EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 4bp 4LA&F t r4 al t a4 it Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 15 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1950 FAIR AND COOL EIGHT PAGES o I French Fall Back Again In Indochina Bolster Defense North of Hanoi SAIGON, Indochina - (P) - French forces gave up another outpost yesterday north of Hanoi, and serious consideration was be- ing given to bolstering Hanoi it- self against the danger of a Viet- minh attack in the wake of a series of sharp French teversals. Transformation of the Vietminh guerrillas of Moscow-supported Ho Chih Minh into a powerful regu- lar army has forced the French to take precautions to safeguard Tanoi, great trading center in northern Indochina and former seat of the French governor gen- eral. " * s THE CITY, capital of Tonkin and major French base, is only about 40 miles from Thai Nguyen, which the French now have evac- uated. The relatively weak frontier positions remaining in French hands are constantly exposed to attack by overwhelming num- bers of well-equipped Vietminh forces. The danger even extends to Langson, French frontier headquarters post and main border bastion. (Authoritative sources in Paris said France urgently wants more and faster American military aid in Indochina, but that there are no present plans to increase the size of French forces fighting there despite the severe reverses. The French, colonial and Viet- namese troops are. estimated at 150,000. U.S. arms and money al- ready has started flowing into Indochina.) THE FRENCH suddenly decid- ed to withdraw from Thainguy- gen. This town was a principal Vietminh base insthe north be- fore the French captured it Oct. 1. A French military spokesman said the withdrawal was made without any Vietminh pressure to the new defense line, which he said was established along with the northern limit of the Red Riv- er Delta rice bowl some 15 miles south of Thinguyen and only about 25 miles north of Hanoi. ike in Draft Quotas Seen ByBradlecr WASHINGTON - Gen. Omar Bradley reported last night that the military high command is aim- ing for an armed force of 2,100,000 men by next June, with 62 air groups and 905 navy ships. "Even these forces will not be adequate," Bradley said. * * * NOTING that current defense moves carry a "price tag" of $25,- 000,000,000, Bradley disclosed that the nation's military chiefs are working on a plan "that's going to cost more money and take more effort and more men in uniform." He said the new program will be submitted to President Truman for presentation to Congress as soon as it is ready. MEANWHILE in Washington an executive order from President Truman declared that the current ban on the drafting of married men or men with dependents does not apply tor doctors, dentists and veterinarians. The draft of men 19 through 25 years of age for the combat services exempts married men and others with children or oth- er persons dependent upon then for support. The new category set up for persons in the medical, dental and allied specialist fields, however, Navy Blasts East Korean Coastline -Daily-Roger Reinke RAH-RAM BOYS-A bunch of students bubbling over with Michigan spirit board the Wolverine club special train to New York City, where they will watch Michigan and Army grid squads tangle tomorrow afternoon in Yankee Stakdium. * * * * BOOKS FORGOTTEN: Students Off to Game, eekendi e York By FLOYD THOMAS Classes and studies were for- gotten ? yesterday as hundreds of students began the journey to the Army game. The trek to New York City will continue today as more Wolver- ine backers set out for Yankee Stadium, where Michigan and Ar- my gridders are slated to tangle tomorrow afternoon. THE LARGEST group to vacate Ann Arbor for the weekend was 135 students who left at 7:50 p.m. yesterday on a Wolverine Club spe- cial tran. They will be back at 3:45 a.m. Monday. Another five dozen football * * * . 'U' Band Off For Army Tilt The University Marching Band, hindered in practice by a rainy week, left Ann Arbor yesterday morning on a special train bound for New York City. William D. Revelli, conductor of the University Bands, and his assistant, Jack Lee, appeared con- cerned as the train left the sta- tion. The band is scheduled to present one of its most intricate shows during the half-time at the Michigan-Army game tomorrow afternoon. * * * IN SPITE of the poor week of practice, though, Revelli looked forward to some good weather in New York today. enthusiasts will take off from Wllow Run airport at 6:30 p.m. today in a Wolverine Club plane. The return flight will land at Willow Run at 7:15 p.m. Sun- day. The University Marching Band got up before breakfast this morn- ing and pulled out at 7:30 a.m. in a special train. The band will play at an alumni pep rally in New York tonight and will perform be- tween halves n Yankee Stadium tomorrow. MEN HAD no monopoly on the migration. A check on Thursday- Monday passes at the office of the Dean of Women revealed that 78 women left for Manhattan last night-58 in the Wolverine Club train. But untold numbers of wo- men may be leaving today on Friday - Monday permissions, whchycan be obtained from in- dividual house mothers. Eighteen women will leave on the Wolverine Club plane tonight, according to the dean's office. THE ATHLETIC Department reported it had sold all of its 31,000 tickets to the game. A railroad reported a large in- crease in business, especially sleeping-car reservations, to New York. The upsurge in traffic be- gan Wednesday and is expected to continue today, a railroad agent said. However, a bus company said there was no increase in bus pas- sengers to New York. TOKYO--(A)-The U.S. battle- ship Missouri was still leading a force of 37 ships today in a sear- ing attack on nearly 130 miles of North Korea's east coast-almost to the Siberian-Manchurian bor- der. The big iron and steel port of Chongjin was set aflame as the 16-inch guns of the Mighty Mo Truman Of f on Second Lap of PacificTrip ST. LOUIS-()-President Tru- man resumed last night his long journey to the Pacific for a con- ference with Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur-probably at Wake Island -on how to prevent the threat of Communism in the Far East from flaming into another war. Amid world speculation on the reasons behind the meeting, which probably will start some time Sat- urday, Truman expressed hope the exchange of views will produce "some contribution to the peace of the world." * * * THE PRESIDENT took off from the St. Louis Municipal Airport at 2:28 p.m. yesterday after attend- ing a private luncheon honoring his sister, Miss Mary Jane Tru- man, and other new officers of the Missouri Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. He spoke for seven minutes at the luncheon, but did not dis- cuss his week-end trip to the Pacific. Newsmen were barred from the meeting and no trans- cript was made of the President's remarks. The Independence, the Presi- dent's blue and silver DC-6, was due to land at Fairfield-Suisun Air Base in California about 9:15 p.m. for refuelling. * * * TRUMAN EXPECTED to be on his way again four hours later for Hickham Field, Honolulu, where he is due at 8 a.m. Hawaii time Fri- day. The next flight, after a 16- hour layover at Hickam Field, will take him to the site of the conference, probably starting some time Saturday. Presidential Secretary Charles G. Ross wouldn't say where it will be. And Pan-American Airways handed the newsmen tickets today giving their destination as "Point THE CONFERENCE, might well be aboard any number of ships likely to be in the Wake Island area for security reasons. But, it was made clear, it will not be aboard the battleship Missouri, where MacArthur formally accept- ed the Japanese surrender. poured more than 800,000 pounds of hot shells into the city in less than an hour yesterday, the Navy said. * * * THE FIERCE bombardment, reminiscent of those that devas- tated the coast of Japan late in World War II, might be the pre- lude to a United Nations landing, but this remained a matter of speculation. American and British cruisers, American and Australian de- stroyers and American aircraft carriers worked over an area ex- tending from Songjin "practical- ly to the very edge of the Man- churian border," the Navy said today. It is 130 miles from Song- jin to that border. British carrier-based planes si- multaneously struck the North- Korean west coats 65 miles south- west of the Red capital of Pyong- yang. UN GROUND TROOPS were ad- vancing relentlessly on Pyongyang from the south and southeast against weakening Red resistance. ' The attack on Chongjin, on the northeast coast, could be the softening-up process for an Al- lied landing, or it could be a di- version to draw attention from a landing elsewhere. It also could be merely a routine smash at targets of opportunity. The Sept. 15 Allied landings at Inchon, on the west coast, which led to smashing of the Red inva- sion of South Korea, were preced- ed by similar strong naval bom- bardment :and a simultaneous di- version on the east coast. CHONGJIN is an iron and steel port of 190,000 population, 49 air miles southwest of the Korean- Siberia border and 43 miles south- east of the Korean-Manchuria border at the closest points. It is linked by rail with the rest of North Korea and with Manchuria. The U.S. cruiser Helena led the sa strike with a quick shelling from close up, with her 8-inch guns. Then the ponderous Mis- souri began throwing in one-ton missiles from three of her nine 16-inch guns. The U.S. cruiser Worcester, the British cruiser Cey- lon, and the Australian destroyer Warramunga also participated. UN Restricts Rhee's Power To S. Korea LAKE SUCCESS-(AP)-The UN Commission of Korea yesterday limited the authority of the Syng- man Rhee Government to South Korea and empowered Gen. Doug- las MacArthur to set up United Nations civil rule in North Korea. * * * THE COMMISSION unanimous- ly approved at a closed meeting an Australian proposal to exclude the Rhee regime from areas beyond the 38th parallel until nation-wide elections can be held. This will have the effect of putting Rhee before the Korean voters again. IMMEDIATELY after the vote, the commission cabled its decision to Gen. MacArthur, thus giving him the go ahead to establish civil rule in the liberated northern ar- eas. Under the Australian proposal, officers representing various na- tional armies fighting under the UN colors will be associated with the civil administration. Informed circles said the main purpose of the Australian proposal was to preserve freedom of action for the commission in North Ko- rea until the elections are held. The seven-member commission will start operating in Korea as soon as the military situation per- mits m The Commission's action came State Dept. Freezes All Passports WASHINGTON-(P)-The gov- ernment yesterday announced a temporary world-wide "freeze" on passports to aliens seeking to en- ter the United States.- The action was taken under the tough new Communist-control law. The shutdown in effect threw a screen around the country pend- ing clarification of the statute which Congress passed over Presi- dent Truman's veto. THE STATE Department issued the suspensiont order as scores of aliens-chiefly Germans and Ital- ians-were detained at Ellis Island, New York, and many hundreds of others were on the hgh seas en route to American ports. Crew members on some fore- ign ships arriving In this coun- try were also barred from going ashore. The State Department cabled U.S. embassies and consulates all over the world to hold up visas- entry permits-until they can re- check the background of aliens planning to come to the United States. * .* * AMERICAN officials abroad were instructed to notify trans- portation companies of the sus- pension order and warn them of possible liability for damage if they transport to this country al- iens who do not have valid permits. Displaced persons are exempt- ed from the order. The so-called anti-subversive law bars the entry of aliens who have ever been members of the Communist "or other totalitarian" parties or affiliated organizations. IT THUS applies not only to former Nazi and Fascist Party members, but also to countless Germans and Italians who were members of some sort of state or- ganizations during the Hitler and Mussolini regimes. State Departient officials es- timated that 90 per cent of all Germans would be ineligible un- der a strict interpretation of the law. The suspension order specifies that aliens now holding visas can get them restamped and valid only by satisfying American consuls abroad that they are not banned from the United States under the 1950 security act. Italy and Germany have both protested vigorously against the detention of their nationals, and the State Department has promis- ed prompt action to clear up the confusion. Police Say Ex-'U' Nurse Is Informer By CHUCK ELLIOTT Confessed arsonist and former teaching fellow Robert H. Stacy admitted yesterday afternoon that he set fires in two other Univer- sity buildings, one just before the Haven Hall disaster of June 6. Stacy, who was charged with arson Tuesday after admitting that he burned' the campus landmark told police that he also started a fire in Alumni Memorial Hall only a few hours before igniting the Haven Hall blaze. POLICE CHIEF Caspar Enkemann said the 30 year old graduate student and Latin scholar confessed setting another blaze in the French .Ask Arms, Loan For Defense WASHINGTON - (P) - Two French cabinet officers started a round of talks with top Ameri- can officials yesterday with the aim of getting about $750,000,000 to spur France's rearmament. Defense Minister Jules Moch and Finance Minister Maurice Petsche began outlining their case at a luncheon at the Penta- gon sponsored by Gen. George C. Marshall, Secretary 'of Defense. * * * SECRETARY OF STATE Ache- son and Treasury Secretary Sny- der also sat in as the Frenchmen told how their government plans to more than double defense spending next year -- if the Uni- ted States and other Atlantic Pact Allies help out. Petsche arrived from Paris at National Airport only a few hours earlier. "I am not a beggar. I am a grateful friend," he told reporters as he arrived. GOP' Gains in Alaska Contest JANEAU, Alaska-(AP)-Republi- cans scored sharp gains in Alas- ka's general election, but the mounting returns still left in doubt yesterday the issue of which party will control the Legislature. In the race for delegate to Con- gress, E. L. Bartlett, the Demo- cratic incumbent, ran up a lead of almost three to one over Almer Peterson of Anchorage, his Re- publican opponent. It compared with his 1948 victory by nearly four to one over another Republican opponent. >General Library in July, 1949. Both of these fires were ex- tinguished with little damage. The blaze in General Library attic storage room destroyed a few documents, while there was minor damage from water. Enkemann said the confessed arsonist told him thathe-had also set a small fire in the First Methodist Church on March 25 of this year. * * * POLICE SAID that Stacy still refused to admit connection with any, of the Montgomery Ward fires which occurred during the last six months. They have not been able to establish any link between his confessed arsons and these fires, two of which did major dam- age. Stacy appeared in court yes- terday morning before Circuit Court Judge James R. Breakey, Jr. Judge Breakey refused. to accept Stacy's plea of guilty un- til he obtained an attorney. Stacy mumbled that he "could- n't afford one," but the court agreed to appoint one for him. Yesterday afternoon, Judge Breakey assigned Stacy's case to Joseph .E. Hooper and Albert E. Blashfield, local attorneys, who talked to him last night. He also ordered Stacy examined last night by Dr. R. M. Patterson, a Univer- sity Hospital psychiatrist. MEANWHILE, it was revealed by police that a 38 year old former University Hospital nurse had pro- vided information that led to the arrest of Stacy. She is Miss Zelda Clarkson, now living in Pontiac, who dated Stacy several years ago, while she was still in Ann Arbor, but broke up with him after a quar- rel in 1948, according to police. She had complained to police about Stacy two years ago, after they had broken up, charging that he entered her apartment without permission. He pleaded guilty but was given a suspended sentence. Recently, Miss Clarkson told po- lice, Stacy continued to force his attentions on her. Finally, last Friday, she filed a petition in Pro- bate Court~that Stacy be commit- ted to a mental institution, police said. RENOWNED DANCE TEAM: Chess Ability Attracted Ryder to Famous Wife * * * * MICHIGAN BEAT ARMY! Cannon Blast to Start Pep Rally; Songs, Cheers Spearhead Sendoff "Beat Army!" will be the battle cry as students mass at 8:15 a.m. today in front of the Union to give Wolverine gridders a rousing fare- well party. A cannon fired from one of the Union's balconies will mark the official opening of the mammoth pep rally. Then cheerleaders led by Jeff Knight, '51, will guide the mob through a series of football cheers and such traditional songs as "The Victors" and "Varsity." * * * TWO BANDS will provide mu- sical rah-rah for the occasion. The famed Fiji Marching Band from Phi Gamma Delta will vie with the Chicago House band for mu- ball team itself is scheduled to appear shortly before 8:30 a.m. on the Union steps. From there the team will board a chatered bus which will take it as far as the Willow Run Airport. There the Wolverines will meet the special plane which will carry them to New York City and Army's Cadets. Army currently ,has the top-ranking football team in the nation. JUST LAST YEAR, Army upset the Wolverines 21-7 to snap Michi- gan's 22-game winning streak. The entire Corps of Cadets turned out to sendoff the Army team as it left West Point for Ann Arbor. sociation, Assembly, AIM, the Union and the Wolverine Club. Special police permission was required for the firing of the can- non from the Union balcony. The cannon was procured by Scabbard and Blade, a national military fra- ternity. It will be fired by George Boucher, '51, Scabbard and Blade captain. POLICE will be present to keep auto traffic off the State Street area which will be overflowing with people if the rally is success- ful. Hugh Greenberg, '51, varsity committee chairman, called for the whole-hearted support of the entire campus at the rally. ' By RON WATTS "He was the star, I was only a member of the company, but it was my chess playing ability that first won his eye," Emily Frankel, wife and modern dance partner of Mark Ryder, explained in an in- te'rview yesterday. "You see, Mark and I met at a resort where both of our dance companies were playing," Emily Frankel continued. "Mark loved to play chess and usually only the older men in the company played against him, until he found out that I played a pretty good game. He must have admired my mind so much that we soon fell in love and were married," she said. MARK RYDER and Emily Frankel conducted a two-hour class yesterday in dance panto- mine at Barbour Gymnasium. At the present the world famous dance team is on tour of the Uni- ted States. They were sponsored by the Women's Physical Educa- tion Department. Surrounded by a group of band were having with a recent- ly purchased taxi cab. "We've both only learned to drive the thing about two weeks ago and so far have had two ac- cidents," she laughed. "It's a good thing that taxi cabs are built to withstand the hard knocks of reckless and inexperienced driv- ing." in .* '4 * EMILY FRANKEL believes that a credit course in modern dancing such as now is in existence at the University of Wisconsin, is a good idea. "It takes about five years' to train a good teacher and plenty of them are needed," she noted. She pleaded with the dance hopefuls surrounding her not to go to New York or the West coast while yet untrained, unless it is absolutely necessary. "At the present there are about 1,500 dancers unemployed and the life is prett ytough for a new ar- rival," Emily Frankel emphasized. "If you want to be a dancer, al- so prepare yourself -to be a back- IN THE PETITION, Miss Clark- son said that he had told her that he "burned down Haven Hall" and had threatened her life. Miss Clarkson could not be located for comment. Police said they did not know her where- abouts. At the time of his court involve- ment two years ago, Stacy was examined by a University psychia- trist at the request of at attorney. The psychiatrist reported to Judge Payne, then in the Munici- pal Court, that Stacy was in need of treatment, but that there was no indication that he might com- mit criminal acts whether treated or not. Justice Dept. UpholdsCourt WASHINGTON-OP)-The Jus- tice Department disclosed yester- day that it does not oppose a Su- preme Court review of the con- victions of 11 top Communist lead- ers. The department filed a brief with the high tribunal which ad- vocated, however, that the review be limited to the issue of consti- tutionalty of the Smith Act as ap- plied to Red officials. The 11 were convicted in New i ; i I i .I