TRT Z57AWV. WED tDAY, ,SEPTEM.,B.ER 20, "150, ---- ------- --- -- NEW STAFFERS WELCOMED. Daily Begins 61st Year of Publication 4 * * * *. * . ** * *f 'Ensian Will Publish Huge New Volume 1951 Yearbook Will Sell for $5 Michigan's "Official" scrapbook -that's the 'Ensian, student pub- lished yearbook for 53 years. Shortened from "Michiganen- sian;" the book's name came from someone's mispronunciation for the suggested name-"Michigan- ensis." * * * THE 'ENSIAN began publication in 1897, selling for a mere dollar. In the beginning it was the joint work of three then existing maga- zine staffs, which were the Litera- ture and Engineering, Law and In- dependent mAgazines. Many opportunities for differ- ent kinds of work and promo- tion are available on- the 'Ensian. The editorial staff works on the preparation and assembly of copy and photographs. There is work available for writers, pho- tographers, typists and those in- terested in the lay-out and de- sign of the 'Ensian. For those interested in the bus- iness staff, there are positions to handle accounts, contracts, ad- vertising and sales. ALL ELIGIBLE students may try out for the 'Ensian. This excludes first-semester freshmen. The outstanding tryouts of the editorial and business staff are recognized each year with com- plimentary copies of the 'hnsian and may petition for positions on the junior and senior staffs at the end of their sophomore year. These positions include the man- aging editor, business manager;art editor, junior editors, and the pho- tography editor. The 'Ensian is published under the authority of the Board in Con- trol of Student Publication. Its offices are in the Student Publica- tions Bldg., one block west of An- gell Hall on Maynard St. «. STUDENT PUBLICATION BUILDING-The home of The Daily, Generation, and the 'Ensian is one block west of Angell Hall on Maynard Street. n * - k 4 as the U. of M. Daily in 1890 by a group of non-fraternity men. It soon moved from a small down- town print ship where it was first printed, to the Ann Arbor Press, and the name was changed to The Michigan Daily. The present Student Publica- tions Building, opened in 1932, was financied largely by The Daily's earnings. It contains to- day one of the finest physical plants, for a newspaper the size of The Daily, in the country. The most recent acquisition is a new rotary press, installed last month. * * * THE DAILY is published by students under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications, which is made up of students elected by the campus at large, and faculty and alumni appointees. The Board does not censor editorials or news articles. It has general responsibility for the success of student publica- tions, but actual administration is left to the students. * * * TRYOUTS ON THE Daily edi- torial staff go through a semester training program to learn the fundamentals of reporting, proof- reading, and headline writing. This is followed by assignment to the reportorial staff, with respon- sibility for seeing that a particu- lar beat is coveretl. From this staff, the night edi- tors and their assistants - the junior staff - are chosen. Each night editor is in complete charge of the actual publication of the paper one night per week. The senior editors are the man- aging editor, who has general re- sponsibility for everything thatj appears in The Daily; the editor- ial director, who is in charge of the editorial page; the city editor, who handles local news assign- ments and directs the night edi- tors; the feature editor, who takes care of feature articles; the pho- tography editor, and the associate editors, who are responsible for the training programs. The junior and senior staffs are selected by the Board in Control of Student Publications upon the recommendation of the managing editor, and receive salaries. Parallel appointments as night editors and senior editors are made oi the sports and women's staffs. * * * THE BUSINESS STAFF has charge of The Daily's finances. It handles advertising, accounts, and circulation. Junior and senior jobs, as on the editorial staff, are appoint- ive, salaried positions. The top position is that of busi- ness manager. * * * THE DAILY has won numerous awards for excellence, including those given by the Associated Col- legiate Press, Sigma Delta Chi, and the National Advertising Service. LOOKING BACKWARD: Ann Arbor Chief Calls Campus Fire Threat 'Slight' .® (Continued from Page 9) ed men and women held an aver- age of 77 per cent of the positions in 19 influential and honorary campus organizations. The inde- pendents make up 85 per cent of the student body and the affiliates 15 per cent. In the current Student Legislature race, 31 of the 58 can- didates were independents. Nov. 19. Michigan and Ohio State tied, 7-7, for the Western Conference championship. Nov. 22. Nearly 7,000 voters braved near freezing weather to climax the "coldest and cleanest" all-campus election in Student Legislature history. Fifteen inde- pendent and 13 affiliate candi- dates were elected to SL's 28 seats. Nov. 25. Approximately half of the student population of Ann Ar- bor remained at home to digest Thanksgiving dinners, leaving pro- fessors who had planned work for their Friday classes with a sub- stantially reduced number of stu- dents. Nov. 26. The Shah of Iran re- ceived the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Civil Law during his visit to the University. Nov. 29. The student campaign of the Michigan Memorial-Phoe- nix Project opened, setting its goal between $100,000 and $200,000. The Phoeniv Project is a research plan into the peacetime uses of atomic energy which President Ruthven has called "a project big- ger than the University itself." Dec. 1. The Interfraternity Council house presidents passed a resolution asking the Student Af- fairs Committee to suspend any fraternity which fails by Jan. 1, 1951, to petition its national office for removal of any bias clauses in the fraternity's constitution. The Student Legislature passed a resolution asking the University I Administration for a full weekend holiday at Thanksgiving. . Dec. 7. Fire threat at the Uni- versity was called "slight," by Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ben Zahn, who named 'U' Hall and Romance Languages as the only buildings on campus where a really sei'ious fire could'occur. Dec. 8. The federal government granted the University more than $3,000,000 for research projects. Dec. 9. Workers began to clear the site for the $5,000,000 South Quadrangle men's dormitory. Jan. 9. The Quiz Kids humbled a panel of University professors by a score of 131-120. The profes- sors' downfall came when they couldn't name Michigan football scores., Jan. 10. King Peter of Yugo- slavia asked for freedom from the Communist Party for his coun- try, inaHill Auditorium lecture. Jan. 13. University officals pro- posed cutting two days from the Christmas holiady to make up the "lost time" of a full weekend Thanksgiving vacation, but stu- dents were definitely cool to the proposal. London papers termed Michigan "the most progressive" educational institution in the world. Jan. 14. Plans were announced and a building purchased for the campus' first international house. An investigation of fire precau- tions in student rooming houses was initiated. Feb. 10-12. The J-Hop dance weekend featured Duke Ellington and Louis Prima. Mar. 3. The University commun- ity mourned the death of Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd, who had served the University as women's advisor and later as Dean of Wo- men for almost a quarter-century. Mar. 17. Generation, a new stu- dent magazine containing creative material and articles on all the arts, made its first appearance. Eleven Korean English teachers studying at the English Language Institute declared that the division of Korea into Russian and Ameri- can zones had created a grave eco- nomic problem in the country and that the situation had become so tense that no one could cross the border without fear of Communist action. Mar. 24. The Big Ten Young Republican Conference opened presenting Harold Stassen, Rep. Thurston B. Morton (R-Ky.) and Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R-Mich.). Gold-fish swallowing reappear- ed temporarily as a campus acti- vity. Mar. 28. The Office of Student Affairs began distribution of a list of all University students under 21 years of age to every beer and li- quor dealer in Washtenaw Coun- ty. Mar. 29. The Union Opera, "Lace It Up", an all-male musical come- dy, opened. Two University officials empha- sized that there is no "discrimina- tory policy" in admission to the University. Mar. 30. The University signed a five-year contract with the Atomic Energy Commission for research into the effects of atomic radia- tion on human bodies. April 5. Prof. J. Phillip Wer- See FREEDOM, Page 11 t 1 FINE IMPORTED LINEN SILK SCARFS-JEWELRY IVORY . . . PRINTS . . . WOODCARVING - PICTURE FRAMING And many other unusual items from the Orient. INDIA ART SHOP 330 MAYNARD STREET PHONE 2-3600O p r O O{ O O<- CO< y < <- <- <- <-A -1 L IF YOU WRITE V Student and Office Supplies Typewriters and Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Notebooks Fluorescent Lamps Brief Cases WE HAVE IT! Welcome all makes of PORTABLES * Smith-Corona " Royal 0 Remington 4 ., /,, SNEAF1'RP Craftsman Ensemble pen 3.50 Pencil 3.00 Complete 6.50 * Hermes. We specialize in Repair Work on Typewriters and Fountain Pens. C; I _ . ;.: *.i..... t".A ntar l to Michigan and to KUOHN'S the Young Men's Shop 217 E. Liberty St. (New Location) I :: . /- Ar-d I *4. it U I ~~.1. , I I