I THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1954 I I .. u 'S Two Hats E ' ,. p: _. rc~ -_i wit I. v. C asor are_ vol ;._ ,_,e_ . 2P G OF Jacob Malik's dual role in UN Secrty council during August A Jb r.ma 'kfd that Malik "wore Sr ig to the fact that Malik y te USR&s reprcsentative on omi but al:o rerented the people Sldin hs 1 apacity as council presi- 1n o t m h. Sr Gladwin, and most mbr (A Ah council, left no doubt Sth on<-derd that Mlalik's responsi- 'a pr _,nt should take precedence ave hi u a oi't delegate. cn very snmilar may be said of Genea icArthur's position in I .y, We t u 'wears tw+o hats." T it hat ars the olive-wreathed S t UN cad MacArthur wears this Sma i capcIty of supreme com- dr JU tres;' engaged in the Korean n. Whlrile wraring this "hat" he A xp n ixe mirectly to the peoples of -gLi and dicactly to the security coun- d th) UN Artariat. d and original hat bears the in- a o th Uni'd States Army and he ahs innia in his capacity of Ameri- 71n * -' a i As a llWile wearing this "hat" sible Ic his commander-in-chief, 1e P iden o the United States. SM A rAr's handlng of his dual role dsm d t o his sense of responsi- r1 hmplc f this trend is a purchase - - a -rend LA ouirs at a State Street He Asght a book used for a na and later found the sales slip, ;ris spring, which gave ac- so 1s buying price from 'in- a s in-i'? A somewhat startling s n lad ese in what has o a uced-W\ck racket in this profit- Ste wrds cft en used by buyers in ses --hn mtdcits present books S'meh hazy one-deprecia- - ,l is a hzy word because c;:.. L. 4rC 1' } XetteP4 TO T E EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exeueding 3 0 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for ay reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withhead from publication at the discretion of the editors. it is applied to a variety of circumstances with wavering implication. It is used to denote a book's condition . at times. It is used to denote a lowering in the sale value of a book due to edition or academic obsolescence ... at times. It is used to denote the length of time a student has owned a book ... at times. But though the word is used in these various ways, its end-result is always the same, and the student takes it on the chin in the form of a lowered selling price. This situation would be only partially un- fair, were students given reasonable prices. when buying used books. Such is not the way the campus bookstores see it. Their record is a long succession of ex- cess profits, and if the student is to at- tain prices on a level with his standard of living there must be, simultaneously, a change in the present situation of used- book sales. Two possible solutions are brought to mind. One is very simple but improbable. That is for campus bookstores to take a reasonable profit-and no more-from the retailing of used texts. Another solution, which may have to await the millenium, is a project the Student Legis- lature supported half-heatedly last year. It is a student-run bookstore, along ;he lines of the IFC's book exchange, but on a wider and more inclusive basis. Regardless of the means employed, the end-a more consistent and equitable situa- tion in regard to used-book sales-is worthy of thought and action on this campus. -George Flint SCURRENT MVE r r . TI' 9-C I & A' ii~c - job. 1; of tAr and s,~A the ,t~; PS '-05 C.. 'I- I- a - ~1 It . p Iy Each no1 sach case must be brought 1 1 writ - a letter to At- e, . < It reached here mcrn ig, whereupon a'a k tim out to con- th'ivat We run man was e a szapboX in Union Se endacnvr our national - law ofiicer issued an a m t; stay here six days tempua ary visitor's visa. Sacs icleased from as I' ti play the piano, h s i ;1 he came here for WASHINGTON-The general public has the idea that Secretaryt of State Dean Acheson is an austere, supreme, sober individual. In his relaxed moments, however, Acheson is just the opposite. He1 has developed a philosophilcal calm and whimsical humor that have1 helped him weather the storms that rage round his head.1 "The Secretary of State," he told intimate friends the other day, "is always fair game. There's no use trying to argue with people like Senators Taft and Wherry. They don't want to learn." Asked what he did to take his mind off official problems, Acheson replied: "I worry about the oak plague attacking the leaves on my farm at Olney (Md.). The leaves are falling off now, and they usually do_ not fall until late autumn." Acheson is probably the first Secretary of State to use television1 in his official business. When he is in Washington and when Ambassa- dor Warren Austin is waging tough forensic battles with Soviet dele- gate Malik before the Security Council in New York, the Secretary of State sits before a television set to watch the performance. Besides his chair, as he watches his ambassador at Lake Success, is an open telephone line direct to Warren. And, as Ambassador Warren debates back and forth with the Soviet delegate, the Secretary of State picks up the phone to suggest new answers to the strean- of Russian abuse. There was a time when an exchange of diplomatic notes between the United States and a foreign country required six weeks to two months. They had to be taken across the Atlantic by clipper ship. Later, the time of exchange was narrowed to a couple of days. But now, with television, it's instantaneous. TAFT'S PRESS RELATIONS Ohio Senator Bob Taft is not always smart with his public re- lations, but he was smart enough the other day not to get caught in a radio debate with forthright and possibly unfriendly newsmen. Scheduled to appear on a coast-to-coast network "Reporters Roundup," Taft was to be interviewed by Joe Loftus of the New York Times, Sam Stavisky of the Washington Post, and Cecil Brown of the Mutual Broadcasting System. At the last minute, however, Taft tele- phoned the program director and refused to appear unless he could name his own reporters. In order to save the program from cancelation, Taft was given his way. He seledted four Ohio newsmen whom he knew personally- Alvin Silverman of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Jack Kennon of the Cleveland News, Richard Maher of the Cleveland Press, and Clingan Jackson of the Youngstown Vindicator. They dealt with him gently. * * * * UNDERWORLD PEACEMAKER It was Costello, also, who made peace in- the underworld after the "roaring 'twenties." He laid out $25,000 of his own money to call a convention of gangsters at the Hotel President in Atlantic City, where they allotted territories and cemented alliances. Costello operated the slot-machine business through the tru-mint novelty company in New York City, then organized the Pelican Novelty Company in New Orleans. He also formed the alliance distributors with Phil Kastel, becoming the sole agents for King's Ransom scotch whisky with royalties of $35,000 per month. * * * * MISSISSIPPI HEALTH PROGRAVI Washington health authorities are watching a Mississippi country doctor who is bringing health to rural crossroad communities. He is Dr. Felix J. Underwood, who has turned down various honors and fancy salaries to stay at home and fight for his own health program as executive officer of the Mississippi health board. Today, 26 years after Dr. Underwood started his drive, Mississippi has launched a medical and nursing scholarship and hospital building program which the U.S. public health service praises to the skies. Thanks to this far-seeing physician plus an educational cam- paign by the Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary clubs with the Farm Bureau, Mississippi now: 1. Offers $5,000 medical scholarships to young men who pledge to practice in rural communities of 5,000 people or less for a minimum of two years. Every year that the new doctor pactices in the Missis- sippi small town, one-fifth of the $5,000 loan is wiped out. Twelve Negoes have received these loan scholarships. A total of 229 students have qualified and received the scholarships. 2. Offers $3,000 graduate scholarships to nurses who promise to return to Mississippi and teach nursing at least one year. The debt is cut $1,000 a year during the time the nurse is training other nurses in her home state schools. 3. Set aside $40,000,000 of state and local funds to build 63 new hospitals and 30 health centers. The goal is four hospital beds per 1,000 people so located that they are within 15 miles of 90 per cent of the state's population. Before the program got under way with an o.k. By the 1946 legislature the state had only 1.6 hospital beds per 1,000 people, and 24 counties had no hospital facilities at all. 4. Authorized a 4-year medical school and hospital in Jackson. This last step was taken by the legislature at the request of Governor Fielding Wright this year. iCopyright. 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) OtherMacDougal . .. To the Editor: MR. GORDON MacDougall, the "Young Progressive" on the campus may have a right to ex- press his political views to the public, but he is certainly putting my position in jeopardy by doing so. You see, my name is Gordon C. MacDougall, Jr. and I am now a part-time student at the Univer- sity in the Graduate School. I graduated from the Engineering School at the University in June 1948, but have been taking part- time work ever since. I work full-time for the Wayne County Health Department and it is most embarrassing for me to explain the articles written about what Mr. Gordon MacDougall, the "Young Progressive" has said in regard to his political views. I would like it understood by everyone that I am not related to and am not in sympathy with the "Young Progressive's" views on political issues. Articles about Mr. MacDougall have appeared not only in The Michigan Daily, but in the Detroit papers and even in my home town newspaper, The Bay City Times. Both family friends and business acquaint- ances have questioned me about the matter. This situation is not only embarrassing to me but also to my family who have been ques- tioned regarding the matter. May I suggest that Mr. Mac- Dougall use his middle initial, if he has one, or use some other means of further identification when using his name. -Gordon C. MacDougall, Jr. CED Prograin . To the Editor: MEMBERS OF the CED were told by a representative o the Medical School that the Com- mittee on Admissions and the Ex- ecutive Committee are considering making changes with a view t improving the applicationm blank now being used. The CED is happy to note tha the Medical School is taking thi means to publicly demostrate It opinion that a problem exists con cerning the current application form. We have been attempting for a year to prove that this i true particularly of certain item; In the form. We have been attempting- t prove that serious question's o propriety, efficiency and the Uni- versity's reputation are involve in the Medical School's requst for every applicant's relgion c photograph. But that the Medical Schoo now recognizes this possibilit does not in the least put the CED out of business. On the contrary the CED plans to expand and in- tensify its activities at this criti cal stage. We believe that those items o the application blank which cal for the candidate's religion an photograph are now on publi trial. The matter of their remova is as much one of public policy a of private, scientific research. W therefore intend to vigorously an publicly plead the case for thei removal. We shall publicly prove 1. That the question on religio is a grossly inadequate and un fair way of investigating eac candidate's personality, the us to which the Medical School ha said it is put; and 2. That the use of both ques tions does serious damage to th reputation of the University at : time when they have been strongl: criticized by highly respected in dividuals and groups in educatio and throughout society. The climate of opinion through out most of America is expresse in the vigorous condemnation o these questions by President Tru man's Commission on Highe Education, in New York State' law prohibiting their use, and i: the recent actions of many uni versities-including the medic schools of Illinois and Northwest ern-which have eliminated then The retention of these que, tions by the Medical School i the face of such a national prc test against them can only cam further damage to our Univel sity's standing. The Medical School has at la, agreed to consider the problem. is now CED's function to convin( its authorities that the facts di( tate the removal of the question We shall state the facts with as curacy, logic and calmness. V ask that our case be heard in like spirit. We are confident that if it the necessity' for dropping these requirements will be clear. -Al Silver, Vice-President Committee to End Dis- .crimination. Muic Reviewing To the Editor: BEING NEW to the campus, I lication as one of the fine college newspapers. However, I would like to ve- hemently disagree with your mu- sic critic's review of Traubel's con- cert - or rather part of it. I thought her reference to Miss Traubel's taste in singing Beet- hoven and Gluck in English was well-founded; however, I was stunned upon reading her glowing irave concerning Mr. Bos, the ac- companist. In my opinion, and I'm sure serious musicians will agree, Mr. Bos's accompanying was terrible. Very rarely was he together with Miss Traubel, this being especially true in the Beet- hoven and Strauss-his technique was extremely spotty-his tone was very brittle and his stage manner inferred a scene-stealing device. To say that Mr. Bos is "one of the few truly great accompanists Sof our time" is not only a great injustice to other fine accompan- ists such as Emanuel Bey, but is also indicative of a lack of judge- ment in the reviewer which could harmfully manifest itself in fu- ture reviews of pianists. -Theodore S. Raphael The Course Ahead SN receiving the Freedom House award on Sunday evening Secre- tary Acheson spoke with a singu- lar power, thoughtfulness and ef- fect. His themese were not new; f he has repeatedly sustained them in the face of every kind of igno- rant and often vituperative oppo- sition. But for once, as he said, he was among "friends," an experi- ence like a "cool spring to a thirs- I ty wayfarer," and in that atmo- sphere his restatement of the basic s principles and purposes of Ameri- can foreign policy had a depth and conviction which he has not al- ways made so clear in the heat of diplomatic and political action. g The one great object of every s move and every effort-is a stable and reasonably viable peace. Our new military measures are not for f war, but to create the conditions in which adjustment may become possible. "Building the strength of d free nations is not by itself a met- hod of settling differences with the Soviet leaders. It is a way- l and again the only way-to pre- Svent those differences from being ysettled by default." Those "com- mon objectives which make broad compromise possible between the ~ Soviet leaders and the rest of the world are now lacking." -New York Herald Tribune 1 II d c 1 s ~&..A eI i 14- a s 1 )' -f b ;J: :1. I . At The State r , , II I c r ld do Ssor ne this is -S I Terty. They - I tey would be T- y'o-_ng man told -s que - - ed, that he - - yoeth movemnent -~ " vn~ldo nothing RIGHT CROSS with Dick Powell, June Allyson and Richardo Montalban You have seen them all before ifi one movie or another: a tough reporter with a heart of gold and a torch to bear; a smart fighter with a chip on his shoulder and atrophy of the hand; a beautiful girl who doesn't love her man simply because he's the Champ with a lot of money to boot; a monosyllabic promotor engaged in purloin- ing other promotor's pugilists; and others ad infinitum. M.G.M. gathers up all these mechanical people, gives most of them a shot of anti-prejudice serum and lets them unwind until Montalban, the gringo-hating fighter sees stars and finally, the light. It is difficult to commend a producer for his forthrightness and daring in filming his version of prejudice insidiously at work when it is so obvious that he is climbing on the Toleration Band-Wagon, trying to make a little box office hay while the race issue still shines. The sole reason for the compli- cation in the plot is that the fighter is afraid he is being looked down upon by "gringos," an attribute which the movie painstakingly points out as being inherited from his other- wise normal and loving mother. It is just a bit too flimsy an excuse even for Hollywood to hang a movie on. There are, however, (and I suppose this is this picture's only justification) some pretty good fight scenes for the more sadis- tic minded and a bit of New Yorker type dialogue for the "intelligentsia." -Allan Clamage America Vs. Europe CONSIDER THE American continent! Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of. Michigan underrthe authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Tim Brown.......Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger . ........ City Editor Roma Lipsky.........Editorial Director Dave Thomas...........Feature Editor Janet Watts........ ..Associate Editor Nancy Bylan........Associate Editor James Gregory....... Associate Editor Bill Connolly.......... Sports Editor Bob Siandell .. Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton .. Asspciate Sports Editor Barbara Jans-........-Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Stall Bob Daniels-........Business Manager Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Maul Schaible .... Advertising Manager 'Boo Mer-sereau....... Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz .. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press 'The AssociateduPress is exclusively entitled to the use for cepublication cf all news dispatches credited to it or ot erwise credited to this newspaper. IAll rights o1 republication, of all other n'+ e:- herein are also reserved ntsed at the Post Office at Ann Arbo. Michigan as second-class mail Subscription during regular school -ear: by carrier, $6.00; cy mail, $7.00. -I -I " 7 1-. . .1 1 I I q ci -rse, many cases like I m we -e suaked into the 1 or C'snmmunist vortex Sasas innocently, a t" (ear-ly stages the - ' ( 'poIn-Al leader-s who 'an '-ran distessed econo- S- 'an wh-oIa his changed Swho could know no I piani whiled away BARNABY We have to open the depot for toys for the poorer kids earlier this fall Cleaning, fixing, and painting the used toys in time So the drive begins next week. And I! have to think of ways to publicize it. Have you any ideas, Ellen? I need help- Mr O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, says if Mrs Givney needs help, he'll help her. . Barnaby- [ A Fairy Godfather? 4--