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October 15, 1950 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-15

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9VNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1950.



Wisconsin Claims Best
Dorm Phone System

Officials at the University of
Wisconsin claim that it has one
of the best university telephone
systems in the country.
The men's and women's dorms
are served by 600 lines, making
one line for every eight students.
In a survey conducted by the
Wisconsin journalism school, it
was found that the Daily Cardi-
nal, campus newspaper, occupies
an average of 16.4 minutes per
day of those students who read
* * .
AT THE University of Virginia,
an unsuccessful experiment in
fraternity rushing was tried. De-
Local Area
Sets Plans
For Defense
Medical and public health offi-
cials for civilian defense in this
area have not been idle in mak-
ing plans concerning a possible
atomic attack.
According to Dr. Otto K. Engel-
ke, city-county health director, a
committee has been meeting for
several months to make tentative
plans in case of atomic disaster.
ANN ARBOR, Ypsilanti, Willow
Run and surrounding areas are
being organized on a county basis.
Unlike the large cities which must
be ready for actual warfare, the
planning of this district is directed
toward receiving casualties and
evacuees from urban centers.
The committee is surveying
sites for emergency hospitals
and lining up staffs of doctors,
dentists, veterinarians, phar-
macists, and nurses. Arrange-
ments must also be made for
surgical teams and litter bear-
Thereare no immediate plans
for a living blood bank in Ann
Arbor, reported Dr. Engelke. He
explained that the Jackson plan
is an experimental program try-
ing out various ideas for civilian
defense. "From it will come a pat-
tern to be recommended for the
entire state," Dr. Engelke said.
He said that the great defect
in the program is "the lack of
specific instructions from Lansing
and Washington concerning de-
tails." Until they give definite or-
ders, the committee can continue
to make only the most basic
plans," Dr. Engelke concluded.
Architect Will
Richard M. Bennett, Chicago
architect, will address Prof. A. B.
Handler's Building Economics
class and visitors at 10 a.m. Mon-
day, in room 346, College of Ar-
chitecture and Design.
Mr. Bennett will discuss pro-
ject planning from the designer's
point of view, including both pub-
lic housing projects and. large
scale private developments.
Mr. Bennett is the second in a
series of visiting lecturers who
will speak to Prof. Handler's
group. Last Monday Walter Blu-
cher, noted leader of the com-
munity planning movement, spoke
to the class and interested visitors.
Orchestra Has
Few Openings
The Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra,

directed by Prof. Joseph E. Mad-
dy of the School pf Music, has a
few openings for interested stu-
Most of the orchestra's 60
places are already claimed, but
viola players are particularly
needed. A few openings in other
sections are also available.
The group which meets on Mon-
day is now studying symphonies
of Mendelssohn, Brahms, and
Tschaikowsky and works of other
noted composers.
Interested students are invited
to attend the. rehearsal, 7:15 p.m.
Monday at the Ann Arbor High
,Whose Eyes?
Turn To Page 5

vised by the Inter-Fraternity
Council, the new plan called for a
week of open houses, to be fol-
lowed by a "silent" week. After
that further dates were made be-
twen the rushees and. the frater-
Most men interviewed after
the rushing pieriod was all over
seemed to feel that the new sys-
tem put a strain on the frater-
nity members and rushees alike.
Northwestern University plans
to have the best cheering section
in the Big Ten this year. To be
centered in a definite 1,000 seat1
area, the cheering section will al-
so use a card-displaying system.
The cards will be used to form
pictures and diagrams.
* * *
IT APPEARS that students at
the University *of California go
for humor inra big way. Their
campus humor magazine, The
Pelican, reported a 14,000 copy
sellout of its first issue.
In Austin, Texas, home of the
University of Texas, the male stu-
dents went up in arms against the
barbers in the Union. Reason:
The barbers had upped their price
to $1.00. O t h e r barbershops
around the campus, however, still
maintained their regular price of
$.75 to $.85.
Meeti *ngSet.
For Gothic
Film Society
The Gothic Film Society will
hold its first meeting of the year
at 8 p.m. Monday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre to view the
movie "Grand Illusion."
The meeting is open only to old
members of the organization, ac-
cording to Bill Hampton, director.
The society, which consists of fa-
culty members, graduate students
and a few undergraduates, has a
limited membership of about 250,
he explained.
The coming year's program will
also be discussed at the meeting.
Tle program will include a
series of films entitled "Forty
Years of American Film Comedy,
featuring some of the greatest
comedies produced in America
since 1914," Hampton said.
Comprising the series will be
"Duck Soup" with the Marx Bro-
thers, "The General" with Bus-
ter Keaton, a program of Charlie
Chaplin shorts and "Million Dol-
lar Legs" with W. C. Fields and
Ben Turpin.

To Register
For Jobs
The annual registration of sen-
iors, graduate students and fa-
culty members interested in se-
curing permanent employment in
the educational field will be held
at 4 p.m. tomorrow'in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall by the Bureau
of Appointments.
Those seniors, graduate stu-
dents and faculty members as well
as anyone on campus interested in
securing permanent employment
in the business, industrial and
other than educational field may
register at 4p.m. Tuesday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Early registration for employ-
ment is necessary because em-
plqers are already inquiring for
available February and June
graduates. There is no fee for
registering at this time.
Those interested in registering
in both divisions are invited to at-
tend both meetings as different
material will be distributed at
each meeting.

"It may be wiser to wait for the
perfection of the electronic sys-
tem of colored television than to
accept the mechanical system
merely because it is ready first,"
Prof. Garnet Garrison, director of
University television, said explain-
ing the viewpoint of those who
dispute the Federal Communica-
tions Commission's recent deci-
The system which has been
adopted as the national color sys-
tem is based on mechanical de-
vices very different from those
used in the black-and-white
* *. *
INEXPENSIVE adapters will be
needed to enable present sets to
receive the CBS national colored
television in black-and-white.
"Actually receiving the broadcasts

in color will mean purchasing a
converter for approximately $40
plus installation costs," Prof. Gar-
rison remarked.
"Because of the added ex-
pense for viewers, manufactur-
ers are fearful that sets will be-
come obsolete and purchases
will drop. Therefore they_5er-
iously question the FCC ap-
proved system," he continued.
Discussing the FCC decision
which will "probably be thrown
into the courts," he said that the
CBS mechanical system of color-
ed television might run into many
difficulties as TV changes. For
this reason Prof. Garrison added
manufacturers feet that "the RCA
electronic system may be worth
waiting for since it is more easily
adaptable to changes and would
not require as much extra expense

Garrison Explains Color TV Dispute

for purchasers of sets when it is
* * *
THE PROBLEM is that of put-
ting colored television into the
same scanning line standard used
for present black-and-white tele-
casting, "RCA believes it.- has a
good chance of accomplishing
this," he declared.
Television manufacturers feel
"the FCC should give more
thought to the future of color-
ed television."
"They feel RCA should have
been allowed time to prove its re-
cent report claiming RCA experi-
mentation has resulted in a com-
mercial, fully compatible, all-
electronic color television avail-
able for immediate adoption,"
Prof. Garrison declared.

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
SMILING STARLET-Vanessa Brown, stage and screen actress
who is a member of the Katharine Hepburn production of "As You
Like It" currently appearing in Detroit, flashes her smile from the
steps of Angell Hall. During her undergraduate days at UCLA Miss
Brown was a drama critic on the college newspaper.

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6*4 mat
in combed gingham
Two-tone woven check blouse
that pampers your pet suits and
skirts. Highly fashioned with
self-piped Peter Pan collar and
pearl buttons marching down
the shirtwaist front. Sanforized
and colorfast . . . ever lovely,
ever washable, in assorted two-
tone checks. Sizes 30 to 40.

6 # F all's
Colorful Loveliness
..is reflected in the fabrics of our
Make your selections now from our wealth
of new fabrics and styles . . . and, with
our background of 64 years of fine tailor-
ing, we will fashion you a suit or coat or
skirt that will charm and delight..
The cost is surprisingly low .. . only $55
to $97.50 for suits and coat

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3. Lustrous combed cotton broadcloth.
Gleaming with the soft accent of real pearl
buttons and cuff links. Washable . . . be-
cause it's Sanforized, colorfast. White and
pastels, deep darks, rich brighter tones.
Sizes 30 to 36. 2.98

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b. Subtle take off on a fine man's shirt.
Convertible collar, French cuffs with genuine
pearl links. Fashion-right white or pastels,
rich bright and dark tones. Sizes 30 to 36.

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c. Washable combed broadcloth. Gen-
uine pearl shoe buttons that point up the
shirtwaist front, long sleeves and double
patch pockets. White stitching accents.
Sanforized, colorfast. Lipstick, emerald,
midnight, nugget, toast or cedar. Sizes 30
to 36. 3.98




10 ,

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