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October 06, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-06

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U. S., Russia - Two Incidents

ON OCTOBER 5 the Chicago Sun-Times,
either by acident or more likely by in-.
tentional news play, virtually created an
'editorial by placing two news briefs side
by side. An interesting contrast can be de-
rived from the two.
In the first article, the Sun's Washington
correspondent reported the comments of the
Budapest "Nespszava," a Communist news-
paper, on a recent concert held in Washing-
"Washington (UP-The Communists say
the National Symphony Orchestra is just a
bunch of warmongers and musical idiots.
"The charge, something less than blood-
curdling, was raised because the orchestra
played an overture just as it was written.
by its Russian composer.
"The music was Tschaikowsky's 1812 Over-
ture which commemorates Russia's victory
over Napoleon. Tschaikowsky's score calls
for the firing of cannon in the climactic pas-
sage--and that's just what the Nationale
Symphony did. ...
."The newspaper, a copy of which has just
reached Washington, says Ex-Defense Sec.
Johnson ordered the cannon used in the
July 8 concert to express the 'true American
spirit.' This, the paper adds, was in pre-
paration for the Korean War
"The Nepszava continues: 'Fire!' com-
inanded Maestro Howard Mitchell. The con-
cert hall was filled with black, acrid, chok-
ing smoke. The public bolted for the exits.
The musicians: threw away their, instru-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
sa written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ments. Mitchell groped on the floor in com-
plete darkness, coughing, and spitting with
tear-filled eyes-he was trying to find the
baton he had dropped.'."
* * *.
The other dispatch was an announcement
from the Department of Agriculture:
"Washington UPI)-The Department of
Agriculture says nature, not Communists, is
killing hogs in the Midwest.
"Reporting on heavy hog losses in the
corn belt, it threw cold water on the recent
suggestion of Rep. Stefan (R-Neb.) that
Communist agents might be responsible. It
said that for some inexplicable reason, vac-
cinated pigs are not being immunized against
certain diseases ...."
Three observations are forthcoming from
these two articles:
(1) The Communist bureaucrats are still.
handing out stereotyped nonsense and are
still masters of the blunt prevarication.
Their news bureaus have been operating for
a long time on the doctrine of "the justifica-
tion of ignoble means by noble ends. But
it seems that only the Russian people them-
selves are sitting on their stoic seats and
assimilating one-sided propaganda.
(2) The nation still has to put up with
persons like Rep. Stefan who insist on beat-
ing a lie with a lie and who are motivated
by political expediencies.
(3) The administration has not stooped to
deception but has simply stated the truth.
We'll wager that the forcefulness of the
Agriculture Department's statement is much
greater than the Nespszava's distortion of
the truth. Congratulations are in order to
the Department for not choosing to emulate
the Russians-or the Honorable Mr. Stefan.
-Cal Samra


Washington Merry- Go-Round

& China
ASINGTON-Senator Styles Bridges
(R., N.H.), erupting like an overloaded
volcano, is frothing about some "great sell-
out" by the state department to the Chinese
What his many angry words are all
about is that we wouldn't back up Na-
tionalist China's attempted veto in the
U.N. Security Council to keep the Chinese
Communists from appearing before the
Security Council to talk about Formosa.
We voted against the Chinese Commu-
nists' appearance. But we let the issue
rest there when a majority of the Security
Council voted the other way, including
Great Britain and France, which would
seem to be orderly procedure.
We refused to support Nationalist China's
use of the veto, taking the position this was
a procedural question not subject to the
An expansive fellow when he goes on a
tear, the New Hampshire Senator airily de-
manded the heads of everybody in the State
Department who had any connection with
this "appeasement," from Dean Acheson on
Senator Bridges' current rave can be
dismissed, of course, as another part of
the campaign against Secretary Acheson,
which Republicans are promoting for con-
gressional campaign purposes. This is poli-
tics unadorned. But it is too bad, both for
his party and the nation, that he lends
himself to it, since he now has the pre-
sumuably responsible role of liaison for his
party with the State Department in fur-
therance of the bipartisan foreign policy,
so-called. He stepped into the big shoes of
Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.), who is
We know, of course, that Communist
China wants to use the U.N. as a forum to
attack us for propaganda purposes. But
we probably can stand that, since we have
taken it from those twin experts, Messrs.
Malik and Vshinsky.
We have a case on Formosa which we
are confident is right. Now we would like,
as a matter of fact, to tell the United Na-
tions and the world about it.
That our government had decided it was
a good idea to throw the 'whole subject
into the open and debate it became known
two weeks ago when Secretary Acheson, in
his major speech at the opening of the U.N.
assembly, took the Initiative by announcing
that the United States was willing to have
Communist China appear before the as-
sembly and discuss Formosa.
(copyrugt im, byUXted Fature3ynutU, IM)
At The State
DEVIL'S DOORWAY with Robert Tay-
lor, Paula Raymond and Louis Calhern.
"DEVI'S DOORWAY" Is a Western with
a message. And oddly enough it doesn't
fall flat on its face, although in places it
does stumble a, bit. Robert Taylor is a
Shoshone Indian who fought with distinc-
tion in the Civil War and comes back to
his Wyoming ranch to find it declared free
range, and that the new Homestead Act
has no place in its provisions for Indians.
Paula Raymond, as his lawyer, provides a
nion-clinch love interest in true western
But there is more here than the usual
run-of-the-mill blood and guts western.
Following in the steps of "Broken Arrow"
and other of the recent race-conscious
films, "Devil's Doorway" speaks with vehe-
mence and simplicity of the love a man can
have for the earth; of how he will fight to

keep his land and way of life.
By its very nature this is a subject which
must be handled with care and delicacy,
because it is so easy to slip into the trite
and the melodramatic. "Devil's Doorway"
manages to hold its own until the end where
the going gets a bit sticky.
Louis Calhern's fine performance as the,
Indian-hating lawyer is dulled a bit because
the role is unmotivated, but coupled with
sensitive photography and a not too sophis-
ticated musical score contributes much to
an entertaining fare.
-Al Clamage.

"This Must Be About That Thing We Voted For, Huh?"


The Daily welcomes communications rom its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good tas1te. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous lettersand letters Which for any reason are not in good taste will.
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


WASHINGTON-Secretary of State Ache-
son has been urging President Truman
to deliver a fireside chat.Wganing the na-
tion against falling for the Russian peace
Acheson fears that victory in Korea will
lull Americans into forgetting that Western
Euirope is still Russia's no. 1 objective and
that to let down now would prove disastrous
later. Therefore, he has suggested the Presi-
dent give a blunt talk to the people, per-
haps on Columbus Day, and in this way
explode Moscow's peace talk.
Acheson wants the President to point out.
that Russia still has 75 divisions in eastern.
Oermany-15 of them armored-and is now,
stockpiling huge quantities of food and raw
materials-something you do only when you
are preparing for war.
Most people don't realize that the cost of
the Korean War to the taxpayers has been
increased by about five billion dollars, be-
cause of two factors: 1. Unpatriotic war
Sianufacturers and raw-material dealers
"have hiked prices; 2. President Truman,
though given ample power by Congress, has
failed to invoke price controls.
The Weekend

As a result, i$ now costs the armed ser-
vices more for their needs, without excep-
tion, than they paid before the Korean out-
break. Probably the most shameful is the
sudden increase in the price of medical and
surgical goods, urgently needed to save lives
in Korea. The army must now pay $220 for,.
an instrument and medicine cabinet that
cost only $195 before the Korean war. The
price of glycerin, a medical compound in
demand in military hospitals, has shot up
114 per cent. .ven rubber surgical gloves
for operating on wounded soldiers have in-
creased in price from 17 to 22 cents per pair.
The high-octane aviation fuel that keeps
our planes flying over Korea costs 30 per
cent more than before the war. At the same'
time, fuel oil has shot up 54 per cent. The
air force is also paying as high as 175 per
cent more for-resistors, actuators and other
electronic spares for aircraft, and the navy
is paying 10 to 12 per cent more for ship
parts than these same items cost before
* * *
Secretary of the Air Force Finletter is still
a little breathless from his first jet ride-a
hasty, spur-of-the-moment flight just be-
fore he left Fort Worth, Texas, last week.
Still In his double-breasted suit, the mild-
mannered air force boss was stuffed into a
jet; suit, a helmet was clamped on. his head
and the chin strap cinched tightly under
his jaw. Just as he opened his mouth to
comment, an oxygen hose was thrust into
his mouth, and he was deposited uncere-
moniously in an F-80 jet fighter.
The plane zooned into the Texas sky, cut
a few capers in the glint of the sun, then
swooshed back to a landing: Finletter was
a little wobbly as he crawled out of the
Perspiration washed his face, and his dou-
ble-breasted suit was damp from the 90-de-
gree Texas heat.
Not until then did the jet pilot remember
to tell Finletter that it was a good thing
he didn't tamper with the lever on his seat.
It would have catapulted him out into space,
and left him to depend on his parachute to
get down.
(Copyrigit, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


Brown Again .
To the Editor:
THE University of Michigan's
self-styled football expert, Mr.
Ralph Christensen, continues to
First, his hypothesis that the
other named coaches would have
won eight or nine games with last
year's Michigan team is only a
hypothesis; it cannot be substan-
tiated; and is, therefore, an irrele-
vant assertion, one which is stated
as a Truth.
Second, Mr. Oosterbaan's '48
team was composed of many vet-
eran Crisler coached players, it is
true. However, unlike Mr. Christ-+
ensen, I have attempted to present
ALL the facts. On the '48 team,
there were 13 players who had nev-
er played for Mr. Crisler, including
such key men as Koceski, Ort-
mann, Clark, Allis, Van Summern,
Further, there were six men, in-
cluding Ghindia Dufek, Hes and
Erben, who had seen limitedaetion
in ONE game in '47.
Still further, Mr. Oosterbaan
lost the services of veteran Gene
Derricotte in the first game of'
the '48 season and was not toj
have the flashy tailbacksavailable
for duty until the Minnesota bat-
tle . .
The evidence is in past issues of
any newspaper. Mr. Oosterbaan
didn't have as many Crisler left-
overs as our critical Mr. Christen-
sen indicates.
Third, Tommy Devine had no
more to do with Michigan's spirit-.
ed upset of Minnesota last year
than Mr. Christensen. Anyone who
walked into the Wolverine dress-
ing room after Michigan had lost1
its second straight contest, to
Northwestern, and experienced the1
terrible silence, the humiliation,
could have told you at that time+
that Michigan was going to bounce1
It was the lull before the storm.
When the team took the field, they
went out to win for themselves
and their coach, and not so
Fourth Estater Devine could be
made to munch on his utterances.'
I'm sure anyone on the team willj
Fourth and last, Mr. Christen-
sen becomes incoherent as he at-
tributes team spirit first to men
like Tomasi and Elliott and then
states that the coach is respon-
sible for the squad's mental atti-
Could our critic possibly mean:'
"When the team shows ability and
spirit and wins it is because they
are talented players; and when
the team exhibits shoddiness and'
no spirit and loses, it is because
the coach is inept?"
It is frustrating to argue with
a person who ignores the facts,'
but it is necessary to contradict
him because of the damage he
could do in dispensing unsolicited
half-truths and untruths.
-B. S. Brown.
* * *
To the Editor:
fTE JUST READ with disgust
the letter concerning Bennie
Oosterbaan, by Ralph Christen-
There are a number of points he
raised that indicate clearly that

he has never been any closer to
the game of football than the end
zone-or the sport pages of the
Free Press. Christensen says he has
seen Michigan lose "plenty" o
games, and that is quite a trick,
as Michigan has lost the grand to-
tal of two home games and one
away since 1946. Christensen says
the team has "steadily deteriorat-
ed" under Oosterbaan, yet the rec-
ord shows that under Oosterbaan
Michigan has won two Big Ten
titles and one National Champion-
ship. In two years, that sems
to be par for the course.
Michigan State deserved to win
Saturday just as Michigan de-
served to lick Minnesota last fall.
Oosterbaan is still the same cap-
able coach now as he was last year
and the year before, and Bierman,
Fessler and Paul Brown still are
pretty fair despite their losses
last 'Saturday.
! -Tom Kyle.
* **
More Football
To the Editor:
, AND MANY. OThERS, consider
ofMr. Ralph C istensen's letter
of Tuesday,~ October 3rd exceed-
ingly inappropriate and. a blight
on the record of Michigan stu-
It certainly seems out of place
for a student to suggest the di-
missal of a coach' who has won
one Conference championship and
shared another in ,his first two
years of coaching, and to do so
right after his team, playing most
of the game without its star, lost
a close game to a good team which
had already played one game.
When Mr. Christensen states
that Oosterbaan's coaching can
not compare with Crisler's, he fails
to realize that, in terms of Con-
ference Championships, it took
Oosterbaan only two years to win
the same number that Crisler won
in ten years.
If anyone was outperformed
last Saturday, it was the Michigan
students in the stands. Michigan
State cheers could be heard all
over, but some University stu-
dents seemed more intent on cuss-
ing out our coach than in giving
vocal support to our team.
Some people fail to realize that
there is more to football than just
winning games.
-W. R. Hoffineyer 51.
Ducat 'Extras'
To the Editor:
QOMETIMES, I fear, in its zeal to
acquire every available penny,
the athletic department goes too
far. When I purchased two tickets
for the Army-Michigan football
game I did so knowing that the
chances of my getting anything
but end zone seats were negligible.
That was all right, as a former
student of Michigan I would be
uncomfortable sitting anywhere
else. However, when an additional
forty cents was charged for regis-
tering or insuring the tickets, I
must confess I fell for it. When my
tickets arrived a few days ago (end
zone, of course) I was actually
surprised to find them sitting in
an envelope bare of anything
save- a three cent stamp. Even if
you figure seven cents foi the en-
velope and the cost of handling
and mailing, this still leaves a

(Cntinued from Page 2),
Interviews: Mr. C. C. LaVene of
Douglas Aircraft Company, Santa
Monica, California, will interview
February graduates from the Ae-
ronautical and MechanicalEngi-
neering Departments in 1521 E.
Engineering, Oct. 9, 10 and 11.
Group meeting, Mon., Oct. 9, 5 p.-
m., 348 W. Engineering. Applica-
tion blanks available in Aeronau-
tical Engineering Office. Sign in-
terview schedule on Aero bulletin
Approved Student Sponsored So-
cial Events for the Coming Week-
October 6:
Graduate Student Council, Lu-
theran Student Association, Mich-
igan Christian Fellowship, Phi
Delta Phi, Pi Lambda Phi, The
Women's Physical Education Club.
October 7:
The Acacia Fraternity, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Al-
pha Chi Rho, Alpha. Kappa Kappa,
Alpha Lambda, Alpha Phi Alpha,
Ann Arbor Girls Club, Chi Phi,
Delta Chi, Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau
Delta, Kappa Nu, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Lloyd House, "M" Club,
Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta Phi,
Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Del-
ta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa
Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma
Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi,
Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Tau Delta Phi, Theta Del-
ta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Trigon.
October 8:
Delta Sigma Delta, Phi Delta
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri.,
Oct. 6,. 4:15 p.m., Observatory.
Speaker: Mr. Joseph Chamberlain;
Subject: "The Atmospheres of A
Type Subdwarfs and 95 Leonis."
History. 275 will meet in 3233
Angell Hall beginning Mon., Oct.
LS&A'Students: No courses may
be added to your original elections
after today, Fri., Oct. 6.
Medical College Admission Test;
Those students who have not a's
yet obtained their application
blanks for the Medical College Ad-
mission Test to be administered
Nov. 6, 1950, can obtain them at
110 Rackham. These aii bons
are duein.Princeton,' , Jiey
not later than Oct. 23, 7150
Pre-medical and Pre-dental stu-
.dents, who expect to enter a medi-
cal or dental school in the fall of
The University uses an- evalua-
tion plan that is acceptable to all
American medial and dental
schools. Both thehMedial and
Dental schools of this University
require applicants from thesUni-
versity of Michigan to use this
plan, and it is hoped that students
applying to other schools will use
it exclusively. The plan was de-
signed to reduce the burden of the
student of asking for numerous
letters and to relieve the faculty
members from the burden of writ-
ing numerous letters.
For further information and an
appointment call at 1006 A.H.
Catalogs and material on all ap-
proved medical and dental schools
are on file at 1009 A.H.
Organ Recital: Robert Noehren,
University Organist, will play the
tidy thirty cent profit, over and
above the exorbitant cost of the
ticket itself. If nobody objects too
much, next year the Ferry Field

millionaires can charge an addi-
tional fifteen cents for not tying
a maize and blue ribbon to each
ticket. And, of course, an extra
three cents for not sending them
air mail. This is too easy. I may
be naive, but I have a hunch the
whole process is illegal. I think the
athletic department should send
me an apology-in a registered, in-
sured envelope.
If anyone doesn't believe me, I
have the envelope, and will send
photostats on request.
-David I. Segal,
Laurelton, N. Y.
I T MAKESall the difference in
the world whether you- give
truth the first place or the second
place in life and politics.
-Jawaharlal Nehru
BOUT THE time we think we
can make ends meet, some-
body moves the ends.
-Herbert Hoover

Faculty Concert: Em Ul aab, vi-
olinist, and Digby Bell, pianist,
will be heard at 8:30 Sunday ee-
ning, Oct. 8, Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, in a program of sonatas
by Mozart, Hindemith, and Beet-
hoven. Public invited.
Student Recital: Paul Pankotan,
Pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Mon-
day evening, Oct. 9, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, presenting a
program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree. A pupil of Ben-
ning Dexter, Mr. Pankotan will
play compositions by Bach, Beet-
hoven, Strayinsky, Schumann, nd
Chopin. Public Invited.
Events Today
Rhodes Scholarship Applicnts;
Meeting of all those intere ted in
applying for Rhodes Scholarships,
4:15 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall. Ap
plication forms will be given out
at that time. For further in-
quiries consult the Chairman of
the Selection Committee, Prof. Li-
onel H. Laing, 2035 Angell Hall.,
University Museums Friday
Evening Program: - "Water Ani-
mals and Plants Under the Micro-
scope." Two films: "Tiny 'Water
Animals" and "Clean Waters,"
Kellogg Auditorium, 7:30 pin. E-
hibit halls in Museums building
open from 7 to 9 p.m. DMsplays
featured will contain actual spec-
mens, as well as enlarged models
of microscopic plants and animals.
Wesleyan Foundations' Wiener
Roast. Meet at the Foundation,
6:30 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Welcoming Party for new stu-
dents. Meet at Lane Hall, .515 p.-
m. Wear hiking clothes..
Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m., Tea
and Open House.
B'nai B 'rith Hillel Foundation
Friday evening services, Lane Hall,
7:46p m. Saturday morning ser-
vices, 9 am
Roger Williams Guild. "No
Moonlight Hike." Meet at Guild
House, 8:30 tonight.
Lutheran Student As$oiatibn:
"Hard-Time, Party," 8 p.m., Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E.'
International Radio Round T;-
ble, auspices of International Ce-
ter and WUOM. Discussions are.
held every Friday at 230 on WU-
OM. The 'same programs are
broadcst on the Voice of Ameri-
ca to foreign countries., Subjects
for discussion for October:.
Obstacles in the Way to Wrld
Government - Oct. 6.
(continued on Page 7)
at maxI

second program in the current
series of recitals 'at 4:15 Sunday
afternoon, Oct. 8, Hill Auditor-
ium. Compositions by Buxtehude,
Mendelssohn, Franck, Hindemith,
Vaughan Williams, and Alain.
Public invited.

In Town


MICHIGAN clashes with Dartmouth's
eleven at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the stadium,
marring the two teams' first meeting in his-
tory. For a pre-game lift, come early and
hear 38 high school bands whoop it up, about
1 p.m.
SOMETHING NEW in pep rallies-the
Hodge Podge Hop-will get those hardier
fans in shape for the big game tomorrow.
The rally will be held in the parking area
between Natural Science and Chemistry
Bldgs. Meet at. 7:30 p.m. today in frontof
the Union.
FRANK TINKER and his orchestra sup-
.ply the: musical background for the Union
dance; from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday
and Saturday. At the Union ballroom.





Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students 00
the University of Michigan under th
authority of the Board in control of
Student Publications.
EditoriaL Staff
Jim Brown........ Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.... .City Editor
ftxma Lipsky.......Editorial Direcotor
Dave Thomas ......... Feature Ed
Janet watts .......... Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan .. r i.... Associate Editor
James Gregory ...... Associate Editor
Bill Connolly .......Sports Editor
Bob Sandell .. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans ........women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Wornen's Edior
Business Staff
Bob Daniels ........ Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau ...... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz .. Ciroulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
-Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press isexcluSively
entitled to the" use for republicaion
of all news dispatches credited- to Ior
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
Al rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also eeerve4.
Entered at the Past Ofice at Ann
Arbor. Michigan. as second-czao 1a~
Subscription- during regular skopi
year: by carrier.. $6.04: by' mail,. $7.M0



k DEVIL'S DOORWAY, starring Robert
Taylor. That Staynwyck man risking life
and limb in Indian country. Today and to-
morrow 4t the State.
PRETTY BABY, with Dennis Morgan and
Betsy Drake. Mirth and melody, and a baby
that doesn't belong. Starts Sunday at the
Arthur Rank pip with Alec Guiness playing
eight characters. Superb entertainment. To-
day at the Michigan.
Kathryn Grayson. A musical tour of the
gay French Quarter. Tomorrow and Sun-

LAST NIGWIT in Hill Auditorium Helen ;
Traubel opened the Choral Union Con-+
cert Series with a vocal recital which speaks
well for the 1950-51 season. The dramiatic
soprano, who has led the German wing of
the Metropolitan Opera since Kirsten Flag-
stad's wartime departure, presented an eve-
ning of brilliant vocalism.
Opening with three Beethoven numbers,
Miss Traubel was slow to find her stride,
but in the dramatic breadth of Gluck's.
"Divinites du Styx" she displayed the vocal
beauty and interpretive insight which were
to characterize the rest of the recital. The
group of lieder was a delightful revelation
to this reviewer, and ranked as one of two

able. The reason for Miss Traubel's choice
of the spirituals and the concluding English
songs is hard to find, since she does so many
other things so much better. Perhaps, as
with the singing of Beethoven and Grieg in
English, it is merely a matter of taste.
The artist has a large voice, excellently
disciplined and well controlled. It is flex-
ible and flexibly handled, used with in-
telligence and a sure dramatic instinct.
If it lacks Flagstad's brilliance's it is per-
haps more mellow, and though it is less
commanding it is also more warm. In
short, one experiences comfort, pleasure
and delight, but not the overwhelming Im-
pact which only Flagstad gives.


My idea for publicizing
Fairy Godfathers really

And i'm surprised a whiz-bang
public relations counsellor like I

It's so simplereally.
I But simplicity is the I


(ado" M 1r MO MMIIOL w



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