FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Furstenberg Tells Meeting Of Cocaine Cocaine has been found superior to novocaine as an anesthetic in tonsillectomies, Dean Arthur C. Furstenberg of the University Medical School reported to a na- tional meeting of eye, ear, nose and throat specialists yesterday in Chicago. Dr. Furstenberg presented an evaluation of the drug before the 55th annual meeting of the Ameri- can Academy of Opthmalogy and Otolaryngology. THE EFFECTS or cocains anes- thesia, which was condemned in the middle 1920's as being unsafe, were studied by Dr. Furstenberg, Lauren Woods, instructor in phar- macology, and Dr. John E. Magiel- ski, veteran resident in otolaryn- gology at University Hospital. In a review of 20,000 tonsillec- tomy cases covering a 40-year per- iod from 1910 to 1950, the doctors found that local injections of co- caine in each tonsil had the fol- lowing results: 1) much quicker action; 2) a higher percentage of effectiveness; and 3) fewer sites of injection required. Use of cocaine anesthesia in sur- gical removal of tonsils permits the doctor to begin to operate im- mediately following injection, Dr. Furstenberg pointed out, whereas use of novocaine requires a wait- ing period of up to 30 minutes in some cases, he said. In soine cases, novocane will not effectively anesthetize a pa- tient, and use of cocaine reduces these cases to a minimum, he de- clared. On the basis of the study of cocaine action conducted at Uni- versity Hospital and St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Dr. Furstenberg claimed that condemnation of the drug in tonsillectomies was niot justified. He said that the possible ill ef- fects of the drug do not consti- tute any danger when given barbi- turates (anti-convulsive com- pounds) the night before and the morning of the operation to in- sure against undesirable effects. Wehuneyer's Book On Fungi in Print The National Research Council of Canada has recently published a .new book on Canadian Fungi by Prof. Lewis B. Wehmeyer, of the botany department. Entitled "The Fungi of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island," the book is the second in a series of Memoirs of Canadian Fungi. Magazine Deadline Today is the deadline for Gene- ration contributions, according to Managing Editor Louis Orlin, Grad. They may be handed in at 2213 Angell Hall, or the 'Ensian office in the Student Publications Build- ing. YDA Elect McNeil Vice-President Don McNeil, Grad., was elected vice-president of campus Young Democrats by acclamation at a YD meeting last night. McNeil, a graduate student in political science, is a former Daily Associate Editor. 'GREAT EXPECTATIONS': VISITING PROF. SAYS: Cinema Guild To Show British Film European Students Get More Intellectual Training House Petitions for Freedom Scroll Drive Due Tomorrow .:. ;" t s i_ _ I I . ; 4.0 The British film "Great Expec- tations" will be presented tonight by the Student Legislature's Cine- ma Guild, which is co-sponsoring it with the World Student's Ser- vice Fund. An academy-award winner, the, motion picture will be shown at 7:30 and 9 p.m. today and tomor- row at Hill Auditorium. * * * CERTAIN organizational diffi- culties had plagued the Guild earlier this semester, when it was found that no one on campus was familiar with the technicalities of the Guild, Dick Krauss, student manager of the Cinema Guild, declared. "When the SL took over the Art Cinema League last semes- ter," Krauss said, "it had twt faculty advisers. The difficulty this fall started when the two advisers could not be found." One of the advisers, Prof. Rich- ard Boys, of the English depart- ment, is on sabbatical leave; and the other, Prof. Otto Graf, ofI the German department, has been drafted, Krauss explained. Also, all the students who had been connected with the League last semester have graduated. * V ' *. "IN SPITE OF this handicap," Krauss said, "a film was ordered, and Hill Auditorium reserved." Later, in searching for in- formation about the Art Cinema League, the name of the printer who handled last year's posters was found, and new advertise- ments were turned over to him. To complicate matters even more, the film originally ordered by the Guild was found to be un- available, and a last minute change had to be made. * * * AT PRESENT the Cinema Guild is operated by a specially ap- pointed board of the Student Leg- islature, Krauss explained. "All selections for co-sponsors of Cinema Guild productions will be made by the board," Krauss said. "The board's choice of co- sponsors will be based on the fi- nancial need of the petitioning organization,, and the extent in which the group participates in student activities." Today is the last day that stu- dent organizations may petition for co-sponsorships of Guild firms. SRA To Meet The electorate of SRA will hold its annual fall meeting at Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m. today. At the meeting the group will recommend :major program em- phasis for the coming year. Chair- men of departments within SRA will report on their activities. "European schools, in general, give students more intellectual training, and less character train- ing than American schools," ac- cording to Prof. Th. J. G. Locher, visiting professor of modern Euro- pean history from the University of Leyden in the Netherlands. "The Netherlands' schools es- pecially emphasize languages," Prof. Locher said. "Because we are surrounded by France and Germany, with England only across the channel, it is necessary for us to learn the languages of these countries." "AS A RESULT of the last war, however, English has become more important in the Netherlands than either French or German," he as- serted. The educational system at Leyden is quite different from those of American colleges, Prof. Locher said. One of the main differences is that stu- dents may receive a degree. at the end of two or three years. This degree, however is needed in order to obtain a second more important degree. "Another big difference is that students may employ tutors stead of attending classes, then take their exams at the of the year," he said. In- and end PROF. LOCHER, who arrived here only last month, found stu- dent life at the university very different from that at Leyden. "The University of Leyden has about 4,000 students, one-third, of whom are women," he estimated. About one-half of the men students at Leyden belong to the Leyden Students' Corps, he said. He described this as a composite social, intellectual, and sports club with a "rough" initiation. Women students have a similar club, to which about nine-tenths of the women student body belong. The initiation, however, is not quite as "rough," he added. "But in contrast to American colleges, Leyden has no super- vision over women students," Prof. Locher said. Prof. Locher studied in Czecho- slovakia under a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship and re- ceived both his PhD and his pro- fessorship from- the University of Leyden. The Crusade for Freedom; Scroll, which at last report had 1,300 signatures, cannot be signed after 5 p.m. tomorrow, Walt Oberreit, '51, Student Legislator, has an- nounced. House group petitions will not be circulated after today, Ober- reit said. They are due in the SL office, Rm. 1025 Administration Building, by noon tomorrow. THE FREEDOM SCROLL, how- ever, will be posted for signatures. on a table at the main desk of the Union until 5 p.m. tomorrow., These signatures along with an estimated 50 million .on scrolls circulated throughout the nation will be collected and sent to Berlin, Germany. On Oct. 24, which has been pro- claimed "United Nations Day" all over the world, the school* Wil be emulwein el of the I*te arn iser l P. whieh wiii be eiet d he Berlin. Signers of the :sII 1- irtm their faith in the sacisng i diginity of the: indivdal a the belief that l1 men, ie. right to be free. They dee 'ib Y themselves to resist and tyranny Wherever thet - pear.f National chainras tl he Freedom ifl 4g rl".1 cius Clay. Locally Ires. Alininh r G. ftuthven ,j semenber .1 e Michigan. committee.' Re h'a urged all UniversItyscteidmst s add, their names to- the aerolk Scrolls have been dbtrlbuM to. all- drmitories, or'tieds:?t r9 nitiet and other organised ;e e groups. They mayaI -be e at the 9d booth eii the I g MARY LOU DANCtM Guest/NiGW Vocalist, f " Saturday A Night CKUU kO0A DON DAILY AND .IS ORCEESTDA Friday and Saturday night r SUNDAY NIGHT - -AMATEUR NIGHT Members and Guests invited Hall Rentals, Banquets,, etc. - 214 lest LiIy St. - # eee- -Daily-Alan Reid FIRST TICKET-Walter Oberreit, '51, member of the Student Legislature's board governing the Art Cinema Guild buys the first ticket to the GuiV!'s f "" - Tneetation." i Union Issues TryoutCall Men interested in working on the staff of the Union will have a chance to learn about its commit- tees' and functions at a tryout smoker at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Rm. 3-B of the Union. Union president Jerry Mehlman, '51, will explain the organization of the Union and what the chances for advancement to the Junior executive council and senior of- fices are. "Interested students may select the committee they wish to work on," according to Jim Moran, '52, chairman of the smoker. Refresh- ments will be served. Women's Rights To Be Debated An international debate on the question of women's rights will be held at the first speech assem- bly at 4 p.m. Wed. in Rackham Lecture Hall. The debate, which is open to the public, will team up two Brit- ish university student debaters with two University debaters. Vogel's Bicycle and Sport Store umber English Bicycle Repairs and Parts 113 W. Washington University of Michigan Oratorical Association LECTURE COURSE SEV EN OUT ST ANDING ATT RACT IONS 13r 1 i 1.950- 51 STIUI)EF,;NT 4. 0'. omq* Wl I 4 :I ,~..,, will be on sale iol I' " a . . . ' ti t ,.. : , : . . " - / .# . " _ .. Y . C." " f' ' I 18,500 student names, phone numbers; local and home aaaresses. tv: David E. Lilienthal OCT. 18 Charles Laughton NOV. 1 Lowell Thomas, Jr. NOV. 7 * l ' " t " i LAST CALL SEASON TICKET SALE "fN ESSENTIAL FOR EVERY STUDENT'S Qnr n'PlvMTry IQ1\ID cymriQ T ' , 1-Tm,, I n-L , - - -. - 4 -aa it e 4 Cn rr v D .;,,, - ) QI i QN. r- f I -; .,