Pt, NEAR EAST POLITICS See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the Stat. aitii PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXI, No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1950 EIGHT PAGES One Half ToO Many: R President Meets f0 With MacArthur Conference Short, Discuss Korean Rehabilitations, Asiatic Red Perils WAKE ISLAND-()-President Truman met with General Mac- Arthur on Wake Island yesterday in a conference dealing with the , Red perils in Asia and declared "we are confident that we can sur- mount these dangers." Before leaving in his presidential plane for the return to Hawaii,, en route to the United States, the President issued a statement saying - he and MacArthur had discussed the steps needed to bring "peace N and security" to Asia. * * * * * Cadets Roar Back In Second aif To Extend Skei Pollard and Pollock Star for Army As Qrtmann's Arm Sparks Michigan Special to The Daily By BOB SANDELL Associate Sports Editor NEW YORK-A brilliant second half rally and a couple of reserve halfbacks gave mighty Army its 23rd straight triumph yesterday and fourth win without loss over Michigan's Wolverines. The two backs, Al Bollard and Vic Pollock, sparked third and fourth period drives that brpught the Cadets a smashing 27-6 victory before 67,076 fans in -Yankee Stadium. THE WOLVERINES, led by Charlie Ortmann, put on a tremen- dous first half show for the huge crowd, and narrowly missed running the Cadets right off the field before intermission. But beginning late in the third quarter the Cadets could do no wrong, and they took advantage of the breaks to score three quick touchdowns and doom the Mich- iganders to their second -setbackSector In three starts. E s Michigan lost the services of their right halfback, Leo Koceski, early in the second quarter and -' rr ans to the Wolverines sorely missed his running and kicking. DIN Cast Ballots THE INVADING Maize and Blue Scored with little more than eight miriinei gon. inL.n.e ns i prvinA,.. THE STATEMENT gave no hi questions in Asia, such as the Com Formosa, had been discussed. This may be clarified when speech in San Francisco Tuesday * * * Indo-China May Receive FurtherAid WASHINGTON-- (P) -Top officials, with an -eye on the Wajde r. Island conference, yesterday pre- didted a quick increase in Ameri- can military aid to Indo-China. They said it is needed to meet the threat of a major-drive which the Communists might make there to offset the Red disaster in Korea. a result of the fact that the H-dI- fCina problem was one of the ma- sor topics for President Truman and Gen. Douglas MacArthur at their weekend meeting. The President notified Secre- tary of State Acheson. and De- fense Secretary Marshall of his plans to talk about Indo-China. and had them advise him on all the latest developments there. In the Washington talks, French Defense Minister Jules Moch ap pealed to Marshall and Secretary of State Acheson Friday for a faster delivery schedule for arms to Indo-China. Marshall promised to ,do all he could. Senate Group Contemplates TyougherDraft WASHINGTON-(P)-The Sen- ate Armed Services Committee plans' to take an interested look at proposals to switch to a new and tougher draft system. The proposed. system would, be mnown as Universal Military Ser- vice and, a spokesman suggested yesterday, could become a substi- tute for both the existing Selective Service draft setup and the pro- posed Compulsory Universal Mili- tary n straining. UNDER UMS, the spokesman said; a young man reaching a given age level, possibly 18, automatically would have to enter one of the armed services if he could 'meet physical and inental requirements. Generally speaking, d i s a-b il1 t y would be the only grounds for de- ferment. AsmIn Britain and many conti- nental European nations which have UMS, each man called would. get basic training, then ao through a period of actual service with the regular armed forces rin whichhe would be available for combat duty at nt as to whether other momentous nmunist menace to Indochina and Truman makes a .nation-wide on foreign policy. " The statement said only: * "We also discussed steps neces- sary to bring peace and security to the Pacific area as rapidly as possible in accordance with the in- tent of the resolution of the Unit- ed Nations General Assembly and in order to get .our armed forces out of Korea as soon as the Unit- ed Nations mission is complete." THE CONFERENCE, which be- gan with the arrival of President Truman's, plane at 6:30 a.m., marked the first meeting between the two. -Daily-Ed Kozma NOT OFTEN ENOUGH-Don Dufek, Michigan fullback, plunges over for Michigan's lone tally of the day in the first quarter from inside of the five yard line. Dufek who gave yearling service in the bucking and spinning slot all day was a thorn in the side of the Cadets right up to the end, but his performance coupled with a great day by Chuck Ortmann. was not enough. Army scored heavily in the last half to win 27-6. In this picture Dufek is shown tripping over the goal line as Black Knight line backers lunge to tackle him. The crowd of 70,000 was well saturated with Wolverine suppoxt ers who went wild, as Don plunged over in anticipation of a stunning upset, but the men of Blaik were not to be denied. The running o f Army's second string backs, Vic Pollock and Al Pollard, told the story an4 final score. . I I I I I I I I A lied Divisiors Smash oward Korean Capital TOKYO - (R) - Speedy Allied There was no further word, ground troops smashed out gains however, on operations 'of 37 of 15 to 20 miles Saturday in a warships, led by the battleship three-pronged drive towards the Missouri, which shelled the same Red Korean capital of Pyongyang. area Thursday and Friday. Cut off behind them were an es- timated 2000Rd o empe he aircraft opened the huge u ate.0,00 Reds to be mopped operation with raids Tuesday. . * 4,eToday's Navy summary said MEANWHILE c a r r i e r-based planes flying from 4the carriers bombedlNorth Korea's east Valley Forge, Phillippine Sea and planes suppry ies ea Boxer "delivered crippling blows ceast supply ines yest the Navy to North Korean troops concen- the iflsed.ay, y trations, artillery positions and disclosed. ... lima 11 ChurchillCites EuropePeril BALACKPOOL, England - (A) -Winston Churchill warned the West yesterday against getting too deeply involved in.Asia's troubles because the danger from Commu- nism in Europe is far greater. The threats in the Far East, the wartime Prime Minister said,"are on a very small scale to those which, as the government has told us, tower up against us on the continent of Europe." * * * CHURCHILL tvas addressing a mass meeting winding up the an- nual conference of the Conserva- tive Party, of which he is leader. He said he did not believe war to be inevitable and described Western Europe in these words: * * * IN THE GROUND action, the South Korean First Division struck 20 miles to Singye, 55 miles south- east of the Korean Communist stronghold. The South Korean Capital Di- vision drove 15 miles west from Wonsan, port on the east coast, to a point.70 miles east of Pyon- gyang. A U.S. First Calvary Division column rumbled through captured Kumchon on the main road to Pyongyang, 70 miles northwest. * * * ANOTHER First Calvary col- umn struck northward just west of Kumchon and was reported closer to the Red capital than the force that captured Kumchon. The First Calvarymen and Brit- ish and ,Australian soldiers who captured Kumchon trapped the es-' timated 20,000 Reds south of the city. Hailer Asks Installment Plan Chan (re WASHINGTON - (R') - A de- mand that the new, tighter curbs on automobile installment pur- chases be lifted was made yester- day by Fred L. Hailer, president of the National Automobile Dealers Association. He said people were being thrown out of work and the na- tional economy damaged by pre- viously announced restrictions and he called the new ones the "most drastic economic regulation ever forced upon a free people." * * * HE MADE his protest in a'tele- gram to the Federal Reserve Board. The board Friday issued new regulations under which the pay-off limit on automobiles was cut from 21 to 15 months, with the cash down payment remaining one third. In Sept. the Board had issued the regulations calling for the one third down payment with 21 months to pay. Auto manufacturers and dealers in Detroit predicted yesterday that auto production will fall off and unemployment increase as a re- sult of the new federal credit curbs. The Detroit Automobile Dealers Association called the restrictions a "terrible blow." Robert H. Stacy, confessed Hav- en Hall arsonist, was "in no men- tal condition to talk with anyone" yesterday afternoon, according to Leonard H. Young, attorney ap- pointed Friday to represent the former University teaching fellow. Young attributed Stacy's "men- tal confusion" to continual, rigor- ous questioning by police officials during the past few days. U.S. Expands. Berlin Forces WASHINGTON - OP) - The U.S. Army is building up its strength in Berlin. The Sixth Infantry Regiment, disbanded after World War Two, is being recreated and some units of it-the army wouldn't say how many-are being assigned to gar- rison duty in the former German capital. Apparently the action is being taken to show that the U.S. in- tends to keep occupation troops in Berlin despite any future Soviet moves to force them out. An Army spokesman said ,men for the newly-formed units will be drdwn from other American units throughout Germany. The other units will be brought back to full strength eventually with replacements from the U.S. YOUNG, WHO was named Sta- cy's attorney by Circuit Judge James R. Breakey, Jr., said he would probably confer with Stacy this afternoon on whether the at- torney would defend him and what kind of plea would be entered to the court. Friday, Young told reporters, -"I think Stacy will defend him- self." He was to have talked with Stacy yesterday afternoon in re- gard to this and other matters pertinent to the forthcoming trial. Stacy's arraignment is tentative- ly scheduled for next Tuesday, ac- cording to Young, "if Stacy is in condition by that time." UNDER QUESTIONING yester- day, Stacy continued to deny any connection with the Montgomery Ward & Co. warehouse fires and a series of purse-snatchings on campus in which police believe he may be implicated. Meanwhile, police continued their attempt to locate Zelda Clarkson, Stacy's ex-girl friend, who gave information leading to his arrest. Young was named to represent Stacy after Joseph Hooper, origi- nally appointed as Stacy's lawyer, stepped out of the case because of his position as vice-president of the board of trustees of the First Methodist Church. Stacy report- edly confessed to setting a fire in the church, Attorney Reports Stacy. Too Confused To Talk I minutes gone in the first period, and 'narrowl$ missed tallying sev- eral other times before the Cadets tied the count just before the half ended. Fullback Don Dufek plunged for the lone Wolverine score' while Pollock scored twice and Pollard and Jack Martin once each for the Cadets. Michigan received the kickoff and on the third play nearly lost the ball to Army deep in their own territory. Pete Kinyon finally re- covered Ortmann's fumble on the 13 yard line. * * * MICHIGAN then recovered two successive Army fumbles and the second one was costly for the Cadets. Jim Cain, the Army left half, lost the pigskin on the 34 yard line and Tony Momsen hop- ped on it for the Wolverines. It took the Wolverines just six plays 'to score from that point. Ortmann pitched to Bill Putich, for two first downs to the Army, ten. Dufek the, took over and hit right guard twice, the second time going into the end zone. The try for extra, point was, fumbled. (Continued on Page 6) World VNews Roundup By The Associated Press , SAIGON, Indochina-French of- ficials said privately yesterday it soon may become necessary to abandon all the Chinese frontier posts in the fighting against Com- munist-led Vietminh troops. * * * PITTSBURGH -Unions repre- senting more than 2,500 Pittsburgh newspaper employes thrown out of work by a strike of 200 mailers against the city's three daily news- papers announced last night they are starting immediate publication of a daily and Sunday newspaper. * * * MINNEAPOLIS - A new and "promising" discovery of uranium has been made on Great Slave Lake, Canada, by a North Dakota farmer and two Canadian pros- pectors. PHILADELPHIA - The Senate Crime Committee announced to- night its members are convinced BERLIN - (A) - Most of East Germany's 13,000,000; voters will be routed out today by a Russian- sponsored campaign to get unani- mous ballot-box approval for an unopposed ticket of Communists and fellow travelers. The vote for the Soviet zone's "National Front"-70 per cent Communists and 30 per cent voice- less Christian Democrats and Li- beral Democrats - will put into office for another four-year term almost the identical government which appointed itself to lead East Germans a year ago. With thinly-veiled threats that failure to vote will mark them as warmongers, the Easterners have little choice but to turn in an un- marked ballot approving a Red- packed regime to lead East Ger- many in full satellite status in the Soviet bloc. To assure the "enthusiasm" of the voting which the Communists confidently expect to bring in "yes" votes for 90 to 95 per cent of the voting population, 195,000 Red-of - ficered Volkspolizei (People's Po- lice) already are on hand to crush any show of dissidence. The voters are expected to start thronging to ,the polling plat- s- many of which have no booths for casting a secret ballot-behind eagle-toting parades of fiery Com- munist Free German Youth (FDJ) Anti-Communist agents explod- ed two giant rockets tonight at the feet of a Volkspolizei detach- ment in Potsdamer Platz. The gre- nades shot up a 20-foot plume of smoke and startled 500 onlookers. The Communist police were un- harmed. U.S uWilling To Talkc With Russia -- Dulles LAKE SUCCESS - (R) -- John Foster Dulles, U.S. delegate to the United Nations, said -yesterday the U.S. is always willing to negotiate with Russia if there is a chance of getting somewhere. But he contended, the Russian plans for Big Power negotiations are intended to keep the U.S. and U.N. ifrom becoming strong. * * * THEY WERE designed to con- tinue a situation which for years has screened flourishing aggres- ACCOUNTING CONFERENCE: Wolcott, Paton, Slosson Weigh Country's Economic Problems By BARNES CONNABLE Unless governmental p o 1 i c y t a k e s an. abrupt about-face, American economy is going to suf- fer consequences very similar to those following World War I, Rep. Jesse P. Wolcott, Republican Con- gressman from Port Huron, told the twenty-fifth annual Michigan Accounting Conference yesterday. Speaking in Rackham amphi- theatre, the former chairman of socialization under the mistaken belief that we must change our government in order to maintain our high standard of living," he charged. He added that without the "American system we cannot reach our economic objectives, because optimism today can only. be predicated on the perpetua- tion of that system." expert, of the business administra- tion school. Prof. Paton, speaking on cur- rent pension plans, cited these fundamental considerations in approaching the problem of pen- sions: 1. "Security cannot be guaran- teed by any institution, even gov- ernment." 2. "Any scheme of universal pen- sions must be on a pay-as-you-go The other featured speaker of the day was Prof. Preston W. Slos- son of the history department, who spoke at the luncheon session in the League. * * * * PROF. SLOSSON, speaking on the subject "After Korea, What?" asserted that "There will be no peace with Russia until she gives up the idea of world conquest." Tlwan _ IV. war IT iQ "