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THREE YEARS AG when Michigan's
football team returned from the West
Coast after a spectacular 49-0 win in the
Rose Bowl, more than 3,000 students flocked
to the Ann Arbor railroad depot to give
them a never-to-be-forgotten welcome
home. This morning, just three years later,
University students are being askd to give
the Wolverines a rousing sendoff as they
Ohio Election
NEXT month the eyes of the nation will
be focused on Ohio for hard working
Bob Taft will be putting his senatorial stakes
on the table in a battle to the finish with
state auditor Joseph Furgeson.
For a great many years the forces of
labor, especially in Ohio have been clamor-
ing with growing furor for the defeat of
"big-mouthed Bob." But these forces have
continually failed to nominate a man with
enough backing and personal influence to
defeat the Republican.
When Furgeson. was nominated it was
hoped that he would be the man to capture
the deciding votes of those thousands of
Ohioans who have no special party allegi-
ance. But confidence in "Jumpin' Joe" has
waned. His critics, including the press, the
radio, and even his Governor, haven't had
many nice things to say about him and this
doesn't make for votes.
Furgeson appears to be just another in
the long line of mediocre opponents for Taft.
His childish antics in blasting Taft, his
lack of personal charm, his refusal to debate
against Taft, have all been received by Taft
supporters with glee in the knowledge that
Furgeson's sort of campaign will do little
to garner the votes of Ohio's partyless. Even
more pleasing to them is the fact that if
Taft is elected by any sizeable majority, he
may sweep Don Ebright, state treasurer, into
the governorship, thus ousting capable Frank
Lausche had earlier refused to run against
Taft, deciding again to pursue the gubana-
torial post. He is probably the most likely
man in Ohio to defeat Taft. Instead Taft
may indirectly oust Lausche.
Aside from the smoke-filled room variety
of politics, issues and personalities make
political campaigns. Labor is supporting Fur-
geson because of his opposition to the Taft-
Hartley law. But labor's vote is not the one
about which Ohio Democrats are worrying.
Besides agitation for Taft-Hartley repeal,
Furgeson has said very little. His strategy
has been to blast Taft with vehemence at
every occasion. This strategy has alienated
some of his most important colleagues, and
such a reception forbodes a loss of many
votes from other people who have less im-
petus to vote Denocratic.
Ohio is usually viewed as a pivotal state.
The lack of any permanent political trend
in the state has caused observers to re-
gard its elections with keen, analytical
interest, for the issues and trends of Ohio
campaigns are often characteristic of the
whole national political, scene.
But issues seem to have disappeared from
the Ohio senatorial race, and the campaign
promises to be one of personalities, thus
removing Ohio from its usually important
position. All that remains of interest is the
decision of the electorate as to who is the
better personality.
-Harland Britz
The 7eeliend
linT Iown
EVENTS of interest around town:
Army Game listening party at the Union,
2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow. Television, dancing
and cokes. Everyone welcome.
At the Union with Frank Tinker and his
orchestra. Soft lights and music from 9 to
12 p.m. every Friday and Saturday night.
Great Expectations-British production of
the famous Dickens classic. Starring John
Mills, Jean Simmons, and Martita Hunt.
Presented at Hill Auditorium by the new
Cinema Guild of Student Legislature. Ad-
vance ticket sale, 2 to 4 p.m. See review on
this page.
Faust and the Devil-Italian adaptation of
the Geounod opera, starring Italo Tajo and
Nelly Corradi. With English subtitles, good
music. At the Orpheum.
Right Cross-Today at the Michigan. An
unusual prize fight film with June Allyson
and Dick Powell.
Beginning tomorrow, Three Secrets.
Convicted-At the State today and tomor-
row with academy award winner Broderick
Crawford. A tale laid inside a state peni-
Starting Sunday, Errol Flynn in Rocky
The Yellow Cab Man-Red Skelton, today
and tomorrow at the Wuerth. Sunday,
Claudette Colbert in Three Came Home.
Pardon My Sarong with Abbott and Cos-
tello and Who Done It with Red Skelton-a
double feature at the Whitney today and
leave for New York to meet the Black
Knights of Army tomorrow afternoon.
But this time the stakes are much higher.
The team is not returning from a tremen-
dous one-sided victory-the climax of one
of the greatest season's in Michigan's his-
tory. They are leaving to meet a powerful
team on strange grounds--a team that is
rated at least a 10 point favorite. Only by
superior psychological priming do the Wol-
verines stand a chance, according to the
MICHIGAN STUDENTS have never been
wildly rabid football fans. They take
their football as it comes-giving credit
where credit is due. But today they have a
chance to back up their team when it needs
it most-to show that win or lose, they are
behind them.
Sure, the team will be "up" for tomorrow's
game anyway. But let's be up with them
this morning.
T rtman Trip
WASHINGTON-President Truman un-
doubtedly has a number of matters,
both in the military and diplomatic fields,
which can be discussed more effectively
face to face wtih General Douglas Mac-
But the dramatic meeting between the
two in the Pacific is scanned in this
politically-sensitive national capital for
strictly political potentials also. Conse-
quently, it is being discussed in terms of
the congressional elections a little over
three weeks away.
The general consensus here is that the
event is a nicely timed venture-indeed,
very nearly a masterly political coup. Mere
campaign speeches pale by comparison. The
President has refrained thus far from those
and, as a matter of fact, the MacArthur
meeting and Mr. Truman's scheduled ap-
pearance later this month before the United
Nations General Assembly provide a substi-
tute that is far more effective. They are
non-political but offer far more politically
than stump speeches to the voters.
** *
THE FULL-DRESS meeting with General
MacArthur will lend a stage upon which
the President, as Commander-in-Clief, can
identify himself with a popular military
figure who has, himself, just recently exe-
cuted a brilliant military coup.
At the same time the meeting, which
the President, himself, initiated, should
serve to disarm what might be called the
"MacArthur clique" among Republicans
who have been making capital of the
differences between the general and the
President over China and far east policy.
The President of the United States is, in
effect, going to see General MacArthur, a
courteous gesture. It is typical of the man
in the White Houes who acts simply and
directly, has a sense of humility in his high
office, and disregards any foolishness about
caste or what is often called, in more con-
ventional characters, "face." It detracts
none from his gesture that he can well
afford to make it, since he is President of
the United States.
*: *~ *
REPUBLICANS are attacking the admini-
stration's China and Far East policy in
the congressional campaign. They have ex-
ploited General MacArthur's popularity. The
effect of this-if there has been any-should
be diminished by the face-to-face confer-
ence between the President and the General
from which may be expected.
The two men have never met. Each has
his own sort of charm which might prove
mutually attractive.
In his meeting with General MacArthur,
who is United Nations commander in
Korea, the President will not only recog-
nize the General's military service, but
will dramatize for the whole world the
success of the U.N.'s first challenge to
aggression, a notable step in the creation
of collective security. Likewise, Mr. Tru-
man's subsequent appearance before the
U.N. Assembly in New York will serve to
call attention again to his initiative in
utilizing the U.N. to check aggression, and
in revitalizing that agency in which our
people have put so much hope.
All of that is good politics on the higher
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
T IS ONLY half-true that people choose
their representatives on election day.
The ballot casting takes place in No-
vember, but registration, just as much a
part of the election process as pulling a
lever, is going on right now.
Since it is impossible to vote without
being registered, it is every bit as important
for eligible voters to register now as it is
that they go to the polls on November 4.
ANN ARBOR has for many years had a
much larger potential vote than the poll
statistics indicate. This is due not only to
non-participation by some residents, but
also to the fact that many student were
unsure if they could vote here.
Married students, as well as self-sup-
porting students who live outside Univer-
sity residences, are eligible Ann Arbor
voters. In addition, anyone can vote here
who now considers Ann Arbor his sole
legal residence, having lived in Michigan
for six months and in Ann Arbor for 20
Michigan's registration procedure is very
simple. The potential voter has merely to
go to the City Clerk's office and fill in a
brief printed form.
IT IS WELL KNOWN that the United
States has a comparatively low voting
participation record, resulting chiefly from
a prevailing attitude that one vote doesn't
mean much. Such thinking is not only fal-
lacious, it is also detrimental to the coun-
try's effective functioning.
Political leaders look at election results
not only to see which candidates are pre-
ferred, but also to see how the people feel
about key issues. And in a campaign as
filled with issues as the present one,
it is essential that the nation's policy
makers know what the nation is thinking.
The election is still almost a month away,
but the registration deadline is next Wed-
nesday. Failure to register now would nul-
lify any good intentions about voting.
--Roma Lipsky.
Mills, Finlay Currie, Jean Simmons and
Valerie Hobson.
"IF I AIN'T A GENTLEMEN, nor yet ain't
got no learning, I'm the owner of such."
To be "the owner of such" was the simple-
hearted "Great Expectation" of convict
Abel Magwitch in Dicken's. superb novel.
The film, produced by J. Arthur Rank, fol-
lows the flawless construction and large
spirit of the novel with an amazing fidelity.
Conflicting and parallel "Great Expec-
tations" in the hearts of four people, in-
cluding Magwitch, are woven with the
miraculous skill of Dickens into a single
theme that transcends morality and en-
ters the realm of ethics. Abstracted from
the complexity and rich humanity of the
work, the theme is emotional sterility
played on in all its horrible and darkly
comic keys. Blind-heartedness ranges in
intensity from the scolding of a shrew
through the intricacies of snobbery to the
coldness of a reigning beauty and the re-
venge hunger of a frustrated old woman.
"A Dickensian study in the pathology of
pride" might be a modern sub-title for the
film. But if that sounds too clinical, remem-
ber that this is Dickens. A thousand points
of caricature, wit and gentle humor preserve
the deep human balance of his basic alle-
Thrown against old Miss Havishham's
decayed insanity and her slow, intent
disintegration of the heart of a child
is the vitality and generosity of Magwitch.
In the eyes of man-made law, Miss Hav-
isham is a rich and respected lady, Mag-
witch a despised and hunted murderer. In
the light of what Dickens called "divine
justice" the roles would have been revers-
This, the implication of the novel is car-
ried beautifully in the techniques of the
British movie. Vivid photography, brilliant
musical background and rich, subtle acting
make "Great Expectations" one of the ab-
solute greats of film adaptation.
-Jacquelyne Greenhut
Editorial Policy
A NEWS story is made objective by re-t
porting both sides of a controversy. An
editorial is objective by weighing both
sides of a controversy with a broad perspec-
tive and a deep understanding before de-
ciding which side to fight for. Editorially
a newspaper should be objective only as
to purpose. Once it has determined what
is right in a given issue, it should pull no
-Herbert Brucker in
"Freedom of Information"
"Never Mind About The Rain Letting Up"
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(Continued from page 2)
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding* 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withhe'd from publication at the discretion of the
Faculty in Politics .
To the Editor:
THE REPORT in your column
that Michigan State has banned
all active faculty participation in
partisan politics greatly disturbs
me; not that the University of
Michigan is likely to follow so bad
a precedent, but because what in-
jures freedom anywhere injures it
everywhere. For brevity's sake I
will pass over and leave to others
the obvious evils of the case: de-
priving professors of the full
rights of other citizens, and de-
priving the state of any value
there may be in their political
services; and discuss only the use-
fulness of partisan activity.
For many years I was a mug-
wump or political independent,
confining my political activity to
voting at elections and speaking
and writing on public issues with-
out regard to party. The reason I
joined the Democratic party and
have since worked actively in its
ranks was not its superiority to
the Republican party (tho I think,
since Wilson's time, it has been, on
the whole, wiser in foreign poli-
tics), but because I came to see
that the voter wh ois not also a
party worker is half disfranchised.
He can choose between the men
whom the politicians nominate,
but he has no share in the nomi-
nation. Even if he vote at the
primary (is that "partisan acti-
vity" President Hannah?) that is
only part of the story. Nominations
arenalso made at county, state, and
national conventions. To attend
such conventions, or to choose
those who do, is as much a part
of the process of American self-
government as to vote at primary
and general elections. Again, if
one may make speeches or write
articles in favor of certain issues
in which one believes, why may
one not make speeches or write
articles in favor of certain candi-
dates in whom one also believes?
I cannot see the logic of the line
between general political activity,
which presumably Michigan State
still tolerates, and "partisan" acti-
vity which it will not tolerate. Is
not America governed by parties?
A professor may, reluctantly,
consent to give up some of his
rights to hold his job. I would.
But the real question is this: sup-
posing he believes that partisan
activity is not only his right as a
citizen, but also his duty as a citi-
zen? Should he then sacrifice his
conscience, or be asked to do so?
I think not.
-Preston Slosson
Music Criticism . . .
To the Editor:
ments of Mr. Harvey Gross in a
recent issue with our impressions
of Mr. Melchoir's distinguished
performance, it is difficult to be-
lieve that both pertain to the same
According to qualified critics,
the four opening selections were
accurate previews of the brilliance
of the presentation that was to
follow, nor did the quality dimin-
ish as the concert progressed. In
addition to p-resenting a variety of
pleasantly contrasted composi-
tions, Mr. Melchior displayed a
wide range, exceptional interpre-
tive ability and vocal coloration.
His captivating personality and
magnificent vocal prowess com-
bined to prove that Mr. Melchior
has achieved and maintained such
heights as only a truly great
artist can attain.
As for George Roth-we can
confidently predict that he will be
in increasing demand during the
next few years. His presence
among top artists will be witness-
ed by all of us.
It might be well for Mr. Gross
to personally undergo his recom-
mended trepanning. Perhaps it
would straighten out his thinking.
We suggest that Mr. Gross turn
back to Wednesday's "Daily" and
note the few lines directly beneath
his ill-chosen words.
--Connie Reed
Lee Nelles
* * *
Deferment .
To the Editor:
IF MR. GOtDMAN (Daily, Oct.
11) wants to provoke discussion,
he might pick arguments which
have some merit instead of floun-
dering in a semantic confusion.
He claims that "intelligent" stu-
dents should not be deferred undtr
planned draft regulations because
(1) all men should serve equally if
any serve and (2) the interrup-
tion of schooling "really" wonft
harm our hypothetical young man.
Fortunately, the men who pro-
posed the exempt status are more
far sighted. It doesn't take a great
brain to discover that a modern
war is fought with brains as well
as M-l's. If you are going to fight
a yar in 1950, '60 or '70 you have
to utilize the full capacity of your
fighting machine. You must have
doctors, economists, engineers, po-
litical scientists, propagandists,
and perhaps even lawyers who are
fully trained to the limit of their
capacity. Sorry, but I can't see
anything undemocratic in this.
Mr. Goodman is worried about
setting up an "intellectual elite,"
but, as soon as you admit that
"some people have more native
ability" than others, aren't you
setting up that elite? Where is this
As to his other argument, I
wonder if he knows many veteran,
students who "really" didn't mind
having a chunk of four years cut
out of their lives?
Can a nation where all males at
the age of 18 must spend 21
months learning to take orders be
expected to remain democratic for
I think a big part of Mr. Good-
man's difficulties come from a
mis-use of words. He takes the
concept of "equality" as it is ap-
plied at a voting booth whert ev-
eryone gets one vote, marks an
"X" on identical ballots, and
transfers it to a war, where it is
as useful as a wet match.
Of course, since I have to take
my physical Tuesday, maybe I
will be proved wrong.
-Al Blumrosen '53L
ty. Meet at the guild house at 8
for swimming and 8:30 for sports.
Wesley Foundation: Black Cat
Party at the Guild, P p.m.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday evening services, 7:45 p.m.,
vide exemption for superior stu-
dents, let me point out at the be-
ginning that I am only female,
and as such. my conclusions must
be regarded as springing from
purely emotional grounds.
The first question I would put
to Mr Goodman: "Is the exemp-
tion of superior students wise?"
and the second question, "Is this
exemption good?"
To the first question I would
answer a vehement yes, for these
(a) Mr. Goodman points out
that army morale would be diffi-
cult to maintain under the new
procedure, for it would class army
men as being not quite bright.
That, Mr. G., is precisely the point!
If men would stop entering the
army because they thought killing
was a glorious career, and could
instead be persuaded that to take
orders is definitely sub-intellectual
occupation, I am firmly persuaded
that there would be fewer wars.,
(b) There will always be men
who prefer acting to thinking. But
to waste human genius (on all too
rare phenomenon, I think you will
agree) in the thoroughly bestial
business of killing off "enemies,"
can only be regarded as a stupid
extravagance on the part of any
(c) The new plan, if put into
effect, will undoubtedly stimulate
hitherto unhead-of efforts toward
the attainment of knowledge in
our universities. Who knows-per-
haps in the general rush for in-
tellectual superiority, ideas might
arise that would lead to non-vio-
lent means of gaining peace. In
short, if properly carried out, the
plan should lead to the idealiza-
tion of Brain-Power, rather than
Brawn-Power. The advantages of
this new state of affairs should be
I do not claim that all wars are
unjustified. The war against the
Nazi regime may have been moral-
ly justifiable. But I am opposed
to the glorification of militarism,
and this plan for the exemption
of superior intelligence seems to
me to be a step in the direction of
breaking down the prevailing
glory-in-war ideal.
I will only partially answer my
second question, "Is this exemp-
tion Good?"
(a) Mr. Goodman proclaims that
the new draft plan would lead to
an aristocracy of the intellectually
superior, and would thus be coun-
ter to our democratic ideals. I sub-
mit, sir, that compulsory conscrip-
tion is in itself a violation of any
democratic ideals that the U.S.
may once have held.
This is only a general outline of
my position: I have much more to
say, but first a word from Mr.
-P.hyl Morris, '52
* * *
Lane Hall. Saturday morning ser-
vices, 9 a.m Lane Hall.
The Congregational, Disciples,
Evangelical and Reformed Guild:
"Lucky Day" Party at the Congre-
gational Church, 9-12 midnight.
Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m., Tea
and Open House for all students
and friends.
S.R.A. Intercultural Retreat at
Lane Hall. Retreaters will leave
Lane Hall Saturday, 5 p.m. for
Detroit Recreation Camp. Make
Special Coffee Hour, in honor of
all new foreign students on cam-
pus. 4:30-6 p.m., Library, Lane
Westminster Guild: Exchange
Party. Meet at the First Presby-
terian Church, 8 p.m.
S.R.A. Surprise Party: Meet at
Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m.. Wear old
University Museums: Friday
Evening Program: "Insect Build-
ers and Destroyers Two films:
Moths" and "The Story of the
Bees," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditor-
ium. On the third floor exhibit
balcony of the Museums building
are displayed a collection of spec-
tacular, beautifully colored butter-
flies and moths from South Amer-
ica and the East Indies, also dra-
gonf lies, grasshoppers, and beetles.
Museum building open Friday, 7
to 9 p.m.
International Radio R o u n d
Table: auspices of Inte'national
Center and WUOM. Discussions
are held every Friday at 2:30 on
WUOM. The same programs are
broadcast on the Voice of Ameri-
ca to foreign countries. Subjects
for discussion for October:
Marriages in Various Countries
-Oct. 14.
Ideological Differences between.
U.S.S.R. and U.S.-Oct. 20.
American Woman-Oct. 27.
Foreign students interested in
participati in the programs may
contact Hiru Shah, Moderator of
the Round Table, 2-1614 or Char-
les Arnade, Organizer of the Pro-
gram, International Center.
U. of M. Hostel Club: All campus,
90-mile weekend bicycle trip to
Harmony Valley, north of Pontiac,
Mich. Contact Dave Smith, 7211,
before 7 tonight for reservations.
Necessities for the trip: AYH pass,
sleeping bag, poncho, saddle bags,
mess kit, flashlights, warm clothes.
(Continued on. Page 5)
A MAN LIVES not only his per-
sonal life as an individual, but
also, consciously or unconsciously,
the life of his epoch and his con-
-Thomas Mann.
NOTHING is more dangerous
than discontinued labor; it is
a habit lost. A habit easy to aban-
don, difficult to resume.
-Victor Hugo.
Movie Criticism
* * *
To the Editor:
WAS a little disappointed upon
reading Mr. Greenbaum's criti-
cism of the movie, . Steamboat
'Round the Bend. The fact that
embodied in it, there is an expres-
sion of discrimination against the
Negro must be granted. But is it
important in this case? I don't
think so.
As Mr. Greenbaum says, Steam-
boat 'Ronud the Bend was made
some twenty years ago. It was
probably made with the sole pur-
pose of entertainment, and was
not supposed to carry a momentus
message of "white supremacy." As
entertainment, the movie rates
high in my estimation when view-
ed in relation to some of the other
films of its period.
I fail to see the relation between
such productions as Pinky, Lost
Boundaries, etc., and Steamboat
'Round the Bend. Pinky, for in-
stance, was produced purposely to
carry a message to the public. The
Will Rogers picture had no such
purpose and, therefore, a compari-
son of the two would be fruitless
and irrevelent.
The problem of discrimination is
a serious one, but I don't think
that its solution lies in the burying,
banning, or the like of material
that can be interpreted to contain
a tinge of discrimination in it.
-E. Leonard Walton
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown......... Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger ........City Editor
Roma Lipsky........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas...........Feature Editor
Janet Watts ....... .. Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan ........ Associate Editor
James Gregory ...... Associate Editor
Bill Connolly..........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell .. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton s..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.. ...Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau .....Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz .. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of allenews dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other,
matters herein are also reserved
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan. as second-class mail
Subscription during regular sekool
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.
. .
To the Editor:
IN ANSWER to Mr. Goodman's
letter of Wednesday concerning
the new draft plan that will pro-
At The Michigan ..
CONVICTED with Glen Ford, Broderick
Crawford and Millard Mitchell.
ONE WOULD THINK that with Holly-
wood's long experience in making motion
considerations were raised. The plot is
cliche-ridden to a degree startling even to
this over-worked theme.
We have presented to us, as if for the first
time, the young victim of circumstance; a
tough-minded district attorney turned war-
den; the sadistic chief guard; the prison
Barnaby's Fairy Godfather may
be just the idea we need for
publicizing the collection of
toys for the kids... Gnomies!
And he can't help you
right away... He's busy a
starting a new holiday.
Fairy Godfathers Day. a
It's when we give away things...
We put presents outside the door.
In the morning they're gone. And
instead of them we get a reward.
He and his little Elf
have given us the
idea for the drive!