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October 11, 1950 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-10-11

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Band To
rform At

Gargoyle Carries On Underground

Army Game
Yankee Stadium will be the set-.
ing this weekend for the half time
how of the University's Marching
Preceding the football team to
4ew York City, the band is sched-
led to leave Ann Arbor on a spe-
ial train at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow.
'he football team will fly Friday
In honor of the trip to New
York, a new show depicting a visi-
or's impression of the "big city"
ias been prepared by Prof. Wil-
iam D. Revelli, conductor of Uni-
'ersity Bands.
* * *
DESPITE THE rainy weather
his week, the bandsmen have been
-ehearsing in raip coats and rain
iats at South Ferry field, in order
o perfect the new formations.
Saturday the band will take to.
the field from the Yankee bull.
pen. After saluting both stands.
with a block "W" and "ARMY,"
the marchers will form a horse
and cab similar to those in Cen-
tral Park.1
They will then move into the
hape of an old fashioned water
ump symbolizing the recent wa-
er shortage in New' York. As the
pump handle moves up and down
he band. will play "How Dry I
FOLLOWING A salute ton, the
Rockette's they will form two
parachutes depicting the amuse-
rents at Coney Island.
The final formation will be a.
diagonal U-S-A with a Statue
of Liberty In the center.
During their three-night stay
he group will be-quartered at a
Manhattan hotel but will practice
at a Bronx park.
Besides, performing at the foot-
mall game the. band will also play
it an alumni rally Friday night.
Band members will tave New
York City at 9:30 a.m. Sunday
and will arrive back in Ann Arbor
at 11.30 p.m.

In the musty basement furnace
room of a State St. restaurant,
the Gargoyle staff is busily.pre-
paring this semester's first issue,
which is slated to come out No-
vember 1.
Since the Board in Control of
Student Publications ended the
Garg's carreer As an official cam-
pus publication last spring, the
humor magazine has taken to the
underground -- way underground.
Managing Editor Bob. Uchitelle di-
rects operations from a desk sand-
wiched in between two oil tanks
and an oil burner.
LYING AROUND the "office"
are such incongruous objects as
a grease-gun, a rusty hatchett and
a dress dummy. Staffers say that
.they derive. inspiration: from the
latter article. Garg's. unique fil-
ing system consists of several ra-
ther dirty cardboard boxes scatter-
ed oo the floor.
Most staffers prefer to do.
their writing away from the "of-
fice" because, as one member
observed, "the combined roar of
a water heater, a furnace and an,
exhaust fan all going full blast
sounds like Niagara Falls and,
you can't even hear yourself
think--much less write."
Gargoyle's staff now totals 40
members. Staff positions are still
open and literary contributions are
being sought. A five dollar prize
is offered for the best jokes, ance-
dotes, and stories presented. Uchi-
telle has: invited all those interest-
ed to stop in at the Garg's."spa-
cious quarters" in the basement
of 211 S. State or mail their lite-
rary efforts to that address..
* * *
"THE BIG feature for this is-
sue," the editor continued, "will
be a character sketch of an, un-
dergraduate student who has been
on the campus since 1936.
Of interest to Michigan .males
will be a full page pin-up picture
of a lovely Michigan coed. The;
Garg invites suggestions as to who
the coed should be.
The long dark basement passage
leading to an alley exit presents

-Daily-Carlisle Marshall
HOT HUMOR-Gargoyle managing editor, Bob Uchitelle, and
another-staffer check the heat in their new office, the furnace
room of a State Street restaurant, where they are currently put-
ting out this semester's first issue of the now-unofficial humor
quite a contrast to the clean mod- led Uchitelle to declare, "Our big
ern offices in the Student Publi- objective is to get the Gargoyle
cations Building formerly occu- out of this hole in the wall and
pied by the Gargoyle. back on the campus where it right-
Perhaps it was this contrast that fully belongs."
Movie Petitions Due Friday

Tug Week
To BeHeld
Tug Week and the "rah-rah"
that accompanies it have been
given another lease of life by the
Student Legislature.
Pleased with the results of last
year's revival of the traditional
Soph-Frosh rivalry, SL has again
decided to sponsor a Tug Week
program, Friday and Saturday,
October 27 and 28.
. * *
ACCORDING to Ned Myles, '51,
and George Qua, '52, general
chairmen of SL's Tug Week com-
mittee, a combined Sophomore-
Freshman rally, Friday evening,
Oct. 27; in Hill Auditorium, will
begin the affair.
The rally will be followed by
this year's production of Soph
* * *
Class spirit and enthusiasm will
be drummed up by the cheer lead-
ers and the various campus bands
during the_ week.
War will take place at 1 p.m. the
next day on the banks of the Hu-
ron. A parade to the river lead by
the campus bands will proceed the
big pull. Both the Sophomores and
the Freshmen will adopt a facul-
ty sponsor to provide their classes
with moral support..
From the ranks of each class
15 men will be chosen to take part
in the tug-of-war. The team cop-
ping two out of three pulls across
the river will be the winner. The
victorious team will then receive
free ice cream, the losers hot cof-
In charge of the rally will be
Bill McIntyre, '53, and Ed Grif-
fin, '53. Soph Satire will be direct-
ed by Fran Hanslovsky, '52. Tic-
kets for the production are being
handled by Mary Meuller, '52, and
Dick Tlhompson, '53. The tug-of-
war will be directed by Dan Bur-
lingame, '52, and Art Stoddard,
'53. Publicity chairman is Fred
Ittner, '52:

DANCE DUO-Emily Frankel and Mark Ryder perform one of
their numerous routines. The team will teach a special modern
dance class from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Barbour Gym-
nasium. The event will be sponsored by the Women's Physical
Education Department.
** * * *
Dancing Class To Be Taught
By Frankel-Ryder Team

Modern Interpretation McCracken
Calls Credit
.. Curbs Weak

Campus organizations, planning
to co-sponsor a movie this semes-
ter with the Student Legislature's
Cinema Guild (formerly the Art
Cinema League), must have their
petitions into the SL office by Fri-
day, Dick Krauss, manager of the
Cinema Guild, announced yester-
Krauss explained that organiza-
tions applying for co-sponsorship
must be in good financial condi-
tion and must indicate a willing-
ness to assume its share of any
liabilities involved.
Selection of the co-sponsors
from the qualifying groups will be
based upon the degree and man-

ner in which the activities of the
group affect the student body,
the relative need for funds of the
group, and the past record of the
group in similar undertakings.
Petitions may be obtained at
the SL office in the Administra-
tion Building.
The Art Cinema League was
taken over by SL last semester,
and renamed the Cinema Guild.-
The Board of the Guild, com-
posed of SL's treasurer, cabinet
members-at-large, and Culture
and Education Committee chair-
man, appoints the Guild manager,
who works with the campus

- - -


Emily Frankel and Mark Ryder,
nationally known modern dance
team. will be in Ann Arbor tomor-
row to teach a special two-hour
class in pantomine modern dance.'
Sponsored by the Women's Phy-
sical Education Department, the
class will run from 2:30 to 4:30
p.m. in the dance studio in Bar-
bour Gymnasium. Registration for
the class is limited to 50, but ac-
cording to a recent announcement
there is still room for a few more
interested students.
'U' To Offer
Talks on Local
In order to help citizens under-
stand the work being done by
their local governments, the Uni-
versity Extension Service will of-
fer a series of lectures on "Positive
Members of the University
faculty, public officials, and civic
leaders will discuss what is being
done by the governments of Ann
Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Washtenaw
County. They will also evaluate
the structure of these govern-
AMONG THE speakers will be
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, who
will speak on "Mayor-Council
Government in Ann Arbor;" John
Muss, director of the Michigan
Municipal League, who will ex-
plain "State-Local Relationships;"
and, Prof. Robert S. Ford, direc-
tor of the bureau of government,
who will talk on "Financing Our
Local Governments."
The speakers will have pamph-
lets and bulletins on hand to sup-
plement the lecture material, and
will encouragehnon-partisan dis-
cussions of the topic following
each lecture.
The lctures will be held at 7:30
p.m. on Wednesdays, starting Oct.
18, in Room 131 of the Business
Administration Building. The
Daily Official Bulletin will carry
additional information before
each lecture.
-- - - - - - - - -

MISS FRANKEL began her ca-
reer with the Charles Weidman
bance company, and she develop-
ed rapidly as a dramatic perform-
er. Her most famous role was the
slave girl in the Rape Dance fromV
"House Divided."
When she met Ryder, the two
joined forces both choregraphi-
cally and matrimonially. Since
then they have been the co-di-
rectors of the Ryder-Frankel
studio in New York.
Ryder's background included
work with the Martha Graham'
dancers and three days of AWOL
in England to study with the Jesse
s S S
The two have toured the United
States extensively since their mar-
riage and have received top re-
views in Pittsburgh, New York and
Critics have highly praised
their combination of spoken
words, pantomine and dancing
which they believe makes a more
balanced and understandable
At present they are performing
in Detroit. Their appearance in
Ann Arbor given in place of the
previously scheduled Inter-Arts-
Union dance festival.
Pharmacy School
To -meetTonight
College of Pharmacy students
will meet in Rm. 1400 of the
Pharmacy Bldg. at 7 p.m. today.
The faculty of the college will
present an outline of the program
of both curricular and extra-
curricular activities for the com-
ing year.
There will also be a presenta-
tion of awards for the year 1949-
1950 and the winner of the Borden
scholarship will be announced at
that time.

Present consumer credit con-
trols, recently reimposed by the
Federal Reserve Board,. may turn
out to be ineffective in curbing
spending according to Prof. Paul
W. McCracken of the School of
Business Administration.
Prof. McCracken, speaking be-
fore the Economics Club, ex-
plainedhthat the credit regula-
tions which were reimposed are
not much tighter than those that
had already been in general prac-
ON THE OTHER hand, many
people felt that these controls
were perhaps a prelude to new
and more sweeping curbs on con-
sumer credit. Thus there has been
a great tendency for the consumer
to buy on credit now while it is
still possible. This has gone a
long way towards neutralizing
any beneficial effects the new
controls may have had, Prof. Mc-
Cracken declared.
But Prof. McCracken empha-
sized that something must be
done to curb spending. He fa-
vored a broad system of indirect
controls rather than direct war-
time controls. Our defense budget
may rise to $30 billion, but this
still is a far cry from the $160
billion outlay under a full war
economy. Obviously something
less than full '*artime control
methods is in order, he stressed.
A primary reason for controls
is to curb spending. Thus far,
Prof. McCracken remarked,
there has been little concrete
action taken by the government
towards this end.
Prof. McCracken, pointed out
that people cashing in bonds and
bank accounts has resulted in an
important additional source of
spending. We must find a way
to make liquid assets, particularly
savings bonds, more attractive, he
To do this; there should be
a savings bond drive similar to
those held during the war. Prof.
McCracken regretted that four
months have gone by since the
outbreak of the Korean war with-
out a drive of this sort.
Pre-Meds To
Meet Tonight
Prospective doctors will have a
chance to gain valuable informa-
tion about their chosen profes-
sion when the Pre-Med Society
holds its first meeting of the year,
tonight at 7:30 at 1400 Chemistry
Dr. Wayne- Whitaker, secretary
of the Medical School, and prof.
P. F. Weatherill, pre-med advisor,
will lead a discussion of problems
confronting pre-med students.
Dr. Whitaker will concentrate
on entrance to the Medical School
and the qualifications of a doctor
while Prof. Weatherill will speak
on some technical aspects of the
pre-med program and orientation
of freshmen pre-meds.
Educational Films
"Daniel Boone" and "Lewis and
Clark" will-be shown at 4:10 p.m.
today in Kellogg Auditorium as the
first in a series of educational
films sponsored by the Audio-Vis-
ual Center and the University Ex-
tension Service.










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