THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBR 91 ib _ _ .i AEC Decontrol A LOT OF DREAMS for the future of a free atomic age seem to have been shat- tered by a remark Atomic Energy Commis- sion chief Gordon Dean made while here for Atom Day. After his speech. of praise for the pri- vate initiative shown by the University's Phoenix Project in atomic research, Dean was asked by a reporter: "If the threat of war were to end, would AEC decontrol itself and turn its research over to pri- vate -institutions?" Dean replied that he didn't see that in the cards. He said that the commission hasn't been too harshly criticized for any controls. But there are many people in the country who resent the government's monopoly and stringent hold on atomic experimentation. This feeling was expressed by Sen. Fer- guson who explained that there is no reason for the monopoly to exist except for national security. When full peace comes, Ferguson said Congress expects AEC to go out of existence. It will have served its purpose. Then along comes Dean and blasts this dream all to pieces. Dean was not so rash as to say AEC will maintain complete con- Editorials published1 in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB KEITH trol- over the development of atomic power in the future. But he did imply that the government plans to keep a big hold on atom development. Before his remark about the future of of AEC, Dean smoothed over any ill feeling about controls. He said regulations are being removed as fast as possible and he encouraged free, private research in declassified areas. It would almost seem that AEC believes in a gradual decline of its powers until universities and industry are able to direct the future of atomic energy wihout inter- ference from Washington. Perhaps a slow, steady flow of research power to private conceris would be accepted by the people. If AEC is not to end immedi- ately when the cold war does, it might not be a bad idea for the commission to remain as an advisory board. This advisory function could be especially useful in the beginning stages of private ownership of the atom. This, however, is the only need for con- tinuation of AEC after security measures can be dropped. Anything to do with the atom, from mining the ore to designing atomic weapons, should be turned over to private enterprize if we are to avoid socializing what will be a basic industry. If the administration is planning any continuation of AEC controls and secrecy after the cold war ends, it will find it has a battle on its hands. -Vernon Emerson. L j Ii' ON TiE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITHDREWPEARSON i4 i4 WASHINGTON-For several weeks, Chair- man Stuart Symington of the National Security Resources Board has been making disagreeable statements at cabinet meet- mngs. "I'm sorry to tell you, Mr. President, that the stockpiling program is not going well," Symington has warned. "In fact, it isn't go- ing well at all.' It is now possible to get a cleaner picture of what Symington means. It is also under- standable why Hubert Howard suddenly resigned as Chairman of the Munitions Board, the agency supposed to stockpile vital materials so the nation would not be caught short again in wartime. It can now be revealed that one of the most shocking deficiencies which the Mu- nitions Board did little about was aluminum. During World War II, American housewives vre called upon to donate pots, pans and kettles to help their country, because war planners and private industry had failed to anticipate aluminum needs. Now it looks as if, in case of all-out war, we might have to do the same thing again. For, believe it or not, the munitions. board did not even try to buy aluminum for stockpiling until August 4, more than a month, after the Korean war started. This amazing failure was partly due to backstage maneuvering of the giant Alumi- num Corporation. of America, the empire built up by the late Andrew Mellon, Secre- tary of the Treasury under Coolidge and Hoover. Alcoa, which called the signals wrong in World War II, is now doing the same of what may be World War III. *$ * HISTORY REPEATS Here is how history is repeating. WORLD WAR II-In August, 1940, Alcoa's manager, Irving M. Wilson, announced his cmpany was "in a position to supply the U.S. government, both army and navy, with all the aluminum it will require for national defense within the next year" and that "a substa tial surplus" would be left over to fill Bish orders. Various government advisers disagreed, chiefly Leon Henderson, later OPA adminis- trator, and Robert Nathan, war plans brain truster. They argued, urged, and begged that aluminum production be increased-to no avail. The rest of the story is well known to every housewife. The shortage that followed helped break the complete monopoly ALCOA had on aluminum in this country. At the urging of the U.S. government, Reynolds Metals and the Henry Kaiser Company went into the aluminum business. However, thanks to a $65,900,000 RFC subsidy granted by Jesse Jones, ALCOA also built a giant plant on the Saguenay River in Canada, financed by the U.S. government interest-free, and not1 subject to high U.S. taxes. It was a windfall for ALCOA's twin sister, the Alumi- num Corporation of Canada. THE PRESENT WAR CRISIS-Ten years later, the Aluminum Corporation of Ameri- ca, on Sept. 25, 1950, inserted an ad in New York papers, prornising plenty of aluminum for everyone. "To our government we re- port," said the ad, "there is plenty of alumi- num for any announced military program." SHORTAGE FORCES ALLOCATION Despite this promise so reminiscent of of World War II, the nation is already so short of aluminum that the agriculture de- partment has had to stop building alumi- New Books Elison, Hal, Tomboy New York, Scribner, 1950. Gorham, Maurice, Sound and Fury London num storage bins and aluminum is now al- located to most manufacturers. Meanwhile ALCOA doesn't want new plants built in this country, but is trying to persuade the munitions board to buy aluminum from its sister company, ALCAN, the Aluminum Corporation of Canada. But Arthur Vining Davis, Chairman of ALCOA, is also a large stockholder in ALCAN, and his nephew, Nathaniel Davis, is its presi- dent. In fact, the Quebec town where ALCAN's plant is located is called Arvida, in honor of Arthur Vining Davis., Furthermore, the two companies' policies go hand-in-hand. Last month when the Aluminum Corporation of America boosted its price 10 per cent, the Aluminum Corpora- tion of Canada immediately followed suit. Motive behind ALCOA's demand that we buy aluminum from its Canadian twin sister is to prevent building up any fresh com- petition from Kaiser and Reynolds. The less competition ALCOA has, the higher prices the government and the public pay. Thus, during World Wa II, aluminum prices shot up to 67 cents a pound, and remained double the prewar price long after the ar- mistice. After Reynolds and Kaiser started competing with ALCOA in World War II, however, the price of aluminum dropped 20 to 15 cents per pound, and now the price is 20 per cent below the prewar level-all thanks to the American principle of free competition. CAPITAL NEWS CAPSULES RENT-GOUGING AGAIN - Complaints are pouring into the housing expediter's office that landlords are hiking rents for servicemen in military areas. One command- ing officer, Col. James Murphey of Camp Atterbury, Ind., has formally appealed to the housing expediter to restore rent con- trol within a radius of 50 miles of the camp. Under present law, however, the housing expediter can do nothing to hold down rents -except through the local city councils, which too frequently are dominated by the real estate board. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) CINEMA C MAt The Orpheum... STEAMBOAT 'ROUND THE BEND starring Will Rogers, Irvin S. Cobb and Eugene Pallette. Directed by John Ford. IT IS a little sad when a great legendary name like Will Rogers is dragged from its niche to our modern cynicism for the mere sake of a few box office dollars. An old time vaudeville star who rose to great stature as THE home-spun humorist, Will Rogers ambles his way into just a few gaffaws, and these by combining a pair of baggy trousers, a homely face and a wry, twinkling smile. The movie itself is poor with the ex- ception of a novel grand finale - the steamboat race. Up to this point the pic- ture moves along without a care through ham through melodrama, through the muddy Mississippi. Being an old film concerning the south in the late 1890's it inadvertently portrays a rather sickening social standard-the treatment of the Negro. It might seem a lit- tle far fetched to start reviewing one of America's most famous personalities and end by discussing the racial problem of our coun- try. But it exists and, be it 1890 or 1950, the white man's waiting room at the railway depot looks the same. And so does the nar- row Negro cell block in the local jail and THOMASL. STSKWS: Supreme Court WASH"NGTON1-A Chief Justice of the United States at times must become a politician in the best sense of that word to bring the Supreme Court to- accommodate the law to critical issues of the times and thus provide the leadership in national af- fairs which- it .can give on occasion. Such leadership, which John Marshall assumed for the court in the early days, has become a part of our tradition. Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson fulfilled this function notably in the highly controver- sial field of civil liberties, when he led the court in unanimous decisions on the segre- gation cases affecting railroad dining service and higher education-in law and graduate schools-in Texas and. Oklahoma. Unani- mous decisions are rare in the Supreme Court and on such an Issue unanimity car- ries great weight. In the field of economic issues, the late Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes per- formed a political function when the. court was under attack-and properly-by the late President Roosevelt for its backward stand on vital matters affecting' the welfare of our people. Mr. Huges brought the court around to a more up-to-date viewpoint on basic issues involved in New Deal measures and philosophy, which the people of the country had approved, thwarted the. Roose- velt attack through the so-cailed "court- packing" plan, and thus, saved the court and is prestige. This required skillful man- agement and compromise. The anti-segregation decisions this week represented compromise, too, essentially, and yet opened the way for a broadening of their application in the future as our racial problems are minimized through edu- cation and enlightenment. The court's calm and reasonable approach serves to dilute somewhat angry bickerings in Congress with which performance Its at- titude is a refreshing contrast. At the same time the court creates what mightbe called a better spiritual atmosphere and raises our sights to goals ultimately to be achieved. All'of this is most important now because of our position in the world and for the moral influence which we can and must exert when democracy is under test. The court chose to stick closely to the facts in the individual cases, as It does most often, and avoided the broad costitutional issue which the Justice Department, in the railway case,-and counsel for the plaintiffs, in the education cases, had posed for settle- ment under the 14th Amendment. Many would have liked to see the repudiation they sought from the Supreme Court of the "sep- arate but equal treatment" doctrine setforth in the 1896 Plessy vs. ergsonc ease that prompted Justice John M. Harlan to say in a dissenting opinion at the time "our constitution is color blind." This may include it least two, perhaps more, of the Supreme Court itself, and the fact, that the court united, instead, on the narrow and more restricted ground is a tri- bute to the Chief Justice's talents at com- promise. But it is clear that the deciions, con- fined as they were, hold considerable sig- nificance for the future, as seemed to be demonstrated by the immediate screaming defiance of Governor Herman Talmadge of Georgia. Segregation in transpprationundoubtedly was dealt a vital blow by the decision, writ- ten by Justice Harold if.Burton, in the case brought by Elmer W. Hlenderson, who was denied a seat In a dining car in 1942 m a train from here to Birmingham, though the decision was based on a violation by the Southern Railway of the Interstate Com- merce Act, rather than on the broad con- stitutional issue. Likewise, a wide territory for future con- sideration is opened by the Vinson decisions in the Oklahoma and Texas university cases, holding that G.W. McLaurin's segregation from 'white students in the graduate school of the former and provision by the latter of a separate law school for Negro students in the case of Herman Marian Sweatt did not provide separate schools that meet the standards obviously set by the decisions. All of the decisions left the way open for .other cases Ito be brought forward. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature :rndicate, In c.) Patrotic Move- PAUL G. HOFFMAN deserves recognition for his voluntary resignation as head of, the European Cooperation Administration, an act unusual in its intelligent patriotism.t Although public officials have been known. to work themselves out of a job, few would resign while there was still a chance that their position might lead to more prestige and political advancement, but Hoffman did just that. He handed ,'n his undesired re- signation because he believed it was neces- sary for the betterment of the morale and future activities of the ECA. His reason was that he had to give his "able subordinates" in the organization chance for advancement or "somebody is going to steal them." Hoffman should receive as much admira- tion for the reasoning behind his departure as he has received for his magnificent.Job in delivering economic aid and information to needy countries. -LeakMarks War or Peace WENEED a capacity to wage "not war, not peace." If we continue without ade- quate organisation or techniques for con- ducting the "cold" war which Soviet com- Look - Why Don't And Calf It Peace Appeals . To the Editor: THIS LEITER is intended to clear up any misapprehensions resulting from the article in Thursday's Daily which reported the previous night's SL meeting. The controversy over the Freedom Crusade and the Stockholm Peace Appeal lasted for two hours and a lot was said. The Stockholm Appeal was signed by 400 summer students and 100 faculty. Throughout the Unit- ed States it has received 2,500,000 signatures. The world total is 400,000,000, with 90% of the popu- lations of Italy and France en- dorsing the appeal. The petition calls for the prohibition of atomic weapons as a means of warfare, asks that some system of inter- national control' be set up to. en- force this, and calls upon the world to regard that a nation which first starts dropping atomic bombs- be considered an enemy by all. The appeal has been so success- ful that a meeting has been called by the World Defenders of the Partisans of Peace to take the sec- ond step toward peace by issuing a petition for armament reduc- 'tons. The, Freedom. Crusade, on the' other hand, states a reaffirmation of the desire for freedom and to resist aggression. It is only being circulated in the United States and the goal 'is 50,000,000 names. General Lucius Clay, the chair- man, has a very dubious record with the German cartels both be- fore and after the last war and has freed many German war criminals such as Ilse Koch. Nev- ertheless, most people will not disagree with the contents of the petition when examined objective- ly. The 'same is true with the Stockholm appeal.: It is unfortunate that our state department has seen fit to attack the Peace Appeal as a"communist plot," because if circulating a peti- tion substantially in agreement with our country's ;proposals to the UN is Communist, then we are in for troubled times in the world's ideological battle. When I moved the Stockholm Appeal at the Student Legislature meeting, I'did so because I felt that students should get both peti- tions and decide for themselves hichthey want-either, neither, or both. I don't like to see the SL be ~artisan toward just one, but cir- culate both. I do, as The Daily article forgot to mention, support both efforts even though the Free- dom Crusade is not very concise and deals with nebulous phrases. There is sentiment throughout the world for peace. It should be ex- pressed so that those who would benefit' from war in the United States and abroad shall be f or- ever silenced. --Gordon MacDougal. Open Statement.. .. IN READING my paper (The Ann Arbor News), I came upon an interesting item. It seems that Professor Huntley of our English Dept, in addressing the Grand Rapids Chapter of the American Association of University Women a couple of days ago, made a rather amazing statement. He said, "Our failure in Korea should not be blamed on the State Dept. or on partisan politics, but on failure to recognize the importance of revolution in the Orient." Dr. Huntley went on to refer to the Korean war as a part of this hundred-year old revolution in the Far East against the land own- er. I wonder if Dr. Huntley realizes the full import of what he is say- ing and where it is likely to get him if he dares to be so honest in the future. First of all, as far as the State Dept. is concerned, the Korean war is neither a civil war nor a revolution. It is an in- teresting national aggression. As a matter of fact, the only basis upon which the entire UN activity in Korea is justified, is that the war is truly international. Inter- vention in a revolution is a viola- tion of the UN charter. As we all know the Communist position is that which views the Korean war as a revolution, a civil strife. It is with this viewpoint that they re- gard the UN intervention as ille- gal. Now, it wouldn't be so dangerous for Dr. Huntley to express an opinion so close to that of the Communists in normal times. I remember the days when such opinions were respected by many academic folk. However, today is hardly normal times. We have a bit of legislation on the books, the McCarran Act, which permits the investigation of persons and or- ganizations which hold views also held by the Communist Party. Since this particular issue is so very crucial in America's Foreign Policy, the views of Professor Huntley would undoubtedly be considered "dangerous". Let it be understood that I am not passing any, judgement upon Dr. Hunt- ley's observations. I am merely warning him that he either re- strain himself from speaking what he believes to be the truth con- cerning important issues such as this; in effect, censor himself-or else, if he wishes to'maintain his intellectual integrity as well as his security, join in a vigorous fight to get the McCarran Act repealed. Really, Prof. Huntley, I am amaz- ed at your indiscretion. More pow- er to you. -A. Buchbinder, '51 * * * Michigan Spirit.. To the Editor: LJPON READING several letters to The Daily on Michigan spirit, I find them more than slightly difficult to swallow. I would think that there are some 21,000 examples of Michigan spirit on the Ann Arbor campus. Surely, there must be something here that attracts such a multitude of men and women. Can it seriously be believed that all 21,000 students are here solely because of Michi- gan's academic standing? And what keeps them here year after year? Of course, Michigan spirit has graduated from the rah-rah days and has matured. It now is ex- pressed through active drama or- ganizations, successful glee clubs, and even through such projects as the Phoenix Project. Actually, Michigan spirit is serving a much more creative end than rah-rah ever accomplished. -Russell Wilson. We All Even?" XetteA' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letter, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will. .be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the Go Home Interpreting the News By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst Harold Stassen says, in effect, that Joseph Stalin lied to him about Russia's peaceful intentions in 1947, but that he is willing 4o give the premier another chance. Recalling Stalin's peace statement, the President of the University of Pennsylvania and former candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination, said: "I find it impossible to reconcile that statement with the North Korean aggression, with the Soviet Union's refusal, to cooperate in stopping that aggression, with the Soviet Union's rearmamnent of Eastern Germany and with other recent actions of the Soviet Uniom." Russia must change, Stassen tells Stalin in a letter suggesting another conference between them, if the drift toward war is to be stopped. He thinks the greatest danger of war lies in Russian niscalcula- tion of America's strength and firmness of intention. He wants to try to convince Stalin that Russia cannot cause ,a collapse of the western economy and that Americans will fight if necessary for their ideals. Russia at the moment is conducting a propaganda campaign designed to weaken the will of the west to resist. American leaders are worried lest an end of fighting in Korea produce a public revulsion against the burdens of preparedness. Stalin will probably jump at a chance to tell people that it is all unnecessary, and many people are prone to believe what they want to believe. Nor is the message which Stassen will carry something new. The very same message was delivered at the Kremlin by the United States Ambassador, Bedell Smith, in 1948. Russia's reply has been plain. The timing and content of the Stassen letter very strongly suggest a domestic political motive. Stassen is not a candidate for anything at the moment, but since becoming president of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania he has become active in the Grundy political organization in that state. The Republicans all over the country, pointing to the incumbency of Democrats during all of America's wars in this century, are trying to label their opponents in this election campaign as members of a "War Party," and themselves as members of a "Peace Party." Stassen says his move was made in consultation not with govern- ment officials in Washington, but with "other university presidents, Republican leaders of the Senate and House, leaders of Republican state organizations" and others. If Mr. Stassen is right it is not a matter for condemnation if his act has political effects. But any approach which might give Stalin a dangerous opening is something for very careful consideration; Stalin's words of peace would fill a book almost #s large as the record of his aggressive actions. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI ;, Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the 'Assistant to the President Room 2552 Administration Building, 6y 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1950 VOL. LXI, No. 11 Notices Women students have 1:30 a.m. late permission tonight. Fulbright Applications and sup- porting credentials for graduate student travel grants are due no later than Oct. 31, in the offices: of the Graduate School. This date will not be extended. Grants will be made for study in 16 participat- ing countries. Application blanks are now available in 1020 Rack- ham Bldg. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for John Charles Johnson, Physics; thesis: "Application of Geiger-Muller Counters and Electron Multiplier Tubes to Measurement of High Temperatures," Mon., Oct. 9, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 3:15 p.m. Chairman, R. A. Wolfe. Doctoral Examination for Ro- bert B. Lindberg, Bacteriology; thesis: "The Antigenic Structure of H. capulatum, Particularly the Yeast Phase," Tues., Oct. 10, 1562 E. Medical Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, M. H. Soule. History 275 will meet in 3233 Angell Hall beginning Mon., Oct. I9. Medical College Admission Test: Those students who have not as yet obtained their application blanks for the Medical College Ad- mission Test to be administered Nov. 6, 1950, can obtain them at 110 Rackham. These applications are due in Princeton, New Jersey, not later than Oct. 23, 1950. Events Today Canterbury Club: After-game party with the Westminister Guild will be held at the Canterbury House. Congregational, Disciples, Evan- gelical and Reformed Guild: Open house at the Guild House, 438 Maynard, following the game. Coming Events Industrial Relations Club: Meet- ing, 7 p.m., Mon., Oct. 9; Room 3-A, Union. Prospective members welcome. Speaker: Gene Prato, Assistant National Ford Director; UAW, CIO.' 8 p.m., Mon:,-9ct. 9, International Center. ,Election of officers and discussion of activities for the coming semester. 'Hostelers leaving for baline Hostel Round-up by bike be at League by 7 a.m., Sun., Oct. 8. Those planningi to go call Dive Smith, '7211, 'by 5 :p.m., Sat." Eat breakfast before we meet. Sunday dinner approxinately $1. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, Sun., Oct. 8, 2 p.m., League. Interested persons welcome. U.: of M. Hot Record Society: Election of, officers and business meeting, League, Sun., Oct. 8, 8 p.m. Everyone invited. Graduate Outing Club: Meet at 2:15 p.m., Sun., Oct. 8, northwest corner of Rackham for paper chase, followed 'by a picnic. Wear old clothes. Allgrads welcome.' IZFA: First general meeting, Sun., Oct. 8, '7:30 p.m., League. Talk by members who have re- turned from Israel. Atic Ott Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan under the authority of the- Board in- Control- of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown .....Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger .... City Editor Roma Lipsky. .. ...... Editorial Director Dave Thomas ........... Feature Edtor Janet Watts .;..... .. Asociate Editor Nancy Bylaw ..:;.... Associate Editor James Gregory ... Associate Editor Bill Connolly ..... Sports Editor Bob Sandell . Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans.. .. Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Sthff Bob Daniels...... Business Manager Walter Shapero "Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .... Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz ,.. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press isexclustval7 entitled to the use for republic tion of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All, rights. of republication of all T1e matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Past Office at An Arbor. Michigan. as second-classmaiil mater. Subscription during regular v*ool year: by carrier, $0.00; by mail, 7.00. Russian Club: First meeting, BARNABY LBarhaby, your parents will believe in Fairy Godfathers all right when National Fairy Godfathers Day comes around. And so will everybody else. Very few people believed in mothers before Mothers Day was estaoblished. And do you know of anybody who'd ever heard of fathers before Fathers Day?J Fairy Godlathers Day ,will be much mhsi esr to put over, too. m But come, Shrdlu. There