38th Parallel Crossing
DESPITE ALL claims that the 38th para-
llel would not stand as an artificial bar-
rier to the UN forces, it appears that there
was some hesitation on the part of Gen.
Douglas MacArthur to send non-Korean
members of the UN army over the line with-
out the OK of the UN Assembly.
It is highly speculative what could
have motivated the General and his staff
to take the action that they did. But the
General's own military and (sometimes)
political shrewdness could be the founda-
tion for a series of events that have plac-
ed UN soldiers from all countries across
the parallel without military intervention
or great propaganda blasts from the Com-
munist countries.
In looking over news reports of the fight-
rig prior to Oct. 1, a well fitting explanation
of MacArthur's actions is clearly exposed.
Foreign correspondents appeared to have
been very careful in pointing out the ac-
tivities of the UN Forces. Seldom was the
action of any particular national group play-
ed up in the news stories.
Then came the lightening invasion by
UN forces at Inchon and the entire North
Korean resistance disintergrated. By Oct.
1, UN forces had reached the 38th parallel
and Seoul was practically secure.
It was on Oct. 1 after UN soldiers crossed
the line that the reports.took on a new fla-
vor. They no longer played up the activities
of the UN forces, but headlined the achieve-
ments of. the South Korean army working
above the 38th parallel.
In the days that followed the crossing of
the line until the final Assembly's go ahead,
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
it was almost always the South Koreans,
not the UN, that were advancing above the
On Oct. 3 Lindesay Parrott reported in
the New York Times that while South Ko-
reans were operating above the line, other
UN forces were apparently waiting for word
from the UN Assembly. In the same report
he told of U.S. Marines moving north of
Seoul at an almost leisurely advance against
resistance consisting of only sniper fire and
road mines.
On Oct. 5 after the UN go ahead to cross
the line, Tokyo sources close to Gen. Mac-
Arthur said that he now felt no hesitation
about sending American troops north of the
38th parallel.
Contrary to all the denials that the bar-
rier held any political significance, it ap-
pears that MacArthur did hold back with
non-Korean forces until he got the nod
from the UN Assembly.
Fear of possible Red Chinese interven-
tion, if the line were crossed by the "West-
.ern imperialists," may have led to the sub-
tle political distinction by sending only South
Koreans into North Korea.
MacArthur, a well versed man in the in-
tricacies of the oriental mind, may have
planned this bit of political strategy with
the following idea in mind:
Red China, as well as the North Korean
civilian population, will not view the in-
vasion of North Korea by members of
their own nationality with the alarm that
would accompany an unauthorized UN in-
vasion by world forces. The critical period,
of course, would be reached when the first
troops crossed the line. At anytime after
that, the propaganda directed at the "ag-
gressors" would have lost its significance.
If this is the reason, then the plan worked
beautifully. The UN now has soldiers repre-
senting nearly all the member nations over
the line and relatively little has been heard
from Peiping or the Kremlin.
-Ron Watts
Washington Merry- Go-Round
WASHINGTON-Inside fact about the
President's visit to MacArthur is that
as early as last July he had a hankering to
go to Korea. At that time, the secret service
went into a tantrum even at the thought of
such a trip and is still worried at the idea
of the President's meeting MacArthur in
The plan of a trip to the Pacific was
revived approximately a week ago in talks
between Truman and Averell Harriman,
who had already been to see MacArthur to
smooth out the-Formosa embroglio. Har-
riman advised the President that it would
be an excellent idea for him to talk to
MacArthur personally, and the President
finally made his decision a week ago last.
The decision was kept so secret, however,
that at the Monday morning briefing which
defense chiefs give the President every day,
no word of the trip was mentioned. Only
at the end of the meeting did the President
ask the staff to leave and General Bradley
to remain' behind.
"General," Truman said. "I've been con-
templating this trip for a few days. Do you
see any reason why I shouldn't make it?"
"No, I would be one of the first to urge
you to talk to MacArthur," Bradley replied.
Bradley went back to the Pentagon and
suggested to his chief, Secretary of De-
fense Marshall, that he accompany the
President on the Pacific trip. But Marshall
said he was too new in his present Job
and not entirely familiar with the prob-
lems of the Pacific;'therefore, that Brad-
ley had better accompany the President.
The argument put forward by Harriman
to Truman regarding the visit was that Mac-
Arthur had some excellent ideas on the
rehabilitation and administration of Korea.
This will be the main topic discussed by the
There has been a difference of opinion
between the State and Defense Departments
over the future occupation of Korea, once
the war is over. The National Defense de-
partment wants to occupy the entire coun-
try with United Nations troops, thus per-
mitting American troops to leave for use
elsewhere. The State Department agrees
that U.N. troops should be used to a con-
siderable extent, but maintains that a cer-
tain number of American troops should re-
main in Korea. The State Department is
anxious that the rehabilitation Job be done
with great care and thoroughness and be-
lieves that U.S. personnel must be largely re-
The tate Department points out that
one of the greatest losses of the Korean
War has been the psychological effect
upon Europe which has watched the bomb-
ing of helpless Korean cities. This has
brought back in the minds of Western
Europeans the realization that in case of
war between the United States and Rus-
sia they too would be the object of inten-
sive bombardment. Therefore, the State
Department proposes to make an example
of Korea and to show the world that if it
is necessary to bomb a natioin, we also will
undertake to rehabilitate and rebuild it.
Harriman told Truman that Marshall has
some good ideas on this whole question of a
UN protectorate.
In talking to close friends, the President
has said that he also wants to make it
quite clear in MacArthur's mind as to who
is the boss regarding Far Eastern policy.
MacArthur not only let loose with his
statement about Formosa, which brought
a virtual reprimand from the White House,
but MacArthur was also on intimate terms
with Secretary of Defense Johnson, who
vigorously disagreed with Truman regard-
ing Formosa.
The President has confided to friends that
he wants to make sure MacArthur realizes
that over-all policy is being made at the
White House, not in the Defense Depart-
ment or in Tokyo.
* * *
Truman has also told friends that his
greatest ambition is to establish peace in
Korea; that we cannot afford to lose the
peace as we have in the past; and that he
believes a trip in which he can collect first-
hand information from MacArthur will help
to achieve this goal.
The President confided to one friend that
he was sorry he had let his associates talk
him out of having Chief Justice Fred Vin-
son go to Moscow in the fall of 1948 on a
peace mission. He said he wasn't going to be
talked out of this kind of thing again-
hence his trip to see MacArthur.
Those who have watched ex-Secretary of
Defense Louey Johnson at the American
Legion Convention and elsewhere testify to
the fact that Louey has taken his firing
from the cabinet in his stride.
You have to know Louey Johnson to ap-
preciate how terrific a blow his exit was.
Louey had looked forward to being Secre-
tary of Defense for 10 years-planned, hoped,
yearned for the job. Then-after holding it
for a year--he was bounced!.
For a lot of strong men this would have
been too much. But Louey has mingled
genially among the crowds at the Legion
convention in Los Angeles just as in the
old days elsewhere. Meeting Pvt. Peter
Emeterio in the Hotel Biltmore lobby he
stopped to chat with the Marine Corps
vet wounded at Taejon, told him how he
had hated to give the order to send the
Marines into battle, how the decision not
to defend Korea had to be reversed over-
night, what a great job the Marines had
done. Then he strode on.
The press has given Johnson a far tougher
bath of criticism than was given his pre-
decessor, but Louey is keeping his chin up
just the same.
QUALIF'ICATIONS OF office seekers and
holders have long been a favored topic
of discussion in political science texts and
newspaper columns.
Whether on the local, state or national
level, there are always charges from some
quarters that men holding office are in-
competent and should be left off the next
Generally these utterances seem to come
from the political "outs," and they are often
disregarded as trumped up charges.
Recently, however, a candidate for public
office gave reason to believe that some of
the charges are quite valid.
He said that he has not kept up on cur-
rent issues, but pointed out that he isn't
in office yet. Besides, he explained that
he has no research material available now.
It seems rather questionable that such a
person is qualified for a congressional post.
It would be far better if candidates were
elected because of the responsibility they
have shown in the past-not their promise
for the future.
Any man that has not taken it upon him-
self to keep up with issues of the day,
gives little assurance of suddenly burying
himself in study.
This incident makes it more apparent that
some candidates for our public office have
no business being nominated. It points out
a great flaw in our system of government
which should be remedied.
How this correction will be brought about
is a big problem. Basically, of course, it would
be well for voters to look into the qualifi-
cations of office seekers a little more deeply
than they have in the past.
Also political parties should shoulder the
responsibility of presenting people to the
voters who are well qualified to represent
If the people and parties do not revise the
easy-going attitude toward electing candi-
dates by such simple and painless schemes,
more drastic steps might be required to
clean up the nominating procedure.
One such plan mirht be the frequently
suggested tests for political candidates.
In itself such a proposal would present
many problems to be solved before it could
function. The material that would be put
into the test would have to be decided,
as would which offices required the test.
And who would set up and administer the
examination would have to be figured out.
Such a plan, if put into effect, would
completely change our nominating process.
Such stern measures can be avoided, how-
ever, if the people and the political parties
see that qualified men are chosen candi-
dates for office.
-Vernon Emerson
GIANT NEW mechanical computers have
now reached a point where they "plan*
and "act" along lines of human reasoning..
Logal human thinking can be broken down
into mathematical formulaes, and it is pos-
sible for these machines to produce a mathe-
matical conclusion from these formulaes..
Those conclusions can then be re-translated
The possibilities of such a nachine at
a UN Security Council debate are in-
numerable. Serving as a listening-post to
a heated debate between Jacob Malik
and Warren Austin, it would logically
measure both sides of the question by
mathematical formulaes. If there are con-
tradictions or inconsistencies in the in-
formation presented to it, the machine
can reveal this in its conclusion. As a
silent, truth-seeking member of 'the UN,
it would automatically denounce a Rus-
sian lie as a lie, using accurate mathe-
matical computations :translated into hu-
man reasoning as its basis for judgment.
The development of such a machine at
a time when malicious Russian propaganda
is the theme in the war of words at the UN
comes as a much-needed weapon for peace.
If truth cannot be sounded loudly enough
by human means at the Security Council
to fight Russian propaganda, then mechani-
cal means should be employed. If such as
fact-seeking machine will sound the de-
fense needed for peace, it is a worthwhile
measure, no matter what the means em.
ployed to proclaim the ultimate conclusion
of truth based on fact.
--Mary Letsis.
FOR THE seventh time in the course of
five years, John Stewart Service, a
career foreign service officer, has won for-
mal designation as a loyal American citizen.
He is now entitled, we think, to permanent
possession of the coveted trophy-a trophy
which most of us outside the Government
claim for ourselves as a matter of course.
He appears to have been guilty of nothing
more than foresight respecting the dissolu-
tion of the Nationalist government of China
and forthrightness in reporting his views
to his superiors.
For this offense, he was subjected to
calumnies by Senator McCarthy. The Mc-
Carthy charges were carefully sifted by the
State Department's Loyalty and Security
Board; both bodies declared them to be
groundless and cleared Mr. Service of any
suspicion of disloyalty.
-The Washington Post.
"You Could Visit One Of The Generals In Siberia"
- '!
Publication in The Daily OfficialI
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. NoticesI
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day. preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 16
School of Music Student Assem-
bly: 11 a.m., Mon., Oct. 16, Lydia
Mendelssohn. All classes have been
excused in the School of Music
during this hour in order that the
entire Student Assembly and fa-
culty may attend. Dean Moore
will make announcements of con-
cern to all, and the film, "Hymn of
the Nations" featuring Toscanini,
Jan Peerce, and the Westminster
Choir will be shown.
School of Education Faculty:
Meeting, Mon., Oct. 16, 4:15 p.m.,
University Elementary School Li-
Placement Registration: Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information w ill1
hold its annual registration (see
schedule below) for February,
June and August graduates as
well as graduate students or staff
members who wish to register.
It is most important to regis-
ter NOW because the Bureau con-
tinues to serve its registrants after
graduation by helping them se-
cure better positions. There will be
only one registration period dur-
ing the academic year. Registra-
tion material will be given out at
the meetings. No material will be
distributed before the meetings.
The Bureau has two placement
divisions: TEACHING and GEN-
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Reviewers Rights .
To the Editor:
democracy, and everyone, I
suppose, is entitled to hold an
opinion about anything. The right
'of every concert-goer to be a mu-
sic critic is guaranteed in the First
Amendment. While I personally
hold that the commonwealth of
art is a dictatorship and that the
con(.'ct of its citizens should be
sternly regulated, I am forced to
admit before the overpowering
weight of opinion (that of the
Misses Reed and Nelles, and that
of Mr. Melchior himself) that Mr.
Melchior is still a great tenor. Of
course unenlightened despots like
the terrible Rudolph Bing will nev-
er yield-even before the authori-
tative opinion of Mr. Carl Geh-
ring of the Ann Arbor Daily News.
But the First Amendment and
democratic process do not con-
done libel and violence. The Miss-
es Nelles and Reed have 1) im-
pugned my sanity, and 2) threat-
ned me with a hole in the head.
This is no longer a matter of cri-
ticsrW,;. those who defame my
thinking and plot against my safe-
ty also infringe upon my honor.
My weapons are diminished sev-
enth chords in a darkened room
on the top of Burton Tower.
-Harvey Gross
* * * '
. * 01
To the Editor:
THERE SEEMS to be through-
out this country a great wave
of fear at the prospect of re-arm-
ing western Germany. To spread
this fear, the voices of Mr. Neuch-
terlein and Mr. Neufeld have been
added to the Ann Arbor scene.
The above gentlemen have cited
a few facts to demonstrate how
dangerous an armed western Ger-
many could be. They have further
"analyzed" the thinking of the
German people to illustrate their
untrustworthiness as an ally
against communism. Finally, they
have concluded that we should
not, at this early stage in the de-
mocratization of the Germans,
permit them to build up their
armed forces.
I also have a few facts and a
few results of analyzing German
minds but I come out with an en-
tirely different conclusion. First
fact: Without an armed western
Germany as an ally, the demo-
cracies of Europe even with full
U.S. aid, could be overrun by Rus-
sia and her cohorts in just about
no time flat! Second fact: After
capturing western Germany, the
communist could easily restore
the big industry and build the ar-
my which we are now suppressing,
thus giving them the same advan-
tage which they would enjoy
should Mr. Neuchterlein's fears
materialize. Third fact: With top-
level control by the joint chiefs of
the Atlantic Pact powers (to in-
clude Germany) there is little fear
of aggression by western Germ-
any-either alone or in coopera-
tion with the communists. Fourth
fact: The great majority of west
Germans are, by no means, lovers
of Russia!-
First mind analysis: The Ger-
man people resent being suppress-
ed and the most effective way to
make them sympathetic to Russia
is to force them to continue in
their present state of insecurity.
Second mind analysis: The Ger-
man people, who are accustomed
to a strong leader, are becoming
irritated by the bickering and the
hesitancy of the Western Powers
in parceling out their freedoms.
Conclusions: That the conclu-
sions of the above-mentioned gen-
tlemen are founded on fears which
have no foundation. An armed
western Germany is most vital to
the defense of Europe and the
world's democracies.
-Robert B. Olsen
Huntley's Reply .
To the Editor:
THANKS to Mr. Buchbinder I
am reminded that what I have
been saying to Women's Clubs and
to the Rotary may be dangerously
misunderstood in these dangerous
times. The Press certainly did not
misquote me, as the theme of my
speech, taken from McCune's re-
cent book on Korea, was that we
are two or three hundred years
behind in our revolutionary prin-
ciples, nor did Mr: Buchbinder
misquote the reporter who said
that I said that our failure in Ko-
rea should be blamed on our fail-
ure in Korea should be blamed on
our failure to recognize the im-
portance of revolution in the Ori-
ent. Here Mr. Buchbinder leaves
fact. I was speaking of our failure
in Korea from 1945 to 1949. Ob-
viously I was not talking about
the war that has rightfully follow-
ed an act of aggression, since no-
body could say we have failed in
Anyone who has any acquaint-
ance with the Far East will agree
with me that a revolution has
been going on for someutime, di-
rected first against Western domi-
nation, and then against exploita-
tion of the peoples themselves by
members of their own countries.
I think that we all know that Rus-
sia capitalizes on this kind of ag-
rarian unrest. We should know by
this time that, in those countries
where Russian domination has
given farmers temporary relief,
sooner or later the so-called free-
ly-owned farms become collect-
ivized and farmersfind themselves
in as hopeless a seivitude as they
have been in for the last several
It seems to me, on the other
hand, that we in this country, born
of revolution, should keep our eco-
nomic and political concepts of;
revolution apace with the way in
which we revolutionize other as-1
pects of our life: for example, the
production of automobiles, the3
manufacture of TV sets, and the
appearance of milady's ankles.
Part of our tradition, in fact, has
been "30 acres and a mule" for
the farmer, which is revolutionary.
Now one can try to stop the
power of a revolution or guide it.a
A totalitarian government like Ja-]
pan's attempted to put the lid on
the Japanese farmer's discontent.
Pearl Harbor was one way to stop
a series of over a hundred peasant
revolts in Japan. Since the sur-
render of Japan, on the other
hand, General MacArthur has
been dividing up the Zaibatsu,
pegging land at government prices,
and selling it at easy rates to the
farmers who have been tilling it
for centuries under feudal share-
crop arrangements. This is the
American way of handling .a revo-
lution that we inherited by dint
of victory.
So I agree with Mr. Buchbinder
that we live in dangerous times,
but no one is helped by a confu-
sion between success in a war wag-
ed against aggression (note) and
failure during peace to solve, south
of the 38th parallel, the problems
growing out of a revolution that
Japan had been sitting on tightly
since 1910.
This is the issue, and not (as
half of Mr. Buchbinder's ironic
letter belabors) the necessity for
me to argue against the McCarran
Act in order to make consistent a
person who "holds views also held
by the Communist Party." .
Fighting under the U.N. we shall
win the military victory. And then
(let us hope) we shall put into
operation, under the U.N., the plan
recently outlined by U.N.E.S.C.O.
This program is revolutionary. It
had better be. If it is not, and if
we can't do better at revolution
that Russia can for these Asiatic
peoples, then we had better let
them all go the way of China.
Even Mr. Buchbinder's dangerous.
times will not deter me from ut-
tering this patriotic platitude to
what clubs happen to invite me
to luncheon. (These groups seem
to be capable of understanding my
argument very well.)
Frank L. Huntley
Music Criticism . . .
To the Editor:
Your criticism of Lauritz Mel-
chior's recital lacked verbal court-
esy! In your attempt as a music
critic, you have brought down the
wrath of these particular readers.
We must say that even such a
music critic as the renowned Mil-
ton Cross would not be as caustic
with his criticism of even the most
artless performance. In your criti-
que you have proved that you are
an egoist who inflates himself at
some other person's expense. In
your attempt to impress the reader
with your vocabulary, you have
transgressed verbal propriety.
Moreover, I cannot perceive why
the Michigan Daily allows you to
represent the University of Michi-
gan. You and your writing are
certainly not an asset to us. In
short, your criticism was not ap-
-Francis S. Seichter
--Alphonse Yezbick
(Ed..Note-Mr. Goss represents
neither the University nor The
Daily. The opinions voiced in any
review a~e those of the reviewer.)
* * *
Query .
To the Editor:
WHERE IS Mr. Christensen go-
ing to hide after Michigan
beats Army this Saturday???
Norman E. Meese
ERAL. The TEACHING division
covers all types of teaching posi-
tions as well as other positions in
the educational field. The GEN-
ERAL division includes service to
people seeking positions in busi-
ness, industry and. positions other
than teaching. It is important to
register NOW because employers
are already asking for February
and June graduates. There is no
fee for registering at this time.
After the regular enrollment, a
late registration fee of $1 is
charged by the University.
On Mon., Oct. 16, at 4 p.m. a
meeting will be held in the Rack-
ram Lecture Hall for those inter-
ested in TEACHING placement.
On Tues., Oct. 17, 4 p.m., a meet-
ing will be held in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall for those interested in
GENERAL placement.
Those interested in registering
in both divisions are invited to at-
tend both meetings as different
material will be covered in the
two meetings.
Academic Notices
Make-up final examination for
Political Science 1 and 2, Spring
1950, will be held Thurs., Oct. 19,
3:10 p.m., 2203 Angell Hall. Stu-
dents must bring proof of excused
absence from the regular final
Doctoral Examination for Jesse
Bowdle Wright, Mathematics; the-
sis: "Metaprojective Geometry,"
Mon.. Oct. 16, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 8 p.m. Chairman,
A. H. Copeland.
Events Today
Intercultural Retreat - Detroit
Recreation Camp. Leave Lane Hall
at 5 p.m. Bring blankets. Cost for
trip. Will return Sunday afternoon
by 4 p.m.
Inter-Guild Workshop: 2-5 p.m.,
Lane Hall. All chairmen of com-
mittees are asked to be present
or send a substitute.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Saturday morning services, 9 a.m.,
Lane Hall.
Hostel Club: AYH Square Dance,
Jones School, 8 p.m., Sat., Oct. 14.
Admission charge.
Sunday Morning Horseback Rid-
ing will be held on bridle path.
Anyone interested contact Norma
Ockree, 2-4067. Special attention
given to inexperienced horsemen.
Meet at League, 9:30 a.m., with
bikes. We will bike out to Glencoe
Stables near Pittsfield Village.
Coming Events
Industrial Relations Club: Or-
ganizational meeting, Mon., Oct.
16, 7:30 p.m., Union. Election. of
secretary-treasurer and discussion
of semester program. New mem-
bers are invited.
Dance Classes: A few tickets
available for the Couple Dance
Class on Tuesdays, 8:15 p.m., Lea-
gue Ballroom.
(Continued on Page 3)
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students o:
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown......... Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger......... City Editor
Ronma Lipsky....... Editorial Director
Dave Thomas ..........Feature Editor
Janet watts ....... .. Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan.....Associate Editor
James Gregory.....Associate Editor
Bill Connolly......... Sports Editor
Bob" Sandell .. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.......Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels.........Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau ...... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreltz .. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to thiS newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan. as second-class mail
Subscription during regular skool
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mall,. $7.00.
New Books
at the Library
Faulkner, William, Collected stories, New
York, Random House, 1950
Fischer, Louis, The life of Mahatma
Gandhi, New York, Harper & Brothers,
I flRA
"was aslo ssee nwith shrdlu"...
That's just like a press agent!
Your own name in the gossip
column! But you can't get a
line in the whole paper about
Hello, Shrdlu...
Mr. O'Malley, I
told Mrs. Givney
you'd help her.
National Fairy Godfathers Day Eve
always falls precisely on the first
convenient Saturday five or six
moons after Walpurgis Night-or
the Feast of Beltne-depending on
It's next Saturday. Shrdlu,
to work! Press releases-