FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 195 FRATERNITY GRID ROUNDUP: THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVE Settle Passes for 7 TD's, Phi Psi Wins Newman Club's Victory Streak Comes To End Harvey Dean's Passing, Kersten Brothers ReceivingLead Mugwumps to 20-7 Win DORM PIGSKIN PATTERN: Flet cer Breaks Williams Victory Skein By KEITH MILLER Aerial fireworks featured this week's I-M fraternity grid card as passing played a large part in almost every game. With less than a minute remain- ing in the contest, Sigma Phi scor- ed via a forty yard pass play from Jack White to Don Johnson to de- feat Triangle 12-6. * * * THE WINNER'S first tally was chalked up by Dick Fletcher on a short run. Triangle scored on an interception of a Sigma Phi pass. Preparing for the baseball season Dave Settle, Michigan's stellar righthander, threw seven touchdown passes as Phi Kappa Psi mauled Tau Kappa Epsilon 48-0. Settle's favorite targets were Al Kruger and Bruce VanderKlip, who each caught three of Settle's scoring heaves. Also Kruger and VanderKlip each caught two extra point tosses. Ted Gibson snatched Settle's remaining Td pass. AN AERIAL display also fea- tured Delta Sigma Phi's 12-6 con- quest of Sigma Nu. Milton Heath tossed two long paydirt passes to Carl Bryant and Carl Raiss. To-keep up with the trend of the week, all three of Alpha Sig- ma Phi's touchdowns were scor- ed via the air. These three plays enabled Alpha Sigma Phi to conquer Sigma Pi 18-6. Bill Dresser hit Franz Huber with two short heaves in addition to a sixty yard pass play with Jim Westrope on the receiving end. * * * LED .BY all-campus fullback, Bill Blumenthal, Phi Sigma Delta downed Zeta Psi 19-7. Blumenthal threw two touchdown passes to Herb Shurer and he scored the third six pointer himself. In an overtime tussle Sigma Alpha Mu edged Delta Tau Del- ta 12-6. The winners gained 34 yards to the loser's 31 in four downs. On the last play Sigma Alpha Mu gained nine yards to receive credit for a victory. * * * A]PASS PLAY from Bud Kamp- ner to Dan Greensphan which co- vered thirty yards accounted for Sigma Alpha Mu's six pointer. Two touchdown passes from Bob Heathcott to Bill Ammer-. man and Dick Demmer account- ed for the Sigma Chi counters in their success over Pi Lambda Phi by the score of 12-9. The winners picked up their touchdowns in the initial half while Pi Lambda Phi scored a safe- ty in the first quarter and TD and an extra point in the final period. IN ONE of the highest scoring games of the day, Beta Theta Pi romped to victory over Acacia, 26-0. Johnny Johnson wasted no time in putting his team in the scoring column when he took the kick-off and raced sixty yards behind some fine blocking for the touchdown.. The Beta's next two tallies camej via the aerial root, Bob Kerry pull- ing them both in. Quarterback George Sipp tossed one and John- son flipped the other. Their final score came when Jack Clark in- tercepted a pass and ran 30 yards for the TD. Tau Delta Phi scored early and held off Phi Kappa Tau to come out on the long end of a 6-2 score. On the first play from scrimmage, Moe Katz scampered sixty yards around left end for the Tau Delt's lone tally of the day. Phi Tau scored when a bad pass from center was grounded in the end zone. The strong Tau Delta Phi forward wall managed to keep the opposition to only two first downs. Nu Sigma Nu, Psi Omega Win In Pro Fraternity Grid Loop By ROD COOK Nu Sigma Nu, defending cham- pion in Professional Fraternity football, slipped to an easy 20-0 win over Phi Delta Phi in their opening contest of the 1950 cam- paign. Scoring two touchdowns in the first half, one on a pass to Tom Peterson and a second on Bill Bar- thlett's short plunge, the Nu's be- gan substituting in the second half and every member of the squad saw action. Bob Weber scored the final touchdown for the victors. * * * PETERSON and Bartlett a r e former backfield men on the Mich- igan Varsity. In another contest, Psi Omega sloshed to its second victory of the season in a tight 7-2 duel on a muddy field with Delta Sigma Delta. Roger Wakl provided the win- ning touchdown by intercepting a pass tossed by Delta Sig ace Joe Ponsetto and running it back 40 yards for a touchdown. Bill Gre- gory caught the pass for the extra point, * * * DELTA SIGMA DELTA scored its only two points in an odd way. Psi Omega had the ball with a first down on their own two-yard line, and they attempted to pass. The passer faded 'way, 'way back -right off the field. The ref ruled it a safety. Rain made the field too slip- pery for an effective ground game by either club, and al- though Ponsetto was perhaps. the best passer on the field, Psi Omega was continually smother- ing his pass receivers. In competition yesterday, Alpha Chi Sigma used two pass inter- ceptions to ease their way to vic- tory over Phi Chi, by 18-0, Don Edmondo snagged both of them, taking one all the way for a TD and the other to the three. yard line where Ricki Kobashi tossed one to Ron Clark for the score. Alpha Chi's first touchdown came on another pass from Kobas- hi, this time to Ed Ericksen. By BOB LANDOWNE In one of the biggest upsets in many a while, the Mugwumps, a pick-up team, defeated a strong Newman Club aggregation 20-7, to bring the latter's two year old unbeaten streak to a sudden end. The Newmanites quickly moved into the lead on their first series of plays via the air lanes. Harvey Dean, who passed to all the TD's for the Mugwumps soon brought. his team back into the game with a short pass into the end zone to Jack Kersten. The conversion failed and Newman Club led at half-time. HOWEVER, Dean's passing was too much for the opposition and the Mugwumps moved ahead with two more tosses into pay dirt, the first to Kersten and the second to his brother Bob. This time the extra point tries were good and that's the way it ended. In a grimly fought battle, the Nakamura Co-op downed Rob- ert Owen, 13-0. Owen House had a strong line which prevented Nakamura from moving on the ground, forcing them to take to the air, ,with Ernie Rosenfeld doing most of the passing. BOTH OF Nakamura's touch- downs came on Rosenfeld passes to Arnold Hanawalt and to Von Osterhout, with Al Strickholm converting the first extra point at- tempt on a short sweep. Owen's ground attack was not sufficient for a sustained scoring drive, and when they tried to pass they were stymied by a fine Nakamura pass defense that al- lowed only one completion, and made three interceptions which ended any hopes Owen had of scoring. Another co-operative, Michigan House, also used an effective pass- ing attack to down the Luther- ans, 12-0. * * * F Intra-Mural Progyram Ndotes two touchdown passes for all the scoring, as Bruce Munger and Paul Williams were on the receiving end for the six-pointers. In the only Division II contest the Wesleyan Guild had an easy time in downing the Hawaiians by a 14-0 score. The Hawaiians were in trouble at the outset when they fumbled in their own end zone and gave the Wesleyans two points on the safety. Soon after, the Wesleyans be- gan a scoring drive, mostly on the ground, climaxed by the touch- down on an end sweep. The final blow came on a long touchdown pass which made the score 14-0 for the Methodists.. By JOHN JENKS One of the biggest upsets in Residence Hall football history scrambled the dorm grid race Monday on South Ferry Field when Fletcher H a 11 sloshed through the mud for a 12-0 win over Williams House, unbeaten in its last twenty games. The defeat was Williams' first since 1947, when Michigan House turned the trick, 7-6. Between the losses Williams captured two Resi- dence Hall titles. * * * AFTER A scoreless first halfI during which neither team could move because of the mud, Fletcher began to click in the second stanza' when Ken Krueger grabbed an errant Williams' aerial on the lat- ter's 25 yard line. On the first play Alex Rotsko took a pitchout, circled end, and swept 35 yards behind good ALL-CAMPUS TENNIS In first round contests in the All-Campus tennis tounament, Dick Frankie had to go three sets to beat Ken Militzer, 13-11, 4-6, 6-3, while Fred Horowitz shut-out Ed Przbylowicz 6-0, 6-0; and Roger I-M Scores FRATERNITY Tau Delta Phi 6 Phi Kappa Tau 2 Sigma Phi Epsilon 7 Alpha Delta Phi 0 Phi Upsilon 6 Alpha Epsilon P 0 Smith defeated Mel Storm 6-2, 6-1. Tennis quarter-finals are still being run off. The next All-Cam- pus event will be cross-country. CO-RECREATIONAL The first of the year's weekly co-recreation nights will be held from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. tonight. Participants will be able to takef part in a wide variety of sports including swimming, badminton, volleyball, basketball, and hand- ball. Last year, these activities averaged 300 people a night and it is hoped that more will join in now. ICE HOCKEY This year will see a new sport, Ice Hockey, added to the Intra- Mural program. All those interest- ed in playing should contact the Sports Building as soon as possi- ble since only eight teams will be allowed to compete. Play will be- blocking for the initial score. Later in the half Rotsko hit Bill Brenton with a 30 yard pass put- ting the ball on the Williams' three. Rotsko then ran over for the second score. Al Mackenzie ran wild as Cooley House trounced Wenley House, 18- 0, for their second straight win. Mackenzie gathered in a Wenley punt early in the game and raced 50 yards down the sideline for a touchdown. * * * MINUTES LATER he repeated his first performance, taking an- other punt and going 40 yards for a marker. The final Cooley score came when Tony Cornelieson chucked a 30 yard pass to the same Mr. Mackenzie who was standing alone in the end zone. In other games, Anderson house continued its winning ways as it downed Adams House, 12-0. Both touchdowns climax- ed sustained drives, with Don Gogolin passing for the scores. Vincent Schoeck snared Gago- lin's first touchdown pass, a toss of 25 yards.End Jack Gribble was the receiver on the second scoring thrust. Lloyd House and Hinsdale House battled to a standstill in regula- tion time, buttthe former out-gain- ed Hinsdale in the overtime period to walk off with a 6-0 win. Prescott House squeaked by Winchell House by scoring in the last seconds of the game to win, 13-7. Prescott counted first when Jerry Abramow connected with Duane Possanza on a 50 yard pass play. Winchell came back to knot the score at six-all on a short pass from Jerry Lundeen to Diel Wright. With sevonds left in the game, an Abramow-to-Jack Price toss netted 20 yards and the win- ning TD. * s E HAI MEN 1T IT4JrfTRIN nJ fi +, t the Residence Hall crown they won last year Hayden House won a hotly contested game in over- time, 6-0, over Vaughn House. During the regulation period, neither team could push the ball over the goal line although both had first downs on their oppon- ent's three yard line. The East Quadders had their chance when Doug Peck passed to Dick Dennis for 30 yards and with a clear field ahead, Dennis slipped in the mud on the three yard line and fell out of bounds. Vaughn's break came when Al Berend intercepted a pass and raced to the Hayden three. The heavy rain which persisted throughout the game hampered both teams on the attack. In overtime, Vaughn had the first try at making yardage on four downs but wound up with a minus eleven yards via an inter- cepted pass by Dick Dennis and a holding penalty. Hayden won easily as they kept hitting the line as time ran out. PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITY Phi Alpha Kappa 7 Alpha Rho Chi 0 Alpha Chi Sigma 18 Phi Chi 0 Nu Sigma Nu 14 Delta Sigma Pi 0 Law Club 'B' 34 Tau Epsilon Rho 0 Phi Rho Sigma 7 Phi Delta Phi 2 i gin about November1.1 4rVpass L gAiT abtN em .Price for the extra point to cli- FRATERNITY .max the scoring. The next item on the fraternity agenda will be the outdoor track Playing their initial game of meet next Thursday. Delta Upsi- the football season, in hopes of lon is the defending champ. starting on their way to keeping SOL HIRSCHENOFF completed I Cash-m ere M i w e gh ALUt1XwcUtOUS BLEND OF- CASHMERE AND WOOL i y ::. .. .... :""r.. i S.., +s+ P .~ ................. .......... ............... ..........................,.....: . . . . . . . . ....."..&...3:" . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~~~~. . . . . . . . ,:} :. :} ' ' :' ..... .{$................ ......~ U~*~ M~.:$2 Tn all the world t~Her. sn+oehihypie o rrrfbeta thatof he ashere oatof ndi. It sotnes i unsrpased th luxuy uexclle, it avilailiy alayslimted Wovn i cotin .. ri:::;:..:.. dA IIA I l l 5 377 .,,r ter. 0 A y d LI k Ir k - - - - - - -,- m.